Alpha 7.1 - Feedback: HV/CV MultiTurret

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    The current Tool Turrets for CV and HV are able to
    - Deconstruct
    - Disassemble
    - Repair

    Handling notes:
    - YOU NEED TO ADD A HARVEST CONTAINER to collect the parts!
    - HV MT Range = 12 full blocks (counted from the nozzle)
    - Return Rate = 80%
    - Hit RMB to bring up the selection menu (Same handling than handheld tools)

    What you should test:
    - Is Deconstruct/Disassemle feeling good (Speed, Visuals)?
    - Is Repair feeling good (Speed, Visuals)?
    - Is the range OK?

    Thanks a lot!
  2. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    First (and only) building i tried was the BA_Patrol base.
    When installed it on my HV with normal orientation the range is too short to reach the top of the base, and the angle not steep enough to barely hit it if i go on top.
    If i install it on the HV on a side, i can hit a small portion of the base (when i go on top), this time limited by the angle the other way. All around not a very satisfactory experience. Perhaps i choose the wrong base. Or I could install a long tower on my base and put the turret there just to deconstruct this base.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  3. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Ok, built tower on my HV and ... did the BA_patrol base. Looks like it took about 50 min.

    I think the range could be 2 blocks further - if you don't zoom its far away, but with zoom its like... its right there just get it!
    Speed is good.
    Mostly I think the angle, especially UP needs to be increased. Its quite frustrating. Probably could use this increase on the mining turret as well - (not that I would ever use it.)
    I was disappointed that it doesn't know when its not in use. I have to manually disable it so as to not waste fuel.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  4. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Thinking about this a bit more.
    And assuming/comparing to using a CV in space.
    The frustration your overcoming when using an HV is:
    1. Postion of the HV is very limited.
    2. Integrity!! - This is the main "Fun" in trying to lose as little as possible to integrity.
    3. The limitations of the turret.

    In space using the CV the only thing you got is the limitations of the turret.
    Which is why I think the HV turret should be more agile than the CV turret - the "Game" is already frustrating enough. However the CV turret should have longer range, just to feel right. Probably 2x as long.

    Please note that this was all done in Single Player.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
    Aurex likes this.
  5. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I like the Repair turret for the CV and the HV BUT it's not single player friendly. Once you're in the turret you can't move your vehicle and I think to be fair to the single player community some type of solution is needed. As of right now its extremely fun if you're a on a Multiplayer Server but if you have a desire to play by yourself it's still fun but a little more work than it should be.
    If the mechanics of the turrets can't be change then what about giving the Repair turret the ability to auto target and selective target like regular weapon turrets have. So if your in single player mode you do not need to get out of the turret to move the vehicle around. You can just set the target for your Repair Deconstruct/Disassemle turret and move your vehicle around when needed.
    Aurex and Track Driver like this.
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Multiturret is a nice thought poorly implemented. And I elaborate.

    1.It does not have hemisphere rotation/coverage and the player needs to re-position the vessel often since it is imposible for example to operate it above head. That leads to the headache described bellow...

    2. The player have to select a drilling mode every time the vessel is re-positioned. Lets say the operation is repair. The default drilling mode is deconstruct. But the player by the force of habit from the use of multitool when using repair mode re-position is freely. So by accident the player does not select with right click the repair mode and instead blocks are being deconstructed next time multiturret is fired. Good, now the player has to put them back but has 80% of resources. Funny yes, but not good.

    Possible solutions/suggestions
    3. I think multiturret should be able to be selected through the hotbar. It should help with the re-positioning problem.

    4. At least there should be a visual indicator to inform the player of the current mode before starting to use it.

    And please, please, make it have hemispheric rotation and a little more range. Or at least make its function like the repair bay, just make its beam contact the target vessel and everything else gets automatic.For all 3 modes.

    We didn't see that coming....It sounds funny but its a PITA.
    Aurex and Track Driver like this.
  7. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Fixed SV tool would be better than both turrets...
  8. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    I don't repair my base because its so damn annoying to find what needs to be repaired. i don't see that changing with these turrets.

    EDIT: I don't want to leave this topic on a sour note.
    So I'd like to add that it is a definite improvement even in single player if it is necessary to demolish a POI for materials. Because of the very high risk of losing stuff to integrity I will still go through the POI and deconstruct all devices by hand.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
    Aurex, Arrclyde and zztong like this.
  9. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Yes the turrets would actually need at least HV plasmaturret range for the MT turret to be useful. And i am not talking about repairing alone. Deconstruct with the HV turret is very limited since the HV always needs to be horizontal and 3 meters off the ground at max.

    I know i might be opening pandoras box here but at this time i think that both fixed drill and a fixed multitool attachement should be added to SV at higher level. And that is me saying it as someone who did mostly build HVs and likes to use them in game.
    zztong and rucky like this.
  10. Firehound

    Firehound Ensign

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Halleluja!!! I'm off to go give this a whirl!
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    First impressions:

    It feels quite clunky to use.

    When zooming in, the turret is too slow to move - like many turrets.

    The beam often hits things below the cross-hair, like it's coming from further below the player view point.

