What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    @Tyrax Lightning, well, idk about your NDA... I just know that the stable public version I currently play is at build 1461, while the screenshot shows 1463. ;)

    Back to topic, beeing aware that asymteric builds never get the love they deserve, I reworked my ERA-S Pace.
    At first, only the window section was disturbing me... but since I made a personal mk2 version with hard steel... i figured it annoyed BIG.

    Thus, I needed to add more thrusters, needs more space, one would think...
    Weird part is... this version is smaller than the previous one.. has more thrusters and weapons included already... :D
    Oh.. and hull is already hard steel and there is more room on the inside too...
    Idk how I achieved that alltogether while improving it, but seems I did improve it massiv :p

    So anyhow... now the ERA-S Pace looks like this:

    I'm quiet happy with the rework.
    What do you think?
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
  2. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Any chance of a ramp fitting under the door to extend where your character is standing? Would be a nice touch, and usable.
    Tyrax Lightning and Sephrajin like this.
  3. Friendly Timo

    Friendly Timo Captain

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Hey! This morning I worked on our factions upcoming space station -CV that would be functioning as our main base on future missions. Idea is to have an orbital station that can warp to orbit different planets and we then can launch away missions from there. @Starwing6 has been a great help on this project and I've been running ideas through her to gain further ideas and reflections and how she likes the design features and overall functionality and feel of the station. I am trying my best to make this as functional as I can.

    Some progress pics from this morning:


    Cargo deck along with location IDs and cargo manifest. Now all we need is a forklift, pallets and plastic foil :rolleyes:


    Main deck with all the basics our team will need in the same room.

    Mission control for any notes, ideas and plans that ought to be put down so everyone can remember.
    MEKNET1977, ion_storm, AlbaN and 14 others like this.
  4. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    There's 2 ways I'd deal with this one.

    First is the simplest: Make sure the sensor detection zone covers the Entire area in front of and behind the doors + Ramps and use Follow and Follow (Inverted) to link in the doors and ramps. This will cause the doors to open and ramps to extend whenever a player or vessel is detected within the scan zone, and close when nothing is detected.

    2nd is fairly similar but uses 2 sensors, one covering the door + some of internal hangar, and the other covering the door + the landing ramp and some extra space in front. I'd add an OR signal circuit, and feed that both of the sensor inputs, and the as above, use the output set for follow/follow (inverted) to link in the hangar+ramps.

    Effectively the same as above, but I'd then also be able to link the external sensor activation to the docking light, so when you drove up, the lights would go on, ramps extend & door open, then as you pass inside the lights would go off, and when you're fully inside the door would close & ramps retract.
  5. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I think yours looks a lot better than my SV that small. Took a look at the challenge and the thread leading into it. Almost tempting to modify one of my planned blueprints to fit. I actually have the BP started in creative, but in my case my BP has a few restrictions that would disqualify it. I was already thinking about trimming it down to four guns. The problem is the warp drive. Not that the vessel isn't meant to have a warp drive or constructor, but it isn't meant to start with these. I left cavities for these with ramps and sliding doors as access to these compartments. So my fighter is intended to be spawned as a first SV and then the player add the missing bits once they start mining cobalt. I already have two examples of this, but both those SV are too big for the challenge.
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  6. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Well, I added my fourth collection. So now all the logos on my "avatar" are accounted for.

    Sweet Lemons

    Sweet Lemons logo.png


    Now how to figure out my "master" collection. The idea is to have a collection listing all my BP and giving very brief stats and descriptions to help players select from among all my BP. I am not sure what information to include to help others choose get a quick view of everything. My current thought is to add up all the material costs and include that after the BP name. To illustrate:

    Starting Hover Vehicle (HV)
    I really don’t like walking from point to point in the game. Most of these will be unlock level 5 as the spotlight is one of my favorite devices.

    Bike - 212
    SL. My cheapest. No storage.

    Desire - 400
    IT. A hover ATV with storage capacity.

    Trike - 487
    SL. Three turret point defense system. Suitable for fighting off light drones.

    Steamer Duck - 534
    FTB. Four turret point defense system. Suitable for fighting off light drones.

    Nymph - 584
    DI. Six gatling guns. Overkill for hunting.


