
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    1) Can't exit vessel while moving - Ever hear of ejector seats? especially in fighter aircraft? Aside from that i almost always have to turn my ship or hv OFF completely so that it will eventually settle and I can exit even though the speed say 0.0. Often it will even say 0.1 if im on any incline at all even though I could wait 10 mins and it doesn't appear to move at all. You need to get rid of this limitation all together IMO. If i want to jump out of my ship while in a dog fight I should be able to. I have a jet pack after all. EVEN IF you don't see the logic in that then the minimum speed needs changed to 1 m/s or so to prevent all this bs of having to power the ship down and let it drop like a rock before being able to exit. Not only is this kind of stupid but in pvp environment powering down your ship or especially and HV which has guns protecting you is just a rly bad idea. So either make every planet completely flat! Or get rid of this issue by increasing the speed you can exit.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  2. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    2) Durability and Can't completely repair Items

    No machine on Earth can't be completely repaired with the right tools and replacement parts. But in the super advanced future of warp drives we can't fully repair a simple pistol? Even with the machine that made it in the first place?

    Besides that completely unrealistic aspect I have tool Ive used extensively for decades, LITERALLY and very few have ever needed anything more than grease now and then. Yes my super advanced space drill will wear out after an hour or so? And my weapons will war out 100x faster than their real world counterpart in terms of shots fired? I've put thousands of rounds through my real rifles and shotguns and yet I only ever have to clean and lubricate them. But in game they wear out after a few hundred? or in the case of the hand held plasma cannon after a couple dozen shot?
    Track Driver likes this.
  3. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    3) Planetary Base Combat

    So I assume this isn't a glitch since its been with us since 2.0. Players can build turrets into the dirt layer, either by clearing just enough dirt at the base to place it or by filling dirt in over it after its placed using a filler tool. This allows the turret to ignore the fact that it is in dirt and be buried quite deep underground, yet still able to fire on passing vessels or players. I have seen and reported this on the official server even with screen shots for evidence with no action taken by the admins. Is this an intended game mechanic then? Why else would it be ignored for 4 iterations of the game now? This gives a huge unfair advantage to the base holder making it nearly impossible to destroy the offending turrets as you have to dig through many meters of dirt first to get to it. Even then often the game gets confused when the dirt layer and gun object finally meet up and you are unable to destroy either the gun or the dirt around it even with area affect weapons.

    Also there is the issue of players building bases inside lakes. This has been a problem for a long time since the base in the water could build weapons and fire at people outside the water but anyone outside the water trying to fire into the water couldn't do any damage as the weapons fire wouldn't seem to enter the water layer. This was almost worse than the player building in the dirt layer b/c you can't destroy the water to get down to the guns that are shooting at you. Players and factions have literally conquered planets by building bases with tons of turrets in every water body on an entire planet. Previous to 5.0 i think you could at least build an SV or CV and fly into the water. Once you ship weapons were in the water layer with the guns then you could finally fire back at the attacking turrets. BUT NOT ANYMORE. Now players can still build in the water but you can't fly your ships into the water anymore. They just float. And while you are in the water you guns wont work anyway. So right now you can build an almost completely invulnerable base in any water body on any pvp planet. Is this an intended game mechanic? Seems pretty stupid if it is.

    To fix this. First and foremost Bases shouldn't be able to be built in water. No base block should be able to be built in water so long as no weapons which can destroy those blocks can be fired in the water. IF you want to leave people the ability to build under water then make the weapons fire into the water to damage them. projectiles like 15mm and 30mm should have no problem at all firing into the water layer, Things like rockets should do significantly more damage if fired at something in the water as the concussive forces are far more devastating in a liquid environment.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  4. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    On the Official Server the ping to server I have is about 100 ms. Thats not great but its not bad either. Yet I frequently have to wait 2-20 seconds for the "P" menu to open or a container to open? I have worse ping on other servers and yet the response to such commands seems instant. Also the 2 times I've actually found someone to dog fight with the frame rate dropped to about 3 fps as soon as we started firing at each other. The other players ship seemed to jump across the screen. It is impossible for aimed weapons to ever hit like this. So we rely on automatic weapons like on an HV. Yet yesterday I'm sitting at my base with about 10 turrets on it. In my HV with a full load out of turrets on it and an unallied faction ship flies right by. Clear line of site to him from my guns and well within range. NONE OF THE GUNS FIRED!. Absolutely no response for over 30 guns. All set to shoot other faction, cores, generators, turrets, everything.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I run this game on an average computer with no problem, and I am not a programmer. I understand that in the first part of your message here you try to hammer-in that it is a "memory leak", then in the second part you ask yourself where the developers learned to code since now you're not sure about "memory leaks"... So I see you can have "second thoughts" and this looks good. You then went on Steam to write a negative review based on your "programming knowledge" but like I just wrote, I can run this program just fine, I'm not a programmer, so there might be some other problem you just did not think of...
  6. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    4) It is mind numbingly boring to go through a new vessel and manually load each and every gun. It is dangerous to go into battle knowing that when your turrets see the enemy then they will autoload so between 1 - 10 seconds later they will finally start shooting. PUT IN A LOAD ALL WEAPONS BUTTON!
    I mean cmon, there is one button to fill all fuel tanks, 1 button to fill all oxygen tanks, 1 button to fill your warp drive, even 1 button to fill ammo boxes but you can't tell all your guns to reload initially or after a fight?
  7. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    5) Starter planets need a limit of max xp that can be obtained. This is the only viable solution to make people leave when they can. WAY to many lvl 25 players just camped out there forever. Even though wipes. they just pack up. go to space, and come back as soon as the wipe is over. They trash all the POI so the new players have nothing to do, and can't get weapon upgrades or find armor upgrades like the all important EVA upgrade. The max xp lvl you can get on starter worlds should be between 15 - 17. That gives them plenty of parts and weapons they can use without giving them enough of an incentive to just stay there forever.
  8. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    6) Most containers have a little button with an arrow pointing left in the top right corner. click the button and everything that can fit in the characters backpack will be auto moved into it. MAKE A BUTTON TO GO THE OTHER WAY! Most of the time when i want to take something out of my pack I want to unload the whole thing. Yes I still have to click each individual item.
  9. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    7) Armor Upgrade. Add a backpack inventory space upgrade. This could increase the number of slots in the backpack or just increase the stack limit from 999 to 2000 or something. Armor should be able to be upgraded to hold as much as a large cargo container. IMO
  10. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    If starter planets/systems don't have access to Erestrum or Zascosium or Gold, then that should be a decent motivation for higher level players to leave. I don't know that an XP limit is the right way to go, especially considering that the whole XP system needs reworking.
  11. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I'd much rather the devs implement some variant of the inventory reworking that's been discussed elsewhere (where the personal drone can ferry large amounts of mass and the player's personal inventory has a reasonable mass limit). Right now, from an inventory perspective, it's basically Minecraft in space.
  12. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    8) The quick tops pop up you get from hovering over an items stays up 90% of the time even when no hovering over the item or even looking in the inventory. It wont go away until you hover over another item and very slowly move the mouse off of it.
  13. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Gold is useless b/c the market is almost non existent now that the markets are limited to the immediate area. I have tons of gold and NOBODY on the official server will trade me anything for GOLD. We have left currency behind and returned to a barter only system.

