What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    Damocles, I play this game to build spaceships and fly around and shoot aliens. Not run a stone age logistics chain of picking berries.
    Not exactly a value added fun part of the game. It doesn't increase the complexity of the game. It increases the tedium and the absolutely "pettyness" of a nitpicking system that produces end products that are useless or unusable when you actually need them.
    We already have to deal with the absolute tedious process of finding and mining for mats, we do NOT need another tedious petty process.
    I am halfway thru the mine and my juice boxes expire---I can assure I am not pleased with this. I might even be so ticked of at that and the getting FOUR disease effects at the SAME time, that I have to put the game down for a few days.
    Changing bandages into juice boxes is exactly the kind of change you do not want to see from a player point of view. It replaces a good usable low level item with an expiring less useful low level item.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Take a short break and read through the whole config.ecf file, note all lines numbers for templates you want/ don't want, and keep this somewhere safe. When a new patch comes out, just look if anything was changed about these templates, and make yourself an easy little kit of powerful items with 1 ingredient found everywhere.

    The developers gave us a tool that allows to take away most of the "tedium" you mention. I think it's worth a small amount of time invested in changing recipes & templates, to spare this time in game.
  3. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Until recently my least favorite thing was having to hold down the "W" key for hours as I fly in my SV over the larger planets. My left hand starts to ache, then it begins to curl up into a misshapen claw, until at last I pull back from the keyboard and my wrist flashes with pain from the arched over pose.

    I'm an old wargamer, and I have large tweezers. We use these to pick up the counters for games. I mapped the 10 key, right end "+" key to be my secondary "W", so now I can just put the tweezers over the end of my keyboard and fly all day! I use the arrows to make turns and adjustments, and my left hand remains a usable item for me.

    I only use WASD when i need to land or do something more nimble. We SO need to be able to set throttle!
  4. Bluhndr

    Bluhndr Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    I wholeheartedly agree with Ballard's post above. Any kind of throttle would be a great improvement (or heck, just a keybinding for an on /off toggle would be fine to start out) . Turning off 'Auto Brake' works pretty well in space, but planet side is a different story.
    My current jury rigged solution for SV/CV 'cruise control' is to use a small screwdriver lightly wedged between the Q, the 2 and the W keys. Definitely not ideal, but an entirely too necessary wrist saver at the moment.
  5. erithil

    erithil Ensign

    Jun 8, 2018
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    The single click action of looting is problematic for me.

    -I can hit "f" to bring up the loot interaction menu, showing my inventory and the target inventory.
    -I must now individually click/drag, shift-click to move stacks, or click the arrow to transfer all. Maybe I'm missing a keyboard shortcut, but I think there should be a quick key to loot all.
    -And then I have to close the loot interaction menu. I'd personally like it to auto-close if the container empties due to my action of moving things.

    This way in the heat of a fight, I can hover over a body, push "f" to loot, push my quick key to loot all (or use the arrow), and the container/body automatically closes and I'm back into the fight.

    This would prove very helpful for drive-by looting of my corpse by the way, when a POI turret is shredding me.
    Jazz0411, Brimstone and Ballard like this.
  6. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Me too. I don't do it anymore for certain wrecks that I've uncovered numerous times before. (Godmode to the rescue.)

    The manner in which the wrecks are integrated with the soil makes no sense. A crash should create a divot and displace soil. I shouldn't be standing inside a structurally sound and sealed compartment of a wreck destroying soil with a drill.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
  7. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    In Fallout 4, this function is bound to 'R', which I think would make sense for Empyrion too. Less mousing all over the screen would be nice.
    Sephrajin and Jazz0411 like this.
  8. Eredain

    Eredain Ensign

    Aug 14, 2015
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    I hate to pull out of drowning or stick mining hover.
    Jazz0411 and Robot Shark like this.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Repairing a BA after an attack or a poor landing / repairing every block in a BA after you have taken it over.

    Hunting down every damaged block is a major pain.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
    Jazz0411, Eredain and monktk like this.
  10. Eredain

    Eredain Ensign

    Aug 14, 2015
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    How think about hand upgrading of armor?)))
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  11. Khaaan!!

