What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Oh those Heavy minigun drones must have 1 million hit points. lol I hear people complain about needing more challenges in this game . I have no idea what they're talking about because those Heavy Mini gun drone mixed with the harder PVs are some of these planets are insane . Everytime I run into one I feel like I'm shooting at the Terminator or something. Unless you have have a Minigun you will go through multiple clips.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    This, is awesome. It is fun to see the building friendship.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Either that, or some crazy damage resistance vs. bullets, not sure if laser weapons are more effective or not...didn't really want to try the shotgun, and didn't have a rocket launcher. Armoured drones being near-immune to small arms fire is GOOD in my view, however, your basic BA Cannon Turret still rips them up quite nicely. Light drones need to know their place really, make them faster and a starting player on foot has little chance, but they might balance more nicely vs. a BA. However, being both fairly slow and paper thin, they're an annoyance unless in numbers.

    Btw: I'd swear I'd taken down heavy drones with the Epic Minigun previously and not needed anywhere near an entire clip. However, this time I did. I was hitting with every shot, not "head" shots, not sure what counts as that on the Heavy Drones, but solid hits none the less, yet it took an excessive amount of bullets. I loved it lol.

    I would like a bit more clarity on weapon damage and resistances. I.e. a basic rocket strikes me as a good AoE weapon vs. softer targets, but is it actually better vs. armour? Personally, I'd like to see more speciality ammo for hand weapons, for anti-personal (Zirax, critters) or anti-armour (Drones, base turrets) OR, if that's not quite so simple to implement, give each hand weapon a more distinct application.

  4. En_Ma

    En_Ma Commander

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Today I discovered just how badly I underestimated atmospheric flight fuel cost on my CV.

    Luckily I built engineering with room to spare, and it was simple to add in some more tanks.

    OTOH the 10 RCS mean the thing turns on a dime.

    Oh, and class 6 :(

    screenshot is the new, improved and 50% more radioactive engineering room.

  5. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I remember when the Heavy drones being a lot easier to take down as well but I love the change too. It makes the fight last longer. I've tried a normal rocket launcher on a Heavy drone and I believe it took 3 rockets to take it down if I remember correctly but I do know it was more than one.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Sound like the rocket launcher is THE anti-drone hand-weapon of choice for Heavy Drones now then, I guess the Homing variant is even better...not that Heavy Drones move much.

    It's a point of balance really, even the basic Cannon Turret, given enough of them and good LoS, are easily a match for a full wing of six Heavy base-attack Drones. I have noticed that the new base attack drone does appear to fire from longer range, which was needed. However, the result is a foregone conclusion pretty much. Having to get close using hand weapons vs. drones is much more of a rush!

    The step to a PV attacking a base is a large one. Sure, with ample rocket turrets (Cannon and Minigun simply don't cut it) as a minimum, using well-spaced emplacements a PV can be defeated, however the current AI targetting is what lets things down. My turrets invariably spend too long trying to shoot at closer, but internal Sentry Turrets rather than the heavy exterior turrets that are further away. When true LoS targeting is working - i.e. if it cannot see it, it cannot target it - things will be better. That said, I still regularly, and fairly easily, neuter a planets PV with the most basic of Gatling-equipped SV's.

    You know, in my earliest games, back in 3.0.x, I recall drones regularly being able to get close to my base, often taking out a Cannon Turret or three. Wonder why that was?

    Tyrax Lightning and banksman45 like this.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I had the same issue with the Condor, and had to add many fuel tanks....
    At least it's only class 5.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    My long-term CV is now class 7 thanks to a few recent tweaks. However, I had the foresight to over-spec it when it comes to fuel tanks, so it has a fairly good flight time in gravity. Additionally, I start producing Hydrogen bottles fairly early, so I have thousands by the time I unlock Fusion Cells - slow levelling enabled needless to say.

    Actually doing a new CV build this time - I restarted with 6.5.3 - and I've given that ample fuel tanks too....I think, depends how large this one gets :)

  9. Moonsugar

    Moonsugar Rear Admiral

    May 25, 2016
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    Uh.... oh... apearently: yes. Or just too late at night.:oops:
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Nice job adapting and planning at the same time! I thought I had overstocked my recent CV too but it's only about 300 minutes flight time. O2 is good for uears though. Go figure!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Actually, now I read that post an I'm more awake, not that funny either lol.

    "Only" 300 minutes is damn good! I've been happy having 30 mins of atmospheric flight time in the past :) The current scale of the game makes just minutes of flight time per tank all you need. In the future this should change as scale increases. I do like the idea of possibly running out of fuel on longer trips, so needing to build "long range" versions of vessels with extra fuel tanks - at the cost of weight of course. However, as we can currently carry crazy amount of fuel in our backpacks, it's somewhat moot at this time.

    Imagine if each item's weight value actually meant something in your backpack...it does strike me as funny sometimes when I'm carrying 20 XL Thrusters in my backpack....while riding a bike...

    You probably don't realise, but the old fuel system worked differently, there wasn't simply a "pool" of tanks, giving a total max fuel value. Rather each tank was a slotted container - just like a cargo box - each slot allowing just one fuel cell. So, a tank could be "full" of n number of Small Promethium Fuel Packs or "full" with the exact same number of Fusion Cells, the latter giving a significantly higher run time of course. Now, the type of Fuel Pack doesn't matter to the overall capacity / run time.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Yeah I mostly don't like having to refuel 4x every trip.
    But I started before the tank change was made and I liked being able to jack my tanks full with the big packs. But not going to every tank to do it. Buuuuuut, didn't need 15 t3 tanks either!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    Just got in-game and here are the interior screen shots of my WIP CV I promised...

