Alpha 7.1 - Feedback: New Tutorial

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    We replaced the old tutorial with a completely new tutorial

    Please focus on:
    - Spelling errors (grammar, typos)
    - Display time of messages
    - Info logic (does it make sense to give Infos at a certain point)
    - We tried to sneak in some of the undocumented key-combos. Are important ones missing?
    - On a global scale: Which major elements are currently missing from the tutorial?
  2. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Hey.. just started the tutorial and I have a suggestion to add to specific sections.. I will add as I work through the tutorial.
    @Man on the Moon:
    section Open Hanger Door B: Add this line.. Find the switch that opens the hangar door. somewhere. Either in the PDA info or in the PDA log.. The log itself stops listing commentary you go through in the room you wake up in. Reason: the info log does not stay up long enough for you to read it fully at least for me so it might help.

    section Surface mining: It was not clear where to get the ore.. All I saw here was the promethium off in the distance and that is where I headed to get the 7 ore.. When I gained this.. Then the tutorial told me to go to the promethium deposit which I was already at. I did have the ore scanner in inventory and there was nothing there for me to mine save breaking the rocks since the tutorial told me to change the drill setting to stone removal. An Older player here... IF there was ore in the rocks I was breaking.. I was not aware of it.

    All for now.. I am off to investigate a location now :)
  3. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Here correct grammar: After you went to the toilet to relieve yourself... " Ah.. much better now. I am hungry now - lets make a sandwich...
    The underlined part is the change. What I have looks better than 'I am even hungry'.
  4. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    If Alex is the same race as you, the Chief... human... and you are after American slag, You'd say: Hey Chief, you alright? < take out the 'are'. > Was a hell of a party last night eh? < add 'last' > 2nd to the last line.... Maybe you'll want to pick up your stuff before reporting back to duty. < change you to you'll > Cu Later! <internet slang looks bad. useL See ya later! >
    Scroogestime likes this.
  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Use F1 > select the mission headline (f.ex „man on the moon“) > switch to PDA LOG > scroll down.

    All the info/instruction are logged there.

    Thx for the typo/grammar updates. Will change this for the next update. :)
  6. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    I really hope I'm not annoying the hell out of you guys... :)

    ok here.. IF what is meant here is that you, the chief have a wristband that beeps instructions... then... what could be written here is : Your wristband beeps - To access, open, or close devices press F
  7. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Capitalize the i at the point: Maybe I should have a quick nap.
  8. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    2nd to the last line in blue: capitalize the 'i' in the sentence: They just I should remind you to pick something up from the Mining Hub.

    First sentence is fine but you could say: Hey, what are you waiting for? I've been trying to reach you all morning!
  9. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Ok, I have to undress my suit in the Armor Locker and then drop it in the inventory of the repair station before using the repair station. Makes sense. < change the word undress to unequip or remove >
    At least if the O2 icon on the bottom left screen indicates a breathable atmosphere. < add 'of the' between left and screen. >
  10. Dragazhar

    Dragazhar Lieutenant

    Oct 31, 2017
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    remove 'the' from this section: '... closer look at in the todays test with the Alien Artefact.' < change todays to today's >

    to look like: '...closer look at in today's test with the Alien Artefact.'
  11. Keplir

    Keplir Ensign

    Aug 28, 2016
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    I can't really help with the grammar or undocumented key-combos (rly?) but ...
    The display time is too short, I have to stress to read it before it vanishes, and that makes it hard to digest and remember the information. The information also comes with a story that I didn't find interesting, so I started to skim through it as fast as I could to get to the actual useful information I wanted before it faded away. Also, I did not find the information I missed when pressing F1, maybe I didn't look hard enough.
    I found the information logic to be alright, for example learning to mine normal rocks first, before learning to mine deposits, is good, because that's a scenario a new player in a new game would go trough.
    Anyway, found a major annoyance or ''bug'': When I were going to clear hangar A, I did so, but it didn't progress. It still told me to clear it but there were no enemies there. So I walked away from the computer to take a break, but found myself dead when coming back. I then re-spawned outside the space station and could not get inside to continue the tutorial.
    I'm going to try this again and try to nitpick as best as I can, because I do love the game and want it to do well.
    Expect another reply soon :)
  12. Skavn

    Skavn Lieutenant

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Teleporter is not active?
    Restarted tutorial, but same result. Am I missing something or is it a bug?

