
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Cestral

    Cestral Lieutenant

    Aug 23, 2015
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    I agree. Groupable lights for example would make the light regulation much more confortable. Somehow or other it would be confortable to group devices like we need it with our individual builds.

    A lot of times while iam palying iam thinking about the energie situation on Omicron. Actually ive got the situation, that i always need to find prometium ore to craft fuelpacks (by now it will suffice for a while but the moment will come, when it runs out :) ). And if the prometium ore runs out on Omicron i really need to get to the stars to find some new.

    Some options like buildable Solarpanels or windmills to produce energie would be great and we could use the prometium ore in core for the Capital Starships for example and to come up on a planet like omicron. I dont have to think about, how i can feed the fridge with energie when the fuelpacks are empty for example :)
    Kaeser and blooddragon606 like this.
  2. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I agree: Create a fuel cell that contains an electrolytic battery. It would be placed in the same slot as the current fuel cell, but would have a reduced capacity, since electrolyte has a lower energy density than a nuclear fuel. Prometheum may be fictional, but suppose it is as energy-dense as U235 and 99.99% of the fuel cell content is control and containment). Once depleted, electrolytic fuel cells ought to still occupy a space in a fuel tank, but should indicate a discharged state when available cell energy reaches zero (turn the colorful bits dark grey).

    For that matter, empty prometheum cells, empty oxygen canisters and empty water bottles should remain as well. Oxygen generators and water purifiers can collect O2 and H2O easily enough but...where did they get the material to make the container? For oxygen, one Metal plate and one copper ingot could be formed into an oxygen can, and a plastic raw material could make a water bottle...but I digress.

    Depleted electrolytic fuel cells could be recharged. It should go without saying that different worlds and different locations will demand different methods (solar/wind/geothermal). ...Just need a safe way to toss a geothermal pipe into the lava...

    Oh hey, by the way, Cestral: I accidentally found the light switch. The key is F, and it toggles all lights. I didn't see it in the mapable controls. It works on bases and vehicles. A word of caution: F shuts off EVERY light (your garden will not grow)
    Kaeser likes this.
  3. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    That reminds me: add to the materials list:

    Boron and Phosphorus. Combine these with silicon at a ratio of about 16:1 to dope silicon wafers into type P and N (respectively). Then to make electronics, the recipe might be one Silicon-P, one Silicon-N, one copper. Omicron beach sand should produce decent silicon. Silicon mineral deposits might produce a higher yield per cubic meter of aggregate.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  4. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Yes, where canisters and bottles are coming from was always one that struck me as odd, after all we already have to make the can for the canned meat, but I guess it’s something in the pipeline for later additions.
    Actually both the water purifier and the oxygen generator should have tanks where we could fill bottles and canisters…
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  5. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    What's Neodymium for? I cannot find a purpose for it.
  6. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    wrt fuel usage, I just wanted to mention that currently the SV gets the GV fuel usage rate when it enters atmosphere and makes the GV pointless.

    If you watch the time remaining indicator, after reentry it jumps from say 40+mins in space to 100+mins on the ground when it should decrease, due to fighting gravity with thrusters, when the GV is using a hover engine which should be more fuel efficient.

    In fact I ran an informal test the other day, left a GV with 2 fridges but no constructor running and circumnavigated the planet in atmo in the survival pod after repairs and I found that even with 10k worth of thrusters and two fridges operating on the SV the GV used more fuel just sitting still.

    Like the mining mechanic and perish timer its a key feature supposed to already be implemented which is broken and I would recommend sorting all three of these out so that players can enjoy the current build so your rep for build quality will be good, before diverting your attention to expanding the play area, which is worth doing after these have been fixed.

    Early access is a different ballgame to in-house alpha and playing with broken features is really disappointing and if players find existing features are broken they are going to doubt the commitment to delivering a good bug free play experience and Empyrion can do better without that kind of rep. :)
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
  7. HeadHunter

    HeadHunter Commander

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Quite the contrary - when you enter an atmosphere from space, you're not "fighting" gravity, you're using it to assist your descent - and thus using less thrust to land than you would to fly in space.

    However, there obviously needs to be some sort of change in order to make GVs more feasible for planetary use. I just don't think this is the proper thread for that discussion.
  8. d3x0r

    d3x0r Ensign

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I realize this was started before latest patch but ...
    in the dynamic generated planets, I've tried a few seeds and have to go very far to find things.
    and I haven't in any of 4 attempts at picking seeds found a source of promethium.
    and I really hate having to go out 500km and circle around just to find nothing.... (that's 3.6Km walk)
    I do understand that being in an escape pod I probably don't have a lot of choice of where to crash...
    also in all that time to walk around my ship is burning fuel doing nothing (not to mention running out of food while searching)

    even with the patch to extend detection range I logged back in and nothing else showed up.
  9. Luis

    Luis Lieutenant

    Aug 27, 2015
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    Absolutely! Every deposit I've cleared has been a sphere. Why not have proper veins that shoot of in odd directions that we have to follow.

    I think deposit distribution is fine for now, it will have to be readjusted anyway for the new larger planets.