    Here's the cockpit, as you can see it's quite luxuriously equipped, with somewhat excessive decoration... :)

    01 Cockpit.png

    Walking through the doorway on the right in the above picture, takes you into my Engineering / Crafting area. Here I have the one Advanced Constructor, and some materials storage. Bet you can't spot my cunningly hidden Core... :)
    02 Engineering 1.png

    Here's the other side of the room. Here I have my suit locker, some currently unallocated storage, along with Medical Bay and O2. Note the retractable Ramps, there's an armoured window behind them.
    03 Engineering 2.png

    Going through either of the doors in the above screens, takes you into my farm. I quite like the raised walkways around it.
    04 Farm.png

    Heading out the back of the Farm, we go through a small airlock chamber and on to...
    05 Link from Farm to Power.png

    ...the power room. On the left are stacks of Fuel Tanks, with some O2 further away you can just about see. On the right is the single T2 Generator. Just out of shot to the right is the single T2 RCS, but there's room for more.
    06 Power Room, Ground floor.png

    Turning to the left from the above shot, is and entrance to a small stairwell heading up a floor.
    07 Stairs.png

    Power room first floor, upper Fuel and O2 tank stack on the left, and space for a second T2 Generator if needed on the right. Note the walkway around the Generator room, just cos I like walkways :)
    08 Power Room first floor.png

    Next we have the airlock to the outside world. Eventually this is where the Warp Core room will be situated.
    09 Link from Power to outside.png

    Back-tracking a little, here the glass stairwell leading to the open flight deck. You can see my farm clearly, the door to the left is to the landing pad, the door in front to my Ore Processing room.... I'll show that in the next post...
    10 Glass Stairwell.png

  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Finally, here's my Ore Processing room. Two Large Constructors - I'm lacking materials for the upgrade currently, and ample storage for Ores. To the left of the shot you can see more ramp blocks, which open to reveal windows overlooking the landing pad.

    11 Ore Processing.png

    So, that's it. A fairly small CV at this stage, but I'll continue to expand. The next step might be the Warp Core Room, then after that internal hangar space. I'll need to gain some more Hardened Steel Plates first though, as I'm out and only have about 300 Combat Steel Blocks available.

  15. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Btw: does anyone else think that the new Assault Rifle sound is epic? It makes the Pulse Rifle (which I've just switched to) sound a bit rubbish... I'd suggest making it sound similar to the AR personally, just with more rapid fire. The basey thud of the AR make the weapon sound more dangerous than it is...but I far prefer it to the PR.

    Tyrax Lightning and Fractalite like this.
  16. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Nice texturing and decorating there @Scoob
    Be careful though, @Starwing6 might feel threatened by your mad skillz! ;)

    And definitely a fan of the updated gun (non-laser) sounds.
    Tyrax Lightning and Starwing6 like this.
  17. En_Ma

    En_Ma Commander

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Today (this evening actually) I fiddled around with internal components.

    Also, I had a lot of fun putting gantries everywhere :)

    Screenshot is the core room. Core in the centre (encased in combat steel, but I tried to make it look like a giant core block), then emergency cockpit and spawn point. I wanted vertical generators at first, but could not find a nice placement, so I stuck them on the roof.
    Also: no handrails anywhere, in true star wars fashion.
    Tyrax Lightning and Starwing6 like this.
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks. The texturing is just the default Combat Steel one, and I intend to keep that :)
    Lol @ Starwing being threatened by this amateur.

    On another note, something just happened to me that's not happened in a long time. I got killed! To add to the embarrassment of that, it was by Raptors! I've survived all sorts of nasties on Masperon, then a Raptor gets me? *sigh*

    In my defence, I've made a few observations:

    The respawn rate for critters on Akua is FAST. I mean, kill a group of critters, loot them, turn around and they're back fast. Never had that before. So, I'd sniped a couple of the "Aggressive Dinosaur" Raptors from a distance, then moved in to loot. I notice another one, all alone, not too far off (well within T2 Sniper range) and fire. He turns to chase me, and FOUR others appear next to him. I snipe these while steadily retreating - I'd been on the Bike, but I'd picked it up, shudda left it deployed! The thinned out group closes, I switch to the T2 Shotgun. I take them down, but one last hit appears to get me, and I'm dead. I'd gotten used to the extra resistance of Heavy Armour, this Light stuff means three hits and you're out. Oops lol.

    Respawning at my CV's Medbay, I jump in my SV and return for my backpack, only to find the area literally crawling with Raptors once more. I collect my backpack, jump back in my SV, and go crazy on the local Raptors. I just checked and I picked up FIFTY units of meat from the respawned raptors, but the area is now clear.

    Heh, as I typed this, hovering in my SV three normal Raptors and a lone Raptor have spawned right next to me. I actually really like this fast respawning, however, it needs to happen a little further away from the player, so a fresh spawn isn't instantly hostile and right next to me!

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    All sounds about right for Akua. See one raptor, shoot it and its four buddies that were just out of rendering range join the fight!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, I've seen that before, so it's not new to me. The fresh spawns within a few tens of metres of my current location however, is.


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