Planets and the solar system.

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by JayCo, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Because with a speed of only a few hundred meters per second, you'll end up with huge planets that are only a few tens of kilometers apart. We're not going to get realistic scale planets because, unlike Elite: Dangerous, we don't have that intermediate warp drive. We have insystem speed with thrusters. And some capital ship-only FTL drive in the future.
  2. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    thats my point , why limit it ? wrap drives can be a very expensive thing to make in the future for space vessels as well . And thats the beauty of having a whole galaxy , you can have small as well as giant planets , why limit the scope when both types can be done actually . I think we should not underestimate the possibilities , the game is FAR from finished and allot of things can change and be done along the way

    cheers :)
  3. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Because it's a small dev team and when you start saying 'why should we limit what we want from a team with finite time and resources?' you start sounding entitled and foolish. You can ask, but you shouldn't expect. Especially when the developer has already laid out their vision. Don't spread misinformation and get people invested in the game based on 'potential'.

    That's how you get crap like StarForge.
    HeadHunter likes this.
  4. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    dont get me wrong mate , i do not mean that , that's why i mentioned "down the road" ,a possibility if this game reaches the success i wish for it to reach :)

    the current planet travel limit can be increased so larger planets are not a problem , if a concord can travel faster than sound with in the atmosphere then we can go faster since its a game
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
  5. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I just want planets to orbit the sun and them some adjacent stars to fly to. If you turned on the sun's gravity in the ...what's the name of the system in Empyrion? The 'Solar System' is the proper name of our system in real life. Sol is our star. We are on Sol 3. We call it Earth. The nearest system to this is the Centauri system, a trinary system consisting of ... Anyway, if Empyrion's sun had gravity we'd all fall into the sun in a couple days because nothing is revolving. Planets would go first. Those quick to make capital ships might accelerate out before getting cooked.
  6. rowander

    rowander Ensign

    Aug 21, 2015
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    My opinion on planet/system/galaxy size is this:

    - Median planet size should be around twice/three times what it is now. Ideal planet size sould be variable, from around 1.5 to 10 times what we have now, with the biggest planets being quite rare. I think a planet twice/three times what we have now would be more realistic, while at the same time fully explorable in a reasonable amount of time. The biggest planets should take a lot of time to fully explore, and resources should be made more sparse in them.

    Starting planet should always be small, with closer resource nodes, as we need to walk a lot in the start.

    - System size: I don't have a strong opinion on it yet. I have two ways of thinking. First would be a real-size, more realistic system, in which we would travel using the system map and "jumping" through sub-space in our CV. The jumps would lead you to interest points: planets, gas giants, stars, asteroid fields, and the like.
    Second way of thinking is something similar to what we currently have: closer planets so you can visually navigate them. It's less realistic and completely breaks immersion, but as we are in a game, it works well. I wouldn't bother if it was kept this way, maybe with more space between planets and faster travel in the CV (and slower in the SV, as it is now).

    - Galaxy size: we definetly don't need 500.000 systems like Elite. I wouldn't mind a fraction of our galaxy, around 200 systems. Some human factions/aliens/AI race in it to populate certain areas with friendlies/enemies and interesting things on planets, and 200 systems should be plenty to spend hours upon hours and never getting old. It should also mean a more compact and contained space in which we play.
    Kerensky likes this.
  7. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I agree to a point. If PvP becomes a major part of Empyrion, I'd like to see around 20-50 planets per player on the server. Enough that you have a reasonable chance of being hidden or out of the way long enough to get on your feet before you're discovered.
  8. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    20-50 planets per player would be a big empty place--that's a Master of Orion (on huge) proportion. It would make resource wars and pvp superfluous. Consider Omicron in its current state. If you disable the POI markers for vessels and bases, I could BIVOUAC with 20 other players planetside and nobody would ever find me. In fact, I could go out twice a day, kill someone, and go back to camp and still nobody could find me.

    That's a challenge I make to anybody. The biggest downside of multiplayer right now is that we all see everyone else and everyone's things: all bases and vessels are visible on the map. You cannot hide in the current version. I'd like to be able to hide myself, hide resource caches, and hide vessels and bases. I suspect individual factions are coming, along with an option to create factions so allies can see each other's vessels and bases.

