What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    As @Starwing6 wrote nice detailed story of our groups latest endeavours already - I'll just add few screenshots from my perspective.

    Taking out the patrol vessel:
    20170806220806_2.jpg 20170806220832_2.jpg 20170806220949_1.jpg ...somebody is in a hurry to loot the PV ;)

    Warping through Zeyhines:
    At Alien Outpost:
    20170806232837_1.jpg 20170806234327_1.jpg
    The mythical Pentaxid asteroid - of which I've heard stories about, but never found before:
    20170806235540_1.jpg 20170806235742_1.jpg
  2. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Im not a MP person either. I'm a total lone wolf. If I for some weird reason play a multiplayer game - I play it like I would play a SP game and stay away from people :D But I have to admit Empyrion PvE multiplayer with a solid group has been the most fun I've had with Empyrion so far :) I guess the important part for me is that the group is made of friends that I can count on. And of course those friends can be made while playing Empyrion, nothing wrong with that :)
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I guess for me the other issue is that my opportunities to play can be sporadic. So, I might not be available for a week, missing some major faction event or goal, hence why I'd tend to be a loaner even in an MP environment. Still, in Empyrion it might be nice to encounter others while going about my own business, maybe trade some resources, team up on a POI raid etc.

    I'll have a ponder, and maybe have a look through the various servers being hosted...I assume I'd be best sticking to UK ones, or is Empyrion quite robust when it comes to potential high-ping situations? Also, as I mentioned before, I don't really know how my 1.1mbps up speeds will impact gameplay. Is Empyrion quite bandwidth light or not? On a LAN, such considerations are moot of course.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Scoob I would probably look out for servers close to you, UK or EU atleast. 1,1 mbps doesn't sound promising - but I guess there's only one way to find out...
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, that's what I'll do most likely. I had been promised 10mbps up when I switched to my new Fibre package, but something really isn't right currently. I live in a fairly remote area, so we only ever expected 27/10 but aren't even close currently. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic.

    What did I do in Empyrion today? I pondered multiplayer... :)

  6. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    "I like big builds and I caanot lie. You other players can't deny, cuz when I build a huge ship, n go on a trip, the Zirax are all gonna die!"
    What @Scoob has playing in his head while building.... ;)

    Lovely home and screnys as always @Starwing6 and @rainyday

    Did you guys know each other prior to Empyrion IRL? I vaguely remember something...
    Like Scoob, MP seems to add alot to the game, but unreliable play sessions wouldn't make me a great team mate.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh dear... lol.

  8. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    @Scoob I rarely ever play any MP games, but playing Empyrion PVE is the most fun I've had gaming! :D I think it's worth it, and I recommend starting out on a small server. It'll help with internet issues but it'll probably be a more relaxed way to get into MP.

    @Its Just Steve I met @rainyday here actually. :cool:
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    PvE is where my interests would lie also. It's a funny thing the internet, you meet (virtually) people into the same stuff you are, get along, and only later find out you're actually thousands of miles apart. I wonder how many on here are actually based in the UK?

    I'm fairly into my nicely slow-paced Akua SP start currently, but will see what MP options are about - need to wait for an engineer to visit first though to get to the bottom of my internet issues. It's stable, no disconnects in a while, just slow.

  10. oojimaflip

    oojimaflip Captain

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Alrighty! I r Worcestershire born n bread! ;)

    Also PvE all the way these days; don't have the reaction times for PvP and my rocket boosting and flak projectile bouncing skills are a tad rusty.
    Ahh, Quake Arena, my love, where are you now?

    ..playable in a browser on my phone!o_O Times have.... changed!

    Side note: Has anyone else seen the "Path-Traced Quake Engine"? It took my breath away, engine technology hasn't done that since Id Tech3! (Rendering Tech has remained fairly stagnant since Id Tech3 as pretty much everything including UE4 still uses a pixel lighting process) Thoughts?
    Tyrax Lightning and rainyday like this.
  11. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    A holiday day meant a quiet morning going over the exterior of what I'm temporarily calling the "Baucube", though the inspiration for it went by the way side as I started trying to add some visual interest to it. It's a big box.

    Prior to trying to add some visual interest front/back:

    And the first pass prior to trying to add some texturing. The thought process has been a simple one. Explorers settled on a planet, one got bit, started infecting the others while those that thought they were safe converted what was left of their hangar to something that would fly and left. And then were all infected anyways.
    So it looks like a crappy box on the outside, just like it's supposed to! ;)


    The interior actually looks livable, though after recent educational processes will need to replace the gravity generator so the ceiling isn't the floor. :p

    Now to go finish up my taxes for the morning... Ugh.
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    Thought I'd post a few screens of my evolving WIP CV. It's actually looking quite complete (for me) though it's not jump-capable yet. It can however defend its self now.

    Here's a Godmode view, I think it's looking ok (for me) at this stage of the build. A bit boxy still, but I sort of like it, especially as I'm expanding it modularly with "rooms" as I need them.

    It started as my attempt at going directly to a CV, bypassing my usual scratch-built BA stage. Had fun doing things this way, and it's nice not to spend hours just digging in for a change! :)

    Akua-6.5.3 - WIP CV .png

    Here's a shot, again from Godmode, of my SV parked on my exterior landing area. I expect I'll ultimately create a full, interior hangar bay, but no need at this stage. Needs some colour / texture that SV...

