What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    I felt like building. Decided to do something a little, err, iconic! :D


    There's a small hangar in the back, and room for 18 grow plots in the greenhouse. Still working on interior textures and equipping it, though living spaces are furnished (in fact some of the furniture is load bearing, keeping those thin walls up on the tower ;))

    I think I'm going to use connect-to-base to add some defenses for it at a bit of distance so as to least affect its overall look.
  2. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    OOOOH - EXTRA cool idea!
    ... and one thing about it that I miss in the game - we do need a 'window blocks with walls around them' :D, like we have on that generic base drawing! Sometimes all glass walls on Bases or Ships are too much and lots of designs don't look ideal as they could with some kind of proper windows inside walls.
    On the other hand there could be some game limitations with that type of mixed block o_O
    Tyrax Lightning and monktk like this.
  3. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    I was thinking for POI use, not workshop BPs. It bothers me to see the same ("human") devices on supposedly 'alien' outposts. If C&P works for those, at least it's something different to work with.
    Haha, okay that's awesome. I'd have gone with a slightly bigger dome on top, but great job regardless.
    Tyrax Lightning and monktk like this.
  4. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    think ill be giving up on the importing of models i only did it cuz i freaken suck at doing ships by hand, dont get me wrong i tried to do it by hand off and on for a month with no luck, franky im almost about to be homeless, my mother just lost the will to live after loosing her ability to walk, and im down right in a very depressive state, why am i telling u all this private info? cuz i lost the will to give a **** anyway, im quiting gaming for a while, and ill know by wendsday if im homless, sorry guys dor the gloom and doom
  5. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I made a lot of holes when I created my first mining type HV, but it never looked this good, or small and cheap. Of course, one of my greatest flaws was the operator and not the HV. I was constantly pushing "F" accidentally, always exiting the cockpit and struggling to get back into my HV because it was almost always at some odd angle when I did that. Part of my design constraint was user errors, so I ended up with an enclosed space around an open cockpit so that most times when I hit "F" I would then still be inside the HV at least. So my HV was not that small or cheap in the end.

    An elevator would be at the top of my wishlist. 4 x 4 x 4 in size would be the actual translation of the large block version into small blocks. A bit bigger than most SV/HV parts, but then there would be less concerns about whether it would work as an elevator still. But since you can get through the doors alright, I suppose 3 x 3 x 3 would work too. The biggest reason I would 4 x 4 x 4 is to allow for a row of blocks for floors between levels.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    You should build for yourself - whatever feels right and fun for you, just go for it. Anyone who says you're 'playing wrong' - is just plain wrong themselves :) It's a specific set of skills required to import & modify ships from 3D plans - I couldn't do it. But I'm glad you've found your way of building ships - and you should definitely NOT stop doing it, especially if it helps relieving stress of your personal life. I hope things work out for the best and we see you in the forums & workshop in the future too.
  7. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    You are right. If you place an elevator block down you need to at least account for the floor hight. Something i forgot apparently. I knew that one big block is 4x4x4 small blocks in size, they just scale differently i guess. While the warp drive is scaled down to blocksize and keeps its block value (3x2x5 i think) the door blocks are 3x3x1. If you would scale them to 4x4x4 you can't really align them in Ships that haven an uneven symmetrical center (in he middle of one block) so i guess an Elevator would need to be 4x3x3 blocksBut that would mean you gan only build build in vessels that are 4,8,12,16,20 blocks in hight. Probably there would need to be an additional thing like the 2x3x1 doors for HV/SV that don't exist for CV/BA. a Elevator connector ring 1x3x3 and a elevator block 3x3x3. A 2x3x3 block doesn't make sense since you can't enter or leave them (no crouching yet) and every other build option is possible since you need at least have a hight of 3 blocks to be able to pass.

    Say you have a hangar/storage room that is double walk hight, a one block floor in between and an normal walkway with a little more head space (4 blocks high). You would be placing two elevator blocks (3x3x3) a connection ring (1x3x3) and an normal elevator block. If you have a high room with 5 blocks in hight and an normal one block floor then the upper floor, you just place down 3 elevator blocks.

    However they would bring it in, those blocks would shrink most of my future builds tremendously. Or we get a ladder block (1x1x1/4). ;-)
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  8. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Finally finished a build I've been working on for a quite long time. I think I started it around Alpha 6 in creative. Then I forgot it for a good while - and continued working on it in survival game. It never got finished and was forgotten again. Now after tinkering it with again in creative, I think Im gonna call it ready. Well, ready to be spawned in survival game and for some field testing, atleast :)

    Raido Corporation Cutlass is a rather dated design which got popular after it was already forgotten by it's manufacturer. It got its second life in the hands of space pirates, mercenaries and other questionable sort of people. Cutlass's success has been its large hangar being able to carry lots of fighters - and good armour & firepower for it's size. It packs a punch of a bigger class ship. Originally it was criticized in it's rather cramped crew and living quarters - but that hasn't stopped the ship becoming a favourite amongst the sell swords. Most famous of the Cutlass-class frigates is the lead ship itself - Cutlass. Ship got really bad press as the first ship of it's line was stolen before it was even been delivered to the customer. It has been in the hands of Captain Harrigan of the White Skull Mercs ever since.


    20180129163905_1.jpg 20180129163940_1.jpg 20180129163855_1.jpg

    Some interior shots in the spoilers.

    'Fly-through' hangar. Pilot's Lounge on the left.


    Crew Quarters.

    Med Bay. Captain's having a little problems with crew getting hurt...

    Life Support systems.

    Flight Deck.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I never heard of that before... sounds like an Anomaly to me. @Pantera ya happen to know if it's Intended for Plant Monsters to be able to do that?

