
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Offline Protection can be very easy exploided. Veteran players know how. Thats why RexXxuS doenst use it at all.

    So aslong that doesnt change its to unfair to play with 0 Anti Grieving Distance
  2. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    I know OP can be exploited, I recorded a battle in which OP was used as a wall around a base. Showed video to admin and the Admin made the enemy convert all their second and 3rd accounts into a single faction so they couldn't use OP as wall. Its fine people will use exploits in any game. But to go ahead and ruin it for others by making a feature useless is just a game killer. Look at the server numbers.

    I will admit unfortunately there is a huge PVE contingent of players who would rather just see PVE planets than use OP. I just think that we should revisit OP. I am telling ya, I find it more fun.

    We have a huge base on another server, sure players have attacked from bottom and top but , we are there to defend, granted we are very experienced players. I understand that even with OP, that newbie players will have a hard time building bases with proper defenses,(hint defense HV's work wonders)

    And I do feel bad for admins because they try to cater to everyone but honestly set the game to its basic setting and let it go. The game should play in multiplayer the same way it plays in single player.
  3. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    What kind a FREEDOM is - only YOURS/MINE type of game play is legit, frak EVERYBODY else! :D

    Same as that 'one crybaby' you have that will make you 'quit game for good', you are gonna have at least one 'ducheasshat' (actually you have more of them constantly online than those crybabies) that will terrorize noobs/weak pl./casuals... often from pure boredom because they hate building or exploring or even proper 'looting' - they just want to destroy everything... Different planets for different players, so that everybody can play :)


    Now, regarding EU/US off. servers - I started to play now after 'big wipe' on EU ser., and I played Alpha 5 version also, do we have Trading Station and/or Help Center like before? I don't have it marked, and I did not find it on flyover... I'm on Kelt.

    Also I had very 'strange bug' last night - I was more or less alone on 'new planet' for first day or two, and after I build small SV to scout planet I flew through 'green barrier' for first time - right after that I got on my map 'discovered' bunch of Ore resources and POI's all over the planet :D ...not all - but plenty! I'm not sure what was the 'rule', but it looked like I imported all things that was discovered by other players on planet, like when we are all in same fraction o_O
  4. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Regarding OP, I'm honestly not sure whether having it off or on is worse. But there are two things that are absolutely clear: 1) having it on means more work for the admin staff dealing with "creative" uses and exploits of it, and 2) without OP, it is impossible to build a base that will survive a determined attacker when the owner is offline.

    As others have said, the design of OP itself needs to be fixed. Until then, the answer is clear: build in deep space where probably nobody will find you, or build in PVE. I've built a few small bases in PVP areas hoping to have some fun in battle. But there is basically no reason to make a serious investment in PVP bases right now.
    ZipSnipe likes this.
  5. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Oh and here is another suggestion. The market system has been screwed since what 4.0 I believe , its completely dead. They need to have it so that we go to a TS and that the trades work across the universe not just in that playfield . Man I remember people loved the market system back then, there were players that is all they did was play the market, it added another feature to the game .
  6. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    And back to OP and zero anti grieving. Ok lets take Shattered server. Great server that Rat faction moved to. Zero antigreiving and OP. And a huge number of playfields. What did this allow? It allowed players to build on top of deposits usually frowned upon BUT because the amount of planets out numbers the players its easy to get your own planet. Properly learn how to defend your base and you are golden.

    OP abuse , sure its some work for admins, but the way Shattered handled it was if you had video proof of this abuse, your OP got disabled or your stuff was given to that faction as punishment. This is a huge way to discourage abusers. I even accidently logged out during an attack and my OP was disabled and they got all my stuff, I cried for about a second and then accepted the punishment as just.

    They also had a rule for prolonging an attack when a player is getting close to bedtime. This rule was vague and at the admins discretion.

    Like I said with OP and a sufficient number of planets people will build bases again. The only drawback is that there needs to be a limit on bases,cv's,sv's, and hv's that a player can have.
    Mortlath likes this.
  7. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    You missed the point that this is about the official servers. Go to your favorite server again if you want to complain or push it.
    I will delete any non-official posts coming.

    And last but not least: you are repeating yourself the third time on three different places now that your wishes are not coming true on different servers.
    I won't go in detail what your wishes are or why they are not good for the overall gameplay in Empyrion but I just have one final solution for you:
    Create your own server with your special wishes please.

    Everything else got already discussed hundred of times and will be continued if the game is ready for it.
    Thanks for your understanding.

  8. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    You believe wrong. On the official servers hundreds of trades were done already. On HWS thousands. It is more realistic now which some complain, yes. But real traders can benefit from it.
    But thanks for the feedback. A better marketplace system is coming probably soon.

    And last but not least: you are repeating yourself the third time on three different places now that your wishes are not coming true on different servers.
    I won't go in detail what your wishes are or why they are not good for the overall gameplay in Empyrion but I just have one final solution for you:
    Create your own server with your special wishes please.

    You missed the point that this is about the official servers. Go to your favorite server again if you want to complain or push it.
    I will delete any non-official posts coming.

