Feature Requests

Discussion in 'Dedicated Server: Empyrion Admin Helper (EAH)' started by EleonGameStudios, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Often we need to help admins align bases (startcores) to each other. Here the following ChatBot command would be desirable:
    adjusts the rotation of ID1 to that of ID2 and the position so that it is on the same block grid
  2. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    that should be easy, but what do you mean with:
    You mean that the blocks kinda look like its one building, not being overlapping the other blocks?
    Not sure if that part is so easy. Because for that I would need to know the block distance and also calculate the width. Blokcs are still on the agenda, but we don't have them yet. But I think about what we can do here. I could do it with a few commands giving the admin the ability to adjust it himself a bit.
    SilvRav likes this.
  3. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Align bases so they overlap seamlessly and look like one base.
    Actually, this should be solved by a little tigonometry, but unfortunately that does not quite fit.
    Unfortunately, my knowledge here is a bit rusty and so I am grateful for any help.
    Or do I still miss the ball projection here?

    I have the Excel file attached. This takes p1 and p2 and r from the "ents" data.
    1. Move the coordinate system so that p1 becomes zero
    2. Turn p2' by r
    3. Round p2' to the 2 block grid
    4. Turn p2' by -r
    5. Move p2' again

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
  4. groo42

    groo42 Lieutenant

    Apr 7, 2017
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    not sure if you can implement this or not, but is there a way to add in support to edit/change the trader config and the general config through EAH?
    have it optional to use as you set up the server parameters so that you can include a pre edited or edit through EAH the trader config and game config files.
    and force a reload of them if changes are needed.

    hopefully this is something that can be done without to much work
  5. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey sadly we can't do that at the moment. But Its on our list. Thanks for mentioning it
  6. groo42

    groo42 Lieutenant

    Apr 7, 2017
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    thx good to know I wasn't the only one thinking about this
  7. xcom_kill

    xcom_kill Lieutenant

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Should act in PvP and PvE antigriph distance from the AlienAdmin core ? In the settings EAH specified effect on PvEe and PvP but the players are quietly digging under AlienAdmin core. Is it just me or is this how it should be ?

    Another question is: the player base was removed when it was annexed to the SV ship. In the end the ship was lost with the base. I pulled the ship out of the shared file. Base to get failed shows an error http://prntscr.com/i5bab8. I understand there was a substitution of the block to invalid. It turns out this structure is not restored ? Like it or not.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2018
  8. OutlawCecil

    OutlawCecil Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2016
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    There's an option for "Warp to player", but no "Warp to me". It's much harder to use warp, get your coords, then put everything in manually.

    Also would be nice to have an option to make it mid-day for a specific user. Like right click on that user, "make daytime" and it would use their position on the planet and adjust the time accordingly.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2018
  9. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Thanks for the feedback :)
    Ok I will implement that. Only for player or also for a structure?

    hm interesting. Do you know which setting that would be or how to calculate it?
  10. OutlawCecil

    OutlawCecil Lieutenant

    Jul 3, 2016
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    just for a player is probably fine. And I know there's commands for changing the time, but not 100% sure how you'd calculate it. Would just be useful if you can figure it out :p
  11. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Ok will do.

    War To me is included in next update for player and structure
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  12. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    A really nice feature would be to warp players to an admin while remembering players previous location. After event, or task is completed... Use EAH to warp player back to previously remembered location! That would be a very useful feature!
  13. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Thanks. We have a "Event"-Feature on our list for 8.0 I think that should do it.
    What you mean is also basicly for events: Get a group of people together at one spot and afterwards let them go home again, right?
  14. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    Yes that would be it exactly :D Though sometimes its not one spot lol. 8.0 sounds like its got a LOT of awesome changes coming. First time ive been excited about an update in a long time! A nice addition to that though would be to add in specific locations for a "recall". Like for instance... Some events that are popular call players to several spots in an arena. Then after the event recall them back to their previous locations. I could see that being pretty popular feature wise in empyrion too.
  15. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    That sounds good.
    To eliminate work for admins we thought about letting the players type a command to start/stop their event participation (next to a function for the admin to do it manually).
    But how many of those "locations" for a a single event should there be? Should the player be allowed to choose a defined location or should it be random?
  16. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    Why not have it rotate through a list? Then again why stop there? I hope you can follow all of this. Visuals would probably help lol.

    Example (One of around 400 Ideas I have notes on):


    admin command to start the event could be cb:es:eventname - It would then announce that the event has been started or will start in x minutes along with event details

    Players could join by just typing @server join or cb:join

    cb:claim - Allows players to claim event prizes, prizes accumulate over time.

    cb:es:stop Stops currently running event

    Event Details (Menu an admin could use to configure event)

    Name event: (Event name Here)
    Details: Short Description of event with character limit
    Countdown Timer to summon players for event: X Minutes (Server could announce minute by minute countdown)
    Max Participants / Players: X (X = Max numbers of players to teleport)
    Remember inventories: Yes/no (Takes player inventory and stores it until end of event)
    Swap Inventory Template: File Explorer (Player gets this inventory on Entry, similar to survival template)
    respawn to event on death Yes/no (If set to yes player respawns at one of the Event Locations Randomly)

    Event Locations for spawning

    Select Playfield: Dropdown Menu
    Enter Coordinates: 000,000,000
    Check this box to add another location [X] (If box is checked locations for players rotate and another set of entries are available, if not they all spawn in same location).

    I call it event handler, I wrote it before in java for our minecraft server about 5 years ago. It made scripting events easy for admins. They just had to build the event. Script handled all of the rest.

    Event Flow: Admin Starts an Event using command--->Start---->Player responds to join--->Script teleports player to location--->Script removes and remembers player inventory in array--->Script puts new inventory on Player for event--->Event runs--->Script remembers kills and deaths--->Script ends at x minutes--->Script clears player inventory--->Script hands back Player Inventory from Array--->Script announces scores--->Script hands out prizes to players--->Players are teleported by to original locations--->End
    Jascha and SilvRav like this.
  17. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Thanks thats quite some good points, and all should be possible.
    I'll get back to you when I start building it the next weeks.
    In the mean time if anyone has more input feel free to add it here.
  18. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    So I'm currently preparing the Events.
    One question about the winner/price: How would you determine who one and gets the price. Events can be so different from each other = Race/Capture/Kills... might be difficult.
  19. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    Can that be optional as well? Like use a set of check boxes to determine event type?

    One checkbox (Race) can trigger a "monitor" for a bounding box for players to pass in and out of? If I recall this is possible, but may not be super feasible since its asynchronous communication. I think this with a little tweaking would make races possible with a scoreboard. 1st person through the box "X" number of times wins. Bounding box can be drawn with positions of x,y,z, coords. Same coords we find with d.i. command black box. Would make it very flexible as size of bounding box would be based on track size within starting position.

    One Check box (Deathmatch) monitors kills and deaths to a certain number or in a time frame? First person to "X" kills wins. A team version (TDM) could be done this way as well.

    A capture the flag style event could be done by monitoring POI ID's as well as players. When they get cored flag is considered captured. Event could then monitor that player reaches the other poi (Their POI) up until they arrive within the bounding box or die and have to start all over. 3 captures wins. This may need some further explanation.

    Let me know :) Id be more than happy to help with these events :)
  20. demolish50

    demolish50 Commander

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Can the intruder log PLEASE include OP status? So I can not spend 30 minutes investigating every "hacking" report. That would be awesome if possible.

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