    Constantly re-positioning the HV is a pain, not difficult, just a pain. Longer range with better and faster movement when zoomed in might help

    As its an expensive, high-tech item, how about having it able to pick up the contents of what it reclaims too? :)

    I know the HV is the utility vehicle, however being able to use a fixed version of this on a nimble SV would be cool.

    Further thought: Scrap the Turret idea all together. Have this device as an HV (and CV) mounted Drone Launcher. The Drone would be controlled like the player Drone, when the player is sat in the "Drone Turret". Give this Drone a 100+ metre control range. The Drone would be able to work faster than player hand-held tools and would return items to the Harvest Box as now. This gives the player much much better control, less moving around, ability to look down on things etc. etc.

    I really think a Turret is the wrong way to go here, but of course I've had to experience it to realise that. Having a "Drone Turret" available could lend its self for various tasks, from deconstruction to mining, and even scouting / attack options. Imagine a "stealth" drone you can pop up over a hill to take a peek? Or a sniper drone for taking out Turrets on a POI...lots of options here.

  12. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    I like Scoob's idea of a bigger/better ship-mounted drone, although instead of making it like a player drone (infinite supply, magic) perhaps it would be better to make fixed SV tools like ion_storm suggested, and then give SVs the ability to be remote-controllable from a CV, including the ability to return and dock automatically. It could feel a lot like a player drone, but with a real cost and the ability to be lost or damaged.

    For feedback specific to the current implementation, I would say that the CV version needs to be able to be used on planets. All of the limitations and difficulties of using the HV version are completely fine IF we have the option to use a CV instead to overcome those issues. Of course the CV version should be much more expensive so as to provide a natural progression. Then HV version should probably be unlockable earlier in the tech tree and maybe have a lower rate of return. Perhaps there should be tier1/tier2 HV versions.

    Oh, and just in case it was intentional and not a bug (already reported by someone else in the bug forum), the multiturret should not be able to disassemble the ship it is mounted to.
  13. Aernoud

    Aernoud Lieutenant

    Oct 26, 2016
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    So for CVs, HVs and SVs we already have the repair bay for repairing them in a much easier fashion than a turret could (unless there is no option to use/spawn a repair bay). The base is different. I would like to have a sort of repair bay for a Base, but than work as a repair bay not a turret or multi tool.

    Having said that, I don't think this is very high on my wish list. What I would like is an advanced repairbay that repairs your structure back to its original state (including destroyed block and devices). Based on a blueprint or something.

    Similar for destroying the full structure of something. a tool that will destroy your ship completely and you get a % return of the materials. Probably need some time - reward balance. Maybe need a special (expensive/hard to get) fuel for this. Could be through a turret, but no need to point to individual blocks. just point at the building and as long as the building is 'touched' by the destroy beam, harvesting happens
  14. T0M WAYNE

    T0M WAYNE Ensign

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Love the idea of the muliturret but doesnt seem very convinient on any of the vehicles because of their aparent size and several other limitations which would prevent them from making full use of the MT for the inside of a base in tough to reach places. While it is a pretty decent idea I think this sort of turret would be best used on a drone. I like scoob's idea but not as a deployer of a single purpose drone.

    I would love to see this idea implemented for any and all drones that we could possibly design and of course program with certain behaviors like lets say a base patrol drones, security guard drones, scout drones, spy drones essentially either remote controlled drones or self controlled drones based on either preset programed behaviors or the programming that we want to implement on them.

    These drones should probably have a fuel requirement though to avoid massive genocidal drone armies on a planet and ofc be exeptionally fragile with limited weaponry. (nothing that could demolish walls or ships for example).
  15. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    A turret that you have to go in and out of the cockpit to fly around then switch to the turret is no good. We need a fixed gun multitool.
  16. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    For multiplayer it is totally ok. But i agree that for singleplayer a fixed MT tool for vessels would be great. The turret should also have a greater range that the fixed tool since going around in a vessel with fixed weapons would be easier and turret based would be more stationary.
    Track Driver, ion_storm and rucky like this.
  17. raygun

    raygun Lieutenant

    Oct 16, 2017
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    I like the Multiturret and the mining turret but, turret based systems are suppose to be long range. To avoid the constant effing and peeing and thrusting, it's more convenient for me to just hop out of my HV and manually do the work.
    Atola, zztong and rucky like this.
  18. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    While I'm not involved with experimental branch, I try to keep track of what's what.

    Just like the drilling modules, a multi tool (fixed or turret) on SVs seems an obvious choice that I really don't understand the rationale for not having it. Picture a battle-damaged CV in space. Yes, it may be able to return to base, but is perhaps too damaged to risk another attack on route. Then picture one or more SVs emerging from within like little worker bees to repair the mother ship.

    Then explain to me why this is NOT a good idea.
  19. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    You don't want this explained, believe me... It can't be...
    You'll just get involved in long discussions over total BS ranging from "It'll make SV the perfect all-purpose vessel" to "It'll totally kill HV as a vessel"...
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
    Track Driver and Kassonnade like this.
  20. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Yeah, I know. I've seen it all too often. I was just sort of challenging anyone to make a genuine and reasonable explanation. I don't really expect one for this or for drill modules on SVs.

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