    Log Messages:

    31-16:27:43.952 17_27 -ERR- Cannot change unknown signal: *Teleporter1
    31-16:32:33.567 17_32 -WRN- PDA picture 'M:/Games/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Empyrion_Data/../Content/Scenarios/Tutorial/Extras/PDA/DeliciousA.jpg' not found
    31-16:34:46.122 17_34 -ERR- Cannot change unknown signal: *Teleporter1
    31-16:35:01.290 17_35 -ERR- Cannot change unknown signal: *Teleporter1

    Completly restarting the game seems to fix it.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2017
  13. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Or make it "Hey Chief, are you alright?" (Move the "are.")
    Tweaksource likes this.
  14. OhGodMyEyes

    OhGodMyEyes Ensign

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Hey guys, Loving the game. Played through the new tutorial as far as I could before getting stuck. When it comes to repairing the damaged green house, I was never able to figure out where to place the glass. I plugged the holes, and still didn't get the task checked off. I tried picking up the windows with disassemble, but it returned components instead. Now I don't have enough components to make the windows (I had made 5 small at first by accident). While I have enough food to go out and mine resources to make more windows and try again, I think that's beyond what the tutorial is covering.
  15. HoboJoe

    HoboJoe Ensign

    Oct 31, 2017
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    This should probably say "I am not feeling too well" instead of "I am feeling not too well."
    Should not say "I am even hungry", maybe say "I am really hungry"?
    Top line - should say "are you alright?" instead of "you are alright?"
    Line underneath that - should say "Was a hell of a party last night, eh?" instead of "Was a hell of a party night, eh?"
  16. Temcai

    Temcai Ensign

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Is the tutorial meant to be over with at a certain point? As in, should we stop playing it? The Steam news lists it as "The new Tutorial will try to teach the basic elements in a wholly different way compared to the old tutorial. And it is also a bit more than just a playable howto. But maybe we leave it to you, to find out about this. ;-)"

    Are we intended to edit the playfield to make this a tutorial of not just playability, but greater game control? If so, when we're told we can't land on Terra, perhaps add something that tells us what to do? Once I get to that point, I can go anywhere else, but not the planet. The moon doesn't have a crashed CV with boosters, so I can't make a CV to land, or go elsewhere beyond the trading station, because the short range warp can only get there.

    Once the tutorial runs it's course, that's it, the game file is largely over with and I can't really do anything else in that game. It's a really good tutorial, but it ends and that's about the end of that game. If I was a new player, I would be angry at the game. 405 hours in, I'm fine with it, but I'd still like to check out the planet.
  17. HoboJoe

    HoboJoe Ensign

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Also, between you coming out of the bathroom and the message appearing there is too long of a pause. During my first time playing this tutorial I had already gone to the fridge and taken everything out and put it into the food processor before it came up. Then the tutorial wouldn't progress because it wanted me to take things out of the fridge.
  18. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Currently the tutorial ends at that point, but as the outro says, it will be continued (if the community likes the style of this more story-tutorial approach)
    IronCartographer likes this.
  19. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Did you follow the mission details? You need to place a certain shape of glass ... and the follow up info says that you need to switch the multitool to a certain mode to get back full blocks.
  20. Full Metal Panda

    Full Metal Panda Lieutenant

    Nov 10, 2014
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    I haven't played since 2016, so I was pleasantly surprised to see how far this game has come in that time. I played through the tutorial and loved the way it introduces a new player to the gameplay elements, however I found that the tasks disappeared too quickly and that I had to go to the PDA a lot, especially with the locker codes. That was frustrating. It would help if they were displayed on the right side of the hud along with the objectives. Also It wasn't too clear where each objective was. Sure there is a yellow waypoint that appears, but it's not obvious, and one must spin around looking for it.

    Nowhere does it tell you how to enter the vehicles (or I missed it). I knew how from before, but it is not exactly intuitive to aim for the cockpit.

    In the hangar bay encounter with all the aliens, i think it's a bit much. Wave after wave of serious aggression. I do hope that combat does not become the focus of this game.

    At the end I would like to go to the planet and continue the adventure, but I understand it is just a tutorial.
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