
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. BetaRaider

    BetaRaider Ensign

    Oct 19, 2017
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    Here is some of my feedback. The grouping of the animals and other creatures could be better where you do have a few free range animals. Also I have so other games like Rust, 7DaystoDie, and even VR on my system, but none of them have every made my cooling fan turn on as this game. Why is it such a system hog????
  2. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    This feedback applies to 7.0.

    I started a new game in Omicron. Everything was hard, drones on high, except for ores, temperature, radiation, player XP and degradation which were Normal. I did not play this update on the Experimental Branch, these observations are coming from someone who has played 6.7 a decent amount the past few weeks and played 7 for the first time today.

    - No water whatsoever nearby my crash site. It was at least a kilometer away.
    - O2 generator still barely makes enough to survive, not really enough to wander far from, especially with light armor.
    - Ore distribution is terrible. Ores are very far from deposit center, and clustered together, reducing the chance of finding one.
    - Ore scanner can't be built on a starting planet. Chances of looting it from a POI are very slim, because...
    - You only spawn with 40 rounds of pistol ammo. The pistol is still useless. It takes ~35 rounds to kill a cannon drone - shooting its eye from 20 meters, hovering in front of its face in Godmode. Destroying a guarded POI's defenses enough to infiltrate is impossible.
    - Neutral POIs can be heavily guarded. A large drone, cannon drone, and troop transport were defending a Transport Hub.

    I imagine this experience isn't so bad on Akua, where you don't have to worry about air or large drones, and POIs are somewhat friendlier. But it's very, very clear that these mechanics need tweaking. Allow me to suggest a few things:

    - Don't allow too many ores to spawn too close together. Don't allow too many ores to spawn too far away from the center.
    - For smaller deposits, such as the ~160 ones I found on Omicron, don't use the big rocks. Bring back the small rocks that dropped when mining the voxel deposits in 6.7 with the basic drill, and make them 2-10 ores each. We don't even need much in the beginning: a few of each ores will allow us to make tools we need to find more opportunities. The Promethium Rock is a good example.
    - Rework the pistol from a ballistic firearm into a mechanical slugthrower instead of a firearm. Either leave its stats alone, or increase damage per shot at expense of rate of fire. Create a new ammo, Unpowered Slug, for it that only requires iron and not promethium or magnesium.
    - Re-introduce the recipe where Bio Fuel can be crafted from Seaweed. This incentivizes players to find it, and Seaweed Snacks are great starting out. Please do make seaweed more common though.
    - Don't make neutral POIs heavily guarded. Save the drones for hostile POIs. Troop transports shouldn't even be intervening. Players should have the opportunity to use them. By the time a player can take down the defenses their usefulness to the player will be limited.
  3. jes01965

    jes01965 Ensign

    Oct 20, 2017
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  4. ICanReadTv

    ICanReadTv Ensign

    Oct 20, 2017
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    The devs of the game are doing a great job, One thing i would love to see is for the planets to be more vivid and vibrant, better grass textures especially. They also need to try to make each planet more purposeful in advancing in the game.
  5. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    You are aware that Omicron is ADVERTISED as a more challenging start, for experienced players, looking for a challenge, right?
    And you intentionally chose hard start settings.

    You are the type who complains at Mcdonalds about being served a hamburger, after ordering a cheeseburger with no cheese, aren't you?

    Yes, I'm quite sure you are indeed that person. Order your coffee extra hot, and then bother the clerk a second time for ice cubes.

    You didnt play long enough to have experience to offer a tenth of the amount of feedback that you have. Did you? Be honest now, or i'm going to point out that the recipe for spoiled food, which biofuel is made from, requires seaweed. Hows your extra hot iced coffee?

    Yeah. Everybody hates having all that easy pickins loot guarded by a couple drones. If you really want **** served to you on a silver platter, just use the console. Seriously dude? These places are veritable lootapaloozas. And you think a couple drones is to high a price to pay?
    Kassonnade likes this.
  6. [T-SuB]John_hmstr

    [T-SuB]John_hmstr Ensign

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Went on my first EVA in orbit to mine Sathium. Got out of cockpit of SV. Started freezing, Heath dropping. Got back in to SV. Died in cockpit ~5 seconds after reentry. When i made it back up to orbit despite copious cargo present in SV my personal inventory disappeared. Seems dumping inventory into cargo or spawning a backpack would be a preferred method of dealing with death in cockpit..
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
  7. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Anytime I've died in a cockpit, it spawned a backpack. They've made changes to backpacks. It's possible it despawned before you got back. I know this won't get your things back, but peruse the workshop for blueprints with a small interior space so u can stand in the vessel and send your drone out to mine. You can also usually manage to mine for a few seconds before you hit freezing. If you re-enter the cockpit the second you begin freezing, you'll return to "to cold" almost immediately and lose minimal health. It's a poor method, and requires good timing and lots of patience but it'll get ya a bit of ore if you simply have no other recourse. It's how I manage to mine on cold planets if I don't have boosters.
    Or make sure your armor is buffed with boosters to withstand the outside temp.
    And welcome to the forums!
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
  8. Zaflis

