What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    @Starwing6 Your lightening pic above should be added to the game as one of the poster pics we see at startup. Every time I gaze at your galleries here, I think of the wonders you could probably do with a Nikon F4 SLR camera and a roll of slide film in hand... out in that other realm we all visit so rarely... the real world. :)
    Starwing6 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Ha ha ha... he said "Guest". :D:p

    "What's on the menu tonight at the commissary, Captain Lightning?" asked Ensign Plex.

    "Roasted Guest in Bordelaise sauce with grilled zucchini and squash."

    The Captain strolled away, an air of contentment painting his gait, and Ensign Plex could have swore he heard a faint giggling receding down the corridor behind his Commander.
    Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.
  3. JDaremo Fireheart

    JDaremo Fireheart Captain

    Oct 10, 2016
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    I quite agree, but there wasn't room t add any more thrusters without encroaching on the rooms. Every Block in her was converted to combat steel, every void was filled with combat blocks. Only solution was to rebuild her from scratch in hardened steel, and upgrade vital blocks as I went. Showed it to Alex and he loved it, and I have him as a contributor now. Since I still haven't got the hang of doing the switches and motion detectors, he's done it for me. I really need to learn how to do that.
    When I first started out playing this game last year, and started building my own ships I was making them entirely of combat blocks when I didn't need to. Was it laziness on switching block types or just a desire to protect myself and my contents. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    But I have grown and learned a lot from builders like you, Vex, Pyston, Siege, Piddlefoot (had him on my friends list since last year), and many others.

    Right now I'm reviving the dead. The Venom SV from pre-alpha by Banazombie. I also made a CV version of it. I'll post it as "Hull Only" for people to cistomize themselves, but the SV will be exactly the same except no "Hull Blocks"

    Attached Files:

    Tyrax Lightning, Siege Inc. and rucky like this.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Actually had a little time to play this eve, it started off well, I left Masperon and jumped to Atis, my intent being to set up an Erestrum mine.

    Leaving my small CV in orbit, I made my way to the planet in my tiny SV. Tiny, but packed with all I'd need to set up a mining outpost on Atis. I make planet-fall, do the usual scouting pattern and identify all deposits and, I think, all POI's too. Heading back to the highest yield Erestrum deposit I begin to plan my outpost.

    First I dig a small hole about 150 metres away from the deposit, hollow it out a bit more, just enough to hide my SV from sight. I extend the undergound cavern, place a starter block and build a small, underground base away from prying eyes. My next hour or so is spent expanding this.

    Sadly, after this point things got buggy...

    The local PV eventually finds my base but, as it's buried underground, there's not really much it can do. I continue expanding my base without a care. Eventually I begin to build a long 1 in 2 ramp up from my hangar area to the surface. It's while building this I inadvertently expose myself to the PV and...nothing. It's just hovering over my base strafing left and right for the most part. I thought that maybe it just couldn't get a LoS on me, being basically directly overhead, so I take out my sniper rifle and see if I can do any damage - or at least wake it up! I zoom in on one of the exposed thrusters on the PV's underside...odd, no distance to target in the Scope. Weird. I fire off a couple of clips worth of shots and zero damage dealt. Looks like the PV's bugged out.

    I save my game, back it up, upload it and create a bug report. Heading back into the game, the PV continues to be bugged....for about 30 seconds, then it wakes up and is all over me. I run back underground.

    As my tunnel to the surface hadn't quite been completed yet, my SV was potentially slightly exposed to fire, if the PV got into the exact right spot...which it proceeded to do so just as I was pondering this risk! Several direct hits to my SV almost killed it (cockpit at 25 points when I checked later) so I jumped in and move it slightly to obtain more cover. I left it hovering near the roof, to minimise the PV's LoS on it, and built some additional block to hide it. It worked. Nice.

    As I'd stocked this SV with plenty of unguided rockets and Gatling rounds, I decided to take the fight to the PV! I buzz the PV, over the space of several minutes taking out the major turrets, before starting on the numerous sentries. Turrets dead, I manoeuvre underneath the PV, and attempt to take out its exposed downward thrusters. My aim is to cripple, not kill, due to the ridiculous despawn times on PV's currently. Despite it moving a lot - quite a nimble PV - I land several good hits on one of the lower thrusters. Then several more, then some more, followed by yet more... Before I knew it, I'd burnt through over 100 130mm Rockets, for ONE thruster. Hmm, this thruster appears to be immune to damage *sigh*

    I switch target, and try attacking the rear thrusters. Success! A handful of hits and the thrusters are going down quickly. Oddly, taking out the rear thrusters causes the PV to stop moving altogether. I take the opportunity to take out the rear hangar door, and enter the PV with my SV. I carefully enter the landing bay - several cargo boxes here - and touch down. Except I don't, I pass right through the ship. *sigh*. Ok, it's this old bug again, I need to ground the PV before it becomes solid again. Taking out the rear thrusters had exposed the lower thrusters from the inside. Attacking them from this angle is successful, and the PV falls to the ground.

