Alpha 8 - Repair to Template

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Feature: With Repair-2-Template it is possible to fix up a vessel and have lost blocks placed back where they belong to. This does cost ressources.

    Available for: Base

    Devices needed:
    - Repair Bay (Dock) T1 or T2
    - Repair Console (Access)


    How does it work?

    1. Go to the CONTROL PANEL of your vessel
    2. On the main page on the LOWER LEFT click the button "Save Repair Template"
    3. Have a base with both Repair-2-Template devices
    4. When you lost blocks in a battle, move your vessel on the Repair Bay T2
    5. Go to the Repair Console and access with F (default button)
    > You should now see your vessel INFO and a RESOURCES / TIME requirement
    6. Set your repair mode (Repair damaged blocks only or Repair-2-Template
    7. Add the required materials to the intake below
    8. Hit the button "START REPAIR"

    - Requirements: 1 Repair Console + Repair Bay T1 (Repair Blocks only) or Repair Bay T2 + Repair Console (Repair Blocks and Repair-2-Template)
    - You now require also a repair console for "Repair Blocks" with Repair Bay T1 block
    - If you upgrade Repair Bay T1 to T2, you will be able to use Repair-2-Template
    - Repair Blocks now also costs resources: 200 Hitpoints = 1 Iron Ingot

    - Repair bays drops 60% of its content when destroyed, and keeps 100% of its content when upgraded
    - You cannot drop in more materials when repair is in progress
    - When the REPAIR-shield is hit by weapon fire, this will damage the REPAIR BAY!
    - The repair area needs to have sufficient space for the Bounding Box of your vessel to fit in. All obstacles need to be removed (like blocks ranging inside the virtual "bounding box")
    - The Repair beam has a range of 8m.
    - You do NOT need a platform to park a large vessel for repair BUT if the vessel is not parked ABOVE the virual "ground layer" of the "repair area", eg tilted a bit so that parts of it might be below that line, Repair will not start.



    Q: Can i withdraw any ingots from the system?
    A: No, but stored ingots will drop out when the Repair Bay is removed, although only 60% (If you upgrade the Repair Bay, its content is 100% kept)
    A: You can always remove and re-place the Repair Console.

    Q: Do i need to use the REPAIR BLOCKS button when i used REPAIR-2-TEMPLATE before?
    A: Yes, currently R2T does not fix up damaged blocks (Subject to change in the future)

    Q: Can i add more than one Repair-2-Template system per base?
    A: Not yet

    Q: Do i need a Repair Console just for using the "damage removel" function of Repair Bay?
    A: Yes. Both "repair methods" are now tied to the console. The Repair Bay T1 does not "Autorepair" anymore as this now also costs resources!
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
    dichebach likes this.
  2. xxroperxx

    xxroperxx Ensign

    Jun 12, 2018
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    the repair system in place seems to work grat but i do have one small complaint. each time you repair you have to put resources in each time. it would be nice if we could say put a stack in advance so there would be buffer to land then say auto repair once the player is out of range from the field. alot eaiser then grabbing materials and moving them each time. just a thought otherwise good work so far on alpha 8
    EstebanLB01 likes this.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    This should already work like this. The surplus of ingots is stored (like with the blueprint factory), so it should be used when you use a setup like you described. Does not work?
  4. xxroperxx

    xxroperxx Ensign

    Jun 12, 2018
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    I lets you put a bit of excess into the repair console but you can't put a bunch in extra as a buffer. the factory seems to have a better allowance to put in extra materials but of course no way of taking them back out. another nice idea would be if you were about to link the repair console to a storage container that it would pull resources from. let me know if something has changed that im not aware of. confirmed my issue about a week ago before alpha 8 launch. was playing on experimental branch and hosting a private server
  5. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Is it intended that nothing that is using xeno substrate can be repaired to template?
    The repair console doesn't accept it.

    And are there any size limits?
    Can't repair several large ships 300m+? (The red text says that the ship type can not be repaired)

    Smaller ships work well, maybe except that the console checks each time the template after adding recourses, what requires some patience.