    Zaflis Commander

    Sep 15, 2017
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    We killed a patrol ship in Oscutune (medium difficulty) but couldn't loot it. Getting errors like "Cannot spawn drone near enemy base", and when trying to use multitool with player directly it's similar error.. can't do near base. The Patrol vessel HQ was almost 300m away. After long hard fight we gained nothing, and i don't think it should be like this. You can't hope to salvage big ship like that without drone either, and then it despawns way too fast.
    dichebach likes this.
  9. [T-SuB]John_hmstr

    [T-SuB]John_hmstr Ensign

    Oct 21, 2017
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    was back to my ship within about 5 minutes. I also though backpacks spawned, but not in this case. going to have to try to reproduce the problem and see if i can duplicate again or if it was a one time thing.
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    By spreading feedback on many threads (which is ok) it becomes difficult to see all parts of the game tied together into a harmonious ensemble. If players can progress to level 25 by collecting plants and performing actions unrelated to real "progression" (getting better, more skilled, more knowledge) in a short time on the starter playfield, then I feel it is useless to make reports on "balance" and "resources" (lack of) if situations would not occur with a different progression system or "tech tree".

    If players need to get to level X to get some devices, and they are expected to make a much slower progression in the "full features & balance" game, then reporting issues that X-level device can't be built because "not enough resources / resources too far" are useless. We have to know what's planned concerning the "progression system", in terms of level capping, tech tree or other, actions required for XP gains, etc.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
  11. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I have a suggestion for you: set NPC difficulty to Easy, choose "Easy" starting gear. The rest is up to you (though I'd expect that anything harder than "Normal" on environmental hazard and degradation would be tedious and irritating).

    The NPCs are bullet sponges and the lack of the ore scanner on the Omicron start with anything except Easy gear makes that start quite "tight."

    But the Emergency O2 generator is fine. Yes it produces slowly but give it a couple days or so and you will be amassing surplus white bottles from it. The wide spacing of water, ore, etc. on Omicron: yes I agree it is a thing. No I disagree it is a bad thing. It is the "harder" planet start, it should be you know . . . "harder."

    I've restarted on Omicron since the experimental was launched probably 8 times. I died probably 4 of those times because I made bad choices. But having made those bad choices I realized what the good choice would have been and I don't die anymore. Most recent playthrough, skipped all the nonsense. Grabbed some food and dropped the O2 generator inside my first Promethium mine. Built a motorbike and some extra ammo and fuel cells. Headed straight for the Armory with a rudimentary "base kit" and started sapping into it at level 3.
  12. Karghen

    Karghen Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Playing around in creative mode to check out the new SV warp core, and I'm not even 5 minutes into redesigning one of my SVs to accommodate this monster when I find myself developing a headache from the constant low hum of the damn thing. It literally drowns out the sound of anything within a 10 to 15 block radius of itself, and you can't even deny it power to shut the thing up. Constant annoying sound effects are a fast route to disinterest. And yes I'm aware the CV warp core sounds the same, but in a CV I can usually build my bridge far enough away that its not a constant buzz in my ear. Not so much with SVs. The volume of sound it produces at about 20 SV blocks away should be about the sound it produces when standing right next to it.
    monktk likes this.
  13. Stoickk

    Stoickk Lieutenant

    May 8, 2016
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    Alpha 7 First Impression: Twenty minutes into the tutorial (because I wanted to do it all over from the ground up) and I have quit the game and made a point of coming to the forums. I absolutely detest the new mining system. Instead of exposing an ore and actually having minerals come in for fuel expended, you get to dig holes in the ground, and hope that you actually have enough fuel to find one of the little resource rocks. There is zero indication of range to resource. There is zero return for 95% of your digging. I spent 15 of my only 20 minutes of A7 gameplay digging. I mined exactly one resource rock in that time. That's unacceptable, and frankly beyond boring. If I wanted to spend all my time digging holes, I would be playing Minecraft. I want to fly cool ships and blow stuff up. Mining resources is necessary to do that. I get it. The new system feels like punishment. I honestly won't be playing as long as this mining system is in place. I hate it that much. Please, please, fix it.
  14. Ranger

    Ranger Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    I’m not sure if they added the ore scanner to the tutorial yet; did you have one? There’s no possible way to have the experience you are describing with a functioning ore scanner. Mining is 10 times faster and easier than before. Try a regular game, with easy starting equipment, to make sure you get a scanner, and I think you’ll change your mind.
    dichebach likes this.
  15. Stoickk

    Stoickk Lieutenant

    May 8, 2016
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    Yes, I had one. Yes, it was equipped. No, it doesn't help. You still have to dig through meters and meters of dirt to unearth the little rocks of resources. It is absolutely possible to have the experience that I had with an ore scanner, because I had it. The new mining mechanics are infuriatingly bad.
  16. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Well that may be but . . . are they MORE infuriatingly bad than the old mining mechanics!?

