[ZeroG] Challenge Build 01 (SV) Fighter ~Completed~

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Jenniphurr, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. Coreador

    Coreador Commander

    May 15, 2017
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    A collection was created for the 2-small-generator-CV challenge. It seems like a completely reasonable idea and makes it easy to find all the ships from the challenge:

    I think it would be a good procedure for all challenges.
  2. khajjah

    khajjah Commander

    Jan 29, 2016
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    I was content to just enter and meet the challenge, I would not have built it otherwise. Thanks. I'll have my HV in tomorrow
  3. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I so want to do a video with really short 2-3 second clips of me charging into battle and bursting into

    I desperately want to make this happen. It'd be a virtual Ship Show! Seriously though, being able to generate a play-field for someone and share it easily. You enter the challenge (scenario) and get to peruse all the entries, take them for test spins. The planet is a build, the showroom is a build, all the ships are builds. All the hard work is done by all the people entering the contest. We are really close to that now.
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Clicks 'Vote' on Challenges related to Mining HVs, Tank HVs, & Warship CVs.* :p
    dpburke2 and Jenniphurr like this.
  5. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I designed the Peregrine Fighter with speed and maneuverability in mind.
    If you do not mind, I would appreciate feedback on it.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  6. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @Robot Shark Sorry my friend, Me too would set the margin at 20m/s² LATERAL acceleration and the Pitch/Yaw a bit higher too ;-)
    Your 14m/s² is too low to be called "very manoeverable". But your main accelleration and break with 73m/s² is exceptional, that's right too!
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I know it is too late for the contest, but I hope this is better.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  8. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    yep, around 20m/s² you can easily dodge any POI turrets, that's the reason for that value.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
  9. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Sideways and up (in case of high gravity) are often the most important speeds to have high for a SV, where one of the turning axis is really good. Since mostly move sideways and shoot, with up/down adjustments (most fight POI's). Then you can roll/pitch/yaw the good way to redirect the good force o_O. If want/need to save some thrusters (and maybe RCS's) that is.
  10. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I kept at it, it should meet those requirements now. Thank you for the feedback.
    Hopefully it meets @Fenra369 's criteria as well.

    I am always open to feedback. I will act on it, and I appreciate it.
  11. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Well here are the standing as of now:

    Note that this includes ties for places as well. So instead of having another poll let just wrap this one up and give a round of applause to everyone!

    Your Winner! 18.26 % (44 votes)XYU By: Pyston

    In 2nd place, 6.64 % (16 votes)Boomerang By: Razorwire

    In 3rd place, 5.81 % (14 votes)KSV-48 By: Kieve

    and here are the rest of the top ten!

    4th 4.98 % (12 votes)Vision By: Fractalite

    5th 4.56 % (11 votes)Junkyard Dog By: Razorwire

    6th 4.15 % (10 votes)Challenger 2 By: Bigfeet
    6th 4.15 % (10 votes)Pharos Crescent L-SV By: Dinkelsen

    7th 3.73 % (9 votes)Hades By: Fractalite
    7th 3.73 % (9 votes)Pulsar-X By: Jenniphurr

    8th 3.32 % (8 votes)SV Rigger v1 By: Na_Palm

    9th 2.9 % (7 votes)Assault Scout Platform By: Theurgist
    9th 2.9 % (7 votes)DSV Albedo By: Friendly Timo
    9th 2.9 % (7 votes)Firefly By: Rainyday

    10th 2.49 % (6 votes)Teardropship By Sirknumskull
    10th 2.49 % (6 votes)Invader By: monktk
    10th 2.49 % (6 votes)Intermission By: Trig

    Thanks to all that participated in this Challenge!
    Also soon I'll be creating a collection based on this challenge. It will house all of these wonderful builds and I'll link the world save file there as well. I think being about to see all the builds in all their glory is the better way to showcase. A lot of time and a lot of effort was put into this challenge and everyone deserves to be recognized for that!

    Good work everyone!

    (also I'll link this to the first post as well for any future peoples curious-ness)
    dpburke2, monktk, Razorwire and 4 others like this.
  12. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Brace yourselves... in Challenge 2, i'm gonna attempt a Come Back Win... ;)
  13. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    Wow, 8th place for my little Rigger. Thats more than i had hoped!:D
    Thank you all for this nice challenge, especially @Jenniphurr for beeing the host she was!
  14. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I have Created a Collection for this challenge. Added everyone to the list and sent links to each one. Also free feel to delete my comment from your workshop page if you find it to spamy~ I still have to set a background image along with the challenge details and that world save file link. But that pretty much brings this challenge to a close. Thanks everyone!
    dpburke2, Na_Palm, Razorwire and 5 others like this.
  15. Macbrea

    Macbrea Commander

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Accidentally, nuked mine updating my tank carrier. So, my workshop item of my ship is useless.
  16. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I bet there's still the savegame around here somewhere so you can re-BP?
  17. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    The world save file has a backup of all the builds you could get it from that~

    link to the OP - save file is at the bottom of the post. https://empyriononline.com/threads/zerog-challenge-build-01-sv-fighter-completed.36343/
  18. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Aww, now i'm dissapointed that my... was it Maglean Scout or Speedo didnt qualify...
    It had only 1 weapon type, placed 6 times what obviously is too much for a fighter. :confused::confused:

    Just messing with ya Jenn, I also respect you (and everybody else here), but I (still) have a real issue when people delcare a vehicle with 4 weapons tops as a fighter.
    Even more so when it starts as a challenge, becuse, this challenge is making people (even some skilled and otherwise (hopefully) smart ones) belive that they can arm a civil vehicle and call it a fighter afterwards.

