The Lost City Of Sol-Exploration SINGLE PLAYER Scenario.

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by piddlefoot, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. BAE.SAN89

    BAE.SAN89 Ensign

    Nov 5, 2017
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    Hi I'm new to this mod.

    I'm a bit overwhelm on the content of this mod.
    Over 200 play field, etc...

    How do I start? Where do I start?
    I started on AMY trap in a cage. I have no idea how to get out...(tried sawing, and shooting cage. Nothing work)
    Does this scenario actually have a story/mission? In the PDA I get only "Tutorial" mission/objective.
  2. Its Just Steve

    Its Just Steve Captain

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Had the same Amy experience of not being able to get out if the cage myself.
    So tried Amara and all the foliage and rocks blocked half of the paths out of the arena.

    Suggestions @piddlefoot ?
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    The SP version has very few regen things. There was no regen but that changed over the last few updates to have some stuff regen much rarer though in the SP version, but yes you can edit all the yamls to anything you like and make regen work or not.

    The MP version has everything set to regenerate around 12 to 24 hours.

    The easiest way to get Akua into your game is to just add your Akua folder to my template folder and add an entry to the sector file with different co-ord to all other planets and your Akua is in the game in a new spot.

    PLEASE NOTE - Removing EARTH from the scenario WILL render over 20 teleporters useless / bugged , un-adressable.
    It is NOT recommended to do this.

    Your best option is to add Akua as a whole new planet, if you cant do it, you can send me your Akua and I can insert it for you, but keep in mind it takes a few hours to see on forum do and send back so if its a current save it will have a 10 hour or so gap.

    To add Akua as a whole new planet is the best option really.

    I can add a teleporter to your Akua and back to Earth so they all link, but Earth is a teleporter Hub for the Human faction and Venus is a teleporter Hub for the Explorers, so remove any planet with a teleporter and you create bugs when people go through teleporter theres no address to go too.

    Not sure why trees are still spawning inside of the Arena, still looking at that issue suggest avoiding the Arena start for now, the prison break is an admin core with special abilities to break specific blocks, its tricky, you can pop out a mesh block in 2 to 3 shots if it doesn't pop out try another, don't waste all your ammo on one mesh grill if it isn't breaking....

    The basic goal is to find the lost city of Sol, rumoured to be Atlantis, then hunt down the zirax homeworld and killemall !

    Its main feature is all planets are hand made custom planets and theres hundreds of custom POIs to raid and explore, over the default ones were all used too.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
  4. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    How do I install this? As in: where do I acquire it?

    Never mind! I saw the link hidden immediately above the pic in the OP :p
  5. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    I'm running a Coop (2ppl) for this , MP version as the SP gave me an error, and getting frequent framerate issues.
    Only have 8 RAM on my pc, would it help if i double it ?
  6. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Without your scenario, Empyrion is just plain boring. If you would add Akua in for us with a teleport and warp path to our isolated little planet that would be AMAZING and beyond what I expected! :):):)

    I would totally muck up the whole thing as I have ZERO experience with it and I think a whole bunch of players would be pretty ticked at me if I tried. :oops:

    We have one player with a HUGE space station in Akua Orbit (think Death Star), hoping you can place that out in Akua's corner as well. :)

    What about the Players folder? Does that need to be added in order to preserve everyone's level other information? I have included that as well just in case.

    I have never attempted to save a single planet's data before, so hope I sent the right info. It would not allow me to upload the file here so I uploaded to Dropbox.

    Dropbox link: Game
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    OK got the file, will take a look at it this week as soon as I get time, I will put 2 teleporters on the planet in same building, one to Venus and one to Earth so all the gates link up.

    Shouldn't be a problem to insert that huge death star build as long as I have the BP / prefab of it.

    To that end in the shared folder you sent, all the builds are just listed SV this and SV that [numbers] , theres no names so I cant tell what folder corresponds to the death star build, so I will need you to go take a current BP of it and send me the BP if you want that inserted into Orbit.

    Also doing it this way, means the death star build will be in any new games you start on this scenario as its being placed via the template folder rather than manual insertion.
    Doing it this way also allows me to set its position, so if your player is in a cool spot he would like to stay in, go to his base in game, open console and type di then hit enter and get the co-ords of his bases position, if its not important I can just plop it in random 2000m ish from planet.
  8. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    I asked him and he said don't worry about putting his death star in. He will have admin and can just spawn his BP back after the server is up and running. :)

    I appreciate this incredibly, I honestly do. We would not be able to play this scenario if you weren't doing this for us. Thanks so much Piddlefoot.

    Looking forward to starting!
  9. BAE.SAN89

    BAE.SAN89 Ensign

    Nov 5, 2017
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    My friend and I just jump into a multiport to do a raid. Are we stuck here for 1 hour? We can't use the portal to get back?
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    The only way back is to disconnect and reconnect that will put you back at jump gate, but yes timer is set up for SPers.

    That's because there Instances so having a teleporter there never used to work when I made the scenario, Im not sure if one would work there now, something I must test again soon I believe.
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I started yesterday just built the TP station to go to Venus and Earth from your planet, should link all the starters up then, I will test it all out before I upload it I suspect it will still be the weekend before its finished.
  12. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    I can't wait. This is going to be A W E S O M E. :)
  13. BAE.SAN89

    BAE.SAN89 Ensign

    Nov 5, 2017
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    Thank you so much for this scenario. We love it! Can't go back to Vanilla now!

