TY this is why we have our Empyrion server. A couple of things we found, First if you are editing a multiplayer game. The sector file is in the saves folder. EPG needs to have its settings configured for the save folders sector file. SECOND, regarding Empyrions cosmology. All new playfields must have their own orbits continuing outward from the sun. You may not move the stock playfields. You can only have 1 moon per playfield. Lastly, custom planets YAML files go in the template folder in the saves folder. Any of these things will cause the server to fail to load the playfield server. Resulting in the server not working. THANKS for the many adventures adding the community planets brought to our Empyrion.
Its not easy ( I have to keep a backup for when I frequently break it.) But it is working for us. We have added 9 planets with this tool. We used the planets from the community planet pack. We are using whatever the current steam version is.
Tested and working in alpha 7. I was (based on redpect for the orbits) able to, 1. Move stock planets closer to sun. 2. Add a planet from the community planet pack. TY
Here it is partially working on version 7.1 of the game. - You need to edit the Sector file manually to insert new planets (just enter the orbit, then it is possible to edit everything by the program) - Hyperdrive lines are visible even if prohibited
Never stopped working. I've used this since may of this year and its never given me issues unless I messed up and made a typo.
To help answer your request, I'll tell you some tips / answers first. 1. The sectors file location is 100% configureable, however you ALWAYS want to set up a test folder containing 2 folder names to help you - Sectors and a Playfields folder. Always test before you try and edit sectors on your server, dont set it up so it modifies your save games sector file, as that will surely end in defeat. One small issue and you're stuck without a backup to revert to. 2. Why would anyone hardcode stock planets into the sectors file if your end goal is creating 100% custom content? This does not need to be a feature as the freedom of customivity is how we get diversified game content. Empyrions cosmology is always changing and so should custom servers. Not everyone wants to see the stock playfields on every server they join. 3. Hardcoding preset directories again only adds the chance for servers to not load and fail as - again - you need to test before you put them on a live server.
Hello is it possible to use the playfield Generator on a Dedicated Server hosted by a hosting company rather than on the local PC? Perhaps there are files I could extract from the Server then reload once edited?
Hey, the Playfield Generator only edits the Sector.yaml, but to get all the data, also the "Playfield" folders from the "Content" folder would be needed (note: only the folders, not the actual files). Running the Generator on a hosted server is of course not possible since you need a GUI.
We have dedicated hardware and of course you can use the tool there. Only with a Gamecloud it is not possible. Here the Savegame and the Scenario folder must be loaded on the local computer to use the tool.
Do you think it would be possible to edit the generic Sector.yaml on a local PC then upload it to the Server?
Update is uploaded Patch notes - 1.06.03 (For Alpha 8.0) Added: Alpha 8.0 ready Added: Sector Map Style Added: Increased scrollability by x2 in each direction
Hallo Leute, ich habe mir gestern mal auf eurem Youtube kanal das Video vom playfieldgenerator angesehen. Ich muss sagen das tool ist echt genial. Nur wurden dort verbesserungen erwähnt die dort noch mit eingefügt werden sollten wie z.b. "mit rechtsklick die Karte verschieben, odei die bearbeitung von poi´s und recourcen" ist leider nicht der fall. Wie dem auch sei, ich habe einen sektor gebastelt und ins Spiel eingefügt. Nun startet das spiel nicht weil es interne fehler enthält. Ich habe bestehende Playfields genommen und in separate Ordner kopiert und entsprechende namen gegeben. Wo kann das Problem liegen? Ich bräuchte da mal bitte hilfe!!!!!
Hey, freut mich das es hilft. Ja einiges müssten wir noch machen, aber der focus is grad noch auf dem Mod. Interessant wäre was die dedicated logs des servers sagen. Dort findest du normalerweise die Probleme. Wenn es ein yaml problem ist, dann ist vielleicht was am EPG kaputt. Wenn nicht, dann könnte es an Spieltechnichen Sachen liegen. Wie einem Playfield oder die bennenung.
Please help me I get message : File not Found There is no "Sectors" folder, instead there is the "RandomPresets" folder that contains: TempNameGenFiles solarsystemconfig solarsystemconfig_2 solarsystemconfig_3 In EmpPlayfieldGenerator V01.06.03 I wrote in Settings: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\RandomPresets C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Playfields What am I doing wrong ?