[ZeroG] Challenge Build 01 (SV) Fighter ~Completed~

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Jenniphurr, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Ok here is the final entry layout. Note @Tyrax Lightning has been included in this as well. I have also moved out the 2 that didn't qualify and cleaned up. (I had to do this a couple of times as I forgot about the SI warning. Lets say lots of stuff blew up lol!)
    So please everyone browse thru these wonderful builds and make note of your favorites!

    I'll be posting the poll site very soon, but want people to have a chance to look at the entries thus far.

    Note: This is on Omicron, Creative, no structures

    Shout out to @Bigfeet and @Trig for putting the entries together. It really helps everyone get a better feel seeing everyones design in one area. You guys are simply wonderful! Thank you!

    Attached Files:

  2. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    oh and sorry about the platform collapsing, I probably should have trimmed it down to be small enough for structural integrity to work right. It collapsed twice on me also when I was adding the LCD's (I fixed it by copy/pasting a chunk that was fine over the part that fell apart).

    If anyone wants that platform or the repair-bay cv, feel free to save yourself a blueprint. (CV uses BA rep-bay so it's red-bp)
  3. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Constructive feedback. Thank you. If you don't mind, or have the time could you poll your GF about the interior/exterior in regards to what makes her feel like they come from separate ships? In one way, I feel the same but its minor. I think the round arches going to the cockpit feel out of place on this ship and its something I am considering changing. I'd be curious to know if this was her fundamental issue, or if the interior as a whole just did not add up.

    Thanks again for the feedback.
  4. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    She prolly thought mine looked like a surplus jeep with a new paintjob and that is ok.

    I rarely if ever make my rides to do anything other than Vroom Vroom Boom Boom! Styles and designs mean very little to me if the vessel is not space/combat/freight-worthy to a nominal degree. It doesn't help this general lack of focus on bling that my favorite colors are Olive-drab, Black, and Crimson.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I can only pray that the next challenge is something I can be an actual match for... till then, the Tyrax Camo Bomber is my bright light that came from this Challenge. Damn gazing at its Camo Hide is so Sexy... :)

    Also i've had amusing thoughts of the Contest Entries fighting my Camo Bomber, having the Camo Bomber acting like a sort of 'Boss Monster Fight'... :p Dunno if that even COULD be a fair fight though when I equipped the Camo Bomber with Homers. To be fair switching out the Homers for normal Rockets or some other weapon wouldn't be particularly hard, but I positioned the Weapons in the Build with Homers use in mind... their position's not so great for Dogfighting or Spray'n Pray use.

    Also, yeah, longstanding bug ever since SI got Intro'd where the SI on Spawned In Planet Bases never seems to consistently if ever work right. No ETA on a fix either but probably a long ways off, & imho the Devs will NEED to figure out how to fix it before even starting to try to figure out how to Implement HV/SV/CV SI.
    dpburke2 and Jᴧgᴧ like this.
  6. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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  7. Jᴧgᴧ

    Jᴧgᴧ Rear Admiral

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Good luck everyone who entered. And remember - to compete is to win.
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Some really incredible little SVs in here, hope the devs pick a few up for Pre-Fabs or for Alien enemy AI fighters, would be sweet to see some of these builds in the default game, good work to all involved, I shall now go vote !

    SO the ones in the list of 43 that I just looked at that really stood out to me as special were the following, Assault Scout Pod by Theurgist, Challenger 1 and 2 by Bigfeet, The Charlott V1 by Captain Jack, Hades by Fractalite , Vision by Fractalite, XYU by Pyston , Zero-G Pulsar-X by Jenniphurr , XT1 by Haro, I found it hard to choose between these, be nice if they were all in the game, but in the end I went with the funky Hades in the end, just so radically different it cant be ignored !

    Great job to all those that built a ship for this, there really all good builds guys and girls.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Cool graphic in the OP - very nicely done.
  10. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    This is going in my personal game notes. Not just for this, but for whenever I want to quickly test one of my BP without having to find one in my survival game(s).
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Thanks for stopping by @piddlefoot Its been so fun seeing everyone come together and participate in a common like!

