THANK YOU FOR THIS! No, seriously, thank you. It was a pain digging through the localization file and trying to guess what were actual items that traders could sell. This made creating my custom traders way faster.
It can happen with one build and in the next build it's no problem anymore. It's just the combination of chunks of compiled code, that can in rare cases look similar to harmful software. That's why antivirus programs declare it as unsafe even if it's safe. /jmc
You need to click in ANY other input field before saving. I update every input field into the playfield only after the cursor has left the input field. /jmc
After I had the add description I clicked in another field (next to) and this time the text was saved but it does not appear in the game.
Strange. Just works fine for me: If there are double quotes at the start and at the end of your description, try removing those. They are not necessary, but might lead into issues. Otherwise you can you send me your playfield renamed to txt. Then I could check it. /jmc
Sorry. How do I change the file? I get a message on forum: The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension txt.yaml I have never uploaded files
You haven't set file extensions to visible in windows then. Then you can't change the file extension. Here it shows you how to enable them. Then remove the .yaml and rename to .txt. Or you could make a zip from the file? That should work too. Or upload to a cloud hosting service e.g. google drive or dropbox and post a link. /jmc
I had put the file on the dropbox i hope it works .
It's not in my game. Maybe there is something wrong with my computer. I can not see pictures preview_empty and preview either, but it is not part of EPD. I will search further. thanks now i know that files are not wrong.
That pretty much sounds like you're accidentally editing the wrong folder/file. Are you working in your own scenario's playfield folder? E.g. Content\MyScenarioName\Playfields\PlayFieldName\playfield.yaml If you e.g. edited files in the Content\Playfields\PlayfieldName instead, it won't show up as changed in your scenario. Or if you were editing an already started savegame in the Saves\NewGame123\Templates, it won't have an effect either. Just some ideas. /jmc
I believe you are right. I had created the first scenario in Alpha 8 Experimental that I had posted at the workshop. Afterwards I had created another scenario in Alpha 8 and tested it, then I have copied folders to the first scenario (Alpha 8 Experimental) that was posted at the workshop.
Files look ok, but there is something wrong with copying folders from my other scenario to the one in the workshop. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\ConquerScenario2__1406110773 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\ConquerScenario2__1406110773\Playfields\Eden
Hey so i have a question I got the new version of the epd now i keep getting errors when trying to save my playfields what am i doing wrong ?
Nothing. I already fixed this. I falsely declared a BaseLevel of 0 as an error. Fixed in next version. For now you can uncheck 'Use PreFlight on Planet Main Playfields' in the options. Menu 'Tools->Options' /jmc
Occurs when saving or saving as.. First Pre-Flight box is unchecked *Running Windows 8.0 enterprise / Windows Server 2012
UPDATE (v1.57.1) HOTFIX Sorry for the crashes. Could you please retry if it works now with this version. It should have been empty SpawnResourceRanges (null) that caused the crash. CHANGES: Renamed Options for PreFlight in Options window FIXES: fixed: Empty SpawnResourceRange could lead into Exception and crash in cleaner. Missing nullcheck in cleaner. fixed: BaseLevel=0 was recognoized as error in PreFlight DOWNLOAD LINK: /jmc