Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: Blueprint Spawn

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 18, 2017.

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  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    With 7.0 we have not only added the long requested PREVIEW for blueprints, but also introduced the first iteration of the planned "physical Shipyards" feature. At the moment, only the basic functionality has been implemented for Alpha testing: setting a dedicated place where you can spawn which structure.


    Q: Where can i spawn my blueprints now?
    SV and HV > you need a Base or a CV
    CV > you need a Base
    Base > can still be placed everywhere.

    Note: If you use the console with the "spawnanyblueprint" (short handle: spb ) this will override the spawn limitation

    Q: Does this also affect placing the "starter blocks" for new vessels or bases?
    A: No. You can freely place those starter blocks anywhere

    Q: How large does my "spawn pad" need to be?
    A: The STATISTICS view and the BLUEPRINT info has info about the size of your structure and vessel. If you want to spawn a CV wich is 20*50 blocks (width*length) you need at least a Base or spawn area of this size.

    Q: I can't find a spot on a planet to spawn my CV!
    A: For XL ships we suggest to spawn them in space.

    Q: Do i need to "own" the spawn pad or can i place it everywhere?
    A: You need to own the structure (Private) or it needs to belong to your Faction.
    A: You can also use Public POIs and POIs with blue admin core (f.ex the Trading Stations!)

    Q: Can i decide to not use this limitation?
    A: Currently it is active by default in Singleplayer. For Server Owners, you can set "GroundedStructureSpawn" to false.

    Q: Is this limitation also active in CREATIVE?
    A: No

    Q: Does this limiation also apply for placing starter blocks?
    A: No

    Q: I cannot spawn my vessel at all!
    A: Alpha 7.0.3 has added a "snap to surface" for CV, SV and HV to position the BP wireframe optimal on the surface.

    Q: Can i change the distance and the viewpoint when placing a BP?
    A: Yes. You can pull or push the BP with POS1/END. You can raise or lower via PAGE UP/DOWN
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
    jmtc, Ivellios, Repier and 2 others like this.
  2. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Additionally, blueprint spawn restrictions of all kinds can be toggled with the console command: sbp

    For those who wish to quickly and easily work around this change in single-player, simply run that command after blueprint production has completed, and then again after you place the vehicle.

    Note that using this command before crafting the blueprint (or failing to run it again and disable the bypass after spawning) will ignore resource costs as well, which you may not want--so be sure to toggle it appropriately.
    StyleBBQ, banksman45 and JulesD66 like this.
  3. Dawg711

    Dawg711 Lieutenant

    May 26, 2016
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    Really no need for all that though. If you read what Hummel said you can use the attach to base option in the build mode. THis means that you only need an area near your base to spawn the BP. Encourageing people to bypass this is only going to keep it from being tested so that issues can be found and worked out. Seems you are fighting to keep something that IS going to happen from happening. Embrace it and learn to enjoy it. It is a start of a new way you are going to have to play the game. At some point your work arounds could go away. LOL.

    Still it sucks in PVP when you cant bully a base with endless ships......not without haveing a structure/CV near by. Means you attack me I have a way to hault your attack now. No longer can one guy and a dozen SV take down a base. There is finally a way to stop you. Seems only right and balanced.
    Silaros, dichebach and Ranger like this.
  4. StuardBr

    StuardBr Lieutenant

    Jan 21, 2017
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    I liked so much the idea. Pray for the metal god to take your resources and call a big f*cking CV,SV or HV to destroy my enemies isn't aceptable. For me, we can go further away: "CV blueprints AND start blocks can only be spawned in SPACE". CVs don't need to enter the atmosphere, this is a SV work . But, for this work well, we need to make HV dock on SV bigger that the HV in question. Ex: My class 1 HV need a class 3 SV to dock.
    I think this will be a good way to scale the progression: I need a base, to spawn/build a HV. I need to farm to take a SV. I need a SV to go to space, build a orbital base/platform to spawn/build a CV. Players of multiplayer i think will not agree with this, but i think is a good way to slow down the things.

    The only problem now is that i cannot use mu massive platform to spawn a class 10 CV. I will try again today with the release and if the problem persist, i will open the bug repport with the save and the blueprint.
    Atola likes this.
  5. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    I have to disagree. CV's not being able to enter a planets atmosphere was the original plan for EGS. Me and others argued for a while to get that option to land a CV on a planet and even fly around in such. Too long for it to be gone again.
  6. StuardBr

    StuardBr Lieutenant

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Oh, sorry, i don't know that was old plan that was abandoned. Can you show me where this discussion occour? I want to see what arguments was used.
  7. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Dawg... I'm only going to say this one more time: I'm not fighting the long-term goal, and I haven't even experienced any issues to fight against.

    I posted exclusively to help those who might be having issues due to circumstances that neither of us have even encountered.​

    Stop talking down to people based on surface-level comprehension of their words and actions. Just because you or I can deal with this change doesn't mean it's flawless or desirable. There are people having real issues with large CVs, and until we get a proper implementation of shipyard mechanics, I'm trying to help them, not myself (unless you count making things clearer for players, so they stay collected and constructive, so that we can give good feedback and have a proper shipyard mechanic ASAP ;)).