    Approaching the PV, I successfully land in the rear landing pad area - the ship is solid now. I loot a few crates and get full quite quickly. I return to my SV - I'm also getting too hot, so I'd have had to return anyway - and unload. While on my SV, I hear the "repair bay" noise suddenly, it lasts about two seconds, then the PV launches off from under me! Seeing it fly away, I observe that ALL the thrusters are repaired. Blimey, thought it needed to return home for repairs. Plus I'd swear it hadn't been five minutes since I took the thrusters out.

    Ok, round two...or so, I engage and take out the thrusters once again. The PV drops to the ground, I land and, not three minutes later, the PV's thrusters are repaired once again. I repeat this a couple of times, but I simply do not have time to explore the PV with this silly auto-repair thing. I thought the despawn timer was annoying, this is equally so!! This is a double shame as, thanks to a lucky hit, I'd taken out an ammo crate or two, so all the internal Sentry Turrets - there appeared to be a few- were just clicking away. So, I should have been able to proceed without issue *sigh again*

    So, sadly my time in Empyrion today, while starting well with some base building, ended in frustration. Yet again caused by PV bugs and weird behaviour.

    Unfortunately there are no rewards other than frustration when it comes to taking on the PV currently. You disable it, rather than take out the core so you can loot without worrying about the stupidly short despawn timer. However, now the ship insta-repairs thrusters after three minutes, so even that tactic isn't viable any more. The only option is to kill it dead, ignoring any loot or possible salvage. What a waste.

    In my view PV's should not despawn at all, or be governed by a configurable setting somewhere. Also, this auto-repair thing is a total PITA. I sorta like that it can repair its self in the field, and that only thrusters are repaired. However, this should take longer, and be one thrusters at a time, not all repaired instantly after three minutes.

    In the end, I just killed the PV's Core, thinking I could at least claim a couple of high-value devices before it de-spawned. I saved my game, backed it up, the reloaded, and the PV was gone. Lovely.

    As an aside: seeing a PV regenerate in this way, shows that the "T2 Repair Bay" is very viable in the future, as the PV must just be restoring some components (just the thrusters) from the original blueprint. Yay me, looking on the bright side and stuff :)

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
    rainyday, rucky and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Gasp* That's an incredible idea... could the PV be acting so buggy in so many weird absurd ways because it's doubling as a Guinea Pig for Prototype T2 Repair Bay Code...? An exciting prospect! :eek:

    Now... if I could ever find any PVs in my play & help with the Bug Testing... *CoughI'mCreativeModingTooDamnMuchCough*

    Edit: Finally got this Vid in this Post watched.
    This... is total badassery... :D

    I want one of these Arenas on the WASDGames Server now! :D
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
    rucky likes this.
  6. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoy my screenshots. :) I love taking them, and I'd be more than happy to donate any screenshot for the game or its Steam page (that has old shots that don't reflect the current beauty of the game). As for photography in the apparently real world, it was a lifelong hobby of mine. I especially love urban photography; everything from graffiti and parking meters to photos of architecture.


    Last night, Timo and I packed up our CVs and took some useful items from the expedition base. When @rainyday meets up with us, I'm going to wipe the Oscutune playfield. The POIs don't regenerate there and we've had so many crazy bugs there!

    We returned to Akua because a long time friend of Timo's has joined us, and is still learning the basics. The two of them went to the Akua orbit trade center and I went to loot all the civilian POIs. I need to know if the POIs on Akua are still regenerating. I'm sure we'll raid a POI that will regenerate much faster, but gathering loot is always nice! I found night vision goggles and other gear to get our new teammate setup well. :)
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
    rucky, rainyday, Siege Inc. and 2 others like this.
  7. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    pretties first Built a new space station...and then decided it could be a ground Base also

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Spent days making a new CV ...thought i was so big and HUGE...blueprinted it.....it was only a class 2
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Some good lookin stuff. I dig the Base, Versatility is a Strength! :D

    Makin a CV with full functionality & still only Size Class 2 is a mighty impressive feat too... I wonder if @EleonGameStudios would like it? :)
  9. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    I had someone the other day ask if one of my SV"s was a new prefab.....I was SO honored........
    as far as the CV I am not sure a prefab needs 20000 iron for a size 2......all hardened blocks and that front slope is thick
    Tyrax Lightning and Starwing6 like this.
  10. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I took out a big POI and got a lot of parts from it. So i build this SV and it's a weird design but it looks somewhat like a ship but it's a small Cargo ship.
    Screenshot (317).png

    Screenshot (319).png
  12. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    banksman.......share? Yeah I know it's prob just something you put together and you don't think it's worth it.....shares give me ideas and love looking at a design and going...ummm never did it that way. Had an admin help me with a base build and he recessed the floor lights and put a walkway on top....totally changed everything.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    My goodness, we had fun last night! :D

    I spent time in the afternoon working on a new expedition base--where I'm actually using a colour on the exterior! Every base I've shared, aside from my Moon Base, is white. lol

    I was working in Creative mode a bit more after dinner, while Timo worked on his new & better HV racetrack for Akua. Losing the one on Oscutune was really disappointing, but it's great that he wont let a little thing like that make him give up :) This new track is a lot bigger and will use 3 or 4 bases to connect the whole track!

