What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    This is most excellent. I like the natural terrain jumps paired with natural terrain track, and artificially built ramps paired with the tarmac. Its part rally cross, part hare scramble. I'm scared it's going to go full Super Mario Kart, but whatever works. Nice contribution.
  2. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Ya this is looking good! Absolutely amazing work! Are you able to share that file to try it out?
  3. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    so wanted to make a AEGIS miner a while back but put it on hold so here is my first design pitch, now dont fret on the cargo boxes, i have 8 on the inside, they are for space walk quick assess but are ment just for show mostly
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I will make a nicer one and post a link. Just the .raw heightmap is 64 mb, so I will pack it in a neat little zip with a scenario and everything else (POIs = bridges, repair pits & stuff).
  5. Sparrowhawk65

    Sparrowhawk65 Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    They were aiming for your spotlight. Maybe the aliens feel ugly and just don't want the attention.
  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Curiosity: With all those Thrusters hugging the SV Cockpit like that, are ya actually able to sit in that SV Cockpit with it on & fly it around in Survival without the Thrusters's Heat & Radiation getting to you & roasting & DNA Mutilating ya to death? :eek:

    Oh no... attempted Intimidating us Competitors... ooooooooooooooo boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie boogie. :p

    Me likey!

    Especially cause i'm driving a Racing Truck & all true Trucks can Off Road! :D

    I'll laugh at all your spoiled rotten fat City Slicker Race Cars fumbling in the grit & muck of Off Road Greatness! :p

    I personally think Steam Workshop intentionally wants to fail at being a credible Site. Suit itself, Wish Granted. I disregard Steam Workshop's opinions on anything except my one brief stint of 15 minutes of Fame from my Tyrax Hunting RV Tank I know is Legit... but aside from that I just plain /dismiss the Workshop. :p

    Steam needs to Moderate its stuff better or it'll deserve to become Irrelevant. :rolleyes:

    For the Topic: My latest going ons is to work on my Truck Racer Display Stand as Part 2 of my Jenn's Challenge Entry... it's largely completed, but I had to ask Jenn about the fact that the RL Me has 0 Corp or anything like that thus no Logo to my name... I asked Jenn about it & she says I still absolutely must have some kinda Logo on my Stand or it'll be Illegit. Ya'all might wanna bring Barf Bags to the Racetrack... here comes some Incoming crappy ASCII Art wannabe... :p
    Kassonnade and dpburke2 like this.
  7. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    wow this thread is dead past 2 days barly anyone sharing there builds, anything that im not aware of thats going on?
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  8. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    After watching @rucky's video, I went back to the drawing board some and tried out some more options. Here is what I learned.

    1. I am a terrible driver.
    2. Lateral thrust is helpful but not a must.
    3. Reverse thrust is helpful but not a must.
    4. Practice is very helpful.
    5. Mouse sensitivity is king.

    My guess is that reverse thrust at first looked to be really helpful because this helped a terrible driver like me slow down for the turns so I had better chance of accelerating through them. I played a racing game once that depending on the turn you got best performance if you braked a bit first and then hit the gas through the turn. Now in Rucky's video, I noticed those rear thrusters were constantly putting out. You couldn't see the side thrusters, but spawning the blueprint revealed superior forward thrust with good side and reverse thrust, a real balanced racer. I tried emulating the thrust and yaw, but I was still crashing a fair bit. So then I decided to try something different. What if my racer was only part of the equation? A couple clicks and I bumped up my mouse sensitivity. Not quite good enough, but I was hitting far less walls. Then I bumped up the sensitivity all the way. Now I didn't have the skills of Rucky, but it was starting to look a lot more like the video. Very sloppy in comparison to the video, but much better than my prior runs. Now I still smacked into the walls on the hairpin turns. As I said, I am a terrible driver. So if the mouse was so key in my driving, what if I adjusted the various variables of my racer. Less forward thrust and good lateral thrust. Some difference in performance, but it was starting to look far less important. Very useful before I maxed out the setting for the mouse, but now not as important. Less need to slow down to setup the turns. Then what if I dropped the side thrusters down a bit? Now reducing the lateral thrust did make those hairpin turns a lot harder for me, but other than those hairpin turns it seemed to have little if any impact. And I do mean reduced side thrust, as in 4 m/s^2 lateral and 8 m/s^2 reverse thrust on that last trial run.
  9. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    The Speedway is a good proving ground for tight handling, but it's also a short-track made for tiny HVs. I wouldn't take anything like @Tyrax Lightning 's truck onto it (though to be fair, Tyrax would probably just plow through the walls wholesale and make that "hairpin" into a straight-way!), and isn't likely to resemble more than a small part of any actual track Jenn cooks up. Not saying it's bad to test - I've been putting the Jag around it like crazy myself - just that it's not the be-all/end-all.