    Thanks I was trying something new and this sorta felt right?!
  12. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    *crowd can be heard cheering in the distance*

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddd Welcome everyone to this evenings Zero G challenge voting event, I am your host Bob, golly gee Willikers and with this many entries this should be a very exciting 24 hours, as this many models eclipses all earlier challenges that came before it. I am joined by expert in all things vessel evaluation, Bjorn Sjöberg."

    *The crown noise continues in raucous fashion as the host turns to the co-host*

    "Thats right Bob, it will be interesting who the judges deem worthy to advance to the next round. Will it be the intrepid Challengers 1 or 2, the purposeful XVU, the cuddly little minion KSV-48, or perhaps the ship of your dreams; the Intermission? When we first spoke to the judges this morning and gauging from the crowds reaction, early favorites include the XVU and the Zero-G Pulsar-X but I would venture that we will see some upsets before the night is through."

    *The crowd grows slightly quieter as the votes begin to tick in*

    "Did you have an specific potential upsets in mind Bjorn?"

    *The co-host flashes a smile full of impossibly white teeth*

    "Keep your eyes on the Albedo by Timo and the Cresent by Dinkelson Bob. Both are incredibly solid designs and I saw more than a few judges nudge and point when passing them by in the galley."

    *As the co-host silently defers back to the primary host, suddenly in the background, there is a swell of excited murmuring*

    "It looks like the first votes are in, and the Hades has jumped into the mix! What do you make of that Bjorn??"

    *The host turns excitedly to the co-host*

    "Well, thats because people are dumb Bob."

    *The host looks slightly taken aback by the remarks*

    "Surely you do not mean that. In the days leading up to the event there was quite the discussion about the Hades!"

    *The host opens his arm pleadingly as the co-host makes empty wretching noises off to the side*

    "Emotional and physical health has been on the decline around the world Bob, perhaps it is a sign of the times? In any event, this evening will prove full of intangibles. I mean, take a look at the other entries, already the Cresent has jumped to the top of the ten potential finalists! That should prove to be quite the thorn in some of the favorites sides. I am eager to see how this plays out - Dinkelsons designs have a strong appeal to the simple geometry sought after by the hippocampus."

    *The host, nodding his head knowingly but bearing the smile of the clueless, turns from his cohost*

    "Well there you have it folks! The first round already has a potential strong upset contender! Coverage continues after these announcements"

    *coverage shifts to a Doritos commercial that involves an elephant smacking some dude across the room that tried to steal yet another random persons Doritos out of some meaningless bowl that has no business sitting on a break room table*
  13. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    LOL, well done. I could actually hear announcers (well it was the voice of the huttball announcer from SWTOR). Well written!
  14. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Lol , so could i. My mental picture went to the commentator of the star wars pod race.
    But before i bend myself fully to the voting part, first there's a cold day (-5°C clouded) ahead of me working my chops off.
    How long till voting round ends @Jenniphurr ?
  15. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Voted. It was tough even narrowing down my vote to my own top 10.

    Is it just the game I spawned, or was Pulsar-X missing a cargo box? I was shocked. Beautiful ship, but now you know why I didn't vote for it.
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Screw you Bjorn, there's nothing wrong with the Hades. :p

    For the Topic: I got my Votes in. :)
    Jᴧgᴧ likes this.
  17. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    *Recruitment commercial ends with loud cannonfire and a soldier frantically running while carrying his dead buddy back from the front lines and the charismatic dry-voiced challenge; "Do you have what it takes to join the UCH fleet and help humanities survival in Andromeda?"*

    "Welcome back to the live coverage of Zero-G top ten selection coverage, I am your co-host for the event, Bjorn Sjöberg and joined in part by Bob 'golly gee' Willikers now touring the showcase floor."

    *camera cuts to a preoccupied Bob, not facing the camera, lifting a glass of slightly orange-hued drink while chatting with some of event hostess's*

    *The camera then immediately cuts back to the broadcast room*

    "It is now hour 3 of the incredible event taking place before us. We have seen hopes rise, prospects fall, and all manner of shifting across the boards as the judges continue to filter in to evaluate the designs that passed initial inspection.

    *Bjorn suddenly crooks his fore-finger and a feint light appears in the pupil of one of his eyes*

    "What say you down there Bob? What have you seen so far? Has humanity redeemed itself yet or are we still seeing a steady stream of piss poor judgement?"

