Share your Unique or fun Seeds!

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by StoneLegion, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. ThunderMonkey

    ThunderMonkey Lieutenant

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Decided to try seeding the area codes of nearby locations, turns out Seed: 94520 is excellent! (With Seed: 94519, the escape pod was half-submerged in water to where I wasn't even able to access two of the storage containers.)

    Escape pod ended up right on a decent sized peninsula of land sandwiched between two bodies of water, with a very short walk to the mainland. Plenty of resources nearby (with closest alien tower quite the distance away) and doing rather well for my very first play through of the game; almost too well perhaps, lol. (Just bought the game right after 3.0 patch and haven't even messed with "Creative mode" or whatever yet.)

    My next big project in-game is to tackle building a space-station and Capitol Vessel.

    PS - Yes, all 4 of my grow-stations look like Super Mario mushrooms (missus' idea, lol!).

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    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  2. Blimy

    Blimy Commander

    Sep 4, 2015
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    I would have bet there was female involvement! :D So bright colours! haha

    Looks cool.
    ThunderMonkey likes this.
  3. ThunderMonkey

    ThunderMonkey Lieutenant

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Hehe, wish I could blame the missus for the coloring. I built the structures of the grow-stations, she only suggested the coloring for those... the rest of the designs were all me. xD (Think I was trying to make my ship look like a Superman/Kryptonian vessel or something, lol.)
    Blimy likes this.
  4. Sure

    Sure Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I was wondering this too... And if enough combinations exist that one seed would produce an earth replicate. I began to doubt that there were enough numbers allowed in the seed for that to be likely however.
  5. Blimy

    Blimy Commander

    Sep 4, 2015
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    SEED 10092015 - Omicron as starting planet

    Started over again last night and chose Omicron over Akua and it was tougher because there were no promethium deposits nearby.

    The Liberty Pride was a small, corvette class research vessel. Having completed its maiden voyage, the ship had landed safely on Aurora again.

    Scotty and I had been the engineers assigned to the mission. It was an honour that initially neither of us was particularly fond of. It meant a month in space, away from friends and family. Yes, we were most qualified, as the ship was built after our specifications. Still, anything for a quiet life.

    Our perception changed rapidly and soon after we had arrived back on Aurora.

    Being the engineers, we were the last people on board to conduct the usual suite of post flight checks. You normally need half a dozen people to do all this but everybody was just so keen to get home, we were volunteered before had a chance to protest. Things happen for the strangest reasons and now I am somewhat grateful.

    Scotty and I were at the auxiliary control station of the ship when they rest of the crew disembarked the ship. Envious we looked at the screen with the video feed of the airlock camera. This sensation lasted only for a few seconds when we suddenly heard weapons fire and screaming and saw our colleagues tumble down to the impact of bullets in their bodies.

    For a few seconds we were paralysed in shock. Then we looked at each other.

    "Seal the door! Quick!" There was desperation in Scotty's voice when he shouted the command at me. In a flurry my fingers moved across the panel, closing the airlock door while Scotty busied himself. At first I did not know what he was doing and then realised that he had engaged the thrusters to get the ship in the air again. With no view to see where we were going, this was a move out of deepest desperation. Somehow he managed not to hit anything while getting us out of the hangar.

    "I'll be on the bridge!" I shouted back while sprinting to the shuttle lift.

    "Bridge!" The voice recognition of the lift obeyed to the command and a few seconds later I was on the bridge.

    "Are you there yet?" Scotty enquired.

    "Just about." I respond d as I dumped myself in the helm's seat and swiftly took over control. Not a moment too soon! While Scotty had managed to get us out of the hangar, the ship was now heading straight for a control tower and impact was imminent.

    "Starboard thrusters full!" I shouted while trying ever so desperate that change the heading of the ship. With half a barrel roll followed by full aft thrusters, I managed to clear the tower and find time to breath again.

    "Clear!" Was the word Scotty had been waiting for. We were both relieved but had no time to rest.

    The scanner suddenly lit up with a number of hostile signature and they were closing in fast.

