[TOOL] Empyrion Playfield Designer v2.43.0 EXP (Empyrion V1.11.x compatible)

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by jmcburn, May 5, 2018.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    EPD should be able to set the planet size. It is set per planet.

    The playfield_dynamic.yaml and playfield_static files are combined and used by the game to generate the actual randomized playfields (the playfield.yaml file).

    You can either edit the static and dynamic files and then generate randomized playfields based off of those templates, or you can edit the playfield file directly, or a combination.

    Do you want a randomized scenario? Or are you creating a more structured, carefully tailored one?

    I'm still new at playfield editing and I've mostly been using the random gen so somebody else would have better insight than myself.
  2. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Well mostly i will just copy a planet , edit or change the seed to make a *new* planet.
    So i can add this next to other planets in the sector. random seed is ok. but i want to make sure rescurses and meteroits are set so the server get a more balanced system.

    All i did so far is this make server runn a scenario. I download the Planet playfield.yaml to my computer. Edit it with the software. Save and then upload the file back to the host server. This have been working fine. But to change size did not go so well.

    The dynamic file you talk about is the problem.
    This is how the file layout looks like.
    exmple ->

    SERVERhost/Content/Scenarios/Invader vs Defender/playfields/Planet/Playfield.yaml
    <---- thats the file i eidt. No dynamic file here.

    SERVERhost/Content/Playfields/Planet/ (( Playfield,yaml , Dynamic.yaml , playfield_static.yaml
    <---- this is the only place i find a dynamic file. But my server runn a scenario so it only open playfields and info from the scenario folder??

    Yea I am new too :D So here we are doing things we cant :D
  3. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Hey !

    Quick qustion. I started a test server. I use a planet but there is no minerals on the planet *deposits* But when I open the playfield.yaml in the sofware it say it should be deposits there. But i did just notice the messages. *See photo*

    But where do I uncheck this option???

  4. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    General Characteristics
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  5. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Thanks !! I was looking my self blind :D
    Taelyn likes this.
  6. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Sorry new noob qustion.

    You have a planets Playfield.yaml I now understand how to edit and use it.
    But a planet have a orbit. The orbit playfield. = the space around the planet you warp inntoo ?

    I can open a orbit playfield in the software but where do you edit the small astroides around the planet that some times have minerals inn them.

  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Here u have an orbit of me.

    Look to the POI section

    Attached Files:

  8. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Thanks ! I still have a hard time on the mineral deposits.
    I have done the corret settings in the Playfield design editor. But when I log on there is still no Deposits on the planet. Just astroides dropping.
    and now I even get a error messages every time i click M

    EDIT: I just started new server and new save. I have some bugs on my planet. When i Open M *map* The game get a error. and I do not see any deposit on the info on the right side. But when i did walk little I did find a Iron deposit Medium 10%Left. But no one digg on it yet. Why only 10% left?

    Here is the Iron setting on the planet.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    read the log file there it usaly says whats wrong when u get errors.

    Deposits : did u clikc use random poi and resources in survival check box?
    Ken-Lurky likes this.
  10. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    I did click off fixsed POI ,,, I did not see the use random.... So no It was not on.. I will re start server and saves. Thanks one more time hehe.
  11. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Qustion I have a bug keep comming up. Game start all looks good.. When i click M.. Its a error.
    I did rerstart server... re do files... Now 1 hours later i found out. I can runn server with all orginal files. But as fast i try use my Sectors.yaml This error pop up.

    What is wrong with this sectors file. ( this is all innside it ) I need to start small to figur this out.
    Server start. The fue planets load. all is fine.. When i Click M! = crash
    Playerfield-yaml is still orginal.

    - Coordinates:
    - 0
    - 0
    - 0
    Color: 0, 0, 0
    Icon: No
    SectorMapType: None
    - - 0, 0, 0
    - Sun
    - Sun
    - ''
    Allow: []
    Deny: []
    - Coordinates:
    - 400
    - -158
    - -52
    Color: 0.5, 0.8, 0.05
    Icon: Pentagon
    OrbitLine: true
    SectorMapType: None
    - - 0, 0, 0
    - Eleen
    - Eleen
    - Defender:0
    - - 10036, 2146, 9056
    - Moon Eleen
    - Moon Eleen
    - ''
    - Trader Orbit
    Deny: []
  12. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest


    isnt set. Its Either Planet, Station or AsteroidField
  13. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    The orginal Sectors.yaml ... all the XX planets ir okayfield = SectorMapType: None.
    Orgianl file location :

    E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\Invader vs Defender\Sectors
    Have a look on that yaml file. All i did edit is removed lots of the planets..
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Well then u really need to read the log files.

    As i said there are the COQ listed as what might be wrong
  15. Mia

    Mia Commander

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Hi, I wonder why I get this error when trying to save playfield?

    "- PreFlight Found Errors:
    - General Setup:
    - TerrainHeightMapMax = null OR <= 0.
    - BaseLevel = null OR <0.
    - TerrainLevel = null OR <= 0.
    Pre-flight completed. "

    I had changed Terrain yesterday and the EPD had worked. Today I can not even save playfield.
    When I click on Tools and Edit `Terrain .ecf` EPD crashes
  16. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    What Playfield file / planet do you try to edit. I can try edit terrain on it as well ans se if I get stuck on the same error.
  17. Mia

    Mia Commander

    Jun 7, 2016
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    All planets
    I had tested the scenario in EPD v .155.
    and the previous version works except sea level does not change i can not add water but i had the same error yesterday with v.157 version.
    In the space the temperature is " 0 "but in the EPD and in playerfield.yaml the temperature is 111
  18. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Ok I did just try the same!

    Open a Playfield.yaml
    Edit Space from -170 to +200. Saved and uploaded file to the playfield folder on my server.
    Started new server save.

    Fly out in space *the orbit playfiled I did change* The temp is -170. but EPD it say 200.
    I will try look on the file without use of EPD.
  19. Ken-Lurky

    Ken-Lurky Lieutenant

    May 9, 2018
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    Ok , Not sure why.

    But if you change the temp settings on a playfield inside the EPD and save it! The temp new setting is not saved!
    You click right click the Playfield.yaml and open in notepad or I use Notepad++.
    At the top you will easy see the temp setting.

    My orginal Playfield. Inside notepad++ the temp is -170
    I edit file in EPD set temp to 200. and then open in notepad++ the temp is still -170. Even when I did save it with EPD at 200.

    I did try change the temp setting manuel in notepad++. and then open it inn EPD , then the temp is 200.

    As far as I can see the edit in the EPD do not save and add the info. no idea why

    Edit this manually in the notepad++ did work for me !
    I do not know if you need a *+* if you want +. I did try -88 It did work I did try 100. that did not work. SO maybe i need +100 if I want it. not tryd yet =)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
    Mia likes this.
  20. jmcburn

    jmcburn Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2017
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    You need to tab into another field before saving. The field your cursor is in, won't save it's changes until you click into another input field.

    That should work. At least on my end it does. :)

    Ken-Lurky likes this.

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