    Nothin ya can do about that, the Radar Dish itself is 20th Century style Bolted & Clumsy. 24th Century needs something more Sci-Fi lookin, like the Enterprise-D Deflector Dish kinda Design or something. IMHO Radar Dish should only belong in Early Game 'Survival Stage'... like all the other 20th Century stuff. (Don't get me wrong, I like the Gatling Guns, Minigun, Minigun Turrets, Homers, & such... but the Human Race is in dire trouble if that's STILL the best they can do for Tech Level in Armament in the 24th Century... & if 20th Century Armament out-competes 24th Century Armament in Destructiveness...)

    No sweat. How many good Pics ya show us as is already Spoils us. :)

    This would make for a interesting PV... :D
    rainyday likes this.
  10. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Nice! I tried my hand at that one once, it didn't go nearly so well

    Agreed, but the other way around. I think the old one looks better for human- a bit lower-tech- and the current one with their odd blocks and rounded edges looks more alien. To me, anyway.

    For SV/HV, I think definitely ladder blocks. Like so:


    For myself, I went ahead and built a drilling rig for the flatbed:

  11. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    That's a sweet mining operation you've got going on there. Are any of those vessels in the workshop?
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    ill just take a break then, my heath atm is very bad anyway so
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ever since Captain Jack II suggested Ladders, i've been wanting them so I can stick them onto my future Hover War Tanks for easier access to the Top of it so it's not so easy to accidentally compromise my own access to my own Hover War Tank's Cockpit... like if I get out while it's Hovering at Max Height then accidentally fall off of it like a Mega Derp, when I already as was need a Jetpack to get up on top of it to get into it even when it's at minimum Hover or parked. If accidentally fell off while it's at Max Hover Height it'd be useful if I could Jetpack to the Ladder & grab onto it then Climb back on top of it to get back on top of it to get back into it.

    Also i'd like the Ladder to not be stupidly fragile, like Stairs & such are. :p

    I hope ya get well soon... & i'm sorry for your loss. :(
    dpburke2 and monktk like this.
  14. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    no,no u mis understand shes alive, just wants to die, shes suffering from MS and just lost the ability to walk, but ty
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  15. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    I meant to quit out of Empyrion after that last post, but I didn't. Just couldn't walk away while still thinking so much about it. Finished the silly base. Made some minor modifications to its exterior, too.


    @Kieve: Yeah, couldn't find a good way to increase the dome size and still have it look like a dome, so just went with the little one :) Man I went back and forth between two window designs for the corners forever, too. Decided this one was closest to the image and ran with it - though the other would have been cheaper.

    @The_Tactician: Hey man, I've been there. Dad's got early-onset Parkinsons and not long after his diagnosis, when I was in High School, we ended up homeless. This did no favors for the depression I was already dealing with, either. Man, I'm so sorry. It's rough. I hope things improve for you and your mom.
  16. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    thank you, and u as well, tho a mountain of other issues are happening think i rather not burden everyone here with my sad story
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    i guess, back on topic, friday if im feeling better someone requested Babylon 5 ships, lucky for them theres free scoursed models for them too
    Tyrax Lightning, dpburke2 and monktk like this.
  18. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    whenwill these be out?
    Tyrax Lightning and monktk like this.
  19. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Gave another of my "collections" its own page and added the Hawk Talon, another of my tiny BP meant to fit into the space of two large blocks. It is a lot harder (at least for me) to control a tiny SV inside a POI compared to a tiny HV. But there was that landing platform where the ability of this BP to actually fly was far superior. Sure, I debated getting my HV onto the platform, but my CV was want to tear up the platform itself to get at the hostile aliens and I didn't want to adjust my CV turrets otherwise. So that is once I actually preferred a tiny SV for flying into a POI.

    This is my tiny HV done up as a SV and put in a different one of my collections.



    It may not be my intention to build a new BP every survival game I play, but I do love wondrous variety, so I divide my BP into four "collections". I nearly had a starter base finished for my FTB collection just before Alpha 7. It was almost all done even with texturing and paint job. But when they added the requirement of a base to spawn in SV/HV/CV, suddenly that "egg" was a very poor choice (at least in how I play), so it was back to the drawing board. A minor interruption. The rest of the collection has continued forward thus far. I still don't have a new starter base drafted for this collection, but I posted a picture here earlier (or I think I did) that showed the "Sky Nest" that is a work in progress. Although I call the collection Freedom Transport Builders, it has another name I use. For The Birds. I looked up the names of flightless birds for my HV....

    Freedom Transport Builders logo.jpg

  20. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Wish you the best of health and luck.

    Dont bother about others opinion too much, if you do that in the world we have right now, it just pulls you down.
    Also, I would rephrase that whole thing anyway....

    As Rainyday said, it is a fact that the whole looking for a model, put it in the program and wait for its result is alot more time-savy and lots of less troublesome than building everything from ground up.
    This said, I wouldnt say 'looking down', but i'd use the term 'less impressed'.
    But then again, it is their borked point of view... because, you do offer templates... for customization... to make it an individual ship...
    Saving lots time for other people.

    Now, after the Duckverine is 'done' (still a final update is due/in progress), i'm very thankfull for the opportunity to EVEN CHOOSE between 2 different Andromeda models, where i'd only need to do the final 'roundings' rather than arrange, compare, squeeze and try to connect all these freeline parts of and for her from scratch.

    What i'm saying is this:
    Some people are just ignorant idiots that can not appreciate the helpfullness of others, like yourself.

    Specialy as this commonly understood task to be 'simple', it can be tedious as well.
    We cannot have all the same skills, or we'd still be doing Stone Hedges! xD

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