What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Yesterday I made the base festive to surprise my fellow stranded survivors. I've made a little plan for the Empyrion Christmas festivities, but it begins with some decorations! :)


    @Friendly Timo joined me in singing and then when @rainyday day got to the living quarters, he really wanted to open his presents early. They don't open, so I think he went and blasted away the door I just put in the basement. :p I mean, doors don't just vanish--everyone knows that. But then @rainyday explained it all away with a perfectly timed joke. And really, what's a lost door between friends (or possibly husbands lol) anyways? It's not as if we don't have enough materials to make doors all through the New Year. :D

    I'm just joking. We all know the devs stole the door, thinking it would be the funniest prank because they expected we'd be three sheets to the wind by then, thanks to all the wine! But we waited until dawn to drink a whole bottle in one mighty gulp. I mean, we really didn't want to mess up the ship. Imagine me with a bucket of paint, throwing it around in a drunken stupor! Hey... the devs tried that other prank too... the multitool one! What a hoot--they tried to simulate players falling down drunk, and passing out, but with the high tech option to send a report to the universe about the strength of that wine. :)
  2. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Been building a lot lately - so I thought I'd try the SP for a change, how the game start feels with the solar panels and all.

    Well - crashing down as usual - I spotted a civilian POI nearby. I thought I'd head over there right away - but halfway there I was greeted by this:
    20171217104647_1.jpg Patrol Vessel! It's still heading directly to the Wreckage POI the minute the game starts :/ Oh well, rough start. It happens. Quick return to the wreckage POI and get last of the stuff and head out as fast as I can. I headed towards the large lake - but it became obvious that the PV was following me! Oh crap, time to burrow down:

    20171217105352_1.jpg It was pretty close, PV was peeking by the tunnel entrance just as I got out of sight. Gladly it didn't hold it interest for long and left. (To the wreckage POI as I later discovered.... )

    I built my base to the underground hole. Not having enough resources for a HV, I actually found myself using the bike. It's been quite long since I last used it. It's OK I suppose, gets you from A to B quite a lot faster than walking...

    During my explorations I found out that the PV was hovering over the wreckage POI the whole time I was playing. Several (in game) days. Oh well, that's better than being interested in my base ...
    Solar panels! They're great! Not awfully lot of power but they're cheap to set up and you can add panels as you go. They do make my 'Underground Hideout' slightly more visible to the enemy but oh well... :D
  3. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Created a vessel for the current CV challenge started by @Fluffy
  4. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Well, I wen't back to creative to do 'bad' builds. Ie. builds that are just for fun and by no means cost effective nor good all around vessels. You know, not kind of stuff you would normally build in survival.

    This is Raido Stargazer - a 'Space Grand Tourer' if you will. She flies with dignity and poise, as she makes her gentle turns amongst the asteroids. Great acceleration. Normal steel, lightly armed and terrible fuel efficiency, I would imagine. Has warp drive.

    Now I just need loads of levels more to be able to spawn it in game...



    I was kinda hoping I could hide the landing gear little bit better - but it is what it is. I hope we get retractable landing gear at some point. Just tried to make them look as functional as possible atleast.

    20171217184740_1.jpg 20171217185012_1.jpg
  5. Wild_XIII

    Wild_XIII Captain

    Aug 10, 2016
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    This poor dude was just trying to read his emails before I came along.

    To be fair, he didn't seem too phased by the landing debris of what was once a minigun drone. Those emails must be important!

    Sasquatch, lochigg, Theurgist and 9 others like this.
  6. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Probably was just reading the latest Empyrion patch notes :D
  7. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Even that Sign is a better Singer then the RL me... & it isn't even capable of Audio! Or... maybe it's a better Singer then me BECAUSE of its lack of Audio! :p
  8. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Is there a Christmas Carol titled "Far Away"? I ask because every time I start singing people ask if I could sing far away.
  9. Malekh

