What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    More of "My first HV" for a new start up world. Or at least that is my thinking of it. Not meant to be the end all be all. Plenty of other builds for those types of stuffs.
  2. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    none the less love the design, will be using it myself
    Tyrax Lightning and monktk like this.
  3. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    anyone like light space fighters? think i might try to make the bubble fighter from lost in space movie, no 3d model imports, by hand this time
  4. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Might just do that. Thank you.
  5. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Yeeeeaaaaaah I REALLY want to strap 5 3x1x1 engines on the back of that :D
  6. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I like it! Go for it!
  7. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    My cheapest HV doesn't have a cargo box, though I admit that my preferred starting HV does.
  8. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Err.... @The Tactician[ Λ ] , you WANT to have suicidal thoughts too?

    Well on the other hand... if you make THIS by hand, everyone will shut up...
    Because that glass bubble looks like the pilot seat, which, in comparsion, leaves you 0 room for anything aside of a single forward thruster...

    I'd recomend something more 'bulky' to start with, but then again, if you have an idea - go for it!

    Yesterday i was watching one of LiftPizza's IronMan videos and he was doing some modifications at his hover....
    When he was done... I was like, I want something like this one!!
    And it seemed somewhat very efficent, easy and fun to harvest and hunt with that change...

    Specialy as 'this approach' matches 100% with the general design idea for my new brandline Empyrion Research Association (ERA)...
    We're in the era of space, so ERA uses SPACE! ;)

    So I thought I'd give such a hovering and apart hover a chance and try it.

    Workshop Link

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
  9. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    well it would have a twist to it of course lol and that cockpit design is impossible for emp atm so ill just do a basic cockpit for now, im talking purly the wing design/them
    Tyrax Lightning and Jenniphurr like this.
  10. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    nah man, im not that far gone, and i changed the subject u guys are all very nice people i rather not have u ignore me over this real life crap ;)
  11. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    thanks to my good friend Sixx the main planet and faction from my book is now in empyrion, tho with a twist, in my book the Maggnoriyion Empire is like the Empire in star wars but instead of evil there protectors of the milky way 1000 years before humans ever got cars on earth, empyrions version has the home world of the Maggnoryiyons, Zenitaia mostly destroyed and entire continents destroyed by earth ships orbital bombardments [​IMG]
    its very well done and i freaken love it, but i couldent have the book version of my planet in empyrion lol this is why [​IMG]
    since 90% of the planet is multi-layered cities
  12. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Is it odd to have a list of proposed blueprints I intend to create? Sure, I have started on quite a few.

    As I was looking at my list, I noticed that the next base I intend to finish and share is the Outreach. I had previously done most of the work on it. My biggest problem is that last time I spawned the base about 1/3 was ready to break off for SI failure. Perhaps if I had erred in my build this would have made sense, but I had spikes regularly spaced underneath the 50x70 pad as well as the surrounding structure of the base. Even flat on the ground, it treated a good 1/3 of the base as unsound SI. I couldn't seem to get around this. So I stripped the spikes down to half spikes and added a hole to under the pad. The idea is that I could drive a mining HV under there, dig around the spikes, and add blocks where the spikes enter the ground to "fix" the SI. Then afterwards patch up the hole. I tested the concept and the base really should be structurally sound. Of course, even if I add blocks to the spikes where they meet the ground, it might appear to restore the SI, but if any of the blocks I add are removed then things break off just like they threatened to do in the first place. So whatever is going on, that third of the base can be supported but apparently never will have SI on its own.... Any suggestions on fixing this would be appreciated. I would rather patch up the hole from the beginning instead of closing it back up after "fixing" SI. I did try making the spikes longer at one point, but that didn't seem to help. Would moving the core make a difference?

    The section that is green has the same SI planning as the section in red, but the area in red fails SI unless I carefully add blocks under the BP where the spikes touch the ground.

    My next blueprint to share will be my Faith mining HV, then the Pelican CV. The Faith HV just needed some texture work and a paint job. That was easy enough. The Pelican CV still needs most of its interior. Then after that is supposed to be the Outreach BA pictured above.


    I'll try to have the HV up later this week, tomorrow night hopefully. I might work some more on my Star Cruiser first. Not sure, but I did go up into space to start a new base so I will be near that work site as well. Some more practice on the Star Cruiser interior might help me prepare to finish the Pelican CV.

    I started looking forward to the blueprints I have in mind after that, and while I have started most of the next group after the Outreach, I noticed that I hadn't even started the blueprint for one of the bases I have sketched out. I had some doodles of what it should be, but nothing actually started in the game. With a pad only 21x35, I don't think SI is going to be a problem for this smaller base (relative to the Outreach).

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I just got fed up by SI applied to large builds when I tried to place my Ducking Station.
    Everytime I placed it, about 50% was unstable...
    That was while I built it on a planet, on columns.. but upon placing, the columns did not seem to 'deliver' SI....

    Aside of that, I build colums every 7th block when used on a planet surface.
    And, as stated above, even that seems to be too few! :(
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Did you say HV spiders?
  15. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Well, I did not give up and I finally figured out how to get that old 1x2x1 constructor into my mini miner CV.

    I do not think I'm going to post it, but here it is if you want to play around with it.
    ... and yes, the BP does show red because of the super old constructor.


    CV-Mini Miner.jpg
    Last edited: May 29, 2022
  16. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    I had a moment of panic earlier when I ran Steam and it started updating EGS...I'm tethering from my phone and have approx 1.5g to last me a few weeks. Anyone remember how large the last few patches were? I'd hate to have steam half update EGS and leave it in an unplayable state.
    No tv, no internet and no games would make me a sad madman.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    u have a data cap? oh man that sucks, lucky for me comcast has none
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Most places Comcast services have updated to a 1TB data cap monthly. Might want to check to be sure, even if most people won't hit it. I do a lot of data transfer to my server(s), and can wipe out a terrabyte pretty quickly if I'm not watching.

    Tethering off a phone can be painful for more reasons than one too. 4g sounds fast, but when compared to high bandwidth services, it can't quite keep up.
  19. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Connected via my mobile; I was lucky in that my 2g data rolls over each month, so I started with 4. I have a bit under a fortnite to complete the house move, then I'll be able to see if I feel I can get proper internet straight away or not. Thankfully some family members helped out or I'd be moving into a place with no carpets, curtain rails or accessories (like loo roll holder, towel rails, bathroom cabinet etc).

    It's tough being unemployed and depressed, can't even spend money on things that may help. Thankfully I am mostly used to it at this stage, we started out poor so it's just life as usual. This is going to be a trying time though, I'm used to using games and the internet in general to help keep me going. That's half the reason I have a tendency to write guides; I like helping people where I can and usually that involves sharing knowledge and tips on games I've played *too much ^^

    Why am I sharing? Because I know noone here will judge, we're all just trying to get by, day by day.
  20. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    ya just checked i use 700GB of data each month highest ive ever gone was 812GB so im good
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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