Roleplay scenario in MP

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Ded_Pahan [RUS][152], Jan 31, 2018.

  1. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Hi everybody. I'm going to create Roleplay multiplayer scenario. It sounds loud?))May be, but lately I can't think anything else about))) So, my idea is the following. On the planet there is a small settlement consisting of several buildings. It includes: CloneCenter(spawning location),Main building(the place for administrator(the head of the settlement),meeting rooms, etc.), trading BA (trading with AI is impossible, only between players),the building of geologists,the building of the military,the building of the transport Department, hostel and the mechanical plant. In different corners of the map there are a few farms which grow different plants. There are deposits of ores, but only players of the faction geologists can mine them. A new player appears inside CloneCenter.He has only a few credits. For begining he receives some instructions and then he have to go to work, because otherwise it's impossible to survive. For the first few levels it is possible to work for example on a farm or by collector of wild plants. Then, he can go to work as a geologist, then the driver, then military, etc. There is only one constructor in game, and he is in mechanical plant. The people who works there(or the admin) creates objects and vehicles and buildings in orders for the credits. I told to you just the General idea . You might say that it is cruel and a denial of freedom of action. But why would this idea not have its place as the alternative to the main types of scenarios? :)
    MidareToushirou and NaN like this.
  2. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I have a few questions on setting up the playfield.yaml.I would be very grateful if someone can help me) Thanks
  3. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Well, cosmic silence. I ask my question, maybe someone will answer at least for him. I need to make all the buildings on the map in fixed positions. So I deleted all POIs in the section "Random" in the playfield.yaml. Under "fixed" I added first 2 buildings: clonecenter (my blueprint) and dronebase(game file). Both of these buildings appears where it needs, but hero always appears in other place in coordinates 0, 143, 0. I want to spawn him in clonecenter. There is a player spawner and a personal locker inside. What I'm doing wrong? And my dronebase does not create drones((. Both POI are powered
  4. Captain Jack II

    Captain Jack II Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2016
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    custom scenario creation is hard at this stage. This will help:
  5. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    So do the life of Luke Skywalker !

    As far as roleplaying scenario's go, Luke, chewy and pals would would probably be a popular download !

    Stick a Falcon in as the preview pic !

    Anyhoo, your drone base, did you make it ?

    And does it have a marker block ?

    And is it set up correctly in the planets yaml ?
  6. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Thank you! It,s a good idea! No, dronebase is standart, but have fixed position
  7. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I can't find why spawner in clonecenter is not working
  8. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    ...and..I agree that the story of Luke Skywalker will be very interesting to people, but this will be relevant only for a single game. And I want to make a roleplay scenario in MP. I think it will be easier)). The main thing is to close the access to the resources to the economy of the game started to work).
  9. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    MP scenarios require a lot more maintenance, more updates for MP.

    SP scenario is easier, almost set and forget.
  11. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    My scenario for SP is impossible, because to perform each type of works you need a real person. And, as I think, the realization of this idea is not so difficult in MP. It is enough to prohibit players from accessing any kind of constructors and give only a few credits instead of a survival kit after spawn. And it is necessary to give the chance to buy all necessary things for the credits , then process will go itself. I want to make the game which consists of not a lot of personal stories, but the story of one community. If everyone is engaged in part of one big process, then there will be much more interaction between people. Yes, development will be a little slower , but the more fun you can get from the game.
    MidareToushirou likes this.
  12. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Now i can't find info how to forbid mining near the POIs and near the other fraction player bases in PVP. I need to create stop mining zone around 100 m from any otherfaction base. Could anybody answer me how to do it?
  13. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    And one more question: is it possible to remove any kinds of constructors from any loot?
  14. MidareToushirou

    MidareToushirou Lieutenant

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Simply use your server settings to set your antigriefdistance and set it to PVP.
        AntiGriefDistance: 100      # (Not used anymore) Distance (in m) around a faction's base where no other faction's base can be built
        # AntiGriefZone: PvP         # (Not used anymore) Zone where the AntiGriefDistance is valid (All, PvP, PvE)
        AntiGriefDistancePvE: 100     # If specified overrides AntiGriefDistance and AntiGriefZone
        AntiGriefDistancePvP: 100    # If specified overrides AntiGriefDistance and AntiGriefZone. Enable to avoid griefig when using offline protection
        AntiGriefOresDistance: 100    # Distance (in m) around ore deposits where no other faction's base can be built
        AntiGriefOresZone: PvP      # Zone where the AntiGriefOresDistance is valid (All, PvP, PvE)
    Not sure if there is a way to modify the loot table or not.
    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] likes this.
  15. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Thank you very much!)
    MidareToushirou likes this.
  16. MidareToushirou