    Speaking of #83, I did a fair amount of reworking on the design - mostly because I was unhappy with the side profile, but also to see if I could rearrange things any better.
    C7B_2018-03-29_00-57-40.jpg C7B_2018-03-29_00-57-53.jpg C7B_2018-03-29_01-04-57.jpg
    I'll let you folks be the judge on that success/failure.
    Regrettably, putting Flares in front of thrusters only colors them when they're not active - otherwise, the exhaust plume completely overwrites the flare FX. So much for silver engines, I guess!
  10. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Today's project, put some larger doors on one side of the Janus light carrier.
    I'm just going bonkers trying to figure out how to put a spotlight on the side with the larger doors.

    MEKNET1977, Sephrajin, rucky and 5 others like this.
  11. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    As for my CV, I think all I have left is the two engineering rooms.

  12. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    so im tring not to pop out builds to fast, that said i have two ive started including the aegis miner 1 im putting on hold, as of right now my very old salvage/repair ship need a redesign.


    new design approach

    being a simple shape im going to follow Kieve's advice and before releasing it play with shapes and the design for a while see whats better, looks sexier.
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Ya bet your Stripes I would! :D (I wonder how many of the Front Thrusters would survive the Impact...? :p)

    Which reminds me... I forgot to Post my Truck here... i'll rectify that now! :)

    Front View:
    The guts is real... no Bumpers on this dude... :cool:

    Right View:
    Tires so strong, no need for Tire Rims for protection... it's you all that may well need the protection from these Tires... :D

    Note: Left View is bout the same as Right View & had nothing 2ndary to say so I skipped the Left View Pic this go. Honest. I totally did NOT forget to take the Left View Pic by accident... <_< >_> <_<

    Rear View:
    Oh hey look, I dared to think of placing the Rear Thrust somewhere OTHER then the 'typical' Butt of the Vehicle! :p

    Top View:
    Wasn't sure what else I could really do in regards to looksing up the Bed of the Truck... still problems with ability for Textures to really transition any well from Solid Cube Blocks to Angled Blocks. :( On the bright side, I hope those are good lookin Smokestack lookin thingies. :)

    Bottom View:
    The idea of trying to GM below the Ground to get better up lookin view for this Screenie worked! Woot! :D

    With that said, the lone Hover Booster feels silly. Probably not even enough force to Pop a Wheelie with. :p

    Stats Screen:
    I can't remember if i've ever before managed to make a actual non-dummy Creation with a Unlock Level as low as FIVE before... wow... :D

    May well be the first time ever since the ancient times of this game when I had that little Tyrax Starter HV in Pre-REAL Hover Mechanics times... :O

    Factory Spawn Resource Cost:
    I think this may be a new Record for me... the first ever time i've ever made a non-dummy Creation that was completely devoid of Cobalt... :O
  14. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I did in the SSPV i made. Killed everything handily till I got to that Thing that is basically 3 Xenu fortresses welded together (by gun count mind you) It beat up my turrets pretty bad and took a couple of the 300 thrusters on my ship. However it died like the rest. Medium setting. Good acid test @rucky but that ship is Ridiculously out of spec. Is ok though makes for a good test.
  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    yes and no...

    Now, to give some insight in my tests I made with that racer (that's why I'm so much pissed off atm about those fu%&in' downvoters there, because when you do much things for something, you *WILL* get involved into that thing, it will become a part of your heart - I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell, english is not my main language, not even my second, third...)

