Small Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Hi Elfnessa not sure this the one you're looking but I have one with that name, you can find it's latest version here.
    Lealu likes this.
  2. Elfnessa

    Elfnessa Commander

    Sep 14, 2015
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  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    A cargo chopper? Far out mate...
    I tryed the dual cockpit in one of my builds once but don't know how will that handle in multiplayer, can both pilots control the vessel?


    As for the city mate, it's awesome, I would love to have a look at it, do you plan to share it in any way?
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
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  4. Elfnessa

    Elfnessa Commander

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Ye s I will share the City When it is Total finished! By the way I have shared 2 Bluprints of the city in the Base section!

    SV; only one can control it the other one is the passenger and they can handle in MP!

    Kaeser Thank You again!
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  5. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Star Wars
    Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor

    close to 1:1 scale ( a bit bigger, because of actually block limits)
    extreme light (4,67 T)

    2015-09-27_00002.jpg 2015-09-27_00003.jpg 2015-09-27_00004.jpg 2015-09-27_00005.jpg 2015-09-27_00006.jpg 2015-09-27_00007.jpg 2015-09-27_00008.jpg
    2015-09-27_00005.jpg 2015-09-27_00006.jpg

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    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
  6. Guppy80

    Guppy80 Ensign

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Hey everyone, just uploading a progress of a build I am working on. I was considering going for the current 250 block limit but instead stuck with only 120 blocks long, mind you this ship is still incomplete in my opinion and I am working to finish it, but I am open to any feedback and ideas (criticism included).

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The lights are a bit more than I was expecting, but I've lost count of how much equipment is on this ship, it is a Small Vessel class and has been tested in space flight. It is a heavy ship and accelerates and decelerates slowly both in atmosphere, and space environments.
    Current Specs

    U.S.S. Brekensheld (120 small vessel block long NCC 1701-E Sovereign class replica ship)
    197 Tons (20% to maybe 30% last time I flew in atmosphere)
    40+? Generators (Almost 76 MW power)
    50 to 60 fuel tanks?
    70+? RCS modules
    10 Containers
    1 Pilot seat
    7 passenger seats
    1 O2 station
    10 O2 containers
    1 small constructor
    2 Small Fridges
    30+? Thrusters Normal/Armored/Directional (All internal)
    2 Access doors
    To do list:
    Color Scheme
    Flare lights
    Hull exterior/interior clean up

    As an after thought, to anyone planning on building a ship like this, or this big, it's a huge pain in the back building it on the planet surface, I had many moments where I was building it and the blocks/support beams I had built would glitch, sink, and spring up launching the hull up and nearly into the ocean on several occasions (this ship was built on a survival map).
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
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  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
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  8. Ronin

    Ronin Ensign

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Started a new seed again. came up with this as the perfect one man shuttle, fighter and hunting vehicle. Only armed with 2 rocket launchers but havnt found anything it wont take out with a couple of salvoes :) its made it to Aestus and back having lost only one armor panel. Took out 2 plasma and 2 cannon drones before i could mine. A few overseers as well to clear the area :) Going to try sneaking into to asteroid field for some strathium next me thinks. But here she is

    1 X RCS
    1 X Generator
    1 X Fuel tank
    1 X Cargo Box
    1 X Fridge
    2 X Rocket Launchers
    6 X Directional thrusters( 2 below and 1 on every other direction)
    3 Slant Thrusters

    The fuel tank, cargo box and fridge are all behind overlapping armor plates which allow access without allowing any direct shots to threaten them. She handles really well and weighs in at 3.11 tons.

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    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
  9. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Something for the Star Wars fans on the ice planet ;)

    Extreme light and fast.

    2015-09-29_00003.jpg 2015-09-29_00004.jpg 2015-09-29_00005.jpg 2015-09-29_00006.jpg 2015-09-29_00007.jpg 2015-09-29_00008.jpg 2015-09-29_00009.jpg


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  10. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    #Arturius1967.. i don't often like pop scifi remakes in E:GS, but when i do, it's your snowspeeder. GJ!
    Hiram Abiff and Arturius1967 like this.
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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  12. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    One over engineered strike fighter/explorer vessel.

    3 x Generator
    3 x RCS
    2 x Cargo Box
    4 x Fuel tank
    4 x Rail gun
    1 x Oxygen Tank and Station
    12 x Armored Thrusters (2 front, 1 left and right, 1 top, 4 bottom and 4 rear)

    It's incredibly manoeuvrable, out flys every AI ship in the game, can one shot turrets from 700-900m, can get up to max atmospheric speed in less than a second (forward, backwards or upwards). 30 minutes continuous burn on planets, 2 hours in space. Perfect for invading and taking over enemy installations and scouting planets. 2015-09-29_00001.jpg 2015-09-29_00002.jpg 2015-09-29_00001.jpg

    EDIT, one of the lower wing corners is missing. That's the only thing that got shot off while neutralising the Research Station, Alien Space base and Satellites and killing every Space Drone I could find.

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    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    Sectiplave, Lealu and Pr0gr4mm3r like this.
  13. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Ok guys, this is my Draco Frigate, is a deep space exploration vessel but extremely fast and agile with a deadly bite for better survivability, comes with everything needed for long stays, large constructors, food processors, farm plots, medic stations and a paint job to go along....

