Hello Mia! Long time, no see... I think you should follow really these rules to prevent your issues you have: So only work in your Scenario folders where you also have the Sectors.yaml. SSG works on a certain degree also with Scenarios so there is no need to change root files / work with them. RexXxuS
Yes, thank you . You're right I've missed "THREE GOLDEN RULES" I just wanted to test how EmpPlayfieldGenerator works in 0.8 because my scenario is still in 0.7 format
You are referring to the Client ("\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\"). You have to refer to the Server folder ("\Empyrion - Dedicated Server").
Sektor Yaml von Playfield Generator nicht die gleiche Formatierung wie SSG. Siehe Bild: left Playfield Generator / right SSG
Can you send me your EPG Config file (in the Config folder of the tool) and the Sector.yaml you try to open? Maybe I can find the issue.
Thanks. I checked it and something with your New Planets is wrong. Please try to delete one by one to see where the Error is. Sadly Yaml does not exactly tell you whats wrong. If you delete everything from #New Planets onward it works. So somewhere down there is the problem.
tested and confirmed, is something with the new planets, just do not understand why. They were created by SSG, I did not do any editing in YAML and I'm using it in a scenario .... very strange ..... Anyway, thanks!
Update for Alpha 8.0 EXP V Patch notes - 1.06.04 (For Alpha 8.0 EXP V) Added: Alpha 8.0 changes Added: Orbit should always be last in the Playfield list. Please keep the following Empyrion notes in mind: "You can still have as many planets or moons in a sector as you want. However, the orbit must be defined last and the main planet first in the list. Please update your Sectors.yaml accordingly." Added: Drag&Drop for Playfields. You can now reorder the Playfields (by holding your left mousebutton clicked) to make it easier for you to adapt your sector maps for the above change. Keep in mind this is mostly for the upcoming EXP.
Hotfix 01.06.05 Sorry for the trouble. Now you should be able to add new Playfields again. Patch notes - 1.06.05 (For Alpha 8.0 EXP V) Fixed: Add new Playfield causes crash
Hello Jascha! Would it be possible for wormhole warp lines to be displayed in the EPG again? I believe they were once light gray.
You mean those Playfields that are too far away but are in the allow section? I'll take a look at this, should not be to hard
Update V01.06.06 Quick update with a few fixes and improvements. Patch notes - 1.06.06 (For Alpha 8.0 EXP V) Added: Log unhandled errors/crashes Added: CTRL + S will save the yaml Added: Show Save-Status at bottom of window Added: Line for allowed playfields are shown (white) Added: Line for dienied playfields are not shown anymore Fixed: Exception on save when no yaml was loaded Fixed: Orbit-Names in Map and Line-Tooltip wrong
Windows defender sees your obfuscation as a virus. Azden.B!cl to be exact, some generic AI detection.
Thanks for the note. Sadly Obfuscation will always cause this from time to time. But nothing to worry about.
Hallo, Ich probiere auf meinem Experimental 8 Server das Programm hier zum laufen zubringen. ich hab alles so gemacht wie es beschrieben wurde! Habe den dateipfad C:\steamcmd\empyriondedicatedserver angegeben. (dedicated server - win root server ) bekomme aber immer die Fehlermeldung das dass Programm irgendeine Datei nicht findet. was mache ich da falsch?