    I'd like to see several players per system. To exploit vacant system takes me a couple hundred hours.
  9. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    i think you are underestimating the lack of size on current planets , no way 20 people can hide on it even with out markers , all it takes me to spot stuff is a simple sv flight

    the questions isnt if , its why should larger planets be left out of the question ? they dont have to be everywhere , infact can be only like 1 in a solar system or 1 in 5 solar systems , rare but beneficial
  10. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    If people want to fight, they'll fight. I'm arguing from the point of making it difficult for established powers to 'spawncamp' new players. Several players per system would be too crowded and make it difficult to get the game's population to grow. You'd end up with ARK's public server issues.

    Edit: With current balancing, of course. Things get easier if you make building an SV a significant challenge, or make it so that CVs require actual crews to operate so that people HAVE to work together to jump between star systems. ...I kinda like that idea.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
  11. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    crew system will limit single player operation , not make it exclusive to crews but harder to operate as a single person via a console
  12. Sure

    Sure Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    If there were some way to join clans/corporations/whatevers and spawn in their area when starting... Maybe have friendly fire disabled within clans and maybe even private instances of a starting solar system. So you'd choose your server based on the group you wanted to join who'd have their own instance of a starting area but leaving the solar system (Maybe even leaving the planet?) would be free for all PVP no mans land on an open server.
  13. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I was going to buy ARK--I have not played it, but yeah--we are having the same problem with the multiplayer now. It's an old problem. Old games usually had combat free zones and Empyrion, I think, needs such a zone that is wide enough to run and hide and find a place to build a ship (AND GET THEM OFF THE MAP!!!!) Small vessels that the owner forgets and crash sites with valuable salvage should be hard to find. I also think small vessels should have hyperdrive...the X-wing did.--it's 12.5 meters (25 blocks) long. WOW has the meadow, Meridian 59 had the inns--all with the purpose of letting noobs get oriented without fear of being killed. Other multiplayer issues ... is there a forum for that yet? Many will resolve when there are individual factions. I'm talking about anti-trolling measures. Core replacement before you can steal a ship...that type thing. Right now, known thieves must be spawn****ed until they are deterred from the server.
  14. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    there are already benefits of having several people on a CV, and I would like to see to it that the benefits of a crew are obvious. Hikari Sulu can fly the starship Enterprise himself as long as nothing breaks. A crew would consist of repair people (repairs inside the ship can be performed while the pilot continues evasive action, botanists, mess hall (farming and cooking), gunners, spotters, and a body for each docked fighter....a crew of 2 on a CV might only be pilot/gunner. Hell, a crew of 6 might be only be pilot/gunner/gunner/gunner/gunner/gunner.
  15. migisan

    migisan Lieutenant

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Just started on the new world. Lucky me crashlanded in the middle of a big lake. Some people comply about that in the bugs thread. I think, it's a feature :D
  16. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    easy , option for bigger planets than 150km2 . plenty of space to hide from transgressors
  17. Tirello

    Tirello Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2015
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    As long as every base doesn't show up automatically within 500m of it. And you build your base underground with a small entrance mostly covered with terrain.

    Honestly if this game goes to a mostly pvp model I will likely drop it. To much time is devoted to building witch is fun to have someone blast the hell out of it in seconds when your offline. I like survival mode solo or with a few friends. Pvp other then death match seems out of the games current story.

    There will always be issues with pvp trolls that just like causing havoc. And baring a large clan that could protect an area. They will be the downfall of any pvp server that isn't in creative mode.
    Kerensky, HeadHunter and Eviscerator like this.
  18. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    ^ as i said forcing to limit the size of the planet will cause this even more , if some people dont want larger planets they can leave them alone and never visit them , why limit the gameplay exp
    speaking of which the currents planets are how big again ?
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  19. Ragner

    Ragner Lieutenant

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I also will have to agree with a compass for sure. I would also agree with the weather area too. However, i'm pretty sure these things are already in the thoughts and ideas of the devs. SO I will hit on with this...we need mining lazers for our ships...goodness, I got out of my ship to mine and I got blown Seriously some kind of mining lazer for the ship even if i only does half of what the hand held does. At least it wouuld be something. And weapon grouping would also be nice...
  20. rowander

    rowander Ensign

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Empyrion has the basis for a great PvE experience. If it's turned to a PvP only experience, it will suffer. PvPers don't like spending 3 hours building a ship and then loosing it in 2 minutes. Building, designing and surviving is a matter of patience, cooperation and intelligence, and those are not the best experiences for someone looking for PvP.

    I would ask for PvP servers where the PvP crowd can play, but I'm fairly confident most of the people who play this game would prefer a PvE coop experience.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    Kerensky, Argon, Eviscerator and 2 others like this.

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