    I also like the idea of using "small/med/large" labels. I'd love for the label to vanish when the ore is all gobbled up. Or let us edit the label. Even better, give us the ability to add our own POI to maps.

    And on that topic, can we get the ability to add a waypoint marker on the map. As in click somewhere you want to go and have some sort of navigation marker so we stay on course to the location. It's not so bad now on the small planets but when the larger planets are introduced it's gonna be more difficult getting where we want to go.
  10. d3x0r

    d3x0r Ensign

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Here's 2 seeds... these are 'fine' ?
    31337 akua start
    6073442 either planet

    Living in las vegas; I find I have horrible luck. I finally found a seed that was Ok (at least I could find promethium in area) after 7 tries.
  11. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    While I would agree with the concept that perhaps all seeds should allow for at least some small deposits of critical resources near the landing site, this is not a game killer. You start with enough resources to build a starter base and then enough to get the escape pod up and flyable. But still, you bring up a good point.
  12. Crystaltears83

    Crystaltears83 Ensign

    Sep 9, 2015
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    I just wanted to chime in here and say that I would also LOVE to see some sort of indicator of how much ore is left in deposits. Perhaps the size of it should go down until it's empty and poof disappears off of the face of the planet, along with its label and map marker. :D
  13. DeVin

    DeVin Ensign

    Sep 8, 2015
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    At first i would say i would also love to see how much is left or that we can see if it's empty.
    And the second thing is, i dont know if its discussed already, that i would love to see different colours for different ore.
    Because if you go mining for as an example silicon, you nearly can't see which is silicon and which is useless dirt.
    If anyone have a suggestion for example to change the color code via editing some files, i would also love to hear this :)
    Magnesium and Promethium is easy because white and blue are much different from dirt.

    Thank you in advance!
  14. Ghostedmind

    Ghostedmind Ensign

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Wait till you mine Erestrum neon green against a white background lol. That stuff is really easy to see. They changed the silicon color recently (3.0 patch i believe) to make it easier to see and it did work a little. It seems to me that it is more a texture difference than a color difference though.
  15. The Notorious Teabagger

    The Notorious Teabagger Lieutenant

    Sep 9, 2015
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    I apologize if this already been mentioned but i think some of the resource names don't make sense. For example:

    Iron is a terrible material to build spacecraft/stations out of. It's heavy as all hell and has a very low melting point. You most definitely don't want to re-enter an atmosphere in and iron ship. I think the material should be changed to Titamium or something else slightly more believable. Hell, its a scifi game. Just make something up and call it that ( for the love of zombie jesus, please don't call it unobtainium). Or go with the rare earth metals like you did with neodymium and promethium.

    I don't want to be a negative Nancy but I feel like in the distant future we won't be using copper as a semi conductor anymore. I would hope we were using some room temperature super conductor. Even today we use tonnes of rare earth metals in electronics. Gallium, lanthanum, etc etc.

    I think you get my point. It would be an easy change and definitely add to the lore.
  16. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    It starts as iron, the processor obviously arranges the atoms into a superdurable crystalline lattice using nanomagic sciences! And really, if you have enough power, there's nothing wrong with using iron or steel as a building material for a craft. I mean, if you have enough thrust to lift it, you've got enough thrust that you don't have to use aerobraking to land.

    There's no inherent reason for spacecraft to heat up on re-entry, we just use it in contemporary space programs because it uses much less fuel to have the atmosphere slow down a capsule or shuttle than to try and land it on a rocket.
  17. Anatoly

    Anatoly Ensign

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Current resource strategy is a killself game. Okay, we extract all planet deposites. What now is this planet? Junk trash. Drop it, discover next. And next. And... oops. Anywhere around wasteland. And now all our life is rat race on planets and hunt of sandgolem for piece of battery.
    And all this time around:
    Wood burning. No woods here. So, no coal too.
    Wind. Can't use.
    Solar power. Far away.
    Water power. Difficult.
    Electrolyze of water. No chance.
    Geothermal energy. Rofl we cant dig so deep.
    Accumulators? Lol, we are so advanced, we dont remember, how to save energy.

    Yes, we doing like real peoples. But, it's right?
    Ehta likes this.
  18. Blimy

    Blimy Commander

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Just like real life. :D

    But seriously, there is way more ore available than you would ever need. There are only self-determined goals in the game and I can see people wanting to build a massive base on each planet and have a dozen capital ships. In such cases, ya, you might run out. If you reach that point, why not do what we should do nowadays also ... work on efficiency? We have smaller cars, we should build smaller ships, smaller bases and all of that energy efficient. ;)

    I racked up over 160 hours and, whenever I feel like I achieved my goals, I restart. With the devs allowing now a choice of starting planets, I will have even more options. With the more or less unlimited number of seeds the grind will remain similar but the worlds will change and I like that. No need for unlimited resources or energy ... for me.
    HeadHunter likes this.
  19. Anatoly

    Anatoly Ensign

    Sep 10, 2015
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    It's not about ore. About energy only. Game not all time will be pre-alfa, so easy restart it is not dignity. You like waste tons of time for you great CV and restart - i'm not.
  20. Ghostedmind

    Ghostedmind Ensign

    Aug 28, 2015
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    My troll sensors are going off
    Eviscerator likes this.

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