    Erestrium and Zascosium clearly are not enough of a motivation to leave given that at least 1/2 the players on noob worlds are lvl 25 and have been there for weeks. You can also obtain these indirectly through POI loot and salvaging components from POI which seems to be enough for them.

    At least one player on ELEEN on the Official server has a strategy of putting up t3 autominers on every deposit on the planet directly after a wipe then mining out every deposit. Then he offers to trade resources for any Erestrium, Zascosium, Neodymium, or any components made with them like power coils.

    The same player brags constantly in chat about how good he is at doing the POI's on the noob world (even though he admitted he just copied the strategy off youtube) and constantly brags when he works the POI which is about as often as they re spawn. In the end the actual noobs can't get anything from them unless this guys is offline. Which he rarely is. (just one example)

    Another solution would be to have the system automatically kick them from the planet say 3 days after reaching lvl 25. That way if they are playing with friends their friends have plenty of time to get lvled up too before they all leave together. But they wouldn't be able to stay there forever.
  14. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Didn't work very well for Space Engineers. You can carry a bunch of little light weight stuff or one really heavy thing. Granted there is nothing at all realistic about either inventory system. But if it was realistic based on weight or space the game would be unplayably boring. We would spend countless more hours just moving stuff from one place to the next.

    Some SE servers even keep the inventory settings on "realistic" with no multiplier. These settings allow the players to carry only realistic amounts of weight. NOBODY PLAYS ON THOSE SERVERS.
  15. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    9) SV gun limitations are pretty horrible IMO. They make them extremely weak against bases and CV. While they are balanced only against SV b/c another SV is just as nurfed. I think that the gun limit should be increased to 20 for any type sv weapon or at the very very very least SV should be able to fire all weapons simultaneously. HV, CV, and BA can all fire all of their weapons simultaneously with the exceptions of a single weapon type on CV having to choose between stationary missiles and ls. SV on the other hand can have a variety of weapons but only fire one type at a time. HUGE disadvantage for SV
  16. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    10) hit V while piloting and you go to 3rd person. Hit Alt and you go into free camera mode so you can zoom in or out and most importantly to change the angle you are looking at your ship. But there is no way to steer the ship unless you hit "alt" again which snaps the camera back to a preset position behind your vessel. We need to be able to lock the view wherever we set it. Many ship designs leave that deafult position in a particularly bad position to fly the vessel in 3rd person.
  17. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Yeah, I see what you mean. Though it sounds like there's the additional issue of a player being a jerk on the starter worlds, which ought to be something the server admins should be handling better.

    You can steer with the arrow keys. It's not ideal (being able to lock the 3rd person view would be great!) but at least you can still maneuver while also looking around; I do this quite a bit when backing my SV up into tight spaces.
  18. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Right, but the point is that the drone would haul cargo for you, so that your inventory would mostly consist of combat stuff, which would make it loads better than SE's implementation.

    It wouldn't be so much of a handicap if SVs were actually much more maneuverable than CVs (and the turrets with heavier weapons had their tracking speed turned down). But the weapon limits have been ridiculous since their introduction (the right way to limit weapons would have been to make them more power-hungry and contribute more mass). An alpha strike option would be great; even better would be custom weapon groups like MechWarrior has.
  19. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Keep in mind that most of the SV weapons have very little effect on CV armor, Railguns, LS, Miniguns, all do very little to combat armor. Meanwhile any CV or BA with homing missiles can just about 1 shot any SV.
  20. FullSized

    FullSized Lieutenant

    Dec 20, 2016
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    that's not steering :) its is maneuvering, Steering would be changing the direction you are facing. I have this problem most of all with HV where you have to constantly point the nose slightly up so that it can clear terrain. While at the same time in 1st person you can see very little of your surroundings and in 3rd person you are looknig almost directly front to back on you HV blocking 80% of your field of view. So using arrows to maneuver you still stubb your toes on everything you come near.

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