    Edit: Okay, so I guess nothing I said above contradicts your point about testing "so that issues can be found and worked out." My reaction was to your implication that I had other reasons for offering workarounds.

    Ultimately, the fact that people are in need of a workaround is feedback in itself, and all I'm doing is offering them a temporary solution to a temporary problem. Offering solutions doesn't prevent discovering the problem in the first place! (Though admittedly it may dampen negative reactions and make workarounds necessary for longer by seeming like less of a problem to the devs... Hmm...)
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
  8. JulesD66

    JulesD66 Ensign

    Oct 4, 2017
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    I have been taken aback by that new F2 rule, since I play only with CV and SVs. Nonetheless, I agree with most of what you say: we are going to have to develop new strategies. That's the positive outcome. My problem is that we are not (yet) provided with the proper tool to design new ways to play, I mean the shipyard. The change is too early to implement as is. That's a typical political mistake to propose better ways before providing an implementation plan, therefore creating a bit of chaos instead.
    jmtc, IanX and IronCartographer like this.
  9. IronCartographer

    IronCartographer Captain

    Sep 27, 2017
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  10. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Love this stuff. You guys amaze me with where you have taken and are taking this game. I salute you as masterful game developers!

    Just leave the option for players to disable in there, and you are golden. There will inevitably be those who don't want it, can't hurt to leave the functionality for the console command in the game long-term. Leave it up to the server admins to make sure how that all works out in MP environments where cheating is an actual thing.
  11. Ivellios

    Ivellios Commander

    Mar 28, 2017
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    The preview is going to help so much, especially when placing BA blueprints. The way I designed my second base, too low would cover part of the SV/HV's entry (and require clearing the floors) ... too high, and the SI would cause the CV platform to break in half. Luckilly, I found that out in Creative. Unless it's changed since then, struts/bracing are aesthetics only.

    Thanks to the Devs for finally adding this.

    The BA requirement really won't affect me. I always build, or spawn a base. The 'Attach to Base,' will be necessary though.
  12. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Yea sometimes we have to remind others that not everyone who plays this game are PvPers or even on a MP and do their best to stay away from that. This is not just a MP or PVP game it has a single player game that has pretty good size community. So what goes in PVP has no impact on their game . Workarounds are needed with this feature because not everyone will care to use it in it's current state although they may test it and give their feed back which they have that right to do so. Also on the MP side server owners have the freedom to disable the feature all together. If this feature was not so heavy handed in limitations or at least waited until a more polished version could be pushed out then workarounds would not be needed. I love the idea of it but I still do not think enough thought was put into it before it was released. Hopefully it will get better
    IronCartographer likes this.
  13. IanX

    IanX Ensign

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Hey, a simple thing that would not hinder new players and new playthroughs is the BP restriction system not being applied to low class size vessels/ low number of blocsk!

    Its logic... You don't need a factory to make a car; but you do need a decent space to make a truck, even more to make a ship, etc...
  14. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    One way that I believe would improve the Shipyards, is get rid of the spawn limitations and needing platform stuff. That is just a over complicated answer to a simple issue. Instead take the BP factory and put it into a special Core block and players can use that core block to build a physical BP factory and the BP factory can spawn any ship you have the materials for. Make the BP factory block it's own stand alone base that needs fuel and generator to work. Let the player determine how big they want their ShipYard to be and let the size of the shipyard have nothing to do with what size ship it can spawn. Also have a BP factory core block that spawn CVs and one that spawns HVs and SVs.
    Take the players having to place the ship down to spawn it out of the process, it's no need for that to be there if a true Shipyard and BP factory exist. Having players have to match the platform with the size of their ship is ok if you're building small but if you want to build something bigger and building a platform for it becomes entirely too complicated when it doesn't have to be.
    Realism is fine but realism to the point where its a limitation for others and not enjoyable is another .
    Monroe and IanX like this.
  15. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    i agree
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Q: How large does my "spawn pad" need to be?
    A: The STATISTICS view and the BLUEPRINT info has info about the size of your structure and vessel. If you want to spawn a CV wich is 20*50 blocks (width*length) you need at least a Base or spawn area of this size.
    Tip: You do not even need a massive plate - just use the advantages of the "Connect-to-Base" build mode.

    How do we "connect-to-base" in space ?
  17. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    It's the same process of getting close to the core block and hitting the N key but it doesn't work for me in space. I still can't spawn my CV on a platform in space. I just gave up.
    jmtc likes this.
  18. 1979danb

    1979danb Commander

    Jun 14, 2016
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    guess my nomadic life is over!
  19. StuardBr

    StuardBr Lieutenant

    Jan 21, 2017
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    For me, the ONLY task that let me spawn my large CVs is changing the camera to 1st and 3rd person until the box around the blueprint flash green and smash the mouse button to sincronize with the green flash. Using this "trick" is the ONLY WAY i can spawn my large cvs (class 10).
    banksman45 likes this.
  20. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I had to do the same. I finally got it to work with my large CV in space. I think the devs should make the spawn points a little more forgiving. I would lower my CV down and start clicking on the mouse really fast as a lower the CV down and finally it spawned.
    Monroe and jmtc like this.
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