Experience Points, Player Level Progression and Tech Trees

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. Bender

    Bender Commander

    Sep 13, 2015
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    i am not interesting on your opinion Damien, i love this game too. And techtree make this game little more fun. i will say here my opinion too. And if i will say i dont disagree with you so i say it. I am ok if you dont like my opinion. Becouse me doesnt care of you.
  2. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I'm hoping that the tech for things to build will be acquired by (at least in some parts) finding bluebrints as loot. It would be kind of ridiculous if it's like, "you can't build this thruster for your ship because you haven't collected enough aloe vera."
  3. Honkey Donkey

    Honkey Donkey Ensign

    Oct 31, 2015
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    I would not have purchased this game if I knew this was the direction it was headed. Doing anything without a vessel is incredibly time consuming. Building a small vessel is always the top priority because mobility is a NECESSITY in this game. The game is hard enough without making someone be level 10 to move around the planet. Focus on dedicated servers first before you start making late stage balance tweaks please.
  4. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    To those who are complaining that techtree system make the game more "boring difficult" and more like rpg:
    You guys plying it wrong.. before tech-tree what you are doing? put a bunch of item to construct and then wait... with tech tree that waiting become more interesting... don't wait around.. explore a bit ..every POI you discover give xp(ore deposit size x 30), every plant you collect for initial food gives xp, mine somethingand get xp... AND you will reach lvl 3-4 very soon.. get back to your escape pod.. find all your ingredients are ready to crafted into items.. so craft some .. build a basic base(which also give xp) ..an assault rifle ..few ammo... NOW go and storm a alien structure.. kill some drone.. loot some chest.. NOW you at lvl 5.. go back to your base... build a large constructor.. build a HV conquer all nearby alien structure.. NOW you have enough xp to lvl 7(maybe 8)... build a SV fly.. conquer your planet.. and so on...
    Use upgrade point wisely though...
  5. Iam Felonious

    Iam Felonious Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2015
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    After spending nearly 3 hours with the update and the new tech tree... it's a winner.

    The game is so much better for it. I am not going to gripe about any of the tree as I honestly do not have a problem with any of them. I am able to progress very nicely. I am now level 7, have a small base going with a turret. I have fended off the first wave of drones, done a lot of mining, exterminated a lot of the nasty little plant guys (great XP source), raided a nearby Defense II thing, not totally, I chickened out as I was on foot, but got 3 drones and a turret. Things are working well and smoothly so far. There might be problems with the tech tree later down the line, but none so far.
    carterthegm, Leatherneck and Bender like this.
  6. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    To the Devs: more techtree review after playing more :
    1. This is not a tech tree...it is an item tree...let the player research tech(like propulsion technology) which unlock multiple items(like tire 1 thrusters for all ships).
    2. Add large constructor in lower lvl... item are locked anyway...so player cannot build anything higher lvl even with large constructor.
    3. lvl 3 fridge cannot be constructed on small constructor (I don't think in any constructor)..
    4. still standby my last suggestion about lvling up attributes(GTA style), not the player itself(makes no sense in this game setting).. and my last suggestion about make full tech tree unlockable with upgrade point only,not with lvl also(CIV 4 style)
  7. Iam Felonious

    Iam Felonious Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Sorry, but you are wrong. I am a complete novice at games like this and I can get by just fine..mostly. Give it time and try out different strategies. I have managed to raid (I chickened out after getting 3 drones and a turret) a nearly base. It was within 900m of my new base and escape pod. The tech tree forces us to plan things better than before. The game is all the better for having the tech tree :)
    carterthegm and Bender like this.
  8. Iam Felonious

    Iam Felonious Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Some people lack imagination :( RPG = Role Playing Game :)
  9. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    How many people have actually posted that they flat-out don't like the techtree? So far I've only seen one person state that he/she finds the techtree boring and an unwanted increase in difficulty. Everyone else seems to like the techtree but doesn't see the logic in how it currently functions. I'm one of those people. I'm excited about the techtree and very happy they implemented it. What I don't like is how gathering flowers enables me to build a gun. That's one of the things I (and appearantly and I'm not the only one) would like to see changed. Using/building weapons should give me points to use guns more effectively/build better guns. Same goes plants (can be combined with food). Also, there's some weird logic in the order of which you unlock things. Look at CV techtree for a second. You can unlock a cockpit but need 5 more levels (and even more points) to unlock a passenger seat. These are the things people are stating a dislike for and not so much the tech-tree itself.

    Kind reminder: you didn't buy a game. You bought the right to the full game once its released and everything that's been developed up until now, which is in a pre-alpha state. By all means let the devs know what makes this game too hard or you right now and what you do and don't enjoy but don't write it off as if this is the final state in which the game is going to be released. Because it's not; so worry not! There's hope!

    Question: how do dedicated servers change the fact that you experience the game as time consuming and hard as it is? I mean, if you end up on a server with me you might be in luck since I enjoy working with others....or maybe I see others as an easy means to more resources and am not opposed to a shotgun to the face at point blank (which would increase the difficulty of the game even more).
    Roadie and Iam Felonious like this.
  10. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    few here ... few in stream discussion board... will copy this post there too if to many comment about how "tech-tree is game-breaking" is posted.
    neither do I(read the reply with green heading)..
    I want this too.. but if you get knowledge solely on what you do.. how you learn to make a cockpit or a thruster?.. finding alien blueprint can counter that but with procedural gen and big planet you might have to walk miles before you can find a blueprint to make only a part of the ship.. which will make the game more grindy and unappealing to most people..
    that is why I am against locking tech by level..
    R3k7'em and Alo like this.
  11. Iam Felonious

    Iam Felonious Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2015
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    I think people are getting hung up on the term 'tech tree'

    I look at it this way. The new tech tree is a level progression system with nice unlock-able rewards. The current order of unlocks is fine for me, but I am not apposed to changes :) ie, do stuff, get XP points, get some rewards :) I like it.

