What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh yeah, six Gatlings are very powerful...sorta why I'm avoiding them. I'm trying to set rules for myself and this SV sis of the "Light" Class, so can only have two weapons. I will get on to building heavier variants, however I'd not needed them until this event. My main base is very well defended, albeit only with six Cannon Turrets, but due to my strategic placement, they sorta ambush drones on the way to attack my main base. This captured POI however was not set up to defend its self yet...

    Still, was a fun encounter and it's nice to be surprised like that from time to time. This is actually the ONLY time I've had Base attack drones attack a captured base, they usually ignore them. Will certainly make my next Akua start interesting if I take over one - or all - of the Titan wreck sections. I just hope this is programmed behaviour and not some random anomaly that'll never occur again. Also, it does looks like waves are being sent to bases independently. I mean, just became one base was attacked recently, it doesn't delay and attack on another base. I.e. each have their own attack timers...well, it looks that way.

    Once i have my Stealth Outpost operational again, I hope it triggers another attack on it :)

    Edit: Last two base attacks have been vs. my main base. The first of those two times I was near my main base, so that makes sense. However, the second time I was at my Southern base (Bio Lab) that's never been attacked...so far. Maybe I should get some guns on it.

    Oh, interestingly, the mix of drones that attacked my Stealth Outpost captured POI were really aggressive, going quite crazy vs. both the Base and me when I tried to defend. The attacks vs. my main base however, appear less aggressive. Sure, I pop the drones - thanks to my six Cannon Turrets - as they pass over the hill. However, the drones are well within their own firing range of said Cannon Turrets, as well as this entire Eastern off-shoot of my base, yet they do not fire. I wonder if the fact that they are not yet near my Core, plus that it's buried, is confusing things.

    I recall first seeing the new Base Attack Drones on my prior Masperon start. They fired off their rockets at quite long range, regularly damaging the scattered Minigun Turrets I had protecting the approach. As currently, these Turrets were linked to my main base, but away from it, plus the Core was buried. In that game the Minigun Turrets had a greater advantage too, as the approach to my Base was totally flat, giving the Turrets their full range to take advantage of.

    Anyway, rather late here, so I'll stop rambling now :)

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
  2. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    My first time trying this game with the settings set to hard and some of these planets are like war planets. All the hitpoints are turned up and if the POIs do manage to shoot your ship it does a lot more damage. The PVs dont go down as easy . It's pretty crazy but fun.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning and binhthuy71 like this.
  3. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    When I started playing with maxed difficulty I had a bad habit of only shooting an enemy the number of times that worked on Medium and then waiting for them to drop dead at my feet. :oops:
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I did too. LOL I tried that with the large black mingun drones and I ended up using my minigun because I was using too many of my rockets with my rocket launcher trying to take it down. I know raiding a base in single player is still possible with the settings turned up but it takes me multiple times to clear one POI
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Tends to take me multiple times too... partially cause I eventually fill my SV Cargo Boxes with loot & run outta room & partially cause I run outta Minigun Ammo before I run outta stuff in the POI that needs shot down, & I carry 2,000 - 2,500 Minigun Rounds + a Minugn's Clip filled for my supply at a time. If I get to a point where I get powerful, sometimes I then start carrying some Reload of Minigun Ammo in the SV to Reload on it by returning to the SV. :)
    banksman45, Kassonnade and binhthuy71 like this.
  6. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    I'm busy salvaging the Drone Base. I've already made one trip to unload my SV with one or two more to follow. I have two constructors pumping out the blocks for my CV's hull. Once I have a few thousand of them I'll start making the rest of the needed goodies. I'm still building everything in game so my plan for the CV is to build it in Akua orbit using my drone. By an odd chance the only armor I've managed to loot so far is two sets of Medium - despite having cleaned out half a dozen POI's. I did find loads of power ups so it's still good.
    Tyrax Lightning and Kassonnade like this.
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    It would figure if Heavy Armor was found only on the likes of Aestus. Not that it matters. Armor is unreliable & untrustworthy. :(
  8. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Heavy mining barge Ilmarinen is now properly updated for Alpha 6 with motion sensor activated indoor lights and some levers in the flight deck for operating the basic ship functions. Ventilators, armor lockers and repair stations were already added earlier.

    Oh, also added couple spotlights to help mining.