    Hope that changes or is just a bug.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018
  6. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    OK, i got it.
    It seems the game is not so much interested if the whole ship is on a structure, but seem to compare some size values of base/ship.
    Tried a structure a bit bigger in all directions than the ship and it didnt worked. Then i made a 470x470m platform and it worked, but see screenshot:
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018

    XXSWFXX Ensign

    Jun 6, 2018
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    I'm having the same issue. Anyone know if it is something a server owner could allow or is it built into the game?
  8. WHM DaddyStu

    WHM DaddyStu Lieutenant

    May 5, 2017
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    Seems unless I stay there with the console up I cannot get the repair to complete. Its a 5hr repair on an MP server so its not feasible to sit there and watch it. Feature is kinda unusable for me right now.
    BakerAble and SacredGlade like this.
  9. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Finally had a reason to use repair to template on my SV and it worked great. My only complaint was the fact you need to save the template for the particular ship after spawning it is not obvious. I had not done that when spawning my ship so when i went to repair to template I could not. I had thought it would just ask me to pick the template from the blueprint library so didn't even think to look for a way to set the template.

    I would suggest that spawning a ship from a blueprint automaticly does that first save for you as part of the spawn process, that way if you get damaged you can go back to that original state. if you make changes you need to remember to save it again.
  10. WHM DaddyStu

    WHM DaddyStu Lieutenant

    May 5, 2017
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    Seems to work well on smaller ships SVs etcbut anything big with a fair amount of damage and you're better off repairing 'old style'. This feature deffo needs tweaking - adding devices like the BP factory to reduce times would be a good start!
    BakerAble likes this.
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    That’s why it is not named repair to BLUEPRINT. but repair to TEMPLATE ;)
    Aimless Bot likes this.
  12. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    @xeno steel > will be Gieses
    @platform: Repair does not need a platform of a certain kind, but the repair beam needs to be in touch with the vessel (only has 3-5m range)
  13. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I have to second the original request - I think that a spawned blueprint should start with the saved template being equal to the blueprint. Not that important but nice to have.
  14. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I'd like to see the length of the repair beam increased and the restriction on not being able to rotate the repair bay removed. I really don't like having to put it on the floor. In some of my ships I've had an HV bay in the bottom of the ship and I use a thin floor for that bay - can't do that anymore since the repair block can't be above the HV anymore. Now you have to have a full block at the bottom, and maybe even two if you want to protect it or don't want to see the bottom of it on the outside of the ship.
    BakerAble likes this.
  15. WHM DaddyStu

    WHM DaddyStu Lieutenant

    May 5, 2017
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    Hopefully one of the knowledgable folk in here can help me. I keep getting "ship type cannot be repaired" for both my large and small CV (despite having repaired both previously) I have removed and replaced the repair block but still no joy. I'm using a space based repair platform.
  16. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Had same problem posted here and in bug report and found out that a distance about 2m to repair bay gives you that unfortunatly missleading message about ship type. Even if the rep bay can read the template it doesn't mean its close enough for repairs. Docking hv/sv directly above or almost touching with cv works for me
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    WHM DaddyStu likes this.
  17. WHM DaddyStu

    WHM DaddyStu Lieutenant

    May 5, 2017
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    Hi - this is CV-Base however I took your suggestion and tool'd the unnecessary landing gear off the CV - the repair started at least on the smaller CV (thanks). Unfortunately it fails if I leave visual range so I have to stay here for the next 90 mins doing nothing and hope for no server restarts.Maybe they should write "its gotta be really frickin' close" in the repair bay T2 description somewhere :) My larger CV seems to see the landing pad as an obstruction when too snug so I guess its finding the right precise to the mm placing lol.

    Suggestion for future versions would be to make it less fiddly obviously but also add in the ability for it to save its repair progress if interrupted... and auto-resume. It could do with a repair speed buff too (is that in config?) or at least the ability to add in components to hasten repair. 5-6 hours of uninterrupted babysitting of my moderately damaged big CV is going to be tough.
    Reznik75 and BakerAble like this.
  18. zhaopengcheng

    zhaopengcheng Ensign

    Jun 19, 2018
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  19. zhaopengcheng

    zhaopengcheng Ensign

    Jun 19, 2018
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    The Chinese text library of the game collapsed.Can you fix it?
  20. ☣.C.H.U.D.☣

    ☣.C.H.U.D.☣ Captain

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Heres a Idea.........
    Eleon can "reverse Engineer" the "Repair template" idea and save all Blueprints as Templates and Use only the Console to Spawn Blue Prints
    There is your Shipyard Idea without the Hassels.
    i understand that there is this Block check for spawning blueprints but maybe get rid of it as this will be good enough...the Console is higher level anyways (maybe lower it to level 10)

    So that would mean you would have to Get rid of the ALT-O for BP saving
    Just use the Template button.(which seem s alot more simplier then the Current way)

    This will encorage Custom built Ships in the beginning instead of just Spawning a BP like you are plaing SP/ just doesn't feel right to never has.....
    yes i know this Alpha......

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