    BUT! there is another system that I hope gets added to the game as we go... a Skill Tree :) This is where you gain experience with a thing to make you better at it, faster at it, easier to make/find/fix/upgrade etc. I would like to see a skill being added called 'auto bloody hover' which you can earn after you have done X number of hours of atmospheric flight.

    So, we have nice new Tech Tree, its great, some changes might be in order later. We are also hoping for a Skill Tree soon.
    Navonil Mukherjee likes this.
  12. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    I would more like.. do stuff ... get xp.. gain skill...got upgread point...unlock related tech.... I somehow can't like the concept of lvl up the whole player..
  13. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Solution 1
    Give us some base items we don't have to unlock. From there on, creating some items will generate you some points and you can move forward from there.

    Solution 2 (can be combined with solution 1)
    I'm not opposed to techtrees sharing points. I'm opposed to flower gathering (let's call it biology) increasing my building skills (let's call engineering or tech level). Whether I'm working on stuff for a ship or stuff for a base, both are going to increase my knowledge of electronical items. They increase my overall tech level so to speak so I'm not opposed to earning points for my ship-techtree by building stuff in and around my base.
  14. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    I like the idea of a tech tree, it just seems a bit early in development for such specially considering we need to start a new game every time a new update comes out.
    If you guys want our help testing the game don't make it harder to do so. Make it an optional feature....
    VISION305 and RockinSince87 like this.
  15. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Had my first little wresteling round with the new update

    Granted, i got VERY lucky with a random gen seed, and started my game, with 3 nodes within 500 meters, and another (Prom) a good 600 meters away. Thanks to this, i had metal, and promethium, so i could go dig like a madcat. That, let me gain levels (currently lvl 6).

    Had i NOT had those nodes so close by.... yeah, id might have given up really.. I mean, i wouldnt be able to make anything, because, most of it is locked. Nighttime, would mean death, because, i would eventually, run out of ammo. Remember, sometimes, you cross half the planet in your vessel, just to find the right resource for your needs ? Now, imagine walking around half the planet, and BACK again, to continue constructing :-/

    Techtree is awesome, AND a usable idea, but certainly not in its current design and function.
    I would love to see the techtree, become some sort of "development tree", where i KNOW all the basic stuff.. like directional thruster etc etc ... Development tree, would then allow me to research, maybe a better, less consumptive thruster ? ... Can evenb combine all of this, with the Lab deco we have o_O

    Stuff in the tree:
    Now, tell me exactely, why i would stuff points into 4 different cockpits, when they all, have the exact same stats ? -,-
    I dun mind working, but i want cookies, for my work... preferably, those with chokolate.

    In short: Scrapp the current version of the techtree, rebuild it into a development / advanced materials and compponents system.

    The XP part of it... uhm, yeah... had hoped, that was my character getting smarter / better at something... *sighs*
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  16. Ruhas

    Ruhas Commander

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Tell me why so many weapons in the game ??)) from whom we defend? From walking flowers?))
    Theme: Introduction lvl player true test course, but I would like to water bodies would also be inhabited (monsters or fish) Just want to see the weather changes on the planet with an atmosphere.
    VISION305 likes this.
  17. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    It doesn't make the game more difficult, what it does is forces a specific early playstyle.
    So while last patch I started a new game and promptly built an AR, an HV, stripped the SV, made base parts and went on my merry way; destroying a couple bases and scouting some mineral deposits before settling down...now this is no longer an option.

    So fortunately the RNG was kind enough to give me a visible promethium deposit and an iron deposit next to that. Just gathering crap, killing some mobs and starting to mine both deposits quickly to level 7. Started doing the other normal stuff.

    So it's inconvenienced the early game, because it limits choices. I suppose it might be harder if (like when the RNG is not kind) and there is no nearby promethium and iron. Long term effect is nil, all it does is force you to do the early grind (that you were most likely going to do anyway). You were already constrained in what you could make by what resources you could acquire. Zero fun added. Options removed.

    In short it adds nothing to the game.

    Tina, appreciate you want to be girly and distinctive but really the pink font on grey background is just hard to read and being you're on my shortlist of people whose opinions and observations I actually care to read, just thought I'd mention it :p

    Navonil, good catch on the fridge.
    Tina Pedersen likes this.
  18. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Off topic reply: THANKS!! :):):):) Having the forum on a secondary screen, not showing colors real good, so i complpetely missed it :( .. Must have clicked the wrong boxx after the little heart :S .. sorry about that, and thanks for pointing it out :)
  19. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    So far the tech tree has had little impact on my playing. I do, and have been doing, much of what is said here for a long time. Build ammo, then head out looking to scaveng drones and POI's until I have enough to go back and build a generator, fuel tank and constructor. Then just make one of the POI's my temporary home (If I get really lucky I find the Factory! :D:D:D)

    I was actually thinking the points come too easy. I've played about an hour or so and have my first "base" set up. Only thing now it building what I need to get the dang pod going again.

    So, if you are finding point accumulation slow try getting out and discovering things and harvest all along the way! Try changing your play style. I've had to adjust many times.
    carterthegm and RockinSince87 like this.
  20. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    I'd suggest that time stop while in the tech tree allocating points (also whenever the option screen is open for that matter). At the very least move the sunset/sunrise indicator to under the mini-map so time can always be kept track of.

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