Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: Mining

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Reading tantrums gives me headaches.
    Don Degow likes this.
  2. Kosmic Kerman

    Kosmic Kerman Commander

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Just a tip for HV mining, bind auto-level to a mouse key. I have it bound to the back key and it makes it much easier.
    Don Degow likes this.
  3. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    That is one of my single player bug fixes.
    Agreed mining is broken but it possible to limp a long without Promethium to some extent. Biofuel is the alternative generator short term.

    Unfortunately they where dumb enough to include Promethium in bullets now. Give not only a fuel shortage but also an ammunition shortage.
    The excuse given was new players are more stupid that rest of us. Not only does that not make sense. It is flat out wrong.

    Taniyama likes this.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Are you sure ? I thought they wrote "idiots" but I'm old, so memory, you know...
  5. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Mulac is right.

    Just checked the reviews for Empyrion, for myself, and negative reviews are going up.

    No!......... :(
  6. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    New players can't handle the pressure.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No, he's not. If you read the reviews, they are far from pinpointing "mining" as the major problem. What is mentioned (in recent reviews) is lack of content, steep learning curve, bad tutorial, grinding on all aspects, bad and boring AI and animations, etc. Mining is one of the elements, and some bad reviews did not even mention it, because the players did not even get there.

    Eleon did not write new players are stupid, they understood they needed a bit of help to get started, which is echoed in the negative reviews (hard as s*** to learn). And some players made suggestions there but not here, and that shows what "Early access" means to them...
  8. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I did not say that. I am saying it is getting picked up in the reviews. Don't panic at the numbers short term as they will always get a negative hit in Alpha. Up or down is not the concern. It is the feedback that is important. Most of those people down voting are not here on the forum I suspect. However their feedback is valid. Good or bad.
    Is removing a resource supposed to help them with any of that?
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    What does magnesium have to do with ack of content, steep learning curve, bad tutorial, grinding on all aspects, bad and boring AI and animations? Adding back magnesium would solve all this ?
    Don Degow likes this.
  10. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Parroting back my question did not answer it so let me help you out there....
    The answer is removing a resource has not made the game easier in any significant way because
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    lol... 3 posts, 3 different wordings to say the same nonsense. Magnesium was removed from many templates because they thought "simpler templates / less ores = easier for starters", Eleon did not write "stupid" or "can't handle the pressure", those are your exaggerations. And they never pretended this would change anything regarding animations or AI or whatever : you are implicitly making the relation here, not them.

    So yes, their explanation makes sense (to me at least), and your "The excuse given was new players are more stupid that rest of us. Not only does that not make sense. It is flat out wrong" is your opinion, based on a fallacy, and stating a conclusion without arguments to support it.
  12. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Still running the tests. However right now it is just looking like a balance problem in difficulty settings. The scanner needs it's own level system like others have said. Have tryed to change the game balance to see what happens at various points.

    Test 1 - Hard. No scanner. Default ore radius on.
    If I do not put the scanner in early on Hard start. Mining is a bit of a mess and progression is not smooth. Nice to be forced into looting at harder difficulties. The trouble is the ammunition changes are going to bite here. The net result is things felt super grindy. Not exactly hard but just really grindy and not enjoyable.

    Test 2 - Hard. Scanner in drop pod. Default ore radius on.
    Pretty much defeats the purpose of setting manufacturing at tech level 3. Feels odd but is workable for now. I reallly need to test this longer. Here is where a short ranged scanner at level 1 might be good. Breaks the player out of the trap of not being able to dig mines well but it still does not give them an easier difficulty level. They will still be forced into going for rocks at first for speed. Digging just will not be down to luck at game start.

    Test 3 - Hard. No scanner. Tighter default ore radius programmed in.
    Easier to find ore and feels better. Trouble is the change starts to mess up lower difficulity levels. Using a smaller search area could take away the very granularity level we really need in the long run. So I am not convinced yet. The jury is still out on this one.

    Test 4 - Medium. Scanner in drop pod. Default ore radius on.
    Played out as expected. The quanity of ore over time and effort needs looked at. Right now it is alright against other tests.

    Test 5 - Medium. Scanner in drop pod. Tighter default ore radius programmed in.
    Kind of feels a bit too "monty hall"
    zztong likes this.
  13. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I am glad you fully agree with my point. I not implicitly making the relation here. I am shooting down the fact you mentioned them first. They are irrelevant now as they where when you first introduced them. Nothing to do with subject at hand. I think you have dismissed your own argument here by bringing them up in the first place.
    I agree your are indeed going no where with this line of reasoning. So I will make it more simple for you.
    It did not appear to make the game easier for starters. People are saying the opposite here in places. The game has become harder because the power supply is now tied into ammunition manufacturing. Also less accessable by another change in the same series of patches. So the excuse that this makes things "easy" for "new players" will be turned on it's head and lampooned.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I do not agree with your point : you are making up the issue with assumptions based on no proof. Show me that newbies are "as good" as we are and lets start from there. Show me where Eleon wrote that they intended to make all aspects of the game easier by removing magnesium from starter materials. You are making this comment implicitly, not them, so of course I ask you why you think what you write makes any sense.

