
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Since both solar panel feedback threads are locked against replies, I guess I'll post here.

    Please, please, please change the saturation/hue on the yellow and green indicators to something more distinguishable for those of us with red/green colour blindness. I have a very mild case and now that I see the indicators in-game, I cannot tell them apart.
  2. Jon2

    Jon2 Lieutenant

    Dec 3, 2017
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    I think would be cool if the devs put some things to allow the player to play better underwater. Here are some of my ideas for underwater:

    Water Remover:

    This would be a equipament that the player can put inside his base or any other vehicle. It would remove all the water inside the base or vehicle and stop the water from coming back in again, as long as it is turned on.

    Dive Equipament:

    This would be a equipament that the player can put in any vehicle (HV, SV and CV). It would allow the vehicle to dive and walk free underwater as it walk free on the earth, sky or above water. Like a submarine.

    Pressure Rules and Pressure Equipament:

    Could have pressure in the water, the deep you go, the higher will be the pressure. It would have four levels of pressure (zero, low, medium and high). In the beggining of this idea, i though that the thing that would keep the pressure from destroying the base or vehicle would be the own metal that the base or vehicle are made of (steel, hardened steel, combat sttel, etc), but i realized that it would force the player to build a high cost base or vehicle just to stay in higher pressure areas, and it would be very boring. So is better to have some kind of equipament with this function, a pressure protector.
    Pressure Zero - the pressure zero is the pressure we have now in the game, a pressure that not affect the player in nothing. The low pressure would star only when the player go more deep underwater.
    Small Pressure Protector - this pressure protector will protect the base or vehicle from low pressure areas.
    Pressure Protector T1 - this pressure protector will protect the base or vehicle from low and medium pressure areas.
    Pressure Protector T2 - this pressure protector will protect the base or vehicle from low, medium and high pressure areas.
    The pressure protector would be like offline protection, it would always be activate, even if the player turn off the entire base or vehicle, because if not like that, a simple mistake like press Y in the wrong direction would destroy the entire base or vehicle in seconds.

    Pressure and Armor:

    The pressure the player can take without die or lose health would be determinated by the armor he is using.
    Light Armor - this amror will protect the player from low pressure areas.
    Medium Armor - this armor will protect the player from low and medium pressure areas.
    Heavy Armor - this armor will protect the player from low, medium and high pressure areas.

    Water Boost:

    Like eva boost and any other boost to armor, the water boost wwill have it's own function. It will allow the player to move free underwater with the jetpack, like when the player move free with the jetpack in space. And the player will be capable of walk and run underwater with the same speed on earth. With this boost in the armor, tha player would not fall to the the deep everytime he is with some gun, drill or any other equipament in hands when underwater.

    Water Planet:

    To all this my ideas work, the devs must put a water planet or planet with big and deep oceans, because the planets now have just a few rivers not deep enough. I think it would be cool to have a planet with just water, with predator underwater and other kinds of aquatic life forms.
  3. arg821

    arg821 Commander

    Sep 6, 2015
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    PLEASE as a server owner, please when we are in 'gm iv' mode (Godmode invisible);
    1. remove the green player location icon on the mini-map (you can keep it on for us as admins, but remove so other players cannot see our location)
    2. remove out nametag from above our heads.
    3. remove any sound we make, such as footsteps when in a player's base

    I use this mode a lot to keep an eye on people to make sure they are obeying our rules of the server - pretty pointless being in invisible mode yet the players can see my nametag, see my green player icon, and even hear my footsteps if I am in their structure!!

  4. Jon2

    Jon2 Lieutenant

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Mecha Vessel (MV) Idea.

    I think would be cool if the devs put mecha vessel, a vessel in the form of a humanoid robot, with arms and legs. Here are my ideas to a Mecha Vessel (MV) work without give to much trouble or work for the devs.

    Arm Block and Leg Block:

    I know that the game in the way that is today doesnt allow to build a MV, because the blocks cant move once put in the vessel. So to this work, it will need a unique block to arms and unique block to legs, like we heve with wings today in the game. The arm block and leg block would have different models, each model with a different form and size. And of couse the arm and leg blocks would move by the command of the pilot.

    MV Movement:

    Once the player is inside the MV, it would move like the player character. Press W to the legs walk to front, S to the legs walk to back, A and D to the sides. And the thrusters would work like the jetpack of the player character, if we press J, the movemet of the legs would be replaced by the thrusters, and press J again to return to legs. And the MV must have one thruster fo each direction to the MV move in all directions with the thrusters, but the thrusters are not need to move only with the MV legs. Of course using the legs will consume less fuel and make the MV move slower than when using the thrusters.