    *Camera cuts to Bob, now facing the camera, and appearing slightly flushed*

    "Bjorn! So far, despite initial surprises, much has played out like the analysts thought it would. The XVU has taken a fearsome showing a top the standings and looks to be a shoe-in to the top ten, while many of the popular models also have solid footing."

    *Camera cuts back to Bjorn who partakes in the time honored, distance-between-galaxies crossing combination of rolling ones eyes and emitting a sigh*

    "Having fun down there Bob? It appears to be quite the party!"

    *Camera cuts back to Bob, slightly further away, now leaning back against the temporary bar*

    "it is indeed Bjorn! Drinks, music, a great crowd..."

    *The crowd, now on hour three and having the announcers piped in to entertain them hearing this emit a feeble cheer*

    "... things are really looking up now that the idiot judges have figured out that you can select more than one ship to vote for! Eh? Eh?"

    *Bob, raises a glass to two nearby judges who's expressions had darkened significantly with that comment*

    *camera then cuts immediately back to the broadcast room*

    "Do not forget to stay with us as the events unfo... "

    *the feint light in Bjorn's eye returns briefly*

    "I am being told we have another update as to the standings of the top ten ships. Currently, as of 12:44AM Fleet Time the current top ten are:

    The XVU by, Pystonworks

    *Bob can be seen, slightly stroking the ship, "So pretty..."*

    The Pharos Cresent, by Dinkelson

    *Bob can be seen looking very confused, "Its like a Diamond!"*

    The KSV-48, by Kieve

    *Bob can be seen skipping in circles, "I want to take it home with me!"*

    The Pulsar-X, by Jenniphurr

    *Bob walks past looking lost*

    Boomerrang, by Razorwire.

    *Bob can be heard in the back ground, "Who the fuck let this design in?? I mean its not like a guy has MONEY on any of these ships, not like he would actually CAAaaaAAArrRRREeee, I mean, its not like the designer would make a sweet ass design based on some lame Terran game named boomerang.... I mean *Bob can be seen falling over* who would even name a game that, anywaysh...?"*

    Challenger 2, by Bigfeet

    *Bob, in a broad motion with his arms splashing his drinks all over everyone in his immediate vicinity, "Who names their kid bigfeet? Why not Tom, or Klaus?! YEAH! KLOOOooooouuuusssseeeeee"*

    DSV Albedo, by Friendly Timo

    *Bob, sitting drunkenly on the ground has his legs and arms outstretched like he is racing an HV, "Narrrrroooommmm Pecheew! Pecheew! Take that Zirax!"*

    Hades, by Fractalite.

    *Bob attempts to walk sideways on the air, and failing that, falls over in a jumble*

    Vision, By Fractalite.

    *Bob, holding his hands in a prayer-like motion, "Common baby, bring home the credits!*

    Junkyard Dog, by Razorwire

    *Bob walks up to the design, shrugs his shoulders, "Huh" then proceeds to give the support trusses a kick. "OOOWWWWWIIEE" Bob then hops about trying to hold his foot*

    *The camera cuts back to the broadcast room with Bjorn, arms outstretched, palms downword on the desk in front of him, fingers spread, and staring wide eyed at the screen*

    *Coverage shifts to a commercial of a sleek, sexy, slightly grey hover vessel zooming around smaller hills with a well known fleet celebrity inside, "At Pystonworks...."*
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
    Jᴧgᴧ, Pyston, Theurgist and 4 others like this.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Hey... I like Boomerang. :(
  19. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Ya it was! OMG I had a spot in the back I was going to put it. I did update to reflect that game. Also I don't really want to be the winner of this anyway so if for some odd reason the Pulsar-X was the winner, I was going to pick the next one anyway.

    2/28/18 that is when it completes. Then we'll have one last vote on here with the final 10 entires. This will then determind the overall winner.

    Anyways! good luck to everyone!
  20. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Oh fyi ill be posting a new thread for the next challenge!

    Just a bit of a teaser, its going to be a HV! And will have around the same time frame as this challenge.

    Would love to see you all join up for the next challenge!

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