    Anyways, when @rainyday was able to join us, I returned to the server and our new teammate joined also. We got him geared up to raid with us--I worry this could all be too fast for him. In June, someone I allowed on my server gave the password to a friend that I wanted to invite (so I wasn't entirely upset at him), but he ruined her experience of the game and I haven't convinced her to return yet. :( That guy gave her a gun, told her to shoot a lizard mule to get cheese, then told her to fly the SV to the Trade Station in Akua's orbit. She ended up in space without her jetpack on and he didn't even try to rescue her. I just don't want another new player to be driven away by being thrown right into mid-game action.


    We were in the air pretty quickly. Our first destination was the Abandoned Mine. Timo brought his new combat HV, Venomsmite. I love that vessel and I was seriously creeped out by how it looks climbing mountains. Her legs don't move but she still looks like she's crawling.

    We made fast work of the Mine. With a 4 person team, those critters inside didn't stand a chance--we absolutely slaughtered them! I got hit by a sentry turret a couple times but none of the aliens touched me at all. I didn't even need to heal during that raid. The biggest challenge of the Mine was finding our way around the maze once we cleared the place out. :p

    We returned to base to unload our cargo, and Timo changed over to his combat SV for the second half of the mission: taking out the pair of Spaceports that were practically side-by-side. As @rainyday and I swooped in, we attacked opposite sides. I took my turret out and instead of turning to hit turrets on the other side, I kept going toward the next Spaceport. Timo and his friend took the remaining ones when they flew over. With my last turret, I missed but Timo took it out a split second later.

    I knew we would bring mayhem, but I was impressed by our efficiency inside the POIs. I've really gained a lot more confidence in combat than I had in June. :cool: Empyion is the only game I've played with first person shooting, and I've been learning since February.

    Today I'll continue work on the new expedition base. Our next expedition destination is Omicron--I think that's a great planet for our new teammate to experience after a little while on Akua. I also really want to collect medicinal plants there, and check out the POIs. I'd like to bring revenge to the Abandoned Factory--last time I was there, I lost five epics and Timo lost several as well. It'll be a whole different story this time! :)
  14. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @Starwing6, the Abandoned Factory is much easier (was at least for me as I played it a few weeks ago) than the Abandoned Mine. The ONLY thing that is devastating there are the three Turrets INSIDE the base; I've used my micro-SV with attached Rail to go through the wall besides them... and made short work of them ;-)

    Are there similar POIs on other planets? Haven't found any similar yet... :-(
    THESE were really the best until now, and for new players, first time it's the most creepy thing I've seen!!
    Tyrax Lightning and Starwing6 like this.
  15. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Yeah, when we went there, we didn't know about the turrets. I fell down the hole because blowback from my plasma cannon moved me just enough to make me slip. I died in mid-air and Timo jumped down to grab my backpack... Next he went for an SV, and I kept trying to retrieve our gear but our backpacks despawned rather quickly.
  16. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    yeah :) good thing is I knew the Abandoned Mine was a hard one for me alone, and I always scout first with the player Drone (even if this means I have to go back some rooms to let it spawn), so I made this Hole too (there's a marked Spot there on the floor in the tunnel, the shutter windows, but then let my Drone fly through... uhm... I've got some small shock moments then... haha ;-)
    Tyrax Lightning and Starwing6 like this.
  17. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I love those dungeons too. And there are couple more. Now, I can't remember the exact names - but there's a Rados missile silo in Ningues and a Epsilon Weapon Factory or Weapon something in Oscutune. I guess there was a Ghost Rider Biolab too - maybe in one of the moons. And a Xenu Mining Complex in... the one desert planet that is not Skillon or Omicron. The one with pink sky. I think. Wow. Im really good with names :p

    Also some of the Drone bases are pretty much like dungeons too, I quite recently refurbished the Xenu drone base that can be found on Omicron. Its quite long and big dungeon experience.
    Starwing6, Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.
  18. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Yeah, the Drone Base was good!
    But what I liked most on those both Abandoned buildings was the Alien infested feeling there, and we're like in Ripley's Team, only missing a flame thrower here ;-)
    Tyrax Lightning and rainyday like this.
  19. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I might have done something that you like. Im hoping it will see the light of day sooner rather than later ;)
    Starwing6, Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.
  20. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Sure once I'm finished the interior, I will do that. I get a lot of good ideas from other people as well .
    There are some blocks I don't use as much as others and I look at other people's builds to see how they used certain blocks.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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