    Khaaan!! Ensign

    Oct 22, 2016
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    The most awfull experience for me is having to acces each individual thruster to asign a signal to it.
    Bonus not-fun when you have to do it again, because you f'ed up the logics.. [Please let us select multiple devices]

    (I love that we have a signal logics system though)
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  12. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Total downer:

    MP Server, fresh outta starter searching for ores:

    - class 5 planet, 10-15 min. flying in 1 direction north to south and getting just a small prom deposits. While doing so pressing all the time the forward key till my finger hurts. Result (along with admin settings) was quitting the server and being unsure if i will ever find fun in MP servers.

    - class 4 planet, 10 min from est to west finding at least some pois and the detector is not grey all the time like on class 5. Basically you don't find enough stuff do do what you love as an builder/empire pvp player. It feels no longer appealing because its the 1st time i fell creative mode or SP modding is the only way to get the feeling of freedom and progression i had in earlier versions.

    With the fact that after wipe day you have to do this tedious searching again, i'm close to deinstall again and wait for A9.
  13. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Agreed on the class 5 planets, I love having more space to settle being able to have more people on a single planet in multiplayer, but searching for resources or POI and then traveling to them is mind numbingly boring and tedious. Class 4 isnt that bad, but things are spread out way to much on class 5, it took well over an hr to find 1 or the right resource, and non stop flying for nearly 2 hrs to circle the planet in atmo, even with 2 of us we only revealed a very small portion of the planet. I think the size could be a benefit as long as the player can find a poi or two and 1 resource of each type in the same time as they can on a class 3 planet. Stuff is just too spread out as is, even knowing where things are and hoping into space to travel the travel times are quite long.
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  14. deathtospam10

    deathtospam10 Ensign

    May 19, 2018
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    Maybe it's because I am on a temperate planet, but the weather is just annoying with the rad storms and the thunderstorms.
    It does nothing for gameplay and the rad storms do not start until you put on armor, so why even have them? It is just an annoyance and sometimes in the course of, say a 4 hour play time, I might experience 8-10 storms in my base. Only thing it seems to affect is my solar capacitor charge rate and pissing me off.
    Can I turn off weather?
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  15. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    This so much.

    Now I like the general system for creating weather and the new procedurally generated biomes. The problem is the default templates are no good. We need to have planets in categories. So temperate playfield only has access to the right weather and biomes. The worst thing is radiated fog that looks like blue skys on approach and the then purple sky looking back out of it. This happens on a temperate earth like planet unless the radation zones are edited out of the default playfield.

    Note that I am not in favor of getting rid of alien biomes. Just put them on alien planets. With alien weather patterns. Without this seperation of atmospheric graphic effects drawing a good transition between them is going to be very difficult.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    Jazz0411 likes this.
  16. SkulkLife

    SkulkLife Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2017
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    Turn off your front thrusters.
  17. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Killing the front thrusters is more or less replaced by the Auto Stop on/off feature. In atmosphere it doesn' work I'm afraid. In atmosphere the ship will stop unless you keep that W key pressed. So I made my own sysyem, a large tweezer clamped over the + key, and I'm a happy flier.
    SkulkLife likes this.
  18. Geoffrey

    Geoffrey Lieutenant

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Coming back from a raid and sorting all the loot to where it needs to go in your base...

    I would love to have a connected storage facility that can filter and pull/push items into different cargo boxes so that I can set up a dump box for my loot and the base sorts it for me. This would be amazing!

    Some sort of logic controllers that will feed material to a constructor to automatically make items when they drop below a certain qty would also be super amazing.
  19. Kadera

    Kadera Ensign

    Aug 15, 2015
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    I'm in agreement with Ballard: We need a toggle not unlike the auto-run commands in other games, but I'd extend this to all modes of movement: Walking/Running, motorbike, HV, SV, and CV. Now for some of these, it probably wouldn't be used as much due to obstacles and such (motorbike, HV), but for all other modes, it'd be nice to just hit a key and keep moving forward until encontering an object, pressing the toggle a 2nd time, or pressing S (backwards).
  20. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    You're Aware that you can GROUP thrusters in the devices (and signal logic) screen?
    Then you assign those 'Signals' to the Groups, once you have the Group selected, and the Group contains items that do 'have a power switch'.


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