SV/CV Hybrid Challenge!

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by T431, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    I've been wanting to make my own challenge for a while now, and now it's time.

    The goal of this challenge is to make a hybrid of an SV and a CV, the intent is to have the SV be the main living space, while having a CV attached so you can have things like growing plots, gravity and a longer warp range.

    Here are the rules:

    - The CV isn't allowed to have cargo boxes, fridges and 02 stations. These must all be in the SV part.
    - You must be able to transition between the SV and CV part without being exposed to the outside world.
    - You can't have the SV be inside of the CV, it needs to be exposed to the outside world. (basically not have it be in a hangar, but a specialized docking port.)
    - The interior must be pressurized.

    These rules are open for debate, this is my first challenge after all.
    If you got any ideas for changes to the rules feel free to tell me.

    I also have some bonus challenges:
    - Make the ship a mobile base, this means having cargo boxes, a large constructor, fridge, 02 station, a food processor, all medical scanners, a toilet and shower, 6+ growing plots, (room for) a repair station and a medical station.
    - Make the ship available early game, being unlockable at lvl 10 and not requiring rare metals like erestrum and zascosium.
    - Make it look good.
    - Have it be size class 5 or lower.
    - The SV interior must be bigger than that of the CV. (to put emphasis on the SV being the MAIN part.)

    I ofcourse will also be making a contribution, and I hope you will too!
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
    Jenniphurr and Kieve like this.
  2. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Interesting challenge, but making the SV the primary component is probably not a wise idea. Not only is Class rapidly going to become an issue, but vessels docked to CVs lose collision properties when encountering other objects (BAs, other CVs for certain, possibly terrain as well). I'm not saying it can't be done, but unless the exterior of the vessel is mostly CV blocks, you're going to run into a whole slew of very odd collision problems.

    The Soleil NXT is a hybrid I've been working on for a few months now, and it's taught me many important lessons regarding SV/CV blending.

    Sadly, I think Lesson #1 is "Don't." They are an absolute bitch to dock properly on any substantial scale, class size can easily run away from you, there's two fuel / vessel systems to manage, and don't even get me started on sensor grids.

    Alpha7c_2018-02-08_11-17-27.jpg Alpha7c_2018-01-29_02-04-35.jpg Alpha7c_2018-01-29_02-06-38.jpg Alpha7c_2018-01-27_10-36-06.jpg Alpha7c_2018-01-29_02-05-28.jpg
    I won't deny there is a lot of potential in the idea. Normally I'm one of the most self-depreciating people you'll find, and even I've hit moments with the NXT where I'm just like "Dayum, that is gorgeous." The possibilities of combining small and large block scale, devices, and so-forth are all very attractive. I just think it's probably a dead-end for now.

    The NXT was intended to be the first of many designs from "Project Synthesis," but after everything I've gone through (and continue to go through) with this ship, it's likely to be the first, last, and only.
  3. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    I got some concepts to deal with the collision problem, It's hard to explain though, so you'll just have to wait and see.
    Your concept is looking really great though, I love it.

    I'll see if I can get some screenshots of my progress up by tomorrow.
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  4. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Not really a challenge, just a lot of unneeded building.
    You could build a large SV, that have a hanger for a CV, where the SV have in there landing pads so you can "dock" the CV (in reality you dock the SV to the CV). But what is the point having such a huge/big SV?
    Some already make a CV and build a SV with cargo and fridges as a kind of container, to fit in 1 or more CV block places instead of a CV fridge/cargo.
    1 grow plot with 1 grow light will require SV blocks to cover 3 CV blocks. 3x3 grow plots will require minimum 3x3x2 + 1x11x1 (grow light) volume. Will need SV box of 11x11x7 + 4x4 (grow light). Then you can start adding the Advanced constructor (CV 2x2x2), food processor (2x1x1), medic station and the other "medic" stuff (CV 6x 2x1x1 roughly), warp drive and tank (xx), gravity (xx). And so on (need movement parts too, but do not really need a hull, just O2 sealed farm with force field or shutters).

