Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. CrazyEd

    CrazyEd Captain

    May 23, 2016
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    Yes ! Or have power hungry Furnaces run for an hour before being shut down , rather than staying on eating power
    Atola likes this.
  2. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

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    Jan 13, 2017
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    didn't even know you were here....sheesh....lol

    @Atola and Ed its a bit of a work around but it is possible.

    You can link the timers to each other, but agree the current 99seconds max needs to be increased.

    I have doors that opens 15mins later then when i open the first door
  3. [SG1X] SG1Oniell

    [SG1X] SG1Oniell Ensign

    Sep 12, 2017
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    Having worked with Sensors and Signal Logic fairly often now, there's a few wishlist items that I have:

    • +1 For Silent motion sensors, they begin to get fairly obnoxious after a while

    • There should be a way to control device states, though this would require that devices are capable of operating in different states based off of signal input (possibly a large overhaul of current implementation).

      For Example: I use motion sensors as proximity detectors. Allow lighting to change color (state) based off of input signals. So if someone were to come in range of my sensor, my interior base lighting could be switched to Red to indicate an intruder, whereas it would be white otherwise. This would save fuel consumption by not needing to place both red and white lights to achieve the same effect presently.

    • Other devices should have optional states as well, that also respond to sensor input. Gravity generators come to mind, such that I could arrange a trap where they power on to throw someone against a wall if an intruder is detected.

    • Timers should be a thing. Rather than simply logic gates, implementing timers could allow for things like flashing lights. Add a timer into the circuit after your logic statement to achieve such things.
    Just my 2 cents at the moment.
    Ian Einman and Atola like this.
  4. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    What i really would find handy would be to be able to have a signal/Device being able to activate several gates themselves.
    For example right now it's possible for one signal to activate several devices via gate logic.

    For example: 4x AND

    Signal 1 \
    Signal 2 \
    = Signal​
    Signal 3 /
    Signal 4 /

    What i need is this:

    / Signal 1
    / Signal 2​
    Signal =
    \ Signal 3
    \ Signal 4​

    Sorry if this is already possible and i'm just too stupid to find out how to do it.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If devices can trigger signals, then it is possible.
    Neal likes this.
  6. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    I've suggested to add a 1/2 and a 1/4 Splitter as we currently do not have devices that can receive and send signals at the same time.
    Neal and jmtc like this.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You just have to send a 1st signal as input to 4 other circuits, that will each send a single signal. For example put a lever somewhere, named "starter", then create a circuit which will send out "signal 1". Create 4 new 2xor circuits and feed them the 1st signal from the lever (signal 1), and they will each send a different signal (signal 2, signal 3, signal 4 and signal 5). Put 4 lights somewhere and in "circuits logic" in their "input" field give each one of them one of the 4 previous signals.

    Is this what you were looking for?
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
    Neal likes this.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    for XOR you need at least 2 different incoming signals: signal 1 and 2. if 1 or 2 (but not both) are triggered, they issue signal 3

    What you could do is create signal 1 with a lever and add signal 1 as trigger in any device..or for any other Signal logic gate.

    So if you just want to multiply ONE signal, just create one and use "signal1" as Sender in any logic gate inbox.

    For example

    Signal1 > inverter > signal 2
    Signal1 > delay > signal 3
    Signal1 > activate device 1
    Signal1 < activate device 2

    This is basically the same like a split 1>4
    Neal likes this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I edited my previous post and changed the circuit to "2x or" (I can't check what I did on this computer - savegame is on another one). In this case only 1 triggering device needs to be present and it will work (tested). What is the "default" circuit for only 1 "input" and 1 output ?

    Edit: I just checked and no need for a 2nd signal in a Xor circuit to work, at least for switching 1 light on/off with a lever. I guess it makes sense : there has to be 1 signal, as long as the circuit is "satisfied" with this it doesn't need another one. Am I wrong?
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2017
    Neal likes this.
  10. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    @ both
    I knew it's pretty simple, sometimes i just don't see the wood for the trees.
    Thanks for your help, very appreciated!

    It would be really cool if there was a thread with some basic examples, like this.
    So ppl. like me don't have to ask silly questions. :oops:
    Kassonnade likes this.
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Questions can be relevant or not, but rarely "silly". That was a relevant question, and I second your suggestion for more simple examples for starters. ;)
    Neal likes this.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Maybe @Hummel-o-War could update the relevant section in the faq to make it a bit simpler for starters? Mostly a few things that were added, and a "reminder" for players (like me) that reconfigure key bindings for "control panel" (not always P).


    Here are my (humble) suggestions in yellow, that could be added / changed in the section concerning "triggers" :

    Q: What are "triggers"?
    A1: In 6.0 we added a range of sensors that can send a signal to devices, thus changing their operation parameters. For example: pull a lever and have a door closed or a light switched off
    A2: Current triggers / sensors: Trigger plate, Light barrier, Motion sensor, Lever, Trap Door (single use), Trap Door (multiple uses)

    Q: Are there different types of sensors?
    A: Yes! The lever has a defined On/Off status. If you move it into ON position, the signal is sent constantly to the device. Most of the other sensors are "switches". They only send the signal as long as a player is in their detection range. See more details in EXAMPLES.

    Q: Can i adjust the range and area of sensors?
    A: For some sensors like motion sensor and light barrier, this is possible. Just access the sensor (aim at it and hit P / control panel, go to "Devices" tab) and you'll see its range and a range slider. They can also be adjusted visually by pressing the "interactive setup" button in the "Configuration" panel. From there, just use the numeric keypad as shown.