    "Scotty, we can't outrun them here. We need to leave the planet and get into space." I stated this as matter of fact, as Scotty was the one of us leaving wife and child behind.

    There was a long silence and I started to wonder whether he was still there. "Ok, get us out of here." He eventually responded.

    I engaged the attitude thrusters to aid the main aft thrusters for a faster climb rate. A desperate glance at the scanner made it clear that we weren't going to make it. The first of our persuers had entered firing range. Our aft turrets opened fire and dispatched of it. As more of the enemy fighters closed in, however, we started to take a serious beating.

    "Initiating galactic drive. Ten, nine ..." The computer announced.

    "Scotty, what are you doing?!" I shout into the comm.

    "It is the only way."

    "But it'll tear the ship apart."

    "Probably, but if it doesn't then we'll be safe and if it does, no difference to being shot down."

    He had a point. Trembling I waited for what might happen.

    "... three, two, one ..."

    I blanked out all fear and braced myself for the inevitable.

    "Entering unknown system."

    The computer's announcement faded in Scotty's cheering and I too felt so relieved. We had made it! No idea where we had ended up, but we were still alive.

    "Scotty, you are the man!"

    There was silence.

    "Scotty?" I started to worry but then he responded.

    "Sorry, just noticed something a bit worrying. The galactic drive is toast. I'll check in detail a bit later if we can fix it but for now we are stranded. Did you manage to determine where we are?"

    "Checking ..."

    I ran a star chart comparison. No match. Extending the search area did not help either.

    "Lost is the word, I think. Not even a close match with anything we know." I looked back at the scanner screen. "There are One, two ... four planets here and an asteroiid belt. So far I can see one moon. One of the planets looks quite green with what appear to be large areas of water, lakes or oceans. The planet with the moon appears to be a desert planet, at least arid climate, some areas with water. Then there is a totally white planet, implying it is completely covered in ice. Lastly, there is what looks like a lava planet. Looks pretty but not inviting."

    I heard Scotty mumble something but could not distinguish the words. Probably profanities of sorts.

    "What do you reckon? Shall we head for the green planet?" I ask.

    "Yeah, I suppose we need to land somewhere to take stock and see what we can repair." Scotty didn't sound too excited but we didn't really have much of a choice.

    "Course plotted and it'll be passing by the asteroid belt, We can have a look at that one along the way."

    As the adrenaline of our escape was being purge from my system, fatigue set in. I relaxed in the seat and did a mental recap of the past events. Somehow I must have dosed off, as I was suddenly woken up by the blaring of the alarm. We were under fire ... again.

    Scotty was swearing and shouting. I quickly took stock of the situation. We were under attack by a number of ships. They were too fast for the turrets to reliably dispatch of them. A scan revealed no life signs. Automated drones. I pushed the throttle to maximum and weaved the ship through the incoming fire. Still, we were taking damage and fast.

    Galactic drive anybody? "Scotty?!"

    "Don't even think about it. It is inoperational. And ... ouch ... can't squeeze anything else out of the engines." A string of profanities followed.

    Despite my best efforts to get distance from the asteroid belt and the enemy ships, deja vu. Again we were about to be shot down, only this time there was no galatic drive to get us out of our predicament.

    Suddenly there was a loud explosion and I heard Scotty shout through the static of the comm. "Escape pods. NOW!" A look at the warning messages on the display left no doubt, we were not going down, no, we were about to be blased to smithereens.

    I sprinted to the lift, took it to the lower deck where I saw Scotty jump into one of the escape pods. Quickly I entered another one, locked the hatch, started the launch sequence and prayed it would not be too late.

    Just as my pod separated from the ship the engines exploded and ripped the ship apart. Due to the proximity, my pod was caught by the shockwave and tossed at high speeds through space. The stabilisers struggled to get it under control again.
    Dalyon, Jwitsiepe and ThunderMonkey like this.
  6. Blimy

    Blimy Commander

    Sep 4, 2015
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    "Warning. Entering atmosphere. Approach velocity exceeding safety regulations. Emergency sequence initiated."