    Everything else got already discussed hundred of times and will be continued if the game is ready for it.
    Thanks for your understanding.

  9. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Sorry Rexxus,

    I don't see how what I suggest does not apply to the Official servers. You asked for suggestions and that is what you received.

    As far as starting my own server, I would love to. And you are right , these are my wishes that the game be played this way. Maybe a poll would be good to see how Empyrion should be played and then from that give admin tools that they need to implement this if they don't already have them.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  10. demolish50

    demolish50 Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    I'm unsure what has changed regarding the US official server but it does seem to be more responsive now with 15-20 people on that it had been.
    vxsote likes this.
  11. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Suggestion for "Traders Residence": it only has a single resource deposit of Cobalt (all others are at least two). If you look at the planet statistics (EU server) you see, that for each ore exactly one deposit has been emptied. For a few days now, the Cobalt deposit is depleted, so new players will have a hard time to build anything in an acceptable time frame. You need to visit unprotected POIs and hope for getting a few chunks of Cobalt. I think most will give up or restart somewhere else.

    Could be, that some people are too greedy and build super large CVs for leaving the planet. I think most don't know how auto miners work (they don't deplete the deposit).

    Perhaps you could change one resource deposit of Copper into Cobalt. This way chances are much better, that Cobalt will last until the next wipe.

    EDIT: just found a Cobalt Meteorite - so forget about it.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  12. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Civilian POIs should also be regenerating or have an admin core.

    Alien POIs are usually regenerating (if not bugged). This means you can get XP/loot from them.

    Civilian POIs are NOT regenerating afaik, which is bad I think. Civ POIs offer free O2, repair, food and other stuff. Quite frequently some people destroy the core of Civ POIs and raid them (mostly taking out planting pots), leaving these POIs in a ruined state. Usually it takes only a few days until all Civ POIs are disabled.
    On starter planets with increased difficulty this makes quite a difference for a new player NOT having the resources from these POIs. It can be quite a challenge to get sprouts and get your own food production running (traders residence has no native plants you can grow and fiber is not available in the wild).

    So please make Civ POIs regenerating too, so every player can benefit from their resources.
  13. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks for the feedback @Alatun
    The whole Invader vs Defender Scenario will be updated for 7.0 since some features couldn't be implemented by its time like freighters and Co.
    Will rework some regeneration properties too then.
  14. Jebblue

    Jebblue Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2016
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    Here are my thoughts on the US Official Server. Overall I've enjoyed it.

    1. There aren't many players on the server but the ones who do play there are pretty nice and some are really helpful.
    2. The galaxy is hand crafted rather than the one in SP. I don't understand that. I like the one in SP, it should be the same experience but with other players. I recommend leaving custom galaxies to non-official servers. That's how ever other game works.
    3. Autominers are broken but that's a problem with the game rather than the server, I think, not sure. On Plys, there are many places with AM but I can't place a single AM because someone mined out all the ore after placing their AM's. That's a broken gaming experience.
  15. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Yes, people exploit the current AM mechanic, especially on the PvE worlds where enemy AMs cannot be destroyed, to establish a permanent low-effort ore supply and then deny everyone else by mining out the deposit. I agree that this is a crappy situation.

    In 7.0, there will be an option to have autominers deplete deposits, and returns will depend on how much is left. That should largely fix the problem of resource inequality. Basically, it will suck for all of us ("suck" being defined as having to hunt meteorites) instead of just the people who didn't start in the first week or two.
  16. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    I don't know 100% what you mean by that? I created the universe layout for SP and I created the universe layout for Invader vs Defender, this MP layout. You can't compare SP with MP and what fits for SP does not fit good for MP.
    For example in the SP universe layout you don't have the needed "goal" except Masperon. But that is mostly focused on 1-2 people. If you have 35 people all rushing to Masperon it is... over.
    In Invader vs Defender there is not only a natural "good vs bad" attitude but also couple of late game aspects.

    In 7 we will activate AM depletion what will prevent griefing.
  17. Narpason

    Narpason Lieutenant

    Apr 26, 2017
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    I asked about actual lava planets way back in 5.x ('lava' is currently orange-tinted water)

    Any chance we will get a proper lava planet in 7.0 MP scenario,now that it looks so good?
  18. Phasian

    Phasian Ensign

    Oct 25, 2017
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    As someone who just started getting into the game I am bit confused. I went to the pandora system to mine erestrum and the moon wouldnt let me mine into the snow and on pandora I took down one of the defenses over the ore and couldnt figure out how to mine it. My guess would be autominers but didnt seem intuitive to me.
  19. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Whut? Are you sure!?

    I seem to recall burning in lava at one point many months ago and being pleasantly surprised.
  20. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    As you might have seen: I implemented them now.

    Yeah sorry, it got asked couple of times now. It is part of the story I explained at the beginning here:

    • Pandora is the hope for every Origin. The reason why they are doing this infinite war multiple years now. But some people say that Pandora' Moon and the Research Planet have an indestructible surface. Absorbing any damage to boost Pandora itself
    The surface is indestructible to provide a kind of Auto Miner war battle over there.

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