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    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
    martian101, Madnesis, Grimmer and 7 others like this.
  14. Lealu

    Lealu Captain

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Ok, I'll see your 'One over engineered strike fighter/explorer vessel' with my
    'Over armored explorer/fighter vessel' :p

    Introducing Becky_DD

    This is only the base model ready to be customized (and painted) as needed to fit what is needed for the job at hand.
    She may not be as pretty or fancy as most SV's posted here, but there is something to be said for purpose built vehicles.

    This project started as a response to the updated AI of drones and alien turrets in regards to the improved accuracy and damage the seem to be capable of currently. I got really tired of having my directional thrusters blown off the side of my current SV (updated escape pod) as well as having all the explodie bits just hanging out the sides ready for drone target practice.

    Concept Requirements:

    An explorer class SV capable of taking a reasonable amount of damage without being too crippled to fly back to base or going up like a roman candle on the first hit. Yet not so heavily armored that it is a fuel hog due to the number/size of thrusters required to make it air worthy.

    Take full advantage of the new high visibility cockpit. (I like to see what is around me)

    Things that like to explode should be enclosed and thrusters need to be inset and covered with a window block to minize the ability of drones to target them.

    Keep weapons (especially rocket launchers) well away from critical sections of the vehicle.

    Isolate fuel tanks in a back section of the vehicle to minimize damage if they do actually get hit and explode. Also the back end seems to get the least amount of damage so likely the safest area for highly explosive elements.

    Use redundant elements sparingly (but do use them) to make it efficient to operate.

    4 generators
    4 RCS units
    3 directional thrusters on top and both sides
    6 directional thrusters on the underside for lift
    4 armored thrusters for forward movement
    2 armored thrusters for breaking and reverse movement
    3 O2 tanks
    1 each O2 station & constructor
    Multiple storage boxes placed internally
    6 fuel tanks (only planned on 4 but the space was available)
    Locations for 8 weapons in the armored weapons pods (4 on either side).
    Weapons slots are deep enough that most weapons should fit and be completely enclosed
    4 forward lights and 3 downward facing lights for landing markers.
    2 internal compartments isolated by double doors
    Way too many feet to stand on (double landing gear in all locations, had some shot off and didn't like it)

    The front is setup to take a fair amount of damage while protecting the primary systems.
    And for those that noticed, yes there are hull blocks between the front landing gear that will take some damage from rough landings, it's protection for a reverse thruster.
    Becky_DD Front1.png

    Perspective view to show all thrusters are recessed except for the bottom ones (no room) and covered by windows.

    Becky_DD Front 2.png

    Rear view, not real happy with the need to use regular ramps to climb into the interior but sometimes necessity overrides aesthetics or good taste. :) I dislike having to use the wimpy jet-pack to enter a vehicle, can also be a problem with the double doors.
    Becky_DD Back2.png

    Internal space is super cramped but I wanted the vehicle to be as small a target as possible, still enough room to work I think.

    The forward compartment with O2 station & tanks, constructor and storage boxes.
    The 2 generators are on either side of the core right behind the center O2 tank. RCS units are on top of the generators.
    Becky_DD Forward Compartment.png
    Rear compartment with fuel tanks and more storage. The double doors seen isolate the 2 compartments, insurance is cheaper than replacing everything.
    Becky_DD Rear Compartment.png

    Overall the look is not fancy but functional. As configured it flies but is a bit sluggish in response for combat roles.

    This is primarily intends as a base vehicle to customize as needed for the job at hand.


    Just had to test it out in a real survivor game.

    Results are very promissing. After 2 direct plasma turret hits (missed one) to the front and a total of 5 drones attacking it from the sides (two of them were rocket types) it was not only still flying but only required around 8 blocks to be replaced (and many repaired) with no equipment or mounted weapons lost.

    Just wish I could output a bill of materials from the BP so I could recreate one in my regular survivor game.

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    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
    Ulrich and Elfnessa like this.
  15. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Here's my newest little drop ship, the DarkWing (wife said it looked like a duck...) 2015-10-04_00107.jpg

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  16. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    How... how did... did I miss something? That's a CV, but on the surface? Or CV parts in an SV? What did... Did I miss something major?
  17. robberer

    robberer Commander

    Sep 25, 2015
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    OK, here comes my daily planetary SV workhorse ;-) . It looks more like a mouse.

    Not creative but for me it's higly functionial. Weights only 4,8 t and uses 1 armored thruster per direction. It's is slim because sometimes I want to hide in ravines and has everything onboard you need to survive for a while. With it's three railguns you can take out every hostile base/drone from a safe distance.

    Best for me: It's easy to repair because it has no complex design.

    P.S.: extra features :p a lot of storage and the new cockpit (you can see below you)

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    Last edited: Oct 5, 2015
    Pr0gr4mm3r and Lealu like this.
  18. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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  19. Iam Felonious

    Iam Felonious Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Repost: Welcome to the U.G.G. Lee, my first semi serious attempt at a viable SV. If anyone ever uses this thing and paints it, please fling a screenshot my way.

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  20. Timo

    Timo Ensign

    Sep 29, 2015
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    Check out my penguin ship

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    Mac, robberer and Lealu like this.
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