    I realize various patches will change the total costs of BP, but I was thinking odds are good that what was the cheapest BP will still be the cheapest. Yet something feels incomplete about the above, like I need to add some additional piece of information. I just don't know what it is. My other dilemma is that the more information I add, the longer the whole list will rapidly become. And although I only have 26 BP on Steam currently, I already have an additional 20 BP in various stages of completion.

    If you have an idea on quick and easy stats to include, please message me. Something useful that won't add too much to the clutter. For example, for the BA, since crushed rock is so cheap and plentiful, I will include a second cost in parenthesis of everything not including the stone dust.

    [edit] I just realized size class might be wise.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
  7. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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  8. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    You should definitely join the challenge, and if you can, join it with something brand new just for the event. Win, lose, or selected, ultimately you are challenging yourself. Give it a go!
  9. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    It's finally given me a reason to try resurrecting / updating the Seraphim.

    Also, I owe @Jenniphurr another debt of gratitude with the NXT - unknown to me, a few 'ghost blocks' appeared on the SV portion and were wreaking absolute havoc with docking procedures. I was about ready to scrap the whole project until she pointed those out (after which, docking went smooth as butter, so at least the NXT isn't a lost cause!)
    monktk, Siege Inc., Theurgist and 5 others like this.
  10. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I never finished this HV, frankly it is still not quite where I want it, but;

    Introducing, Hostility.


    20180210105601_1.jpg 20180210105619_1.jpg 20180210105628_1.jpg

    Kinda slow, and it could use a bit of pruning, but I do not want to miss the window to post it again and so I will return to it later.

    Another steam link:
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I think it looks spiffy & is Asymm Thread worthy if ya haven't already delivered it there. :D

    Hmm... I like the sound of this. I'll have to play with these & give'em a try. As for Lights, the only Lights i'm using is Spotlights... & I hope even this isn't pushing my luck. Many of the Spotlights are around my Main Cockpit Window as a Mad Empyrion Science Experiment to see if they can be used to blind SV pilots in SVs attempting to hug my Main Cockpit Windows while assaulting it to give me an advantage over them (This will be interesting to test someday...), some are on the bottom of my Ship for while Landing possibly with V View active, a couple are at the ends of my Ramps for visual aid for while loading/unloading HVs. I'm shunning the use of ANY other Lights other then this, even anywhere at all in my Interior to conserve FPS. Instead i'm building the CV to heavily super abuse Emissive Textures for Internal Navigation, & when the CV's off, screw it, can just Shoulder Light. Also using a few Flares for Pilot Aid in Navigating to on top of the Repair Bay.

    I never thought of linking the Hangar Doors & Ramps together... I have to admit that sounds tempting... I may well have to try that considering the alternative is that the Hangar Doors don't innately react till the HV/SV Nose is practically kissing the door...

    Many thanks for this advice! Bookmarking this Post to reference as I work when I get a chance to attempt Implementation of this! :D

    *Bookmarks Thread for later read.*
    Theurgist likes this.
  12. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I had that at the previous version... it was more annoying than helpfull :(
    Hehe, will search for that and post there too, thanks :)

    Isnt this standard? :p
    All my CV's come with this!

    All vehicles actualy.. well from the very moment I knew how to ^^
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2018
    Jᴧgᴧ and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  13. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    If I do, it will be this unfinished SV that I just tossed together this afternoon as I considered what I could put into that space. One of my "bonus" concepts was for a fighter/ambulance. I know that is not a good mix, but I thought the guys behind Dragonfly Industries have dealt with all too many who did not respect the medics on the battlefield, so they take a far different approach. I was already planning to make this terrible mashup, but giving myself a bigger space. So with your prompting to consider the challenge, I decided to grab my graph paper and start doodling out something to see if I could capture some of the Dragonfly theme within that small space. Still no fuel tanks, generators, etc. on that blueprint, but I was beginning to believe that my fighter/rescue ambulance might be able to fit within the restrictions of the challenge. Made a few changes already translating the graph paper and pencil doodle into a blueprint. Guns are all off to one side because the warp drive is on the other side.

    Creative2_2018-02-10_15-51-22.png Creative2_2018-02-10_15-52-23.png

    Need to get back to real life. I have a shelf to hang and then it is off to help my wife setup for the Blue and Gold Banquet.
    ion_storm and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Not appreciating the Support from the Supports... fools... see how they like having NO help available to them...
  15. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I am sure it is not the paramedics actually flying that. There are two passenger seats. Two pilots seats (both up front behind the window). And since there is no bed in SV devices, I put in a "table" that might be for a gurney.