    It is the very same as what people on my (not 'my' my, just the one i play on) server dislike at the workshop so much (well its about the only thing, but matters very much).
    Its the fact that people call their vehicle 'agile', while having a yaw of less than 2°m./s2
    They call their ships fast, while having 8m/s forward thrust.
    They call their ships meneuvarable, having 6m/s on the side and 4m/s to break, while having 50m/s for acceleration.
    They call their ships fighter, with 4 weapons and without hardned hull.

    People rely on such saying to choose their items, if what they get just doesnt apply, doesnt fullfill what is promised, you will be the one they dislike.
    Do you want to be another reason for crowding servers with junk builds?
    Because that what happens with such ships.

    They're beeing spawned, used to test, figured they sucks (not actually saying the contestant submissions do, havent tried, cant say, they usualy dont - its the IDEALOGY, the Mental Awarness i want to adress).
    Our admins have to roam planets to look for such vessels all over the playfields, mostly starter planets obviously.
    Sometimes they bring them back to the main base, and i did try several, checked their workshop, because they did look nice, just to figure something.... Looking nice means nothing if you cant turn, if you cant break, if you cant accellerate.
    (note, i'm talking about general workshop items, not the specific submissions of this thread, they're just included though for general speech)

    A figher with 4 weapons, is like asking for a jeep/hummer, but only want to use bycicle wheels.
    Sure, you can still call it a jeep/hummer, but it is useless.

    Its nonsense, its not straight and restricted/ing in the wrong place.
    And it was clear to me, that those particpating will have issues using hardned steel, which is another key element of a fighter definition.
    Well, all but one (as far as i seen). I did exepct more of you guys to use hard steel.

    This said, i'm disappointed of several 'great names' that did parcticipate here, promoting and supporting (for me) false declarations.
    You guys are (as well, partly) the cause for the bad reputation the workshop has.

    Because most of you play SP, which I understand, more time for yourself.
    But on MP, I see many of your ships left alone on planets, rotting.

    Which IS sad, and hurts me just as much as it probably would hurt you.
    Because I do know how much work and heart you guys had put into these structures/vessels (those 1 hour builds aside).

    Maybe it is an american issue, like asking for fat free bacon, where the definition of bacon is the fat.
    I'm really upset, and it troubles me very much as you can see and imagine from all the text here...

    I am sorry for not beeing positive on the subject, but to me, its nonsense and needs to be cleared up.
    As I said in my first post in this thread, if it was a scout with the 'challenge' of using just 4 weapons, i'd be all in, but not for a fighter.
    Thus my 'inapproriate' submission of a scout with 6 weapons. (which was my first (usefull) SV).
    Even my rescuve vehicle has 6 weapons, i'm not willing to go below a certain standard.

    Its like asking for a tank, made of wood and expect it to withstand explosions.
    Its like going to a gunfight with a knife.
    Its like buying a 4x4, and getting a trike. (motorcycle with 3 weels)
    In real, would you buy a gun with only 4 bullets, while every other one has 6-14 or more?

    You can agree or disagree, but i kindly ask you to think about it for a minute, and be honest with yourself and your own expections.
    All i want is, that people can rely on the defintions they will find in/on the workshop items, which as of now, they usualy CAN NOT. :(
    With challenges like this (or similar mindsets when people create blueprints), it is all, but not helpfull for players in the long run.

    In very short, but harsh:
    Putting up a restriction on the very definition you want to achieve is just stupid and not a challenge.
    Its not a challenge to use less weapons while building (less weight, less space used, requires less thrusters, its all - but not challenging to build) , its just a challenge for the pilot to stay alive due to the lack of firepower with the 'so called' fighter they fly.

    My thoughts.
    My opion.
    My point of view.
    My urge to share.

    Thank you for reading.

    PS: Please acknowledge i'm not native english speaking, and with upset emotions it is harder to find the approriate words.
    PPS: I do not want to troll -> pls do not answer my post (i dont read this thread), instead just think about it.
    I do/did not want to hurt any feelings, its just the way I see/percieve it.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  19. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I suspect a lot of people share your same thoughts. However... yup, here it comes:

    A vehicle with no weapons can still fight.

    Junk builds don't crowd servers. People that spawn things and then leave them crowd servers.

    Actually, looking nice means something. Maybe not to everyone, but aesthetics is a thing in every sci-fi universe.

    Bacon is cured meat. It usually has a lot of fat on it because the fat adds flavor. American bacon is probably excessively fatty because Americans seem to like fat, and fatty bacon is less expensive than lean bacon.

    Knives don't run out of bullets. They're also very quiet, light weight, and very portable.

    I would absolutely buy a gun with 4 bullets, if that was my only option. Sometimes we have to accept the less than ideal in survival situations.


    I share your frustration with many challenges because they lack definition. At the same time, too many constraints will result in a bunch of space potatoes with the maximum of everything, and to me, that is very boring. Keep in mind that not every challenge entry is designed to win something, especially when challenges don't even have something to win.

    Sometimes I look at a workshop or challenge entry that I don't like, and see things that I do, even if the overall design doesn't fit my expectations.

    Should we all just stop building and sharing because our skill level or tastes don't fit the norm?
  20. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    I entered this challenge, and by doing so supported a false declaration, I'm ruining the workshop *and* I'm filling your server with junk?
    I could answer each of your (many) points, but you're not reading the thread, right? I'll just laugh at you instead.

    You're insulting, and you're wrong, jog on.

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