[ZeroG] Challenge Build 02! (HV) Tank ~Completed~

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Jenniphurr, Feb 26, 2018.

  1. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Holy damn Theugist, nicely built. THAT is one sexy and functional beast. You are going to take the workshop by storm with that thing.

    You have inspired me, I will give things a second go and either use the first or the second for the challenge.

    Jenniphurrs right, my post in the first page of the thread towards Rucky was in part to inspire him but also to try and keep these challenges from just being a cascading series of re-post threads. Sort of like facebook; at some point she is going to create, say, a second HV challenge at some future date, and it would be nice to actually get some new stuff each time as opposed to a duplicate of this thread(although I am all for inspiration or copy/paste from other BP's - although citing the ships is important.)

    Also time constraints in life can play a factor, and if they do, its all good - re-post away.
  2. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    Haven't got much done for a challenge entry, but I did make a mobile "measuring stick" hv, and have trimmed down and modified a platform into a display parking lot.
    Made the measuring stick thingy (45x15x25 WxHxD) so I could get an idea for how big to make a parking spot, realized it would be far more convenient if I could move it around. Stuck some hover engines (some sideways) on it and now it's one of the stranger looking functional HV's I've made.

    Went with 14x9 block parking spaces on the platform, currently with 18 marked spaces with a LCD, and a road between the slots. Seems to be working with SI correctly. Can copy/paste it to have 36 slots if needed, but being that large will probably have SI issues.

    Couple pictures and blueprint files of both attached, if anyone wants them.

    20180228132038_1.jpg 20180228125557_1.jpg 20180228131426_1.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
  3. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    I like the black and white one, imo colors are too saturated in this game.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Sometimes what one makes by accident after letting their feet 'roam freely' can be pretty damn fun. Spiky Tank... totally dig it! :D

    Tanks that wanna deal with Forests need adequate Harvester Power, with Harvest Box compliment recommended. No Harvesters? That Tank answers to Forests then & is forced to swing around them.

    Well... if ya use Gatlings, ya can Gatling the Trees down, but this wastes the Wood Resources ya coulda got from them so I really don't recommend that unless as a emergency desperate measure.

    I welcome WarMonGer with open arms. It getting bullied outta the Contest is bullshit. If I somehow win this because WarMonGer wasn't here i'll wonder if I honestly even COULD deserve that win. :(

    If this was a "Gigas CV Challenge" & my Tyrax 3D Deathmaw got bullied out in a similar way, i'd know how i'd feel about it. :( (Especially when the Deathmaw took me a good couple months to get done & trying to do some new one from scratch in only a Contest 1 - 1 1/2 Weeks would be flat out impossible for me.)

    I'd welcome the WarMonGer as a opponent on the Contest Floor, I challenge it with my Entry, i'd welcome it as a Ally alongside me on a Battlefield, i'd welcome it as a Enemy facing against me on a Battlefield. :D

    I seriously don't understand what could be wrong with recycling an existing BP to fit the Challenge. Whether or not to do that or build from scratch is a legit Tactical Choice on one's part to me. :confused:

    Yeah, Turret Bugs are still everywhere. Also I remember long ago it was a thing where the Core of a Creation could only Operate up to 21 Guns, prioritizing Manual Fires, then any Gun above the 21st was invisible to the Core cause of Game Code Encumbrance Overload. Dunno if that's still a thing now or if that ever got fixed. Also plenty other Turret Bugs that are still defying the Dev's every effort to find & squash thus far. :/

    The Contest Judge has spoken! :D

    Easy fix: HV Challenge 1 was a Tank, HV Challenge 2 could easily be a Miner or Racer. Challenge 3 could be what Challenge 2 didn't pick... Challenge 4 could be... Hover Throne! & on & on. :p *Ducks out before people read "Hover Throne" & immediately start drawing up mental plans for Flying Toilets...*
  5. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Rucky Jen is the only person in the world who has the right to call the requirements for this contest, its her contest and she OK'd existing builds. I see no reason you cant submit the Warmonger. In fact if it were up to me, I would insist you put the warmonger in. Personally, I would change it up a bit to make it different to give a reason to upload a new build but that is me.