    Is there any clue to get to the Zirax world? My friend and I jump to 4 different planet already. Are we looking for a POI?

    Also is the Bank-Hiest POI ready? Or still under construction
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Yes bank missions are ready all but 1, however I think I need to revisit the loot in them because of the game changes so the POIs themselves will get an update when I get time shouldn't be long, I hope to push an update out next week for the SP version.

    So to get to the Zirax homeworld you need to first find the lost city of Sol, that will set you back a bit completing that, but after you get to Icarus, which is the planet the Lost city is on, its a one way street, you literally cant get lost and if you check the planets as you explore your way to the Zirax homeworld you will find planets will most of the Ores on the way, between the planet and its moon all ores.

    Once on that path there is a couple of points at which you can jump back to the Earth sector, DONT JUMP BACK YET, follow the planets exploring until you hit Zirax Homeworld, you literally cannot get around it if you don't head back to the Earth sector.

    The spokkabar tells you where to go, what planet the jump gate is on, the spookabar is on Hubble777 I believe, read all the LCD screens in the ship you cant go wrong then, it describes the POI your looking for in detail..
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Ok I have a version running with teleporters all tested and working but Im having an issue getting all your stuff from your save onto Akua, so how do you feel about running a new game and using admin powers to bring all your stuff in ?
  16. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    If it were just "us", I would do that, but we have others on our server who have spent HOURS building their own ships/bases from scratch. They are new players and are VERY nervous about this change as it is, some leaving at the very thought of it. I'd really hate to loose them.

    What issues are you running in to?

    Kinda the point of adding Akua in was to restore the assets of our player base. Otherwise we would have just wiped the server and started over again on Earth.

    Hope it's something workable. :-(

    Maybe you can send us the file and we can muck around with too it in SP ourselves and see if we can get it up and running?

    Maybe between us we can get it working?
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  17. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    See how I go today if I cant get it sorted I will send it all to you as it is see how you go, ships and HVs are not an issue, its the ground bases that are the issue with the terrain.
  18. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Do you need our seed number?
  19. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    I would yes except I cant get BAs to spawn without corrupting the dat file, all the ships bases in space are in but have been set to public so what Im going to do is give you a copy of it as it is, you can use the current save Ive sent or start a new game as Ive also sent the scenario as a whole also, then you can swap out the Akua Orbit folder, add all the ships bases from your shared folder to new one, but you might need all your players to BP there bases and just re-spawn them on Akua and the moon, unless you find a way around the dat file corrupting.

    So heres a save of the game I was trying to bring all your stuff into, it is incorporated into the scenario and if you don't change Akua you have a jump gate working to Venus and Earth but if you change Akua out to yours you loose the jump gate.

    At the moment the scenario is in the middle of a large update and its throwing an out of index range error when you first start it, but it doesn't effect anything in game, I think it has to do with the maps lining up when you press M to see planet map, but its not critical enough to crash anything , server or client, Im pushing an update out next week hope to have that bug corrected by then, when I get time to track it down.

    The save you sent me is just Akua, moon and orbit.
    What you might be best doing is just adding the scenario to your saved game by editing the Sector file to include all of the planets in the scenario, if you cant get it working without corrupting that dat file.

    link to save Lost City-Zirax Invasion.7z?dl=0

    Link to scenario current version.

    I will add the scenario via the sector file in a couple hours when I get time and see if I can get it running that way, but it looks to me, looking at your current sector file that you started a MP default game, not the scenario ?

    The thing about doing it this way is getting all planets into system and not having any on top of another and it will also mess up the worm holes a little, you may find a planet forms a link to a sector further out not intended so it may need adjustment later if that sort of thing annoys you.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  20. Late2Gaming

    Late2Gaming Lieutenant

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Yes. We started with that 'Default Multiplayer' scenario. Since we only pulled Akua out I didn't think to mention it. I hope that is not what caused all the trouble.

    The only thing we really need added is the Akua Planet with the bases itself, the base/ships in Akua Orbit we can spawn back as it belongs to an Admin. the bases on Akua Planet belong to the beginner players who do not have Admin.

    I'm learning as I go and muck things up a lot, but I will download these files and see what I can manage.

    I would not have thought this would work: "What you might be best doing is just adding the scenario to your saved game by editing the Sector file to include all of the planets in the scenario..." but I'll give that a shot to.

    I'll also try only replacing the Akua planet folder and nothing else, maybe that might work?

    Though, if YOU can do it, and you have the knowledge and experience, I don't see how anything I could possibly do will work. But hey, beginners luck and all, right? LoL

    Question about install and updates:

    We used your scenerio back before it was a scenario and had to manually upload it to our server via FTP (used FileZilla). Is it still that way now?

    When you make updates to it, do we have to upload the update to the server via FTP, or once loaded originally will regular Steam updates on the server also update the scenario?

    Right now the current scenario (Default Multiplayer) is just update via regular Steam updates.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017

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