Capital Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Times05

    Times05 Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Very nice ship. Good work.

    I'm pretty sure you can make it a lot more maneuverable by removing most of the RCS, add a few more generators and making sure you have thrusters in all directions. This is just from looking at screenshots. I'll definitely take a look at the file, if you are interested I will upload a more maneuverable modified version here if I succeed.
  2. Times05

    Times05 Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    Thrusters inside the ship is actually a big challenge to build, especially if physics ingame are changed in the future. If you had ever watched Babylon 5 you'd know Shadows (the vessel Arturius built, they were the main antagonist in the show for about 3 seasons) didn't have any visible thrusters, their ships were organic. Probably used some sort of advanced gravity manipulation for propulsion, which is impossible in Empyrion (again.... at least for now... who knows what devs will add in future).

    So he had a choice of 1) making it not look right by putting them on outside, 2) having the ship not move at all, or 3) having thrusters on inside. I would have done the same.

    It is a shame if thrusters start burning holes in ship with later updates, but given enough room they may still be modified to have thrusters inside. It's just a matter of replacing a few components after the update, but the hull itself looks very authentic to what it's supposed to be.
  3. Bender

    Bender Commander

    Sep 13, 2015
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    1) i never see babylon 5(empyrion is not some babylon 5), 2) it was just my opinion, can i say it or not?
  4. Flip

    Flip Captain

    Jun 30, 2015
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    My mamma always used to say "if you don't have something nice to say, you probably shouldn't say it at all." Constructive comments are welcome, but flat out telling someone you don't like their work is rude even if that is how you feel. Keep it to yourself, people will like you better.

    Telling someone you don't like their stuff is perfectly ok if you know them personally. :p
  5. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I cannot, for the life of me, buffer splash damage without making the goofiest wide-stanced ship you ever saw. The problem (and I suspect it will be rectified in the coming weeks) is that if weapon fire strikes the hull, splash damage is applied in a fixed sphere regardless of whether hull pieces hold or break. If they hold, splash damage should be deflected by the remaining bits of hull. This does not happen, and I am inclined to make a video of shooting up a dummy ship for a more complete analysis. If the hull blocks fail and are blown off or destroyed, splash damage should get through to components.

    Real life example: a frag grenade is lethal at 10 meters or less. However, if you dive behind a concrete wall 5 meters from a live grenade, you will not get an arse full of shrapnel. So should it be will hull blocks and weapon fire.

    Also, the player has 500 hit points: more than any component I have seen, no matter how much metal is required to make it. The player is a walking tank compared to vessels. I think a rebalance is in the works.
    Diszzle likes this.
  6. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Bender, Answer this: What does an interplanetary space ship look like?

    I have arguments with myself on a daily basis. Scifi is a creative art in which the player reaches beyond the confines of real life while keeping one foot in reality.
  7. Rannoc McMaulin

    Rannoc McMaulin Commander

    Aug 24, 2015
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    You are correct that empyrion is not bab5. Nor is it startrek or star wars or battlestar. Yet that is the beauty about creative sandbox games like this. You can build whatever you want however you want. It was clear that you did not know bab5 and what ship you were looking at. Arturius1947 comment should clued you in that you were missing something. Next time I suggest you keep an open mind to that possibility.

    And yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion but your opinion does not need to come across as demeaning.
    Iam Felonious likes this.
  8. Memphis

    Memphis Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Aside from that discussion.

    I`ve seen some really neat creations/replicars recently. @Cain greate job. I like it, even though I did not had the chance to fly it on my own yet.

    I just realised, that your "secret entry" is not secret anymore ;-)
    Cain likes this.
  9. Bender

    Bender Commander

    Sep 13, 2015
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    i like contructive critique much better then silent, and my mamma say, if you must say it, just say it
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  10. Cain

    Cain Ensign

    Aug 20, 2015
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    Gentlemen, this is turning into a Kim Davis debate.
    @Arturius1967 @Rannoc McMaulin @Memphis Thank you guys for the support of the design.

    @Times05 I saw your battle crab modified interior and I welcome your help to get this baby flying. I think you are right about the RCS/directional thruster ratio being off. At least I welcome the thought because if it's the mass, this design is just plain screwed.

    @Bender I respect your opinion and yes thrusters inside the ship are a terrible idea in reality. I actually am, professional, an aerospace engineer specializing in jet engine composite structures. I've also designed & built a cubesat, several generations of rotating arc plasma aided combustors, and my thesis was on acoustic modulation of Jet-A combustion at elevated temperatures & pressures. So yes, I fully agree combustion inside the living space of a CV is a bad idea, if this were reality.