    You could rater have a challenge to make a small CV base (with warp and movement and minimum farm 3x3), where no use of equipment that could be put on a SV/HV). Size (and functions) matters more than looks. Could have that the warp drive is removable and place-able outside the hull (without using the drone and go outside).
    Along with 1 (or more) SV/HV to have the other stuff, docked outside and with doors or entrances so could move between the vessels without a suit.
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  5. Macbrea

    Macbrea Commander

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Quick question, If you build a box CV with Dovetail edges:

    A small generator, 1 fuel tank, 1 oxygen tank, 1-2 rcs, 1 ventilator, 1 cockpit, warpdrive and warp tank, 10 thrusters. Will that slide into the bed of an HV, causing the HV to dock to the dovetail cv? That way you can fly the CV from place to place, and jump into the HV and drive off?

    Reason, I ask this is Homeworld on HWS NA is a pvp playing field that has a 9 minute cv life span with a 11PM surface wipe. The reason for that is because it's a PVP planet with the following layers below the surface:

    • Crushed Stone (10m)
    • Promethium (10m)
    • Pentaxid (10m)
    • Copper (10m)
    • Sathium (10m)
    • Erestium(10m)
    • Zascosium(10m)
    • Neodynium(10m)
    • Magnesium(10m)
    • Gold(10m)
    • Core
    The surface of the planet is a death trap. There is multiple bases scattered about at the maximum range plus 1 meter of turrets. As a person in on the surface, your life expectancy is approximately 1 second.

    So, goal is land in an expendable cv and dig into the planet. Under the surface, build a base, with furnace and ATM. Dump all the gold into credits, which I can then upgrade my OCD to pick up all the Bars of other items.

    An HV cannot move while carrying a CV correct? it would have to undock in some fashion?
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  6. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    @Macbrea The docking of a HV/SV ought to disable it's movement (thrusters and RCS's and hovers). Else you get a "push" or "pull" situation between vessels with issues like collision and "drag" (movement calculations of forces from several vessels acting on eachother).

    EDIT: More a bit later.
    EDIT2: Was to put the below process here, but since you posted before that ...
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  7. Macbrea

    Macbrea Commander

    Jan 8, 2018
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    So, build a brick CV with a hold in center for the HV and a hanger door at the bottom. Fly over planet, Climb in the HV and open the hanger door.. dropping from a high altitude and dig as fast as possible into planet. Letting the CV crash and soak up fire. Leave the planet by being killed anytime later.
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  8. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    @Macbrea Probably, test it ;) Or maybe something like:
    Assume BP spawn (onto a base at least) is enabled. You can have several BP's ready to be spawned.
    When in orbit place down a spawning platform (base core with some wooden blocks, maybe).
    Spawn in a core CV where slapped on the needed components (core, pilot seat, RCS, thruster in each direction, generator, fuel tank, maybe O2 tank). If need to get into the HV without exposing to the environment, build a small cockpit with force fields or shutter doors (maybe a ventilator).
    Spawn in (or move) the HV and dock it some place on it (preferable so can enter it's cockpit or airtight room from the CV cockpit.
    If arrived in a SV, then can always dock that too.
    Multitool whatever you want of the spawn base and transportation to the planet.
    Down to the planet, land, enter HV, multitool CV (with drone, should go fast since only a few devices, get the parts back to put in the factory for the next one).
    Dig. Spawn the base if possible, since faster than building it.
    Do the stuff until the dying. Or time the planet "respawn", then multitool and put into BP factory.
    Maybe can spawn the CV, dock the HV, and into orbit. Then down again.

    If pretty safe to get to the planet orbit from a warp, then can always already have that HV and CV (with a warp tank and warp engine), since then can go straight to the surface.
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  9. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    I think I may need to make some changes to the rules, and maybe finish my own entry so people can see what usefulness I think there is in this concept.
    Jenniphurr and Kieve like this.
  10. Zuleica

    Zuleica Rear Admiral

    Sep 24, 2016
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    Well I made a modified version of my Lil Piggy Heavy SV and docked its flattened butt to a very small CV with an array of sensor light beams and indicators to aid in docking. CV internal space is only four blocks so it's marginally smaller than the Lil Piggy. Added a food processor to the CV and a repair block. The SV free-space docks.

    The docking indicators work great, even backing in to dock, but docking anything seems to do way more damage to the CV than it really should, no matter how careful you are. I mentioned this a number of times but for some reason the devs think that even the most gentle landings should cause damage. Personally I think that landing pads should be considered to have shock absorbers.
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  11. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    The main issue with the current challenge is
    "- The SV interior must be bigger than that of the CV. (to put emphasis on the SV being the MAIN part.)".
    As soon as you have grow plots and the medic stuff and such, the interior of the SV would probably be huge and empty (or filled with unneeded cargo boxes and fridges and so on), since the space needed for it in an CV is 9 to 1 (takes 9 small SV blocks to fill 1 CV block).

