What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  2. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Lol no worries! Also congrats! I tried to pay if forward, but you don't really need that as you did a great job and it deserves to be on the front page!
    Tyrax Lightning, Kieve and dpburke2 like this.
  3. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Some of us have a poor habit of not clicking any vote, up or down. I am trying to correct that. As for myself, I subscribed to that blueprint and gave it a thumbs up. I think I could learn a few things from it. No guarantee I will learn anything though. I did really like it. Encourages me that a few of my sketches for future blueprints aren't terrible for clustering some of their turrets close together and stacked. Not quite like yours, but still encouraging to see yours do such for the sides.
    Tyrax Lightning and Jenniphurr like this.
  4. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Thanks for your encouraging words, guys!

    As for turret placement and general PVP building I'll post a guide soon-ish (next week probably), the two PVP ships were a warm-up for that. :)
  5. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    While I don't subscribe to everything. I do hit thumbs up a lot. If I comment, I always hit a thumbs up. If i like the design I hit the thumbs up.

    I rarely use the dislike button. I save that mostly for people that upload phallic builds.
  6. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    *scraps building plans for Big Black C... apital Vessel* ;)

    On a more serious note: Did you get downvoted, too, or was it just the time? Frost-X dropped a lot.
    dpburke2 and Sparrowhawk65 like this.
  7. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    It's been a long time since I visited the Workshop. EGS went through a couple of rough patches with it earlier on so I just forgot about it. :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Jenn's attracted a few dedicated trolls of her own, sadly :( ZeroG works seem to have a real struggle reaching the front cycle these days.

    I think it happens to every builder who starts to make a name for themselves - I consider myself fairly lucky that they didn't start in on me until November or so, after Argentspire and the Aetheria were already up and could "shake off" the hate. It's much harder for newly posted designs to rise up if they get hit with spite-votes early on (Stratus was -2 within the first hour of upload). And it's kinda sad knowing the NXT will face the same, or worse, when it finally goes live.

    Still, it helps to look on the bright side - as frustrating as it can be sometimes, it does serve as a healthy ego-check on builders who get too full of themselves.
  9. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    My condolences... I wonder if something went wrong with the Save File & it somehow Corrupted...? :(

    *Lt. Commander Data* Inquiry: "Phallic"...? */Lt. Commander Data* :confused:

    I still don't really bother Workshoping my stuff partially cause its way of dealing with Pic-izing Workshop stuff drives me nuts & partially this is Alpha so my stuff will inevitably go Obsolete & when it goes too Obsolete, I delete it. New Mad Empyrion Science Experiments get made in their place.

    Workshop, & Reviews need better Moderation. :/

    At the same time if peeps are Downvoting illegitly to sabotage people trying to make their own stuff look good, they must REALLY suck... apparently they can't EARN the Victory... such people should be mercilessly Pitied imho... I hope the Pity feels like Acid to them... & I mean the corrosive substance kind, not the bullshit drug kind.
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Run around panet from east towards west by foot... I suppose I am gonna love this when the big planets will be introduced. Ofcourse chasing the sun that way I never saw the night fall...

    Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_11-21-29.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_11-20-09.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-59-16.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-59-13.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-57-36.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-54-47.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-49-07.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-48-20.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-42-44.png Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-40-42.png
    Voodoo 3 Fixes_2018-02-21_10-40-42.png
  11. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    and the rest of the photos....Of course adrenaline pills and shots are a must.

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  12. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    Nice work as always guys!

    My return to Online status is further away than I'd like. I assumed that because I already had a phone line installed here that they would only take a few days to deliver hub & wire up local telecommunications box, however that doesn't appear to be the case. My live date is the 7th of March, I ordered it on 15 Feb. Much sadness. It appears as though I will finish re-watching the ENTIRE ST:Next Generation collection before I'm re-connected.

    Suddenly using Steam for games seems like a silly idea. I have LOTS of games, but only 6 installed. Half of them are online games, and the other half I don't fancy at this time. I'm desperate enough that I tried installing Diablo 2 for a re-play but I'd forgotten how annoying the interface actually is by modern standards. I also re-learnt how much I hate the windows key. Considering removing it from the keyboard entirely.

    It's ironic, I rushed to get my new deskchair so I'd be able to relax while playing and this is the first time I've used it for more than a few minutes.
  13. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Ever since the recent 8.0 teasers, we've been daydreaming of new adventures when the Exp comes out--even though we have no clue when it'll start. We've built some custom admin shelters for the hybrid MP scenario we run on the server, but we decided that we should use up all the pentaxid we've hoarded in our current adventure. We haven't even seen most of the handcrafted maps, so it's cool to see them before they get upgraded even more. :cool:

    I suggested a scenic tour to Zeyhines. :) It was 4 warp jumps away.


    We took our faction CV that @Friendly Timo and @rainyday built (and I decorated some). Decapod is such a light CV that she handles like an SV, but isn't good for combat. We went to the surface in the new dropship @rainyday built: Alligator.


    With @rainyday as our guide, the scenic portion of our vacation was superb and the ride was serious fun!




    After that, we "fought" a PV that looked amazing but was basically a large drone: she went down with a whimper. Her revenge was despawning before she could be looted. :(


    Timo engaged his invisibility cloak again and pretended to be fireflies.


    Then we picked a real fight with the Rados Refinery. :) I rode along in Alligator (nicer seating by far!) while @Friendly Timo attacked with our WIP battle SV named Banshee.


    At least the POI did its best to defend itself.


    Timo's invisibility looked especially epic while we raided the Refinery! Later, he used it to hide from me in a white corner of Decapod. :p


    Here's Banshee. I haven't had time to texture and paint her yet--this was her first test flight. Eventually I could potentially catch up on my Empyrion projects. ;)
  14. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    This is true. I am guaranteed to get 4 dislikes pretty much instantly. My Frost-X ships is sitting right now with 7 likes and 4 dislikes. Almost like clockwork!

    But that doesn't stop me! I still rather enjoy playing this game. It has pretty much became my lifestyle game of choice. All it really does is push me to to stop and take the time to thumbs up and comment on other peoples works. In the hopes that more will do this and overcome those silly people.
  15. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @Starwing6 Awesome story & pictures as usual. Made the story come alive, felt almost like I was there...

    ... wait, I WAS there :D

    @Jenniphurr Sorry to hear that there are actually people that go thru the trouble of disliking people's builds. I haven't checked if I have such avid followers too - but then again, it's been ages since I published anything...
  16. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Literally the first thing I do when I get a new keyboard :D

    monktk, ion_storm, Jenniphurr and 6 others like this.
  17. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    I've gone ahead and removed it.

    I've always wondered why they insist on putting that poxy key there on keyboards, triple-especially on "Gaming" keyboards. A gamer is the MOST likely to get upset at pressing that key by accident. There is a Windows key on the other side, out of the way, that's perfect. I miss the days when Windows keys didn't exist at all and you would access the Windows home menu with the Ctrl-Esc shortcut, which is on that side of the keyboard but is also practically impossible to activate by accident. ^^
  18. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    There are utilities that disable it. Also some of the proprietary mouse applications have a setting to disable it.

  19. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Research a good utility program, download it and learn how it works... or 5 seconds with my car keys :D
    I know which works for me, though it'll change if I ever get a nice keyboard.
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  20. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    True, that. I've no idea why people get so weird on things like the Workshop. It's not like you're going to win so much as a t-shirt and the whole thing will be gone and forgotten in a couple days anyway. The only BPs' I've shared were for our competitions and I uploaded those directly to the competition thread. My average design skills and lack of patience for decorating mean that I'm not depriving anyone either. :D
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.

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