    But... as an engineer I've learned that you must discover where the line is in every situation that deals with physics so as to foster a better design. You must also never loose sight of your goals either. In making a more "effective" design, in Empyrion, this CV (and any other) should follow these basic philosophical concepts:

    A) Pick a vessel to emulate (if desired). Attempt to replicate in detail or creatively conceive a unique design GIVEN limitations and extensions of in game functionality as it currently stands in the latest patch. See below image for grid breakdown of Nova Dreadnought hull concept.
    Nova Grid.png

    B) You are designing a ship of war for going into battle with AI or human intelligence. I noticed immediately in Empyrion that AI tends to destroy forward facing weapons. Whether this is intentional targeting or due to the spherical splash damage, regardless, if you want to make it to round two in Empyrion space battles you need to 1) hide them 2) armor them 3) have backup systems beyond the 9 Empyrion currently allows to be active. This Nova is bristling with weapons which is nice because, the moment you fire, your weapons' locations are then known to human attackers and it's better to skip concealment and instead distribute in a flashy manner many armored weapons around the ship which makes the loss of all weapon systems unlikely against AI or human.

    C) Bridge and other critical components (such as aforementioned engines). A human attacker would target these subsystems, commonly, in the following order: the bridge, the weapons, fuel/power systems, and then the engines.
    --The bridge, a single location on this Nova not easily discernible from the rest of the structure due to its recess and lack of reflective (!!!) glass. So the bridge is relatively safe.
    --Weapons, see above point B.
    --Power, space the fuel cells in pairs with 2 cells between each pair proved through testing to balance power density with mitigation of the painful fuel cell chain reactions. If the location of powercells on a ship are known I would also shift attack priority to second after the bridge but before the weapons.
    --Engines, I don't know about you but I love getting strafed from that 6 o'clock blind spot and being left without working engines. Even better when you are attempting to retrea... ahem, make a strategic withdraw. Engines destroyed = dead duck. Also the Nova has 4 HUGE engines that came out to 6 blocks high -- if I recall correctly Empyrion's largest engines are 2 blocks so that's just an aesthetic loss. Thus, engines go inside in a nice series configuration and I turn them to hide the exhaust plumes for aesthetic reasons. Ideally these engines would be dispersed internally throughout the length of the hull.

    Space is harsh and combat makes it that much worse. Live by the design philosophy of protecting redundant distributed systems and you might just make it. Also why am I just learning of this game, Space Engineers!?
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
  11. Ronin

    Ronin Ensign

    Sep 14, 2015
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    2015-09-18_00001.jpg Phoenix-Rising_0.png Phoenix-Rising_0.png 2015-09-18_00001.jpg

    Feeble attempt at a cap ship in survival. No guns but edit to please :)

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    Lealu and blooddragon606 like this.
  12. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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  13. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Ronin's image reminds me: has anyone tried flying into the Sun?
  14. MegaHammer

    MegaHammer Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Adding to the Blueprint database the CV USS PHOENIX (Prototype BC-305 / 3rd generation of Daedalus-class ships). This is an improved version of the USS GEORGE HAMMOND.

    I left a lot of free space inside to be custumized by each player.

    Enjoy and have fun! ;)


    2015-09-18_19-16-50.png 2015-09-18_19-17-21.png 2015-09-18_19-17-47.png 2015-09-18_19-18-54.png 2015-09-18_19-19-25.png 2015-09-18_19-20-09.png 2015-09-18_19-21-26.png 2015-09-18_19-23-50.png

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    Elfnessa, Cain and Bender like this.
  15. Pr0gr4mm3r

    Pr0gr4mm3r Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Now we just need the Destiny from Stargate Universe and all Earth ships are done. ;)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2015
  16. Memphis

    Memphis Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Hehe, than we may shift to another universe :-D
  17. thejekyll

    thejekyll Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I actually thought about doing this originally but because I couldn't figure out how to do a good dome for on top of the ship I abandoned the idea.
  18. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I saw piddlefoot has this ship already done in any of his videos. Just ask hin to share the blueprint.

    @piddlefoot : how about sharing your great creations ? ;)
  19. Hochexekutor

    Hochexekutor Ensign

    Sep 22, 2015
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    did you know the protoss ships from star craft? pleaaaase, build it guys! <3
  20. Roggles

    Roggles Lieutenant

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Started this CV about 4 day ago in survival with my wife, Thought Id share it at the stage it's at.

    I realised when looking from the front, it reminded me of a monkey face :p

    Still needs the interior finishing, thrusters, rcs, generators, weapons etc.

    Have tried to make the entire hull 2 blocks thick, which is the case over the majority of its surface.

    Any suggestions welcome :)
    2015-09-25_10-25-28.png 2015-09-25_10-26-24.png 2015-09-25_10-26-53.png 2015-09-25_10-27-12.png

    Haha, just had the notion that the developers created a planet inhabited by intelligent apes, and this is their mothership

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    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
    Omega Wolf, Phoenix, Elfnessa and 2 others like this.
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