I've taken to placing my base starter (when possible) over water. No leveling needed! If that is not where you want the base, no worries. Simply build a block path to where you want it, build a bit, destroy the cube, place a new one next to where you are wanting the new base, and destroy all unwanted blocks! This would have worked great to lower the island base you began. Just go down a row or two and replace the cube and strip off the top rows. BTW, very nice job with the flattening tool. I've NEVER had a flattening go that fast! I seem to take forever before I can get a base started other than over water. Also, the O2 generator doesn't need to be completely submerged. Putting it into the shallows works fine. I incorporate it into my base. I'll post a pic next time I'm at my main base on Akura. Still, really enjoying your exploits!
Lol thanks xD I messed up with the flatterning tool in my old world. I heard some where that the O2 generator works faster completely submerged, is that wrong? And I would love to see it. I'm terrrible at base building
I don't know if it is faster totally submerged. Sounds like something to test out. I'll look into it. Bases for me are easier than the other types. I don't get too fancy (although my agricultural area I think looks pretty cool). I like my bases very utilitarian with everything pretty much in the same room and close by. I had something interesting happen on the lava planet (don't recall the name). The Alien base I took was about 70m from a size 16 iron deposit. I extended the central elevator down into the planet probably 5 or 6 blocks, then began tunneling to the iron. Just barely hit is. I connected the deposit to the base and was able to create a nice platform for lighting, O2 re-supply and large constructor to process the ore. This method prevented me from having to deal with the nasty life forms on the surface. I'll try to post pics of that too. I'll see if I can get all the pics over lunch break.
OK, hope this all works. Here are some shots from my game: Lava planet, one of my captured bases, the one near the iron ore (sorry it's night and hard to see). Heading down the central elevator shaft to the mine access. And below the surface. Heading to the ore deposit. And at the mine. My base on Akura (again, sorry it's so dark) Landing pad on top. Note repair bay in the foreground for repairing under the pod. The top of the hydroponics area Continued in next post
Inside the base. Hydroponics O2 and distilled water generation Consturctor area And finally, the med/O2 stations and food processing Not exactly pretty, although I think I did a nice job on the Hydroponics area.
Awesome base. I really need to step up my base building skills. I love the hydroponics room. And the escape pod is nice, I like how you have thrusters on the back so they don't get hit.
Just using slanted thrusters for the sides. Using armored for top and bottom, slanted also for the front.
oh, btw, did you replace the cargo boxes on your pod? the original have less capacity than a replacement.