    Weapon Box and Ammo Box:

    The MV ammo box would be like the ammo box of any other type of vessel. But the weapon box would be a box to put the weapons of the MV. Different from SV, HV and CV, the MV would not be build with his weapons already with it. The weapons of MV would be like the ones that player character can use (rifles, shotguns, etc) but they would be bigger and cause more damage. The player produce the MV weapon and than put it inside the weapon box, the same way he put ammo in the ammo box of any other type of vessel. Once inside the MV weapon box, the pilot can equip the MV weapon using the toolbar of the MV, like he does with the toolbar of any other type of vessel. This would allow the MV trade weapons the same way the character player can trade using the toolbar. Would be cool if the MV could use weapons to close range too, like a sword, spear, axe, beam saber, etc.

    Camera and Camera Screen:

    The camera and camera screen is a idea that can be use in any type of vessel, not just the MV. The player would put a camera and give it signal a name and then we would put a camera screen in a place and connect it signal with the signal of the camera, the same way we do with sensors. The camera screen would show us what the camera vision is seeing. That way the players dont need put windows in their vessels to see the outside in first person. I knwo that it doesnt is a problem because they still can see in third person, but i think the camera and camera screen idea would be cool if the devs use it.
  5. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Love the game, been gifting it around to my friends to hopefully build big things!
    One really annoying thing is the multiplayer main meny, it does not remember last IP written into it and to make it worse, it does not allow for hostnames to be used there either :(

    Also a little feedback on the trader in the station around Akua. This is on a private dedicated server for me and my friends only.
    I really love that we have to get our asses away from Akua to gather Neodymium for the Adv.Constuctor, We were excited to actually use one of those Small Vessel Warpdrive for the first time and jump to somewhere with (Hopefully) Neodymium.
    But alas I found the traderstation in Akua and warped to the orbital one, which had pretty much everything we could need, taking that part of the game away. (I will not tell my friends i found it and we'll still use the Small Vessel warp for the fun of discoveries, but might need to keep in consideration for future tuningpasses what and how much stock they should carry (and how much they buy items for, a T2 drill gave tons of credits))

    Thundercraft likes this.
  6. Slipstream

    Slipstream Captain

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Suggestion/Request: Clearer "Lock On" HUD indicator.

    Right now, it is hard to determine when you've 'locked on' to an enemy target, especially at range.

    I'd like to suggest/request a larger/clearer 'lock on' indicator, perhaps a red square overlay on the reticle. A (primitive) example/suggestion is below:

    Spirit_OK and Thundercraft like this.
  7. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Lots of little annoyances:

    -Armor Management.
    Oh boy, this is one of the things I hate the most in the game. If I have a damaged armor I have to go to the locker, unequip my armor, put it in my inventory, go to the repair station, put the armor in the repair station, click repair, put it back in my inventory, go back to the locker and equip the armor. What were the developers thinking? Why can't you just go to the repair station press F and it repairs the armor you have equipped? Save putting it inside the inventory for if you want to repair multiple. The second problem is that you can't shift + click boosts to equip and unequip them.

    -Bike control/physics.
    If the terrain isn't flat and clear of obstacles it's usually faster to just walk/jetpack hop so you don't have to deal with the bike getting stuck and losing control constantly. If you didn't get access to Small Vessels so quickly it would be more of a problem since Hover Vessels have similar issues but not as bad.

    -Godmode not enabled by default in Creative Mode.

    Why isn't this a thing? The jetpack sucks and if you close the game in the air you fall back to the ground.

    -Game doesn't save server port option.
    I host a dedicated server on my PC. If I want to launch single player creative mode or survival for testing I have to change the port number everytime I re-open the game which I have to do often to reload config files and in some cases when downloading workshop blueprints.

    -Suit light doesn't turn back on after exiting a vessel or the game.
    Everytime you get out of your vessel you have to turn your suit light back on. Why does it turn off in the first place when you access a device and why can't it turn back on after you exit? Why do you have to turn it back on after closing the game as well?

    -Jetpack isn't enabled by default and doesn't stay on when exiting the game.
    Why isn't the jetpack enabled by default? There's almost no reason for it to ever be disabled. Maybe when you're in space where you have a gravity generator and you want to walk instead of jetpack. However, on a planet there's no reason to turn it off. Also, why do you have to turn it back on everytime you start the game?

