What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. kittle

    kittle Lieutenant

    Nov 29, 2017
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    My biggest PITA is the "Wait for ship to stop before exiting cockpit" message. And then the built-in delay afterwards when i try to spam 'F' to exit because the ship really IS stopped.

    Most of the problems happen when im in a SV or HV scouting a planet for crystals or hunting mobs for meat.
    monktk likes this.
  2. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Right now and still in 7.5 1.499, SI.
    Specialy large buildings on colums on uneven terrain.
    Remember the columns were thought to exactly avoid this....
  3. Morrigan

    Morrigan Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Assaulting POIs. The reward is mediocre, the risk high, and the job tedious, especially when I have to leave the POI and fly back every 2 minutes to defend MY base from base assault drones, or else come back and replace 2-300 blocks destroyed because my base is far enough away that the base attack drones spawn on top of it.
    monktk and Thundercraft like this.
  4. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Can anyone say "repair-to-blueprint-for-base"? ;)
    Morrigan likes this.
  5. Morrigan

    Morrigan Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    That still doesn't account for the resources lost in the repairs. Assaulting bases because of varying factors is a net loss; you gain more overall just by mining, travelling planet to planet, and picking off the low hanging fruit.
  6. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    Perhaps you would consider building your base underground - or, at least, put your Core underground or down deep? That's what I usually do, anyway. Drones have a hard time shooting through the ground, don't they?

    You have a good point about the rewards for POI raids being mediocre. I get tired of seeing tiny stacks of, say, 5 Iron Ingots or 10 Small Promethium Packs. Hardly seems worth the effort. Of course, there are usually a few nice finds that almost makes me forgive the mediocrity of the rest... almost. At least, I'd prefer to see a few large stacks of stuff, even if it's cheap or nearly worthless stuff like lots of Iron Ores or even Rotten Food.

    But, I felt that way before I visited a Native Village... :eek: Wow! Talk about pathetic loot! I only found about 4 or 5 lowest-tier Alien Containers. Most of the loot consisted of a couple tiny stacks of Ingots and other raw resources. That, and a Laser Pistol.

    Granted Native Villages don't have any turrets that need taken out. And the only 'defenses' I had to fight through was about 5 spawners and some critters that attacked me. Even so, as far as I'm concerned, it wasn't even worth the trip over there and the time to find the containers.
    Morrigan likes this.
  7. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Currently My least fun single task is sorting loot so that It in its correct bin so i can find it later. After the POI raid or whatnot I often look at my boxes of loot in my HV .... and say NOT NOW ... I think i'll sort it later, and log off. Then a while later I'm looting another POI and my loot boxes are full. Or because I didn't empty the loot and put it away in the right bin I can't find it, so i'm like "I know i looted more miner cores where are they?"

    Gas and O2 now magically move between tanks. Why not stuff in boxes? Make it one big box that you can view and filter on.

    Or as an alternative of the above, only make a big box off all other boxes that touch it or other boxes. That way the size of the box viewed and filtered on is customizable in size. It would be less onerous to put ALL Ingots into one "Box" instead of having to split them up into several due to space. all "ores" in one "box" , finished goods in another "Box" etc...

    Alternatively the big "big Boxes" could be implemented by giving some of the decorative equipment a purpose. What if you could set certain boxes to be grouped together into one big box by assigning them to a console, then when that console is interacted with it brings up the big box with the inventory space of the combined boxes. Lets say the consoles could only be accessed by the owner/faction etc, but the boxes could remain accessible by anyone.

    Anyway, turned into a suggestion post on how to fix my least favorite task... but really I'm open to any idea to relieve loot sorting. Here is another
    - Allow stuff to be put into the factory even if it don't contribute to the current blue print. - Or maybe just have a toggle button to that will just accept anything that COULD be used by a blue print. That would take care of about 25% of the sorting anyway - except that a lot of potential time saved (factory build time) could be lost. Could you bank 12 hours or something of factory time instead of losing it all when you make a 15 min blue print? I mean I guess i already use HUGE blue prints I never intend to spawn just so i can dump stuff to factory but I don't like loosing all the time saving.
  8. jamews69

    jamews69 Ensign

    Mar 28, 2018
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    trying to sort thru my inventory and moving things from cargo to constructor ,would love to see a convayer sytem where a cargo box or two can be conected to it for example cargo 1 is input-->copstructor-->cargo 2 output for over flow
  9. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Well aside of the above mentioned SI.....
    Creating Implementing (fixed) POI's, Vessels on planets.
    Neal likes this.
  10. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Digging my base out of the ground that I just spawned not knowing the underground parts would be full of earth D:
    monktk and Atola like this.
  11. TastyChickenLegs