    Q: Do sensors only trigger for players and vessels?
    A: Yes, sensors trigger for both player avatars and "moving blocks" (= vessels)

    Q: What can we do with basic triggers / sensors in the moment?
    A: Basically create simple logics: Activate devices, Open / close devices, Lock / unlock devices. Different devices may offer some, all or a selection of these actions (Depending on what the device can do)

    Q: Can i create more complex circuits?
    A: Yes, see the chapter about SIGNAL LOGIC!

    EXAMPLES (for easy sensor-trigger builds)

    = Modes =

    1. FOLLOW
    > Lever: Move handle to ON = ON. OFF = OFF
    > Switch: Enter the trigger area = ON, Leave the trigger area = OFF

    2. TOGGLE
    > Lever: Do not use with lever (works, but you might need to pull the handle 2x to get an effect)
    > Switch: Enter and leave the trigger area = switches the status of the device (to ON if OFF, to OFF if ON)

    3. ON and OFF
    > Lever: Do not use (makes no sense)
    > Switch: sets status of the device to a dedicated ON or OFF status (not using its previous state!) Triggering the trigger again will not have an effect (ON-TIME-change)

    = How to SETUP =

    1. Place a trigger (lets use a trigger plate)
    2. Face the Trigger Plate and hit P (open Control Panel)
    3. If the Trigger Plate is highlighted in CP, you'll notice a new text in the "Configure Signal" panel (middle column): "Tx Signal [field]"
    4. Enter TEST to the field and hit return
    5. Place a Light
    6. Face the Light and hit P (open Control Panel)
    7. If the Light is highlighted in the CP, you'll notice a new entry "ON/OFF" as well as two dropdowns and a checkbox with an "I" in the "Configure Signal" panel (middle column)
    7a: Expand the first dropdown > you'll find your TEST command. Select the TEST command to connect the Light to your Trigger Plate
    7b: Expand the second dropdown > You can use FOLLOW, TOGGLE, ON and OFF to trigger the Explosives.

    Now ...
    - IF you want a Player to have the light switched to ON or OFF when he touches the trigger plate, use either ON or OFF
    - IF you want the light to switch to OFF if it was ON (or vice versa), use TOGGLE
    - IF you want the light to only shine as LONG as the player is on the plate, use FOLLOW
    - IF you want the light to dim as LONG as the player is on the plate, use FOLLOW and toggle INVERT ("I" checkbox)

    Q: Can i trigger several devices from the same sensor?
    A: YES! Just use the SAME signal name in each of the devices. This way it is possible to - for example - switch a range of lights on or off with only one button/sensor

    Q: Can I trigger a device from several sensors?
    A: Not directly with 1 trigger (but planned), but it can be done with circuit logic (see the chapter about SIGNAL LOGIC!)

    Q: Can i trigger the NPC spawners (for POI design)?
    A: Yes! Place the NPC spawner and switch it OFF in the Control Panel. Then just connect your sensor. If a player triggers the sensor, the NPCs will be spawned

    Q: Can i trigger the PORTAL (for Instances)?
    A: Of course!

    Q: Is this the final state of the Trigger-feature?
    A: By far not. This is only the first iteration for you to test. ;-)

    When this message will become useless it can be deleted. ;)
    Neal likes this.
  13. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Good point - Thanks for the edits! :)
  14. Pedrinho

    Pedrinho Ensign

    Oct 18, 2017
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    Is it possible to deactivate a lever from another lever's activation?

    I mean, I want to create a simple door system that is opened through levers. But I need those levers to switch to the OFF state whenever I activate the other one. I can't seem to find a way to do that... is this simple thing even possible?
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    Atola likes this.
  15. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    An excellent idea... but no its not currently possible.
    What I've ended up doing as a workaround is NOT using levers and using a pair of motion sensors instead at each location where I would have just one switch (and then running the ON motion sensor through a OR gate to the set of the Set and Reset circuit... and ditto for the off sensor to the reset input) . But using motion sensors like this only feels natural in certain situations.
  16. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Motion sensor trigger Configuration.

    Next generation motion sensor/beam/plate needs a Configuration list like the turrets do for targeting, saying what to trigger off of. Here is a start, modeled after the turret Configuration. Like Turret all options would be selected by default.

    Trigger ON:
    Other Factions
    My Faction
    Owner (Me)

    Docked Vehicle
    Undocked Vehicle
    Non-Vehicle actor
    Select actor for which the sensor trigger is ON (1). If nothing is selected the sensor will not trigger.​
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
    Hicks42 and GoldShark like this.
  17. GoldShark

    GoldShark Ensign

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Someone can help me with the sensors ?, I see them in the panel (p) but I do not know how to use them.
    For ex. Can everything be turned off in an SV / CV etc., but keep the power on, using the switches?

  18. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    You mean those Custom switches? Put your devices into groups - then you can assign a Custom switch to that group.
    GoldShark likes this.
  19. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Rainyday is absolutely correct- and if you actually mean sensors, switches, and signal logic, we'd need more to go on- like what you have and what you want to accomplish
    GoldShark likes this.
  20. GoldShark

    GoldShark Ensign

    Dec 18, 2017
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    I will read that guides and then ask whatever new doubts.

    Thanks to both!
    rainyday likes this.

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