Experience Points, Player Level Progression and Tech Trees

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. Meurtre83

    Meurtre83 Ensign

    Oct 3, 2015
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    When i saw they added tech tree and exp i was really exited.... but i really didnt expected it will be about just the ability of crafting things.... i tought it would be more like about ability on using medics give more HP depending your level on using medics, or have more power from using a type of weapon etc... this would head on people having different specialisation for the MP , like having someone who is specialized on making powerfull guns , another one making powerfull medics.... i'm disapointed of this update...
    Otterbear likes this.
  2. OzzySilent420

    OzzySilent420 Ensign

    Oct 31, 2015
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    - What do you think about the current system?

    It seems a bit odd, levels for tech? I was hoping that leveling wold allow you to improve your character in a skill/attribute system (more health/food/stamina, more efficient mining, more weapon damage) not allow you to progress along the tech tree.

    - What could be improved?

    Instead of using unlock points/levels for tech have them be skill points and allow you to upgrade your max health/food/stamina, or you can use them to unlock perks in a perk tree like a 10% chance at an extra ore drop or two when mining or a +1 to headshot multiplier with projectile pistol. The tech tree should be advanced through by using the research station (witch is currently only decorative), the way that would make the most sense to me would be to have to put a certain amount of a lower tiered item into the research station it then works similarly to the constructor where you pick a blueprint and it makes that blueprint and you then take that blueprint and add it to your constructor.

    - Is level progress too fast / slow?

    The time it takes to gain levels is fine, the things I have problems with are a) having to be stuck with a basic pistol for 6 levels and B) having to reach level 7 just to make a food processor.

    - Tech tree and unlock points?

    Good idea but what you have here is more of a bad "perk tree" since it functions as a leveling system. A tech tree should be more of a guide this just feels more like a restriction. Unlock points should be turned into perk/skill points and allow you to upgrade your character instead.

    - Other feedback?

    I am sorry if anyone does not agree with me but it just makes no sense to learn how to make a flashlight by picking plants, killing dinosaurs and drones, or digging holes. the things that give you xp should be improving your character's maximum health, food, stamina, or weapon damage output, not teaching you how to make things. Tech tree advancement should be done through the research station, or by finding new item blueprints in different POIs. (but if your going to scatter them in POIs you will need to reorganize the current tech tree and possibly add more tiers of different items) Also, the current tabs are not optimally filtered since you have the same item in multiple tabs perhaps sorting the tech tree tabs in the same way you sorted the constructor tabs.
    Chief 117, Morkar and Otterbear like this.
  3. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    A very little backstory for validity of Tech-tree (I made it ,not the devs..so don't blame them if you don't like it,also its contradicts with the official one little bit):
    When "Operation Phoenix" announced you are selected to join it in as a MINER...they trained you how to use mining tool, how to oparate small weapons (for if you encounter some hostile alien life during mining) ,how to use the science analyzer (for if you encounter some new types of metals or something) and a little bit of survival skills(how to read maps without GPS, how to extract oxygen from water, how cook food,how to identify useful plants etc). During the long voyage you picked up bits and pieces of various skill (using constructor, how to make blueprint, how to takeoff and and SVs etc) to kill the boredom (cryo sleeping wasn't an option as alien FTL drive chew up too much power, also it was suppose to be only 3 year journey).
    NOW the ship is crashed, you crashed the escape-pod in a unknown planet in a unknown part of Universe with the 'awesome' SV flying skill you learn , all the earth animal and plants samples where in the ship is now scattered in the planet ...
    SO what you do now?? Make this planet your home?? Keep pursuing the paradise land of Empyrion??GO back to Earth?? or explore the galaxy(to find someone to , you know, do 'stuff' with ;) ??? whatever you do , you have lot to learn.. good thing is you are a quick learner
    Eviscerator, Mindkiller and Otterbear like this.
  4. soup238

    soup238 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I've noticed while you can run the station and ships off the new Hydrogen fuel packs you can not run the water generator, oxygen generator or the new H2o2 generator even though you can use the new large packs in all of them.
    Otterbear likes this.
  5. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    The devs have commented that is intentional.
  6. angelight85

    angelight85 Lieutenant

    Oct 27, 2015
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    After playing a couple hours with a friend in Multiplayer, we have come up with a few things that are not good about the tech tree and we would both actually prefer to see it scrapped in it's current form(See below for alternative), and replaced by a player skill tree, where you level skills up as mentioned before by other players, giving you better health maybe better food options, better weapon proficiency etc..