    MidareToushirou Lieutenant

    Oct 5, 2017
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    You're very welcome! ^_^

    For the constructors, there is a config file in Content/Configuration/Config_Example.ecf that you may use to limit the ability of objects.
    So, instead of removing the constructors from the loot table (which I am unsure of how to do), you could simply put the Constructors limits to an unreachable state as so:
    { Block Id: 714, Name: ConstructorT2
      Group: cpgConstructor
      Material: metalhard
      ShowBlockName: true
      IsLockable: true
      IsOxygenTight: false, display: true
      Info: bkiConstructorAdvanced, display: true
      StackSize: 1
      Category: Devices
      Mass: 60000, type: int, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      HitPoints: 250, type: int, display: true
      EnergyIn: 300, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
      BlastRadius: 4
      BlastDamage: 100
      > UnlockCost: 99
      > UnlockLevel: 99
      TechTreeParent: ConstructorT1V2
      TechTreeNames: "Base,Capital Vessel"
  17. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Great idea!!! )))
    And , what if a player will receive a constructor as loot? He will can use it.
    What do you think of my idea, anyway?))
  18. MidareToushirou

    MidareToushirou Lieutenant

    Oct 5, 2017
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    I suppose that is true. My other idea was to lock out the required components (such as generator/fuel tank) so they couldn't power it.
    The alternative is to design it out. Instead of trying to eliminate the possibility of players obtaining a usable constructor, incentivize them not to waste their time because using the one that already exists is more beneficial and faster. Make setting up a constructor so unfeasible and impractical that players would much rather use the one they already have access too, rather than try to find their own and set it up.

    Some times stopping a flood is just about putting a boulder in the right spot! :)
    There might be a way to edit the loot table in the near future, though (still not really sure, just guessing), so that might help come Ver 8.
    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] likes this.
  19. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I was already thinking about how to reduce the speed of craft as much as possible. But then the admin also not able to do it fast)). Players should not have any constructors)). Оnly admin will have it and players will buy from him everything what is necessary.
  20. MidareToushirou

    MidareToushirou Lieutenant

    Oct 5, 2017
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    Hey, we are making something really similar and I think we should work together. You should add me on steam! Private message me. I sent an invite on steam.
    Admin can use super speed movement, ctrl+shift while moving. (Unless you mean in a vessel)
    Using that config file, you can make constructors unbuildable by setting their stats to ridiculous amounts like so:
    { Template Name: ConstructorT1V2
      CraftTime: 30
      Target: "SurvC,SmallC,LargeC,AdvC"
      { Child Inputs
        Computer: 999
        SteelPlate: 999
        MechanicalComponents: 999
        OpticalFiber: 999
        Motor: 999
    Just use the Find command in notepad ++ and type in Constructor. It will show you all of the relevant listings and you modify them as necessary.
    Currently I am setting every thing to unbuildable for my scenario. :)

    As for ship speed, you may be able to use these aforementioned ways to set the thruster speed stat. Checking now.
    Looks like you can by adjusting the following "ThrusterForce" line:
    { Block Id: 1417, Name: ThrusterGVJetRound1x3x1, Ref: ThrusterGVRoundNormal
      Mass: 800, type: int, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      HitPoints: 200, type: int, display: true
       > ThrusterForce: 90, type: int, display: true, formatter: Newton
      EnergyIn: 25, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
      TemplateRoot: ThrusterGVJetRound1x3x1
      UnlockCost: 9
      UnlockLevel: 7
      TechTreeParent: ThrusterGVRoundBlocks
      TechTreeNames: Hover Vessel
    Oh, you meant you already tried that but didn't want admin to go slow. Well, that's just how it works -- I suppose.

    As for the loot drop tables, I did a quick forum search and didn't find any mention of there being any way to modify the existing drop tables. But I did find posts mentioning people desire it to be so! Hopefully in the near future.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] likes this.

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