    There was a science fiction book I read once where the defenders knew that only one of the two ships attacking their world carried the biological toxins. The other was a warship. Thinking that the warship would be in front to block enemy fire from the toxin transport, the defenders fired their single shot with their super weapon past the first ship at the second ship only to realize that the aliens think differently than we take for granted. Instead of destroying the toxin ship like the defenders thought they were doing, they had destroyed the warship. The dangerous toxin ship was the ship boldly in front. Reading that story was a reminder that many of the things we take for granted are that way because we believe that is the way things should be. So my Dragonfly Industries are warriors designing ships according to their philosophy. Much like the story I once read, they think differently. Now this philosophy doesn't help keep their medics out of the line of fire. I based their philosophy on the idea that over the years of dealing with groups that target the "soft targets" such as medics, they eventually started thinking different than we take for granted. Instead of eliminating battlefield medics, they took a different approach and philosophy. The Star Cruiser I have been working on patient and treatment rooms, there is a screenshot of the exterior and the thing is a warship on the outside.

    Now I haven't seen many EGS videos, but one I did watch I noticed that no one was flying back to get a different ship to rescue their comrades who had been shot down. Some of their SVs had passenger seating included. It may have been closed passenger seats that could be part of the ship, but it seems that in the game that perhaps it wouldn't be so strange for the support to be near the front lines.

    [edit] And in sci-fi, there are many examples of medical rescues being done by what are battle cruisers (Star Trek anyone?).
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    SV. Check.
    Fighter. Depends on interpretation.
    Max BP size = 13x6x17. Check.
    Warp Capable. Check.
    Landing Gear. Check.
    Cargo Box. Check.
    Fridge. Check.
    Constructor. Check.
    Oxygen Tank. Check.
    Weapon Limit. Check
    Ammo Box. Check.

    Just not finished. It actually could fit in one of my favorite challenges and I suppose it is asymmetrical too. But do I finish this by Feb 23? I have a very bad habit of getting distracted and working on another BP.

    Creative2_2018-02-11_01-10-02.png Creative2_2018-02-11_01-22-02.png
    monktk and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  17. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Today I made some good progress on the SV part of my SV/CV hybrid for my challenge.
    I'm really loving the interior I got so far, but I'm struggling quite a lot with coming up with a fitting cockpit design.
    Maybe I should go with a CR-90 ish cockpit design, since I got the whole 12 thruster thing going on in the back.
    20180211230036_1.jpg 20180211230046_1.jpg 20180211230058_1.jpg
  18. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I continue to explore this form/interpretation.

    Introducing, Assault:

    20180211160727_1.jpg 20180211160739_1.jpg 20180211160750_1.jpg 20180211160759_1.jpg

    It is built for Jenniphurrs challenge in mind as I want to convert it into a Gemini fighter that is connected by an energy barrier. Picture with HV and proof of concept:


    Not quite sure how to do it yet but I am cooped up due to all this stupid snow we are getting(almost 2 feet outside ~61cm.) A project for later this evening. Also will post this in Jenns thread, sorry for the redundancy. :)

    Steam link:
  19. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I look forward seeing this completed! They modular/fusion type builds are a lot of fun!

    Great work!
    T431, Tyrax Lightning and monktk like this.
  20. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    I got curious about how exactly the plant growth system works. Having some suspicions and some questions, I built myself a secondary garden building, for Science!


    I'm going to skip posting an image of the Control setup, I believe we all know what that looks like here ;) At some point I got bored almost literally watching grass grow, so decided that simply moving beyond the flowerless Sprout phase was sufficient indication that a setup provided all the necessary conditions for plants to grow. So not all of these will show full-grown plants.


    The light's orientation within its block does not matter.


    And non-airtight blocks don't block light.


    Airtight blocks also don't block light.


    Taken to its logical conclusion, you can even completely conceal the light.

    Now lets try some even less conventional setups:


    This is actually what I tried first. I was disappointed that this did not work, but it did help clarify things for me, and it makes complete sense within the rules of the growth system in light of the other results.


    My favorite result! Got a good laugh out of this one. I should probably bug report that.

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