    -Server history disappears after exiting the game + lack of favorites.
    It's annoying to have to enter the IP of the server I want to join whenever I start the game. If it isn't going to save my history can it at least save the last used IP instead of being blank?

    -Cant change ship weapons on toolbar.
    I think it goes without saying why this is annoying but If you can move toolbar for the player character why not vessels?

    -Some console commands reset after changing maps.
    itemmenu and teleport reset whenever you change maps. Others probably do too but these are the ones I use the most.

    -Can't turn off godmode invisible without going back to the main menu.
    Once you turn godmode invisible on there's no way to revert back to normal god mode unless you quit.

    No man, that's just bad game design. You can't use real life to justify that. There's no reason that you shouldn't be able to craft without a constructor including a new one. The game is quite buggy and things mysteriously disappearing is far from unheard of. If you constructor happens to disappear it breaks the game and makes it unplayable. You shouldn't have to make extra copies of everything out of fear of bugs. If the game had any realism you should be able to make primitive tools out of wood and stones without the use of some high tech device. You also shouldn't need a high tech drill or chainsaw to do even the most basic harvesting.
  8. SliceofLie

    SliceofLie Ensign

    Jan 1, 2018
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    The lack of signals being able to feed back into circuits is a huge disadvantage for those of us who want to make complex automated systems, or even just flashing lights. Simple state machines are huge for logic circuits, but the lack of feedback makes them impossible.

    I understand that this is probably intentional at least for now because of performance/exploit reasons, but it would be nice to have it at some point.
    Spirit_OK likes this.
  9. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Agreed! We should be able to build some basic primitive tools (spears, arches, shovels, etc.), that'd be quite a bit of fun... Sorry, I've never had any bugs making my things disappear so I hadn't consider that...
  10. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    It's cool. I didn't mean to sound so harsh ^^. More primitive stuff would be a nice addition to the game early on if the "primitive" phase didn't disappear so quickly because it's a sci-fi game. Empyrion is a survival game in name only currently.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
    Bollen likes this.
  11. GoldShark

    GoldShark Ensign

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Hello, I'm messing with this idea and I'm finding it frustrating, I saw several videos and I read several threads in the forums but I can not find anyone who does what's wrong with me. In particular, I start with the basic kit that gives you the core and the copckit and then I will expand it, add many cubes, and try to put basic engines ... and even the problem. I tried with ALL the engines for CV of the boy 1x1 to some monsters and in no case he lets me place them.
    Is there any established sequence to place them ?. For example ehhh. . do not have to be at xx cubes of the core, or first have to have a generator, and then a CRS or whatever it is to finally put them ?.
    I say I am half as a shipwrecked man groping for fools and crazy, I lose lots of hours I could be exploring or traveling and finally I get angry for not having a damn tutorial or manual available on the subject. I know ... I can download a blueprint and that's it, but I would like to become one myself; and in the videos I only find previous versions. none that is 7+. and the F1 is of no help in most cases.

    Thanks for any help and sorry if this shouldn't go here

  12. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    I read your post 3 times but I'm still not sure what you're saying is wrong. Are you saying your ship won't fly? It doesn't really matter where you place the RCS and thrusters or what order you do them in. Do you have a fuel and a generator powerful enough to power the ship? I don't know how big your ship is but the more stuff you put on it the more thrusters you'll need for it to leave the ground. Do you have thrusters pointing in every direction? Left, right, up, down, forward backwards?
  13. GoldShark

    GoldShark Ensign

    Dec 18, 2017
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    ok, it's simple, I cant place the engines in place. None, the size is 8x8 cubes. :(

    Thanks for answering!
  14. GoldShark

    GoldShark Ensign

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Sorry, I cant put the engines nowhere...
  15. ArcticPrism

    ArcticPrism Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Are you sure you are you using the right blocks? CV engines and SV engines are different.
  16. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    This. If you still can't get it working can you post a screenshot of the block showing a red outline?
  17. GoldShark

    GoldShark Ensign

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Thanks to both, tonight I will try again and upload photos if I couldn't.

  18. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Are you sure it's a CV core? Usually the core you're given at the beginning is a Base Core, so you wouldn't be able to attach engines to it. You need to build a CV (or SV or HV) Core in order to be able to build a Vessel.

    And no, you don't need to put things in any particular sequence...
  19. GoldShark

    GoldShark Ensign

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Hi Bollen, was my fault, I tried with the wrong engines ... they were small, for SV...
    Today I fixed it and I have my first CV (a small and ugly CV), all my made!
    Thank you and all for the help.
    Bollen likes this.
  20. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    My pleasure!

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