    Akua-6.5.3 - SV.png

    Here's a shot of my HV, it's about as basic as it gets, sans the Mining Drill on the back. HV didn't really turn out how I wanted - I'm missing the block shapes I'd need - but it works very well. My Ore levels have jumped markedly this eve. The parking area was was the last thing I added this eve, along with a sensor-controlled ramp. This is just temporary, but allows me to carry the HV if needed.

    Akua-6.5.3 - HV Miner.png

    Game-wise, I've been a little Fuel-poor much of this game but my recent mining trip - visiting several close-by, low-yield deposits - has given me ample Promethium, Iron, Copper, Silicon, Cobalt and Magnesium. It's just the rares I'm now on, so Neodymium and Sathium - both available in orbit - and Erestrum and Zascosium, of which I only have a handful of ingots from POI's. My T1 AMiD's continue to tick away slowly, so at least I'm gaining some resources while I build.

    Must say, I am enjoying the much slower pace of an Akua start again. I got so used to death always being a few feet away on Masperon that I feel a little spoilt now lol.

  13. En_Ma

    En_Ma Commander

    Aug 2, 2017
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    I doubt very much You'll be able to saturate 1.1mbps... or at least I hope so.
    Multiplayer games are heavily optimized to transmit only coordinates and hitboxes, all the rest is local media (that's why everyone must have the same version of a game, otherwise e.g.: asset number 42 will be a dinky robot for one player and a mighty spaceship for another).

    A coordinate is 3 numbers, so 3 bytes. you can send about 10'000 coordinates each second. Unless Empyrion sends data for every single block I very much doubt you'll have problems.

    What you have to watch out for are latency and RTT (Round Time Trip). There are tools that measure that for pretty much every operating system (but before pointing one at a public server ask the admin first, some looks like attacks).


    Today I stubbornly continued working on my first serious CV, even if the chances of spawning it in single player survival are slim :)

    Screenshot is the farm room (no plots in the blueprint), every grow light is numbered in the control panel as on the ceiling, so I can switch on only the ones I actually need.


    I really like it, feels extremely organic. Could you maybe post a Blueprint after you're finished?
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  14. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Your CV is definitely a fair site more attractive than my box. LOL
    I'm going the opposite way and headed to Skillon for the next while. Zero idea what to expect....
    Then it's scrnario time!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I really like your SV and HV landing/docking areas. Very clever. The little glass entryway is perfect. Does it have two doors?

    This is an inspiring build scoob, nicely done.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Finally got around to updating this classic beauty... She's now airtight and 6.X-ready.
    Haven't uploaded yet, still missing some key features (like an armor locker), and I'm debating whether to keep the tan or go back to silver/blue "4.0" colors*, but hey, at least I did a thing.

    *(changed from gold because "gold" became "neon lemon" after 4.0 - NO @EleonGameStudios I STILL HAVE NOT FORGIVEN YOU FOR THAT.)
  17. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    This shot made me laugh so hard when I saw it. :D Then after our game session, it came to mind and I had to resist laughing in such a random manner. lol
    Tyrax Lightning and rainyday like this.
  18. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    What happens when you're turrets run out of ammo ? You stand on top of your base and fight like man. lol . Almost got a rocket to the face . LOL

    Screenshot (338).png

    Added one more new turret .

    Screenshot (343).png
  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    That was sorta my joke...too subtle? :)

    Though, making that combo queue up 999 or as many as can be produced with current materials, might not be a bad thing. Personally, regarding build queues, I'd just like a longer queue length so I can queue up ALL the bits for an HV, SV or CV build then wander off for a couple of hours doing other stuff while it builds :)

    @oojimaflip - sorry, missed your reply initially, hello fellow Uk'er :)

    @Its Just Steve - nice. My earliest CV, back in 3.0.x actually ended up being a very tall tower. I hadn't appreciated the size of a CV vs. an HV/SV at the time and the build area I'd constructed on my BA was too small, yet I was too stubborn to extend it lol.

    @En_Ma - thanks, I'll give it a go, I'd hope 1.1mbps would be enough for MP, guess I'll find out.

    @Fractalite - Thanks, it's sorta evolved a bit. My next plan is to extend from the rear, adding an additional "room" to house the Warp Core. From there I'm thinking, for a change, possibly several hangar bays. Upper ones for SV's and lower ones for HV's. I'll then doubtless be adding two additional nacelles for more thrust, if the ship needs it. Oh, the glass entryway has one exterior door to the external landing area, inside it are stairs down to the farm, with access to all other areas from there, as well as an upper door that leads to my Ore Processing / Storage room. I'll try to take some internal room shots later.

    @banksman45 - heh, been there. Actually quite fun having to get your hands dirty. For me, I dropped the ball on Skillon I think it was, so I was being attacked by Heavy Drones. I took a full Epic Minigun clip - that's 350 rounds - to take down each drone. Drones on Akua in my fresh start feel like paper by comparison lol.

    Not been in-game yet today, but I'll get some more screens up as my CV build continues.

  20. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Last night we enjoyed some downtime and @rainyday made some fun role play elements for the version of Ilmarinen we're playing with. It was so inspiring and we discussed adding similar touches to the space station @Friendly Timo and I have been working on since our early days in Empyrion. Now we know a lot more and feel ready to take on that project again (beginning this evening).


    We hung out on Timo's new CV repair platform and chatted for quite awhile--even though it was late and we all meant to log off pretty soon. I had some gold coins to split and of course, coffee time is customary. :) Our conversation was so enjoyable, and we ended up joking about things. I think my teammates are bad influences on me because I almost made a very unladylike joke. I know I'm enthusiastic about explosions and aggressive combat, but I am a lady and properly kept my silliness out of the chat box. lol

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