    A CV hull and thrusters and so on are much more "powerful" than a SV.
    It is the CV that have to transport the SV, not the other way around, as the game mechanics are now.

    Do you have in mind a kind of challenge as this?:
    Make a base and transport pod for a SV by using a CV with no hangar. Preferably have docking space for a HV too.
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  12. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I agree with @Kieve the SV should be used more to compliment the CV. You'll find out really quickly how big that SV will need to be to make even a small CV usable. But idon't know, maybe that would be a good challenge to try?! I believe the real advantage is that the SV blocks add more detail to the CV's lack of small details.

    Lets break it down a bit:
    - The CV isn't allowed to have cargo boxes, fridges and 02 stations. These must all be in the SV part. - Doable but the more blocks the better!
    - You must be able to transition between the SV and CV part without being exposed to the outside world. - Very Doable

    - The SV interior must be bigger than that of the CV. (to put emphasis on the SV being the MAIN part.) - Doable but challenging as the SV will be ginormous in this regard.

    - You can't have the SV be inside of the CV, it needs to be docked externally. - Limits you on design choices, I would get rid of this rule. Protecting the SV blocks with the combat steel the CV provides is a big advantage.
    - The interior must be pressurized. - This is the most difficult part if not taken lightly. I struggled with this on my Hydra-X over and over. But very doable.

    Also here is my submission:
    Hydra-X1 (CV) -
    Hydra-X2 (SV) -
  13. Ivo Shandor

    Ivo Shandor Commander

    Apr 27, 2016
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    First off @Jenniphurr this is awesome feat of design! I had a heck of a time getting these two pieces to mate up but once I did I was truly amazed. The seamless transition from SV to CV is mind blowing, I cannot tell you how excellent this build is.

    Second, after viewing Jenniphurr's design, I cannot fathom attempting such a challenge myself.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    That is epic.
    northcoaster76 and Jenniphurr like this.
  15. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    Holy crap. Got them docked together (only got them stuck together once, and swapping the SV to public undocked it for me) and as Ivo Shandor mentions it is absolutely seamless. It is very much worth hooking these two pieces up and exploring and inspecting this thing. This is incredible.

    I can't fathom how much work must have gone into things like making sure the kitchen layout makes sense. Heck the layout as a whole is just genius. I love environmental details like the computer consoles in the SV section.

    While exploring the cargo hold I learned for the first time that the player character can fit in a 1-block wide SV gap.

    This is amazing.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  16. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    @Ivo Shandor @monktk I am happy you both got to try out Hydra-X! I had been trying to piece that ship together for well over a year. Quick thanks to @Kieve for jumpstarting some inspiration to finally complete Hydara-X!

    But to me the details are the real advantage of these type of builds. Giving you access to a whole other palette to work with was quite amazing. But there are some challenges with these.

    O2 PSI. That is tough as the SV blocks and CV blocks have to be treated as separate entities. But by some block trickery you can overcome some of these limitations.

    Also I even installed a repair station on the CV as well to help with SV repairs. I don't have much real world practice with this, but is a crude form of auto repair shielding. Again I have only dabbled in this a little so there might be more to this is someone were to research more into it.
    T431 and monktk like this.
  17. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Update: I moved the Sv interior must be bigger than CV interior rule to the bonus challenges, and changed some other things about the rules.
    Jenniphurr likes this.
  18. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Come on, this is unfair.

    How is anyone supposed to beat this?

    Jokes aside, you did a phenomonal job with this ship, it's made so well. It's hard to notice which part is CV and which is SV, and I applaude you for that.
    monktk, Kieve and Jenniphurr like this.
  19. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Alright, I think the SV part of my hybrid is done, here's a teaser.
    rainyday, Robot Shark and monktk like this.
  20. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Since @T431 said my scrapped idea qualifies, here is the Cichlid.

    Cichlid's are fish known for mouth brooding, I thought it was appropriate.

    It was made so it could fit a Weta in the "mouth". But it should fit any of the HPOD SV's.

    It even fits a Cownose Ray, (but you have to remove the top fins and radar dish first).


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