Entering The Planet Effect

Discussion in 'Site / Forum Help & Feedback' started by Aviators, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. Aviators

    Aviators Ensign

    Aug 12, 2015
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    When you enter a planet, the picture of the land and water what you can see switches and it's different from what you view from outer space, will this be changed as the closes you get the clearer it becomes instead of switching the picture? Sorry if I didn't explain it enough.
  2. Turboxide

    Turboxide Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    If you look closely, the only thing that changes is the aspect (size) of the planet in regards to your position. If you study the planet from space before you enter the atmosphere you will notice it looks a lot like the map view planet does. As you enter the atmosphere from space, if you dive in steeply you will see that it accurately positions you on the planet it's just that the size and detail has changed greatly.
    Aviators likes this.
  3. Aviators

    Aviators Ensign

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Oh :p Thanks
  4. Turboxide

    Turboxide Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    No worries, I was curious to see for myself if that was the case a couple of weeks ago when I started playing and it most certainly is. To further prove this, watch the sky and leave the planet when you see the moon or another planet in the distance. As you head towards it, when you enter space you will see it right there. So, it's actually there! Not just a skybox style effect.

    The planets themselves don't orbit around the sun yet, but hopefully soon they will. Right now, each planet rotates to get the day/night cycle effect and that directly impacts your position when you enter space or enter the atmosphere of a planet.

    As for the transition, they have done a really good job with instancing being fairly seamless but there is still some work to be done with multiplayer capability in that regard. As in, currently, players on the same server cannot transit an instance barrier yet (player on the planet, player in space also... everyone has to occupy the same instance simultaneously) so that leaves them trapped on a planet or in space. Should be fixed soon as the game matures into beta.
    Aviators likes this.
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I don't think its actually there, it looks like a very clever bit of mapping and meshing, but if it was actually there it would be in the same instance.
    But interesting what you say.
  6. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    this is one of my main concerns of this game , if any one has played kerbal space program here then he knows whats true seamless transition . i just hope this is a temporary solution
  7. Turboxide

    Turboxide Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Let me clarify... I didn't mean that it's really there in the sense that you could fire a weapon and impact a target on the surface from space. I meant, what you see from space in regard to the terrain and the rotation of the planet is, "real" in the sense that a mountain range, body of water, large desert... all of that is "there" and when you enter the atmosphere (dive straight down) you will see the terrain appear once you cross the instance barrier. Sorry for the confusion there. My previous comment was more along the lines of when you are planetside and see a distant moon, if you aim directly at it from the ground in an SV and head towards it, you'll find it almost precisely in the same spot once you enter space.
    HeadHunter likes this.
  8. fr33soul

    fr33soul Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I think it's everything looking fine for me.
    I remember some Omicron's regions and when i'm the space and looking its surface i know where is my base and where i have to go to reach it.
    The fact that details change it's quite normal, it's a matter of rendering that could be a problem if too much detailed outside the atmosphere..

    The animation of entering the atmosphere is not so bad and maybe improved in the future.
  9. Turboxide

    Turboxide Commander

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Very true about KSP's lack of instancing.... although, they have a couple of things working for them in this regard. The first is the size of the solar system. You cannot currently, travel to other solar systems and planets unless you experiment with any number of KSP mods that afford this.

    The developers with KSP basically have a finite number of static planets to render and load into memory which allows KSP to have "instance-less" gameplay once the solar system is loaded. In many ways this is good because they don't have to worry about multiple solar systems and real procedural generation, etc. If you play KSP and have noticed an above average amount of time to load the game and such that is why. Compare that to Empyrion's loading time which is really fast IMO. Now, I could be wrong on this, maybe KSP does require an instance transition but it's so well optimized that we don't even notice it. I would be very surprised though given the amount of load time it takes for the game data assets which is why I believe there is no instancing in KSP. Buildings, Hangars, etc aside.

    There is something to be learned from KSP however... in that Empyrion has a good start to the instance transition but I think once we get closer to the release candidate it will be optimized even further. Who knows, maybe we'll end up with a KSP like system where we preload the whole solar system and then carry on about our duties. That would make each hyperdrive run a load screen though and we haven't go that far yet. On the list of things to worry about however... this really isn't as big of a priority as nailing down the procedural generation and developing the other points we all voted on. :D
  10. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    well it is answered already , they just mentioned in the faq n stuff that the current system is temporary and it will be real time in the near future :)
    Turboxide likes this.

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