The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration SINGLE PLAYER Scenario.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    Perhaps it's the order of operations. First the item is spawned and then the ground is flattened. Is there a way to reverse the two functions?
  2. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    @piddlefoot you keep this up I'm going to have to buy a real gaming PC! Finally tamed Venus and I can finally start collecting resources for real now! No more watching my back 24/7.
    I've had more vehicles destroyed in this playthrough than literally every other playthrough I've had. Stupid PV and heavy drones were EVERYWHERE!
    Looooving it...
    Back to it!
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I have no idea if that's even possible through the API, my guess would be that's hard coded but I could be wrong.
    Best thing I can do is just bring every POI up in my BP list, re-set them, and then transfer the BP file to the prefab folder again to renew em.

    @ Steve, the SP version has been expanded to have a longer story, which I hope will be ready by 7.0, 9 new planets and 15 new custom moons, Ive replaced all the default moons with custom made planets now, so at 7.0 you will need to hunt down the Zirax homeworld and give it a good old smashing, opening up a new section of planets, as posted last page, these set of planets have all the ores and regenerating POIs so if a player wants to live on one, they never get bored , should always be something attacking them.

    These planets will lead somewhere but that's for 8.0 as , not enough time in day lol !

    Glad your enjoying it, Ive enjoyed making it all.
    Its Just Steve likes this.
  4. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    We can't take POI's anymore by putting cores in them?
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Depends what planet your on, this is the SP version so there are only 5 or 6 planets with regen and these planets do not go into scenario until 7.0 so right now if you cant core a POI it maybe something that the devs have hard coded or a bug.
    Sry for late reply.
  6. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    So the 7.0 update for this scenario is ALL about the Single Player version of the scenario.

    I want to make it really really clear running this Single Player version of the Scenario on a public server will give you headaches unless you have a really good understanding of Empyrions file and folder system.

    It is all PvP for a start.
    But its also not impossible to run on a server and should work in Co-Op also.

    You Absolutely should start a new game at this 7.0 update that's coming soon, this is to let you all know early so you can prepare if you want to take your inventory and level and builds to the new game, which is possible.

    I am currently just bug testing the scenario and working on the new map formats and trying to work a way out to use custom terrain XML files to really spruce up the map terrains, in testing its working but requires a few specific things in its set up by the client, so not sure if I will follow through with that yet.

    We have a nice new set of completely different planets to explore in this update, that extend the story of the scenario, I wont throw the details or it will just spoil the surprise of the hunt.
    These new planets I have tried very hard to make different from all of the others in the scenario, given its a mix of similar assets.
    I have changed a few of the starting conditions on some, not all planets to make some harder starts and some easier according to there descriptions as the wildlife that was spawning didn't really care if the game was set to easy lol they just ate you anyway ! So I have tried to fix that a little. Some starts said easy but are actually damned hard !

    Created a few new Orbits and asteroid layouts, lessened some Orbits of to many mineable asteroids to speed up load times of the Orbit when Warping.

    Not sure of Developers 7.0 planned release date, but the scenario will be updated within a few days of that going live.

    Thanks to all that play and have found and reported bugs, been a great help, cheers.
    Droxor, medicineman and rainyday like this.
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    quick update.

    I have some exciting new starts where the game drops you into a fire fight straight of the batt.
    Being over 10 starter planets I have made 4 planets and 3 orbits a challenging start.

    I have also made an Orbit start for new players minus the tutorial.

    We have starts like, Gunslinger, Escorted Prisoner, Execution day, Holding and Transfer, Max Security Jail, Arena Victim, Drone Bait, Space Balls, Tranquil Andromeda, assassins Guild, Prison Break , getting the jist of it ? !

    Some of these starts are designed around super long term players, there a real challenge or a victims run, depending on how you look at it !

    I designed them for players that want to jump into a game and be slapped down with instant action.

    You still have to level up but starting in a POI so to speak will increase the speed of levels climbing very quickly.
    In testing I was coming out of most starter POIs around level 7 to 10.
    You could bleed that by farming a spawner of coarse but I don't do that in testing.

    We also have lots of new planet YAMLs now, Im still editing the new sections of YAML onto the older YAMLs so all the planets have all available features.

    7.0 cant be far away now !
    Droxor, Russell, Space Beagle and 2 others like this.
  8. Droxor

    Droxor Ensign

    Oct 14, 2017
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    First off, let me say that your maps have totally enhanced this game for me and my brothers. Your work and dedication to this project is absolutely incredible!

    My question for you is: As we are relatively new to the game and VERY new to modding with packs such as yours, once 7.0 goes live what will the easiest way be for us to play your LCoS with the new game updates? There is simply NO WAY we can play this game without Lost City of Sol in our lives, so we want to make sure we stay up to date with you!

    If it matters, we are NOT playing on a MP dedicated server, this is a Co-op server hosted from my brother's machine.

    Thanks for everything!