    Don't let the bullies tear you down. You are the best dystopian style builder I have seen and people love your creations.
  6. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Please listen for a minute...oh God when did I become the voice of reason?--Just let's get back to our weird little corner of the web where we shoot aliens and make VERY weird LEGO toys. In the past couple of days we have had too many blow ups over really light weight stuff. None of these people come over to your house or buy you a beer. That is a friend, not a faceless icon on the web. Enter what you want and design what you want.
    Unless you are getting paid to do work, it is just a hobby and it is all on you as to what you want to do. The absolute bottom level joy of this game is the frikken ability to do what we want with the tools the designers gave us. Just have fun playing in the sandbox with he rest of us grown up kids and let the stupid stuff slide. We are a bunch of cheetos eating latte swilling garbage pail kids and we should glory in our differences. I don't mind that Tyrax always stomps on my sandcastles with his big dragon feet or that pyston smells likes used motor oil Or that jenniphuur wants to go back to the 80's and wear big bows in her hair.....we are by definition the outcasts of the modern world...WE ARE GAMERS. So let's just play nice.
  7. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I am not quite sure what I did to deserve this outburst of hostility, and I am certainly no bully. Since I have only ever been a believer in honor and thoughtfulness, I believe I should be the one to bow out, not anyone else.

    So here is my submission, Madness.

    20180228122703_1.jpg 20180228122714_1.jpg 20180228122738_1.jpg 20180228122229_1.jpg 20180228115634_1.jpg 20180228115739_1.jpg 20180228115739_1.jpg 20180228123159_1.jpg

    Steam Link:

    I will depart these challenges now. @rucky if I have offended you in any way you have my most heartfelt apology. If you wish to stay please do so. Do not leave on my account.
  8. Coreador

    Coreador Commander

    May 15, 2017
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    I have a better idea: how about nobody leaves? These challenges and the workshop at large greatly benefit from the creations of all of the talented and hard working people here. Like hound said, let's not let miscommunications and trivial matters pollute what is otherwise a special community and challenge experience. Challenges have greatly added to the amount of wonderful work in the workshop, and as someone who is mostly just a player I can say the wealth of great and varied designs increases the value and replayability of the game. Not every game out there has this wealth of content and community. Every one of us should work to preserve that.
  9. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    A lot of the 'space' in there has vanished due to shaping and other additions. This is designed as a Heavy troop transport so there is a fairly large open area for the troops to work in, assemble before drops (ahaha, as-if we could walk around while a vessel is moving!) and store unwieldy equipment. That we don't really have. Can always do with more cargo I guess ^^

    I've got the inside mostly to my liking, and a lot of the logic installed.

    There are 2 switches on the control panel dedicated to landing troops: the initial warning system to notify your passengers that Deployment is imminent, and the next to notify passengers, turn the engines off & force the entrance open for swift egress. This allows you to 'land' faster than hovers altitude change would normally dictate, and keeps the power on so your defenses & fridges remain active.

    Inspiration delivery successful, I win!

    It's been interesting seeing the in-progress builds, how people deal with first steps. I see you started with the base. I started with finding the 3-d center of the entire thing before building the main staggered V shape at the front. I then worked out where the approx cabin floor would be to gauge where the main cabin walls would fit in. After that I did the turret placements & filled in the missing spaces trying to match to the existing shaping.

    I started this at a similar point to you; No real idea of where to start, or even what I was aiming to build lol. I did some sketches which led me to the basic V shape, beyond that it bears no resemblance to what I drew.
    Kaeser, Robot Shark, dpburke2 and 3 others like this.
  10. Friendly Timo

    Friendly Timo Captain

    Aug 8, 2017
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    Hold on people. I think the negativity here got started just because of @Fractalite being too comfortable with people he assumed as his friends and having friendly, fun but well meaning commentary that just was misunderstood and then the whole thing escalated downhill from there. I don't think it is fair from anyone to label Fractalite as a bully just based on that. It is pretty self evident if you just sit back, relax and read the whole chain of events from a neutral perspective.

    From what I have read around here you all are very nice and well meaning people. Let's give peace a change and hug it out, shall we? :)

    Just remember that it is far too common to misunderstand peoples intentions from simply the text they type when there is no body language or nothing to back it up. A lot gets lost in the "translation" and sometimes it leads to hurt feelings and drama.
  11. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Progress report....I guess i just feel like writing today.....I have to start my short story of empyrion soon it is eating at my brain.
    The first step for me is what am i doing....how is it gonna look feel work? I made one Hv that I am supremely proud of. It smells like working machinery and dust, it looks like something you bought half price to clear the back lot.....
    On this challenge I want a machine to intimidate, lay fire on target, and move. The smell should be hot metal and rocket propellant.
    Also I keep having this mess up with myself over " you gonna catch a rocket round right there in that corner" so smooth is the way to go.
    So far I only have the front.....but i hope to get to the good bits tonight
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
    Kaeser, Robot Shark, dpburke2 and 9 others like this.
  12. Ivo Shandor