    Another salient question: are they infuriatingly bad to people who are looking for that sort of game play?

    If I tried to play Angry Birds, based on watching videos of it, I am quite confident that after one or two levels, I'd be saturated with fury at how "bad" that game play was! It AIN'T my cup of tea. But obviously, lots of people love the game, and even I could possibly find myself in a state of mind where it could be tolerable. If I was in a body cast for example and had nothing to do otherwise than stare at the ceiling in the hospital . . .

    On the other hand, crash landing on a hostile planet in the Andromeda galaxy with nothing but a few high-tech gizmos and a pistol and having to harvest resources in order to survive and conquer IS my cup of tea. I agree that, mining--like any repetitive in-game action--gets tedious over time, but what real solution is there? Have the player right-click the deposit from the map screen -> time-dilation -> you mined the whole thing, that took you 3 hours . . . !?
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
  17. Stoickk

    Stoickk Lieutenant

    May 8, 2016
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    Effort without reward is bad in any game design. The new mining mechanics require removal of tens of cubic meters of dirt with absolutely nothing to show for it. No xp gain. No resource gain. There is only expenditure of fuel and time. Occasionally, you find a rock. Instead of having an open mine where I can go harvest what I need, when I need it, I have to go spend 20 minutes or more digging holes every single time I need minerals. I don't want to be playing in the dirt. I want to be flying spaceships. The old mining was tedious, but there was at least gain for the time spent. Now, if I spend 15 minutes digging, unless I have found a magic rock, I have wasted my 15 minutes and all of the fuel expended. I don't get xp for my time. I don't get resources for my time. Taking my time and giving me nothing is bad gameplay. I'm not interested in tolerating bad gameplay.
  18. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I empathize. I also agree: if you set out to mine a deposit WITHOUT a scanner, your description is accurate

    "The new mining mechanics require removal of tens of cubic meters of dirt with absolutely nothing to show for it. No xp gain. No resource gain. There is only expenditure of fuel and time. Occasionally, you find a rock. Instead of having an open mine where I can go harvest what I need, when I need it, I have to go spend 20 minutes or more digging holes every single time I need minerals"

    My observations match this exactly. I tackled a Promethium deposit with the T1 and no scanner. Gigantic hole, quite a long while spent mining, probably three tanks of biofuel and all for perhaps 3 or 4 smallish Promethium nuggets . . . Came back to the same hole with a scanner and a T2 and was like "Holy crap!? How did I manage to mine in the WRONG spots so consistently!?"

    Completely different experience with the scanner. Even scanner + T1 is dramatically different.

    Note: you can choose to start with the scanner by setting your "Gear Difficulty" to "Easy."

    The developers are attempting to enrich the game play by making more craftable and resource-based in-game items required to achieve the same level of effort-to-reward which was baseline in past versions.
  19. Stoickk

    Stoickk Lieutenant

    May 8, 2016
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    I've addressed this.
  20. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Hmmmph. Well, you really don't like this new mechanic then eh?

    Well, there is of course editing the yaml files. It used to be the case one could customize how ore deposits configured in those, though at this point who knows. There is also, ignoring the ore completely and instead focusing on the other sources of minerals and metals: breaking surface rocks, raiding POIs, scrapping POIs. I wouldn't be half surprised if one could make it to End Game on all Hard settings without EVER touching a T2 drill and only using the T1 on a very select number of early game surface rocks, just to squeak by and get to the point of taking out POIs.

    Honestly, I'm a bit perplexed how it is that, the previous system was apparently acceptable, but the current one is intolerable. I suppose it is true that many of the deposits occurred right near the surface in default settings before, so perhaps that is what you are missing?

    Hopefully, if it is not already possible to edit yaml files so that the new deposits can be tweaked to user preferences, that will be functionality that is returned soon.

    However, if your intent is that you convince anyone that the developers need to reverse the changes, I fear you are hoping in vain. The general sentiment seems to be that the new mining dynamic is a huge improvement . . . me personally, I can take it either way and I'm willing to just go with the flow and see where they take it. But I can honestly empathize if the change has transformed your user experience from satisfied to dissatisfied and you don't see anyway around it. That is the hard part of being involved in a pre-launch alpha game; heck in this day and age it can be part of being involved in ANY game.

    Take Fallout 4: game is what? 3 years old? Pretty much well past final "Gold" Release, and no major functional updates or patches for months. Then Bethesda decides to implement "Creation Club" (a euphemism for them attempting to make revenue from mods made primilary for PS4 users) which imposes "updated" versions of the game for ALL users on a periodic basis!? Unbelievable!

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