    Malekh Captain

    Apr 26, 2016
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    So it's not just me, then? Seriously, where is the joy in people's lives if they don't like other people singing? Where is the joy, i ask you? Oh i'm not adele, i should shut up now..... too bad, i'm happy and i'm singing! Deal with it. :)
  10. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Well, if You sing like me, there can't be any joy in people's lives, only horror and desperation...:D
    Which is why I do it, after all to me it's MY joy that's important...:D
  11. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    I tend to avoid singing cause I've heard my mother singing and I won't inflict that kind of horror on others.
    Wild_XIII and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    The flat forehead moment I had thanks to @banksman45 , that it was possible & even desirable to use/live-in the bones of a CV while building it melded with a long time itch; why can't/don't we salvage the escape pod? Though I'm sure others have brought this up before :).

    So wondering if anyone has thoughts/blueprints based on a starter CV where it's basically just a limited/wrecked chassis or shell? And thoughts on if something like that would be a nice alternative "starter base" to the starter BA's right now?

    I took the ship I build for Fluffy's challenge and stripped out most of it's guts. No genies/thrusters/tanks/warp & downgraded everything so no Sathium or Neo, only 5 Cobalt. But I didn't go far enough for it to be any engineering challenge to build it back up; the entire shell is there. And left in a reg lrg Construstor/Food pro/T1 Fridge/Cargo/Ammo boxes.

    The starter bases have a really nice, 'slapped together with whatever was available' look & feel to them. Not sure how doable it is to make a small, so called 'wrecked' CV that would not only be worth fixing up, and was, somehow, buildable by a newer player?

    Or would it make more sense if it were a SV?
    banksman45 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Notes all the Singing Creepypasta...* What... have I done...? :eek:

    Umm... I should Re-Rail this Topic... :oops:

    For the Topic: Still workin out more basic plan behind my future Multitool Turret HV. I'm pondering making it an Asymm so it can be my first Asymm Build in awhile at the same time & i'll be able to get more caught up at my Asymming as I go. :)
  14. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    I did a fancy 'easy access' raised piloting seat setup. Not sure if it's good or not, but when I landed on an incline and got out it dropped me half way down the elevator. Good if you want to get to a smaller vessel fast. Bad if you want to open the doors from the control panel first. lol

    Now I have the outside mostly done I'm cringing on how to do the internals. Too much space for a standard crafting setup, and not quite enough for a recessed version. Unless I move the floor. Screenshot_17.jpg Screenshot_18.jpg Screenshot_19.jpg
  15. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Well h3ll @Tyrax Lightning , I didn't think you'd derailed anything :). I've been obsessing over this 'fixer-upper wrecked starter CV' idea all day, -while- listening & singing to The Lumineers on repeat, ha :p! Edit: though it's past time for some Stones/Led Zep/Dylan. The Lums are catchy as h3ll but they may be the devils path to skinny jeans! :eek:
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Well building for aesthetics first has been an interesting experience so far. Its resulted in a far more varied shape than usual but also makes doing the interior more challenging.

    Time to call upon the expertise in this thread:
    What quantities of things would be appropriate for a 'luxury' version of a mid-range survival CV?

    I'm trying to keep the required research level down (Currently at 15). Thankfully this pretty much opens up all of the non-battle options.
    I've haven't done a huge amount of survival using a CV, usually run from a Base, so have never actually relied fully on farming.
    How many people could 18 farm plots support?
    There will be a set of O2 + medbay at all entrances, cockpit and medical bay. Currently running on 2 T1 generators but I suspect I'll need to boost that. Only 5 T2 RCS have given it good turning capabilities. There will be some internal storage, but as there is a dedicated Mobile Storage Container bay this is largely just for ease of use.
    Usually I aim for 3-4 constructors; fuel processing, ore processing, then 1-2 others for actual production.

    [Edit: 4 hours on and I've done little for the interior, lol. But the exterior is getting close to it's Final Form:
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I spent a bit of time troubleshooting two old blueprints, trying to figure out why they were not airtight.
    I finally found the issue, there was a RCS directly underneath a turret, creating a hole in the hull.
    It did not help that there was a non-airtight piece of hardware on the other side of the RCS, so it was not visible.

