Just as the post asks, I'm wondering if it's possible to call for steam 64 id's? At the moment with the current mods i'm using everything is tied to a players entity id, and after server wipes there are some things I would like to persist so players are able to access said mods without issues when on new characters.
Okay so I was just freaking out then I suppose. So i guess now I just need to figure out how to convert int to string. Was hoping I wouldn't have to do that mess lol!
I have used this site in the past to get players ID info when they were connecting to my server to make them admin. https://steamid.io/
If you're using EAH admin tool btw you can just copy the players steam id in the menu or even view it in the extras section. Converting steam profiles to their actual steam id (the 11 digit one). Converting steam id's is something i've known about for a few years, its just not pertaining to the question . What I'm working on is a mod in C#, just trying to make sure the API will get / write the steam id to a custom configuration. What I'm doing is essentially converting a custom mod that was written to find faction id's / write faction id's to a custom config file that will list the faction id and the info pertaining to the mod. But since I'm converting this to use steam id's instead of faction id's I have to convert every mention of the faction id to steamid ofc, and then every part of the original mention needs to read/write in a string instead of its current syntax ad an integer (this way players have a personal way of accessing the mod). Thanks for the help tho! I love steamid.io, ive used it for years for personal reasons and as a huge helping aid for managing my gaming community, I make sure all my admins know how to get steam id's as its the only way to ban an account 100% and then I make sure they have access to the web api scripts for detecting family share for our games that dont display those users.