    TastyChickenLegs Commander

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Inventory management. Moving items between craft, constructors and chests. I would love the ability to create a conveyor type system that could manage this. Doesn't have to be conveyors. Really anything that achieves the same result would be fine.
  12. Effreem

    Effreem Ensign

    Apr 10, 2018
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    I have been looking for a new group game for some friends and I for a few weeks. I found this game last week and liked it enough to talk 5 others (2 more are on the fence :) ) into buying it (actually I gifted it to one of them.) Here is our list of most annoying/worst things.

    1) Sorting Cargo boxes, Constructors, Inventory, Food Processors, Fridges, Ammo Boxes. Any kind of sort (by name would be easy) would be great.

    2) Moving items from one box/place to a constructor or from a constructor to a box. Best solution would be for constructors and food processors to auto grab resources from grouped (or signaled) cargo/fridge boxes. (Also from a SV/HV to a CV/BA but this is more complex, might need a vacuum cube that works like the repair block or off a signal or something.)

    3) Moving a newly created vehicle off the ground to do construction on the bottom of the vehicle. Especially difficult for newbies who might not understand the buttons and physics of the hovercraft.

    4) Multi Tool repairs and deconstruction on advanced resources is horrible. Having to get 22 ticks on a combat block for a CV just cause it moved funny right before you clicked. Much less getting a whole 20x6 wall up 1 space off. Please take the T2 Multitool (or a new enhanced multitool) to 20% health per shot against objects in your faction (or objects created by your faction to prevent easy deconstruction of POI.)

    <3 the game! Looking forward to alpha 8!
    monktk and Neal like this.
  13. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Least fun activity.

    Creative: Removing anything that takes more than 1 hit with the multi-tool.

    I mean WHY?!!! If its too much to make the multi-tool work differently in creative then make a creative only multi-gun like the creative only drill... AN|D make it not use ammo and start in your inventory at creation of a creative game. Current workaround is to use the replace-blocks command after everything is done but that's annoying to use just to get around this, and only covers 80% of the hassle. And aside from having to remove the blocks, its much more fun to create using the material the ship/base will be rather than metal/concrete.

    Survival: Sorting loot. (see above post)
  14. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Atola and Neal like this.
  15. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Dammit I've been building in creative for over a year and did not know this... Is anybody maintaining a list of commands like this somewhere that I can reference?
  16. TastyChickenLegs

    TastyChickenLegs Commander

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Don't feel bad Atola, I did the same thing.
  17. Xzanron

    Xzanron Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2018
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    My single most annoying task is having to mess around with resources spread across various constructors/containers, once i have a base and vehicles, all I seem to be doing is running around trying to make sure each constructor has the correct mats. I'd really like some form of conveyor system so that I can hook all my constructors/furnaces/cookers etc up to a bunch of containers and never worry about it again.

    Would also mean I can specialise containers, instead of just dumping everything in the constructor until it runs out of space.
    Morrigan and TastyChickenLegs like this.
  18. MidasGunhazard

    MidasGunhazard Captain

    Jul 3, 2017
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    Currently the new least-fun thing for me is finding cores in wrecks. Wrecks probably shouldn't even have cores, but when they do, it should at least be somewhere sensible and obvious. Spending half an hour to an hour excavating a titan part and not finding the core is a colossaly-boring waste of time. For POIs that are structures it's generally not a problem because A) you're not excavating, and B) the core is in some obvious core room.

    If you have to dig out a wrecked ship, you shouldn't ALSO have to search for a core that might be in some completely arbitrary corner somewhere. Neutral POIs are the same thing. I've seen neutral POIs with cores just randomly hidden in the corner of a building somewhere. What's the deal with that? Put it in some main control tower where it can be found without either cheating or leveling the whole base.
    monktk and Atola like this.
  19. Beeblebrox

    Beeblebrox Ensign

    May 1, 2018
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    Pentaxide mining by far. Now with bigger moon ... forget about it. And resource nodes with 10 crystals? Why bother?
  20. Beeblebrox

    Beeblebrox Ensign

    May 1, 2018
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    Finding resource rocks in the first hour of the game - especially silicon, the most common element on our planet.

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