Hello, I would like to report this person to hack! Today at 4am, he came on Akua, made a spawn full of soldier and destroyed all the bases, he also made craters everywhere on the planet, please pay attention to this person http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198346522648/
Judging by the names he has played as, I'd say he has a bit of a social disorder. Also sending the logs to the devs here might help them identify how and where the hack was done and allow them to prevent it happening again.
He just hit the server I was playing on as well. A few of my buddies and I were hanging out... He deleted my capital vessel... then proceeded to destroy all our buildings we had built in our compound. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198346522648 He gets off on being a dick Here is server info The Nomadic Crazies
Yes sir. Myself and 2 friends all reported him. I thought he was the admin... but he said "nah not my server" I told him one day he'll make it out of his parent's basement and maybe get rid of all that pent up aggression What do you want? His SS# ? Not everyone video-captures all of their video gaming moments. The framerate drop wouldnt be worth the rare hacking encounter. Before you post anything you need to ask yourself "am I adding anything valuable to this conversation?"
Anyone who is dissatisfied with you can point a finger at you and accuse you of any violations of the rules, and without providing proof that you are wrong? Presumption of innocence - these words do not say anything to you? There is a public accusation against the player, but there is no evidence of guilt. There are just emotions. I'm sorry, but your anger at me does not matter to me. And it's not interesting to me. Be kinder. Good luck!
Thanks for the info, I'll be putting this player on watch if i see him, Maybe as a group of server owners we should share ban lists? Would be nice to have that level of communication with you all.