FAQ & Feedback: Solar Energy

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Just thinking: we could possibly get rid of a fixed amount of panels, if we add that „loss“ to an increasing amount of solar panels added (same would be true and could also be used for other devices ... for a „soft balancing“)
    rainyday likes this.
  2. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    I think solar panels are currently underpowered. We settled up a base with 20 solar panels on the nearest planet of the sun on the equator and all 20 solar panels are 4/4 leds and cannot handle a single furnace. I think that 20 solar panels need to handle at least 2 furnaces.
    Its a game of the future and not a simulator of the present. To the people saying that are overpowered...what you have in base? a growing light?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
    ASTIC likes this.
  3. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    It's like in reality. Solar energy does not prevail. If your panels generate 100-500 kW but a funeral 600kW and a repair bay 25 MW !!! consumed and a T2 generator just 500MW easily generated - Here we probably need a little more sun ;-)
  4. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Is a game not reality. If was reality you havent warp drive etc... We have advanced tecnology here. 20 solar panels that cannot handle a single item is ridiculous. I expect that 20 solar panels need to handle a huge base. Make them a 25 lvl item that cost a lot in resources but once placed i want to be prometium free. Is galactic survival not galactic simulator.
  5. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    That is why we have already drastically increased the number and efficiency of the solar panels on our server via the Config.ecf ;-)
  6. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Help me out. What are we balancing? Is 21+ panels too powerful for a player? Are we worried nobody will need Promethium? Does it create a performance issue?

    I suspect the limit encourages making more bases, not reducing the number of panels.

    When starting a new game, I noticed one of the options now is to ignore limits and the description talks about turrets on CVs. Does that also turn off the limit on panels?
  7. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    At this point, I don't hear anyone saying they're overpowered. I suspect they're underpowered a little at this point, but there appears to be a bug keeping folks from doing longer-term testing.

    Regarding powering hungry devices with solar power, I think that should be possible in the game too. However, from a game aspect I think its more "gamey" to make it such that you might have to bank a bunch of power in batteries to do it and perhaps fall back to a generator for an extended hungry load. I don't know if a furnace should be a power hungry device, or not.
  8. Mireru

    Mireru Lieutenant

    Nov 10, 2016
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    I'm thinking the panels are fine as they are. Even with 100% conversion of energy, there only is so much energy per meter of sunlight. Mercury at its most is getting <15 kW/m2, and that's kissing the Sun with no pesky atmosphere. Earth gets 1kW and change.

    There is ease for game convenience, and then there is 'science is magic yo, thermodynamics is for luddites'.
  9. jimmykloep

    jimmykloep Ensign

    Dec 20, 2017
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    people are to one track minded how about 2 switches for electric and normal fuel but when one runs out it switched to the other automatically I think you should be able to place more solar cells and I think the energy should be stronger on other planets for solar panels
  10. jimmykloep

    jimmykloep Ensign

    Dec 20, 2017
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    I understand why you wanna compare the solar panels to that of ones in real life but might I remind you a single light in empyrion uses 1 KW of power so trying to compare the games solar panels to that of ones in real life my base would need 166 solar panels on mercury with your logic in other words comparing the 2 is hardly the same
  11. Mireru

    Mireru Lieutenant

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Which to me screams more 'fix the irrational values for the other equipment*', than doubling down on 'orifice-derived numbers' =P
    I'm not entirely sure I'd want to sleep in a bed that drew 1 kW~

    *which believe was also an option (albeit 'with different words') in the survey
    zztong likes this.
  12. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    For others, I think he is referring to this survey...