    Ivo Shandor Commander

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @Fractalite well I tried out your massive hover and have to say it is very cool and make me consider to just stop building now! This is one build where I don't think weapons are required since if you got it up to top speed I feel you should be able to ram any POI into oblivion! But I will toil on since I once again have used a CV design of mine inspire my build and thanks to @Pyston for inspiring the CV and in turn HV build. Hopefully pics of what I have in the next few days.
  13. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I feel like I have hit a wall. I am happy with the cockpit side of the ship however, the weapons side I am at a complete loss. I like doing something weird like trapping the turrets but I cannot settle on a clean design. Everything I thrown at it just isn't sticking. [​IMG]
    I think i'll head over to Project Daedalus and see if I can get in the way over there! If that plan doesn't work I'll head over to one of the handful of ZeroG shipyard bars and rest my brain.

    I don't get out much so maybe the ZeroG citizens won't notice their CEO spending a little time getting tipsy!
    Kaeser, Robot Shark, dpburke2 and 7 others like this.
  14. Trig

    Trig Captain

    May 26, 2017
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    Any rules on going over the default max allowed weapons/turrets?
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. monktk

    monktk Captain

    May 20, 2017
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    Ah, multiplayer oriented. That's actually really cool, but with some RL time constraints coming up and since I'm solo anyway, I think I'll sit this one out. :)

    Super stoked to see Jenniphurr doing this, and definitely looking forward to seeing more of the cool stuff you guys come up with! So many nice entries already! :)

    I'm sorry some of you have had a bit of a bad time with miscommunications here, but all of you and your work are great. I hope everyone who wanted to participate will still do so.
  16. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @Pyston and @Tyrax Lightning thank you for your kind words! I really appreciate that!

    We all have our own definitions and dreams and design imagination and conception. Some like spikey things, some very round and smooth shapes, some martialistic, some futuristic, some organic looking,....
    THIS makes the soup spicey, the soup called blueprint collections.
    And no one should argument or judge against the other in this regard, directly nor indirectly!

    In Germany we have a speaking, "Wenn man nichts Gutes zu sagen hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten!"
    translated it would be like "If you haven't something nice to say, just SHUT UP"

    @Friendly Timo thank you for your attempt at conciliation.
    But Fractalite and me weren't "Friends" to begin with, and such, I don't like someone talk to me as a teacher as if I were some 5 years old and pretending things to hinder me (besides doing the exact same themself).
    That's one of my excoriations (the right word for "wunde Stelle"?)... sorry, but that's me...
    Timo, you don't know our backstory ;-)

    this being said, @Fractalite I accept your apology! Thank you.

    On another note, @Fractalite a war tank without ammo boxes is indeed only a ramming machine ;-)
    hint hint

    This being said, I will still not participate, because it would be biased, the one or the other way around. Sadly, but true.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  17. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Shaping and seats aside, that's what, a 5x5x3 seating area and a vertically offset 5x6x3 loading area behind it?
    My first attempt, which I'm not yet sure if I'll submit, is a light scout tank, and due to it's long/thin/short minimalist shape, I still reckon I could have a good attempt at parking it in yours. I'd (probably) have to take out your seats and pull the rear bulkhead pinch-point, and strip some of the partial blocks off the flanks of mine, but... it's close! :D
    dpburke2, monktk, Theurgist and 2 others like this.
  18. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    & plus peeps can be prone to forgetting to Emote. :p

    For the Topic: I think I have my Entry about done... then something weird happened I need to consult Jenn on... I dunno how to even explain it... without blowing the Entry's Secrecy. :p
  19. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Nope, as long as you have at least 3 different types you can put as many as you want on them.

    Just drop it in a personal message on Discord I would be happy to take a look at it~
  20. khajjah

    khajjah Commander

    Jan 29, 2016
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    This was a tough one for me as I have several Class 1 PvP HVs on the workshop that needed very little modification to be ready for this. I love each of them differently. The Blitz is a mainstay in a few PvP factions with incredible durability and ease of repair, however aesthetically the Merkava has always beaten it out despite offering slightly less staying power. I refit both for the challenge keeping them both Class 1 as that is a common PvP requirement. Without further yammering I offer my Merkava II assault HV.
    Merkava II 06.jpg Merkava II 00.jpg Merkava II 01.jpg Merkava II 04.jpg Merkava II 05.jpg Merkava II 03.jpg Merkava II 02.jpg

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