    I also did some extensive rework to the armored mobile spawn points.
    They both have an armor locker and a harvest box now, and I reworked the bodies a bit.
    They are defiantly flying bricks now, I just need to take one against Therimka Station and see how well it survives.

  18. Sparrowhawk65

    Sparrowhawk65 Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Nice work. :)

    I wonder... have spotlights had some changes recently? Some of the spotlights on your ship are slopes. They point fairly sharply downwards at the ground. I tried removing one and replacing it, again as a slope so it should have been the same, but the light changed to almost horizontal. I tried all three styles, and although they do point at different angles, they are all pretty much the same.
    MEKNET1977 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    It never ceases to amaze me what people build in this game.

    For example Giant CV shipyard by @Karin (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1233693467). That thing is just massive - and not just that, but incredibly detailed too. My 'Ilmarinen' is being mentioned to be able to fit the landing platform. And I thought I built a big ship but it just looks tiny in that platform. I mean that place can hold literally dozens of ships of different sizes no problem. If you're looking for a place to house your evergrowing fleet - I would look into this.

    And just to make clear - screenshots don't really do any justice to this place. This is one of those places you need to spawn in game and just wander around and enjoy all the details and sheer size of it. It just seems to never end... :)

    20171217010424_1.jpg 20171217010513_1.jpg

    Other build I've been amazed by lately is 'Achernar-V' by A Big Ball Of Earwax (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1205210628). It is very believable ship in so many respect - and on top of that just simply beautiful.

    Oh and that 'gravity ring' on the back? It totally works! Spawn this in space and just go around it. It's very skilled, creative and clever design.


    - - - - - - - - - -

    I was building a little bit in MP yesterday, but I also spawned in my 'Warp Ring'. Decided I want to get my Vagabond SV from Akua and bring it to Oscutune. Well, it didn't quite go as planned.

    I descended on beautiful & serene Akua - and was greeted by double hostile POI! Needless to say, this ship ain't built for combat (nor for atmospheric flight), and couple explosions later I was feeling bit light:
    There should be a warp core in the middle where there now is a gaping hole.

    After perfect landing, I assessed the damage. Only warp core gone - and couple antennas. Luckily warp fuel tank was intact - but as I later found out, it wasn't enough to get back to Oscutune. I flew to Akua moon, did not find a single pentaxid. I mean not even picked up ones - I wonder what has happened to them? Back to Akua and made a dive to the biggest lake. Found two. Two! That's total of four pentaxid. Not enough. Well, as a last resort (which - in hindsight - should have been my first choice) I looted the faction base and found 600 refined pentaxid just sitting there :rolleyes: Oh well, @Starwing6 & @Friendly Timo are such active looters & gatherers that I should always first check the cargo boxes in the base :p Just makes me feel bit unsecure as Im pretty sure Im not filling up the faction loot boxes as fast as I'm emptying them! :oops:

    All set up, let's dock and head back to Oscutune!

    Decided to make basic HV to move around our base and building platform. Just that our base isn't excatly HV accessible at the moment - but I'm about to change that...
  20. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Woot! Good enough for me, Thread Rails intact! :D

    When holding Spotlight Blocks in hand from Hotbar, RMB to open its Block Selection Menu. Peruse this Menu a bit & ya'll see that there's 2 variants of the Sloped Spotlight... a Forward Beam Variant & a Diagonal Beam Variant. ;)

    The Forward Beam Variant is useful when ya wanna place Forward Lighting onto a area of Hull that's sloped instead of flat, & the diagonal beam variant is useful for placing Diagonal Light Beams at strategic areas for widening your Spotlight Lit Area Amount. My Tyrax Dwarf Mole is a good example of this, it uses both variants. Its lower Slope Lights provide the forward lighting in a way that's friendly to HV Maneuvering up & down hills & Mine Shafts, & its upper Slope Lights provide diagonal beams aimed forward-up to light up Mine Shaft & Hole wall area so I can look-see at them from inside my Cockpit & make sure i'm not missing anything as I dig... all while fitting my HV's sleek & slim profile. :)
    rucky and StyleBBQ like this.

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