    Shortly after the computer announcement the pod started to stabilise in a vertical position to make full use of the thruster in slowing us down. I could see that I was about to crash land on the desert planet. I suppose it could have been worse, dead or ending up on the ice or lava planet.

    Checking the scanner screen, there was no sign of any other vehicles. I hoped Scotty had made it and I would find him on this planet.

    I can see a large station close to my crash site. There is also a large tower not too far. Starting up the constructor, I set it to manufacture an assault rifle and a few hundred rounds. There is only a limited number of templates available. I wish Scotty was here. He clearly was the brilliant mind between the two of us. Now I will have to survive without him. I will need a repair tool. A few hours later I have both, the weapon and the tool at my disposal.

    Taking stock of the emergency equipment of the escape pod, I can see that I will soon fall short of food, oxygen and energy cells. In the hope of simple remedy, I decide to pack up as much as I can and head for the station. Hopefully whoever lives there will be more welcoming than the drones in space.

    As I approach the station, I quickly realise that my hope was in vain. There is a drone homing in on me and a number of static defenses opened fire. As fast as I could, I zig zag my way to the base of the station, where the turrets can no longer reach me.

    Using the repair tool, I am dismantling a few of the station blocks at the base in my attempt to gain access. Considering the not-so.warm welcome, I am being very cautious. The bottom level has a few cargo containers with useful resources and some weapons and is, luckily, not defended.

    Taking the lift up, I pass a few levels with static defenses and then pass the core unit. Quickly I dismantle it and place my own core. rising further up in the lift, I pass a few more levels and then come to what appears to be the main engineering level.

    My oxygen is running low. I need to find an oxygen station. Checking the core interface for station schematics, I have to realise that there is none on this station. There is, however, a massive constructor, the size of which I had never seen. I also had passed some large generators, much larger than what we tend to use.

    Accessing the constructor, I dump all my resources in it and upload the schematics I have available. An oxygen station is among them and I am programming the constructor to build it.

    As I am waiting for the contructor to finish, I realise that this station is incredibly energy hungry and, with the limited energy cells and promethium at my disposal, I would not get very far.

    Quickly I disable just about anything on station that I did not need but even then, power consumption is huge. Obviously, this was not going to be a good place for me to make my base of operations. I would need something smaller.

    Accessing the constructor again, I programmed it to create a small vehicle starting block and one for a base.

    While it was busy, I roamed the station for food and, on the way dismantled one of the large generators, one of the large fuel tanks and also one of these huge constructors. I now did not only have the respective resources but also blueprints to get the constructor to build them for my new base.

    Mildly fed, tired but with a mission, I constructed all the necessary parts to get my small vehicle to a stage where I could use it to get off this station and explore the planet. The hangar of the stations was spacious and allowed for easy assembly.

    Several days later I am done, only a few energy cells and little food left, I entered my SV and went to look for promethium and a place to start a small base.

    Not far from the station there were medium sized silicon and iron deposits near the sea. So I chose this for a place to start my new home. With energy cells down, I figured it would be best to raid the nearby tower ...
    Jwitsiepe and ThunderMonkey like this.
  7. QuickSylver

    QuickSylver Ensign

    Aug 16, 2015
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    123456789 is nice if you want lots of promethium (3), silicon (1) and magnesium (2)....nothing else nearby as far as I can, if only I could build a vehicle out of promethium....hmmmm
  8. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Seed 65535: I have found ONE--exactly ONE wild aloe vera sprout. I picked it and hung around the house for a few days and listened to the Rocket turret do its thing. I planted the 2 sprouts, harvested and replanted, then I had 6, then 18, then 54.
  9. phildking963

    phildking963 Ensign

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Seed number "12" is a brilliant world seed on version 3.2.0 it has every single resource close by, and the escape pod is on flat ground starting near a water source, and it also has a tower in the vicinity

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    RockinSince87 likes this.
  10. Astra

    Astra Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I have been trying several too. Started with all the 5 digit prime numbers.
    Are going to be able to use the seeds in Creative mode?
    And how do we get a blueprint into Survival? Can we somehow turn the code into a spawnable item?
  11. robberer

    robberer Commander

    Sep 25, 2015
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    May I share another nice seed with you guys ?

