What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Finally! :D

    In our MP co-op server I packed a considerable amount of ores & stuff (sorry @Starwing6 & @Friendly Timo , I will bring back gifts! :D) to set up an outpost and mining expedition on Aestus. Or was it Aitis? Crap, I always mess those planets up - well, it's either one of them. Youknow, the one with the boiling hot lava and not with the pink haze.

    Port Aestus! (Or Aitis... one or the other :rolleyes: ). In this picture HV hangar (furthest), defence tower and constructor room (closest) is done. Also the CV landing pad. Since the pic I've finished the main living area too - which is where the SV is landed. Still gotta do SV hangar and furnace room. Most of the time it's rather pleasant +60-70 celsius - but during heat waves & storms temps can raise well above +100 celsius - so I'm making sure all the stuff is sealed and in indoors (well maybe apart the CV landing pad...).

    Surveying the surface, looking for deposits. Sathium is a priority currently. Easy to get stuck between the jagged rocks with a HV - but it's pretty smooth sailing on top of the lava lakes. Just that I don't wanna know what happens if the HV makes the usual dive below the lake surface...

    Also couple uploads into the Workshop:

    This has been in the making a loooong time. Finally made the finishing touches and can't wait to play around with it. Probably in Alpha 8.0 :) Jack-of-All-Trades CV with a slight lean towards combat. Lots of room for loot, freighters beware! And if you can believe it, it's not a mining ship or repair ship or some other flimsy one-use civilian contraption that I usually build - this is actually made out of combat steel and has some turrets! :p Has some most serious signal stuff I've done so far (I'm really poor with it in general) with the approach lights telling you whether you're hitting the hangar bay properly (and whether you're gonna fit at all).
    >> Steam Workshop


    Medium tank for all-around tank purposes. Has some firepower, can carry couple people - but is more likely to be a support tank during assaults rather than full frontal POI beater. Still has some decent armour, critical stuff in the back etc. while maintaining some believability of a proper working vessel. Made for Jenniphurr's HV challenge.
    >>Steam Workshop
  2. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Tyrax Lightning and Jenniphurr like this.
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    In general SI, as it is implemented now, is buggy hence useless, in my opinion. I tend to turn it off when I want to make changes on BAs or place them. Should be existed only for explosion destruction, structure placement and for extensions that do not have support from the ground or lower levels of the structure. After all it is better to build or modify a BA in creative mode where SI should be turned off by default to help with building/shaping of the BA, then checked through debug and support the parts that need it and finally turn SI on.

    I do not blame the developers at all. Good to perfect SI is only for expensive simulation and CAD programs. This is a game. And for the same reason you won't see SI in AAA titles either.
  4. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    tonight ill be home to continue on my mobile fortress tank for AEGIS and then hop on survival server of WASD Games Server and build my USS Discovery and explore the whole galaxy, ill also be up for 2 days and 2 nights starting today playing empyrion non stop!
  5. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Omg, what have I started....
    Yesterday it was the answer to everything, 42...
    That was, 'HULL DONE', thrusters but NO RCS added.

    Then I made 'some' walls on the inside and added some fuel and oxygen tanks.
    Today, its 53 o_O


    Just asking, Am I the only one who is ALWAYS surprised by the size that the(se) project(s) become eventually?

    All I wanted, was a single hallways ship with a large hangar...
    Now i'm on 7 days to die, 3-7 to go... yay.

    I'm going Nostradamus now...
    Saying (afraid guessing):
    * It'll be Sizeclass 70+
    * It'll be 1000kt+
    * It'll have less than 1m/s yaw (unless I add AT LEAST 1250 RCS T2, which i will not - for now)
    * Its a mobile base, so the above doesnt really matter :p
    * It'll require around 250k ere+zasc each
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2018
    dpburke2, Jenniphurr, lochigg and 5 others like this.
  6. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    A couple days back I started digging a "Ratline" on Tallodar. The idea is to have "Dead-Drop to elevator" every kilometer or so to a bedrock level tunnel and 4 exits, each near a major alliance center and Tallodar Admin TS for newly landed players to Not get eaten by spiders. All practice for the Really big job of digging one after a fresh start in 8.0. On that Note, can we get the ability to point our vehicle in an absolute cardinal direction...PLEASE?
  7. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I want(ed) to take part in @Robot Shark's new CV Challenge.

    First I tried to increase my Challenger LX as it already is a very good Starter-Mobile-Base only missing the Hangar space...
    But that to add... wasn't as easy as I thought.

    So I looked at my library, what else I normally build in Survival Game...

    The Omega-Scout Class CV... Iron Duke. But, it has already too much weight (13.6kt) and especially too much Generators (6)...

    Of course the small BaseStar Carrier ship isn't acceptable too, also too much weight (18.8kt) and Generators (4).

    Yes, I need to take only Standard Steel, something I'm not even take on my first CV... but with the (bonus) requirement of having a relatively large hangar space for a Tier6 Hover Tank and the Tier4 Dropship SV this won't be a small CV then...

    So I tried to start something new.
    ... and the blockade started again...

    still I looked up other ships in my library, to get some inspiration... and I found the all-known Polaris.
    That ship is even heavier than needed, and has way lower hanger space, nevertheless, it's a shape I can begin with...

    For the beginning, I'm ignoring all the requirements and try to build something acceptable for me. <= for ME.
    If I later can change armor to standard steel, big thrusters to small(er) ones, and restrict to 1 large gen, doesn't matter.... NOW.

    and I do make some progression....