    • First, it's not the Default Configuration I have driven in the last video, it's the tight corners configuration - as seen in the pictures on the Steam workshop, in short words: MORE RCS for better and faster Mouse movements. So yes, @dpburke2 what you've done outside with increasing mouse sensitivity, I've done ingame with available device options ;-) BECAUSE
    • ALL accelerations / thrust to any direction is somewhat important for the racer - OTHERWISE you have to combat these weaknesses (can be made into boni even if you're a really good driver). For example lateral thrust and brake thrust:
    • You have seen I ALWAYS were on FULL FORWARD THRUST, that is correct. FULL POWER. Because if you get your hands off the forward thrust, you WILL LOOSE a LOT of speed through that!
    • Now if you have too less of the other thrusts, you would *drift* way way more. On an earlier version of @Jenniphurr's superb Racer I could not get through even one corner turn without drifting the racer into the wall thwarting me completely!! Because of tooo less counterpressure from the thrusters!
    The main problem we have here is, Empyrion is NOT a racing game ;-)
    haha ;-)

    That is, there is only ONE maximum speed, and ANY racer will have exactly the same speed, no matter his configuration or mouse sensitivity or player reflexes....
    What can only be done is, *dependent* !! on the actual used Track (Open world big room *versus* tight corner mini tracks) to optimise your build exactly for that task.

    Tight corners : You need good RCS Pitch/Yaw values and/or mouse sensitivity to make fast turns possible, but also you need a more balanced racer overall with good acceleration on ANY side - here the MAIN thrust istn't the most important value (you've seen in optimal taken curves I never lost a lot of speed, therefore good acceleration WAS NOT needed!!)
    Open World Big area : You need high main acceleration and very good STABILITY otherwise, therefore I would take f.e. 6 Hovers and more back thrusters into the race but less RCS (as in my default configuration).

    That were my observations. And no ;-) I'm not a good racing driver, always only in the middle field in Need for Speed titles etc... ;-)
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
  16. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    What Ship do you mean? The OMARON II?
    Now, it has about 2x the weapons the player can have (and "a few" more Sentries)... not more... ;-)
    But yes, it's nothing one had seen in the default game as of yet, only PVP player would have encountered similar ships.

    And you're beaten it! THIS is the accomplishment and test you have made! +1
  17. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I blew a hole in the back and shoved a bunch of Turrets Physically inside the ship.... kind of a forgone conclusion at that point ;)

    Kinda sounded like someone popping popcorn..... with a Howitzer.
  18. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    so far so good
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No problem at all : the cockpit is "insulated" from whatever happens outside, engine heat included. Not the same for thrusters in open space like in CVs. And strangely the SV thrusters are only dangerous on the sides but not facing the exhaust :


    Here, drying my hair (!) with the blower (-4 degrees on mountain here):


    But if I dare to stand on it :


    Note that in the 2nd picture I am standing beside at least 2 thrusters and feel no heat... no clue. You can see I started a vanilla game just to take these pictures : the escape pod is still visible in the background! :D

    Edit : just checked in the config file : there is no radiation for the SV and HV thrusters, just temperature.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
  20. lochigg

    lochigg Commander

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Toying around with CV and base enrichment. First I build a service module

    derrentnertreff_2018-03-29_12-42-54.png derrentnertreff_2018-03-29_12-43-17.png derrentnertreff_2018-03-29_12-42-39.png

    It's basically a SV. I "docked" the SV on a wall I turned off the thrusters, detached the cockpit and put it in one of the cargo boxes for later use. The service module has some signal logic inside. It has a motion sensor witch turns on the module (powering the core) if you are near it. This way it won't run out of fuel to fast. There is also an always-on switch on the lower part of the o2 station if you want to use the two mobile constructors for a longer time. The service module doesn't have any ammo boxes or fridges (fridges don't like it, if you turn the power on and off). The whole module fits in one CV block.

    The second module is made for CVs:
    derrentnertreff_2018-03-29_12-51-46.png derrentnertreff_2018-03-29_12-51-00.png derrentnertreff_2018-03-29_12-56-57.png derrentnertreff_2018-03-29_12-54-18.png

    It's an hover craft without hover. The HV is docked to the CV between two CV Combat Steel blocks. It features an own (open or closed) cockpit, a multi turret (upper side) and a drill turret (lower side) for planetary operations. The module fits nicely in the design of the ship (see last picture) thats used as a maintenace platform for auto miners, to strip down bases or to drill some ground resources.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018

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