    I play the game since 4 days (i love it so far) and in every savegame, before I found this seed, drones destroyed my bases. So i did around 300 restarts with random seeds till I spotted this this sweet little shelter only 700 meters from the escape pod. That saved me A LOT of ressources ;-).



    EDIT: Since 3.3.0 this seed isn't valid anymore. It's the same terrain but the Titan is missing.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
    Arturius1967 likes this.
  12. crazytd69

    crazytd69 Lieutenant

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Awesome. Starting new game now.

    And there is a tower close by.
  13. robberer

    robberer Commander

    Sep 25, 2015
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    On the top of this CV, I were gifted with a "stacked drone repository" (possibly by a bug). I killed almost 20 drones who attacked my left escape pod. Nice "Loot". Saved me another bunch of ressources. Now I'm in space and about to salvage a complete "research outpost". Have Fun.
  14. Yagar

    Yagar Lieutenant

    Sep 23, 2015
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    Is there a way to find the seed of an existing planet subsequently? (I started with a newly created planet a few days ago, but didn't note the seed#)

    EDIT: Found the answer. The seed# can be found in game.dat at address 0x10-0x13. :)
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
    Thivik and blooddragon606 like this.
  15. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    8463, Akua start

    Start about 800m from a V3 tower, with enough cover that you can run in without taking out the turrets (you'll still take damage, but you'll live). 700m from that tower is another V3 tower. Between the two of them , you'll have enough mats to get the escape pod up and running again. Akua has at least 4 ore nodes of each type, the smallest being size 5. There are also a bunch of V1 and V2 (and some more V3s) towers to loot as well. Enough coils to equip a SV with 4 x railguns (one shot from these will kill a hostile turret far beyond the range it can hit you from)

    Omicron has a V3 tower about 450m from the crashed Titan, roughly the same number of ore nodes as Akua (up to size 12), a drone factory, a couple of the smaller Alien Bases, and another bunch of V1, V2 and V3 towers.

    There's another crashed ship (hostile) on Omicrons moon and some more towers to loot.

    There is a Research Station and an Alien Base (with satellites) almost exactly halfway between Omicron and Akua (I have no idea if this is normal) .

    That's about as far as I've gotten right now, still haven't touched the Ice and Lava plants after 30+ hours of playing.

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    Last edited: Sep 30, 2015
  16. Roggles

    Roggles Lieutenant

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Want the hardest start Ive found so far

    Try this seed on Omnicron - Survival


    And let me know what you think :p
  17. robberer

    robberer Commander

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Could it be that since 3.3.0 this thread has become some kind of obsolete ?

    The terrain seems to be the same but all ressource spots und POI are gone.
  18. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I restarted 8463. I'm a bit sad that the old V1/2/3 towers are gone (the V3s made for awesome prebuilt bases), but the salvage from the broken Titan makes up for it hugely. Hint: most of the CV engines are intact...

    Apart from that, there are still a lot of mining nodes :)
  19. Peter

    Peter Commander

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Since the restart I tried different seeds, I didn't like anything I was getting till, 768806, this is the planet Akua (temperate).

    You start on an island perfectly away from hostile POI, BUT! resources if you end up like me (I messed up by not building my base first), are bit of a hike on foot/swim.

    Resources are good, lots of iron, took over an epsilon base in the direction right of where your ship is facing, excellent natural resources (corndogs, Akua fruit, fiber, alien plasma, aloe not to far off), everything you need to survive and the land is a combination of hills and lots of flat areas.

    This is an excellent choice for a starting seed.
  20. Thivik

    Thivik Commander

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Hey, Thanks for finding this, it's a tidbit I am sure will come in handy.

    Tyrax Lightning and Yagar like this.

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