    MEKNET1977, monktk, dpburke2 and 4 others like this.
  8. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    You can with the command setrotation. Works just like setposition but for rotation obviously.
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Not on MP. Doing this on the Eleon server. Kinda not a point to it in SP. I should have specified.
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Still working on my entry...


    Wild_XIII, monktk, dpburke2 and 6 others like this.
  11. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Nice to know you're still around.:)
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Trying to Dwarf my Tyrax 3D Deathmaw? That's ok, my Deathmaw can still take ya on like a Dwarf Warrior! :p

    For the Topic: My latest going ons in Empyrion is to have Jenn tell me about my Tyrax Hunting RV Tank make the Front Page of the Workshop then me responding by blushing furiously as I feel incredibly Honored! ^_^

    Also i've DLed Blender & been wondering if I stand even the slightest chance at ever learning how to use it for cool things like making rough draft Models to submit to the Devs as possible ideas for things to possibly Implement into the game... including but not limited to new ideas for Cockpit Models. :D

    Naturally this is encumbering my unstable erratic RL Time Availability which'll reduce available Empyrion related playtime availability... but dammit... imagine how cool it'd be if I managed to make a cool Monster that actually got to live on for all time in Empyrion's World like a lasting Legacy, or some such! ^_^
  13. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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  14. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I dont get the/your point.
    Further, I dont find anything '3d' or 'Deathmaw' by Tyrax on steam, but maybe i'm just too tired.

    Dont read forums after midnight, while beeing awake for the (by now) 3rd calendar day... this game is seriously addicting...
    I love it, but my bed too :)

    Are you saying I copied or just making a joke of the ships size?
    I'm overnighted ATM, but it doesnt give cash :|
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    progress is coming along...


    Room for a Heavy Tank and some Combat Fighter or two...

    but not sure I can convert this to a version for the challenge though...
    nevertheless, first, finishing this version (still a lot to do), then the next problem... ;-)
  16. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I have not Workshopped my Tyrax 3D Deathmaw... instead, search for "Tyrax 3D Deathmaw" in this very Thread using the Empyrion Forum Search Box. ;)

    The Workshop still drives me nuts & thus far only a Jenn Contest Entry is on my Workshop & I did that mostly just to make life easier on Jenn for running the Contest... but then that Entry recently made the Workshop Front Page... i'm now undecided on if i'll give the Workshop a second chance & stick more stuff there again... including the Deathmaw...
  17. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Well my copying and pasting skills are shoddy at best but. Thanks to the work done with Frost-X, Gorman-X interior is starting to give me some hope. Again this is probably going to change a few more times but I feel like I might have gone down the correct path now.

    Whaddya think?
    I feel like its a bit cramped in the middle so I might end up pushing the fridges back a block or two.
    Theurgist, rucky, monktk and 4 others like this.
  18. Slickzter001

    Slickzter001 Ensign

    Aug 23, 2017
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    I've made lots of CV's : Pvp and Pve for my faction.
    I have a huge pve spacestation cv i created for clan, class 18
    72 xxl engines 250 rcs 44ms each direction 54 up/down (will pull out of 5g)
    a mini city inside a shell lol. over 120 constructors 2000 devices, lockers, med room , bar, etc. a gravity
    cannon on the bottom for fun. Also created a gigantic pvp yacht transport with as many engines or devices.

    As far as a Pve ship, make the outside combat steel, and the inside or extras or filler blocks use regular steel;it will greatly reduce the weight.
    Thus increasing speed overall, or room to expand larger.

    The larger the ship the more engines/rcs you have to pump into it, and greatly increasing weight and class.

    Rcs: there is the nominal requirement using math to figure out how many ya need. That is just to operate with slow turning, i always add about 60 more rcs for that extra turn on a dime maneuverabilty.
    RCS caps out at about 400, at 250 1 more engine will only yield 0.5 mps;by the time you add more blocks around it and another rcs its down to like 0.1 mps. Pointless!

    Always set aside at least 2-3 classes for devices, if you must stay under a certain class.

    LAG ships.....Most servers will ban them.

    Anything with over 120,000 angles will create lag. Try an use blocks over angles when at all possible, and always,always fill the blank section with nothing in it but shell, with steel, it will lower your class an your angle count.

    Excessive lightning inside or out, will also create lag, and increased class size. Use those motion sensors or every light, lcd, door, etc etc to cut down on what lit at 1 time. Ambient light colors, are ok if their on motion sensor, but on all the time....lag ship.

    Excessive light textures: Also a huge nono, not only is it a power drain, but those reds an greens everyone likes to gob all over ships, create excessive lag. (ive seen lots of pvp ships on workshop, a chunk of metal with an engine a few guns, an lots of those lighted textures. Sure yall always win keeping the other guy frozen in place. I think they should remove them from the game imho.

    Excess devices over 2000 will jack up lag and class count.
    Railing poles, greatly increases class.

    The best way to paint a ship is to use a back ground texture like primer, and color on top or accent in other textures.
    lochigg and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I think it's dumb when a Door opens into the sides & stick out like idiots. I was unable to prevent this completely in my Tyrax Hunting RV Tank sadly... but chalked it up to 'Nothing I can do... Implementations of things too incomplete'. My fav Door is the Vertical Door in the Armored Doors category... it's easier to deal with the Door opening into the single Block Space above then the other Doors & their opening Doors into TWO or sometimes MORE THEN TWO Block Spaces to the sides. :/
    Sephrajin likes this.
  20. Slickzter001

    Slickzter001 Ensign

    Aug 23, 2017
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    Looks good, id maybe put a texture on the floor and paint it black.

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