    When Taniyama writes "Mulac is right" I figure it relates to what you pretend, as much as to the quote regarding "negative comments on the rise".
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2017
  15. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    They did intend to make the game easier for new players by reducing the number of starting resources. They clearly stated this and it has been quoted above already. However the "all aspects" part you mention is your own words. Lets point to the exact phrase again. Go back to #126 and then expand on your own thoughts.


    So easy for "new players" or "starters". Your words or theirs
    Show me that they are "not as good" as we where starting out. See cuts both ways. The argument that the change does one thing or the other is completely subjective. As is the original excuse that these changes help make things easier. Placing it in when there is another balance change that appers to have made things harder did not help.

    Here is the catch in the debate. We both know what we are doing. So we are kind of out scope of the group of players we talking about. None the less all we can do is grind out as many test games as possible to try and make the whole thing less subjective.
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    There is no catch here but you trying hard to catch me with partial quotes.

    I wrote "Show me where Eleon wrote that they intended to make all aspects of the game easier by removing magnesium from starter materials"

    You quote "I do not agree with your point : you are making up the issue with assumptions based on no proof. Show me where Eleon wrote that they intended to make all aspects of the game easier ---- AND YOU STOP HERE.

    I think you are smart enough to see what you are doing here.

    Regarding the "players as good or not as us" argument it was your pretense that Eleon wrote something to be interpreted like you did here:

    "The excuse given was new players are more stupid that rest of us. Not only does that not make sense. It is flat out wrong." (for removing magnesium)

    Since it is your affirmation and not Eleon's, I only ask where you got that from, and now you try to put that burden on me. This was already answered in my posts 134 and 131.
    I can agree that removing magnesium was a cosmetic change, and new players won't see a difference anyway mostly because they don't have comparison points. I just think that mentioning bad reviews on Steam cannot be used to pinpoint magnesium change or mining alone, so I wonder why this even came in the discussion...
  17. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Nope. The phrase "make all aspects of the game easier" is point out again as you own words. Pointed out and dismissed in #135 . I then posted their quote. Then your own interpretation straight afterwards. So there is two sources for you. Again. Go back to #126 and then reflect on your own thoughts.

    Yes and now your getting to point. The reaction of the community is explained in #133.

    Ok let me try and explain that again. I did not bring the point up but quoted someone who did. I also posted that quote without comment.

    What I did do is dismiss the notion that the reviews are going down becuase of factor X. The sad truth is the reviews nearly always go down in any Alpha project. Just look at the global number vs recent. None the less the data is there and a time snap shot and word count does show a trend so it is worth introducing in the discussion. I do not put much merit on the value here. However I also don't feel that another potentially useful source of data should be dismissed

    To change the subject I am going to admit that I am wrong. I can take a hit for the team here. That gets you off the hook and we can carry on a proper discussion about the game.
  18. Taniyama

    Taniyama Captain

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Alright, speaking from my prospective. Now you’ve got to understand a little about me. I’ve got a background science, engineering, you could say they’re my ultimate dream job. Unfortunately that’s never going to happen unless I find some serious sponsors. In fact, I’ve even begun to design a real ship. Yes, I’m that sad.

    Alright, now to my point. Empyrion Galactic Survival, is likely one of the simplest games I’ve ever played. In fact at times the easiness and grind is too boring, with slight annoyances along the way, even on hard mode.

    What’s needed I believe is more depth. A science & engineering system which works based upon reality, NPC faction system, quest system. Trades: For example, trading, farming, mercenary, pirate “That’s me!”, construction, etc. Because at a certain point you do begin to thrive and at that point technically the game is over.

    You’ve survived!

    You need something to come after that.

    For the new players?

    You need a decent tutorial.

    I’ve seen the one in game, it’s not bad, but it’s not good also.

    There’s a lot more which I can’t put my finger upon right now, but I’ll keep feeding back.

    Let’s just wait see which way the developers take it.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017
  19. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Agreed. They are working on it in 7.1. So far it is looking good but would love to hear what you think about it on the 7.1 thread. The whole thing needs proof reading. It is also subjective enough that we need to throw as many people though it before it goes out of experimental build. Just to get a balanced view.
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Then later in post 128 you wrote : "I did not say that. I am saying it is getting picked up in the reviews."
    That was after I pointed out in post 127 that the reviews were not based only on mining and magnesium.

    Quoting Steam and not saying a word is an implicit relation you made, which I answered right after. I understand you saw what you did and now try to change retroactively with "I was saying" but you did not write anything. At best you could have been "meaning" something, and the context has to be used : a quote for me, about reviews, in the mining thread, to support your position. Or maybe you were trying to not support your position? In other words : you quote Steam to support that broken mining / magnesium has nothing to do with negative reviews? And when pointed out that the negative trend is not strictly related to mining you quickly retracted, writing "I did not say (mean) that". Now why quoting Steam here, in this thread?

    I would swallow your explanation if you were not a sophisticated debater. But that's not the case: you are an intelligent person, and you don't see what you did, which is making up your argument after the fact.

    I also asked where Eleon wrote that new players were stupid and could not take the pressure. Care to show me?
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017

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