    It actually went up a size class from the sensors & switches alone - from 27 to 28 :p

    >> Steam Workshop

    Exacute, 68plex, binhthuy71 and 7 others like this.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Epic Work! :D

    Now see if ya can manage a Size Class 29! :p
    rainyday likes this.
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    This is impressive. I looked at each picture in the workshop and I have to say the paint work, the details, the design, the size... it's pure art.
  11. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Kassonnade Thank you for your kind words. Detailing, painting & texturing was by far much more work than building the actual ship hull - so it's nice to hear its not all being in vain :) I remember being real proud having finished the hull and saying my mates that this will be done soon :p Little did I know...
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I realize that entirely. You kept "themes" coherent between geometry, colors and textures, through lots of details, on this big thing... Even games have entire "levels" that don't have as much details and coherence. Here you have the "industrial yard scene", the "restaurant scene", the "warehouse scene"... the "mining ring" could be a super-weapon scene with risk of falling in, etc. And it's portable !
  13. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Over the weekend, I used 95% of my game time to finish up one of the two CVs I've been decorating on the fly. :)

    Kivutar is now completed and available in the Workshop.


    (a combat picture from her maiden voyage and combat testing)


    Kivutar is the combat CV in our Goddess Line that's inspired by Finnish mythology; Kivutar is the goddess of pain and suffering. Friendly Timo designed the exterior, put in all the necessary mechanical components and armed her before turning her over to me to decorate the interiors.

    As he built it, I had a Klingon-inspired idea for the interiors, and I was asked to incorporate the lore in my design somehow. Timo wanted a cauldron with red lighting to go along with the myth of Kivutar stirring and boiling the pain in her cauldron... The entire ship, as presented to me, was a major challenge that I didn't think I could pull off. None of the rooms were very inspiring at first and I was at a loss for how to create a decent looking cauldron!

    Finally I decided that a combat spaceship should have a futuristic cauldron, so I created this room!


    After completing this room, I was 'off to the races,' but this vessel did take a long time to decorate! I'd been working on it in Creative mode for quite awhile but Timo really wanted to play with the ship, so and I sent him the file that had only the Pain Processing Center and the garden room finished.

    Last night I took out a couple of blocks to fix their orientation (for texture purposes) but couldn't figure out how to put the blocks back together. :oops: Timo couldn't remember, so I asked him to go into Creative and remove the blocks to see how they went in. When I fixed the blocks puzzle, he told me he didn't feel right publishing the ship to his Workshop. He said moving around in the latest version of the ship that he had was a huge shock because of how I did the interiors. He told me the amount of time I put in as well was "a much larger contribution" than his.

    I feel honoured to publish Kivutar because my work on her was a real labour of love. :) I also really enjoy the roleplaying aspect because I have chronic pain and when it starts to interfere with my gaming, I send my girl to the pain room while I go afk for a few minutes. I'm not sure if anyone else will enjoy that part of the ship, but I love it!
  14. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Wowwwwww.. Very Sci Fi looking ship.. LOOKS GREAT!!!
    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Thank you!! Timo wanted her to look very mean. :cool:
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Well day three of me trying take over Masepron's moon with all the difficulty levels set to hard. I happen to try one of the bigger POIs I forgot this one POI had about 15 or more turrets around it. lol. If that wasn't enough while I'm dodging turret fire the PV comes flying around so I get shot down. lol When I respawned to get what was left of my SV, it would appear my SV already had two new owners.

    Screenshot (257).png
    So my war on Masepron moon is going to take a while lol
    Screenshot (255).png
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
  17. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I don't know why this ship reminds me of mass effects BUT it is pretty epic!!!
    Tyrax Lightning and rainyday like this.
  18. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I'm done trying to use my little survival SV to take over the Masepron Moon. I gathered enough resources and spawned a old blueprint that I haven't used in months.. Lets see how see how these POIs deal with my mid size SV cruiser ship. .. It's almost as big as the PV ships.
    I will win this war one way or another. LOL

    Screenshot (262).png
  19. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Reminds me of a Star Wars ship and it does look mean. I really like it.
    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  20. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I have had similar fun, I use my camper van sv to take over any base on any planet.
    It has no weapons.
    The walls are 1 steel slice thin, not block, slice lol.
    The core will get destroyed if hit on the driver side in front of cockpit.
    Further, I do not repair the van in between bases except to patch any holes I might have, then using a combat texture to look like welded patch.
    The van remains looking like a beat up old thing but functions as it should and still I conquer any poi by flying in avoiding fire and landing as close to the side of it out of reach of fire as I can xD

    Its a laugh.
    Tyrax Lightning and banksman45 like this.

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