    ... which was based on a discussion about the range of possible values for power.
  13. jimmykloep

    jimmykloep Ensign

    Dec 20, 2017
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    If they would fix the power values I would be much more happy rather they make solar panels stronger I couldn't agree with you more certain furniture shouldn't take power on the other hand lights should use a 100 watts or more because you can change the brightness of the light id be cool with it burning 200 even 300 watts but 1 KW is crazy same thing with the fridges plant lights o2 ventilator.... I could go on but I have a good feeling you've thought about this a lot to idk much about forges in real life but id imagine they wouldn't use 600 KW constant. comin from someone who uses 3 forges and 4 constructers when I'm having my stuff running and active I burn nearly 4 MW.
  14. jimmykloep

    jimmykloep Ensign

    Dec 20, 2017
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    also although I'm running 16 solar batteries and 106 solar panels my power reading almost always says infinite also at the best time of day on oscutune I pick up a little more then 5 MW
  15. Starmage21

    Starmage21 Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2017
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    These panels are 5x3 blocks. I forget what 1 block represents, but that thats like a 9x15ft panel. I put 4 of them on a 5x5x4 'cube' base with barely anything in it, and they couldnt power it. Inside the base: 1 Light (OFF), 1 Ventilator, 2 T1 O2 tanks, 1 Large Constructor (OFF), 1 Solar Capacitor, 1 T1 Fridge. 1 Cannon Turret on top. Buildable by level 3. Built this base roughly near the equator on Akua.

    Total Draw: 59KW
    The door faced due North.
    1 flat panel facing East
    1 flat panel facing West
    1 flat panel facing South
    1 flat panel on the roof facing up.

    This configuration means that at any given time of day, roughly 1 panel is getting direct sunlight, and one of the others is somewhere around 50%.
  16. jimmykloep

    jimmykloep Ensign

    Dec 20, 2017
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    Not shure what caused it but both my solar panels on my space station and on land have stopped working both bases in oscutune it happened while I was flying back and forth between the 2 with materials logged out and back in 3 times and they started working again but its a reoccurring thing
  17. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I made a new start, built a 21 x 21 x 3 base, put 18 solar panels on top (6 facing East, 6 facing West, 6 facing South) and have sufficient power for 2 x T2 fridges, 1 food processor, a ventilator, a toilet, a shower, 2 lights, 1 door, 1 core (!), 1 O2 tank, 1 ammo box and 1 rocket turret. My survival is very well cushioned and comfortable for now. I believe that's quite fair power from a few solar panels and a battery...
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
  18. jimmykloep

    jimmykloep Ensign

    Dec 20, 2017
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    I can see why you think the solar panels are fine how they are but that's a starter base and your almost usint the max allowed solar panels ive been playing for 500+ hours and my average base pulls 2+ MW of power although my major 2 bases use 4-6 MW making the solar panels basically useless unless I remove the block limiter and that's just pointless solar panels shouldn't be viewed as starter power it should be viewed as a primary power in certain applications space bases should obviously be able to utilize the full potential of solar panels yet you pull way more power on planets don't get me wrong I think they should be used on and off planet but no doubt it should be able to put out more power unless they do a full sweep of the power inputs and outputs of all devices.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You have been playing 500 hours since the solar panels are in the game ? Wow...

    I think solar panels should not replace the need for fuel completely, or else players will abuse platforms with turrets with eternal power, guarding unattended areas forever. Presently I still have free power for many other devices, I don't feel the need for fuel unless starting major ingots and devices production.

    What you call a "starter base" has T2 fridges, big O2 tank, a rocket turret... not quite a "starter base" in my view ; it's a rather well equipped shelter able to sustain itself forever, unless it runs short of ammo.

    When we use the word "should / should not" it is because we believe it is "imperative", and this is subjective regarding devices since there are so many different ways to play and build that we can hardly decide of where to trace the line. I think that for a "complementary" power source, solar panels as they are do a very good job. If players want more they are entitled to more, but my opinion is that it is far from being as bad as described by some players, in fact it is "satisfying"... for me.
  20. Avalast

    Avalast Ensign

    Dec 17, 2017
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    While more power from the panels would be nice, I would rather see a T2 version of the solar panels that are mounted on turret mounts, thus coming with solar tracking to enable highest possible performance on a planet during day time (And maybe a slightly higher output).

    That and signal feedback from all devices so as to be able to set up logic circuits to cut power to unused constructors/food processors/fridges/furnaces.

    Also I would appreciate the limit on the number of capacitors being increased to 4. I need 4 in my base to achieve utility room symmetry :)
    Also it would be nice to have more of these to prevent a lucky shot from powering down a base during night time.

    At that point I'll be a happy camper :)
    jimmykloep likes this.

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