    **EDIT** I did read your earlier posts, so I should probably clarify that I'm curious if there will be a way to update our current save with the 7.0 changes - or if we will have to start a new game once you release the 7.0 version of your game.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2017
  9. Combat Wombat

    Combat Wombat Captain

    Oct 10, 2017
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    I want more of a campaign for my players. No farming of any kind. They finish everything on a planet and have to move on because nothing respawns. Seems like this is already pretty close to that but I want to remove all the ore deposits or reduce them to 100. The only part I am not sure how to fix it would be the instances, is there a way to make them a one off thing that doesn't respawn? How challenging are the drones/patrol ships, any custom content there?
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I would lay starter blocks in a NEW game at 7.0 and transferr everything via folder file swap into new game, that's how I do it at home, its always worked without issue.

    But yes I would start a new game at 7.0.
    For Co-Op I would probably use the single player version of the scenario, it has much more options and differences to the MP one now and also I haven't had time to update the MP version of it yet anyway.
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Well the SP version only offers regeneration on the last planets you discover so you can live there indefinitely, BUT the asteroid fields are set to regen in quite a few playfields.
    There harder to find though as I have made custom space playfields changed the discovery distance to 200m for regen roids etc.

    I don't think you can set Instances to only be used once, because they were designed specifically to get around things being once off.
    You maybe able to do it through scripting with missions and using a trigger to effect it but Im not sure how.

    As for the planet patrol vessels, no I haven't changed any of them ships, just what playfields they are found in, there are some starters with them, the more dangerous starters.

    But at 7,.0 I introduce the most deadly start to EMpyrion Ive ever seen. in any scenario or default game !

    Instawar !
    Instafightforyourlife !

    Of coarse its your choice whether to start there !
  12. Droxor

    Droxor Ensign

    Oct 14, 2017
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    Thank you! I will do that for sure. Keep up the great work!
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Having a few problems with Steam updating this scenario today but I am working on it with devs also looking at log files so I hope it will be sorted some time during today so I can get it back up on workshop, sorry for the delay people.
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ok, havn't tracked the bug down stopping me from updating the scenarios, so what I have done is load them onto my daughters upload them from a different account and PC, this has got around the immediate problem.

    As this update requires a fresh start it shouldn't effect anything anyway, you can still transfer stuff [ ships/bases] from your old game via file swapping and you can still put your PLY file in the player folder to keep level and inventory.

    So the new SP version of this scenario completes the SP version of it, there is now an end game, a Zirax homeworld to invade and defeat and a party in there Orbit waiting for you, you will need some serious firepower to take em down.

    There are a few new planets half a dozen or so that complete the scenario, these planets are located around the Zirax Homeworld, where players end up after completing the scenarios main story, these planets have regen on there POIs and Orbital Ores so players can play the map for as long as they like after finishing the main story.

    The NEW Link..
    Russell and Its Just Steve like this.
  15. Russell

    Russell Commander

    Oct 5, 2016
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    I posted this comment in the scenario workshop:

  16. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Cool, glad you liked it, cheers.
    Russell likes this.
  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Minor update t o correct multigate sinking into ground, just go to the save folder and find the multigate in the shared folder of that save and delete it, it will then generate a new one at the right level.
  18. Combat Wombat

    Combat Wombat Captain

    Oct 10, 2017
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    So I have been playing around in single-player and the new start at the arena seems to have quite a few issues. On the main floor where you start all of the plants; harvestables and not are floating a full block above the floor. The large trees are clipping through all the walls. After dieing if you hit respawn nearby you just respawn outside the POI.

    Edit: After looking around more all the plant related stuff seems to be caused by the map generation? You may want to do a static map for this start to prevent this.

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2017
  19. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yea its weird cos it does it sometimes and sometimes it works fine and clears the terrain like its supposed to, like the BP is set too.
    But static maps are a thing I will look at for 8.0.

    Also Uranus seems to be having issues spawning the TS.
    Its a water planet and water is set high, I though I set it to a set seed I had tested but it seems to be doing what it was before again, so AVOID going there via teleporter at Venus trade station or you will get stuck there no gate home.
    Looking at an update to fix it, found a few other things alsl and would like to test few other things Im tracking on the MP version before I update it again, so might be few days for a fix, we also have an issue, know hard coded bug of Ore no disappearing when drilled into, I believe theres fix in the pipeline from devs for that may even come today if its not already out.
  20. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    If we add this to our server, I'm going to assume it will wipe-out our current set of vanilla planets and replace them with this one, correct?

    We do not want to wipe out Akua since we have players on the server with established bases there (including ourselves). Is it possible in stall this and then copy/paste Akua back into the planet lineup without any loss to structures/ships/supplies in both Akua Orbit and the Akua Planet?

    ----> Or, can we REPLACE the entire Earth system (planet, orbit, moon) with our current saved Akua system (planet, moon, orbit). Do they have the same coordinates?


    ----> As another alternative, can we just stick Akua and it's moon/orbit somewhere else on the map by itself with a means of warping or teleporting into the rest of the system for game play?

    If so, how in the world would we do that, could you help us place it somewhere that would kinda "fit" and not mess up your current system? Somewhere off to the side with a line of warp travel connecting it to Earth maybe?

    Also, you said:

    "This version also has NO regenerating asteroids or POIs."

    Is it possible to change this in the YAML so that they DO regenerate?


    "At 7.0 regen was added to the final set of planets so players can player indefinitely."

    You meant in the vanilla Empyrion there, right? Since you previously stated there is NO regen in your scenario. Is that correct?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017

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