    So the tech tree a lot of it does not make sense. Why should base building blocks have a 0 point requirement but a level requirement, these items seem pretty basic so should be instant unlock on start same with when you unlock the cockpits you should get the passenger cubes at the same level and be 0 points. Anyway the way myself and my multiplayer cohort could see this tech tree becoming is this. Tier 1 is all the bare minimum stuff required to make a base, and a hover vehicle you have access to a pistol and assault rifle and ammunition for both, and the drill. Tier 2 requires you find a section of the MS Titan and a computer core with the stored blueprints which will give you Tier 2 stuff (doesn't matter what section you find you will always get tier 2) find another section you get tier 3 find the last section get tier 4. Tier 5 stuff would be Alien and you have to find the device's in a loot drop or alien storage at the various points you take the item to your science console thing (currently only decoration) which then "scans" the device over time and then unlocks it for construction, this mechanic could be used to get the hyperdrive (since the Hyperdrive is recovered alien tech found in Antarctica in the established back story IDK but it does makes sense to me for this to happen) for the CV so you can jump to other systems.

    The tiers would be something like this.
    T1: Base items such as generator, fuel tanks, hull blocks including windows, and Medic station. Drill, Repair and removal tool, Pistol, Assault rifle, and the bare minimum for a operational HV including passenger seats. The large constructor would also be available at this stage as the BP's are lock anyway so no point in locking the constructor until X when you can't build anything with it until you have unlocked the items anyway.
    T2: SV stuff but the thruster is Atmo only so the SV can only fly around on the planet, HV turrets, and basic gun for the SV, Sniper rifle, and shotgun etc..
    T3: Upgraded thrusters for the the SV so it can go into space, armour plating more cockpits, and new weapons for the SV and HV etc...
    T4: CV stuff cockpits passenger seats etc.. and the latest and most powerful human made weapons for the base, SV, HV, and CV and, shields.
    T5: Alien tech, plasma cannon's, Hyperdrive, etc.. whatever else there is that could be classed as alien tech. Maybe even drones that could be programmed to go out and dig resources or for base defence, or find POI's for you to visit.

    Also since the story goes you are a survivor of the Crashed MS Titan, that we could have player classes as it is reasonable to assume that you are a crew member, so you could be a Scientist, engineer, pilot, soldier etc.. each of these classes would give you a buff in an area so soldier you have better weapon accuracy and reload time, engineer the constructor produces quicker, scientist has the food processor work faster, and the pilot has better manoeuvrability with all vehicles.
    Morkar, Mindkiller and Otterbear like this.
  7. soup238

    soup238 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I considered that possibility, but as they only provide .5 the energy of the old fuel cells I would be more likely to use them in less critical areas such as water/oxygen/ and H2o2 maybe they would be ok in the HV but in my bases I prefer the Large fuel cells since they can burn so much, Since I build my CV's into basically a flying base they get Large also, and in SV's I'd have to double my fuel capacity to make them viable I really don't want to have to walk home from the middle of space... though I have done it a couple times when I lost my ship.
    they are nice to have as a backup fuel source if I get lazy about mining, but to run everything full off them I'd need to have several going in some kind of farm
  8. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I was a bit confused by that as well, as it was touted to be a "Renewable resource". However, if you run out of Promethium for some reason, your going to run out of Hydrogen as well. How is that Renewable?

    If on the other hand, you could get say 10-15 bottles of Hydrogen from using one Hydrogen battery then it actually becomes Renewable. ;)

    I have no problems with the reduced power they have, as they would be cheap...so you may need a lot of them. You would of course use this cheap power to hopefully find a new source of Promethium.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
    Navonil Mukherjee likes this.
  9. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I like the idea of tech trees, it's an important part of the 4x games that I've played a ton of. I'm hoping that the current setup is just a bunch of placeholders for what will be added later, like the triceratops is a placeholder for wildlife to come.

    I'd like to see the science lab play some part in this. Maybe you have to stand at one for a few seconds in order to apply your newly gathered experience points and that is when you "level up." I dunno, something. Maybe when you're out doing stuff you're gathering ideas that you then run through a simulator at the science lab to come up with improved solutions and that's why you need it to apply xp.

    And then you could do things like higher-tier science labs that increase how much XP you get, or that are needed to continue advancing to higher levels.

    And leveling up thrusters should do something like improve thrust/fuel/weight ratios, not just give you a different shape of thruster with worse performance. Again, let's hope they're placeholders.

    And it would make more sense if improving weapons came from doing something related to weapons. I mean, you're out shooting and you realize, "hey, if I put a scope on this it would be more useful" and you spend time working out things like which shape of bullet works better, how much powder is optimal, rifling, barrel length, etc, and this is what allows you to build a gun with more stopping power that uses more efficient ammo. As opposed to, "I picked 200 corn dogs so now I can build a shotgun that has a scope, holds more ammo, and does more damage."

    Because it's doing things that generally tends to point out what could be improved about them. Laziness is the father of invention.

    And it would make more sense if while you were drilling out a resource, you'd realize things like, "hey if I put a bigger light on this I might be able to tell the ore from the surrounding rock," and, "it would help a lot if I had an attachment that automatically swept up ores within 5 meters of me as I drilled," and "if I had an air filter attachment it could suck up all the dust and I could see what I'm drilling."

    Same thing with foods. By picking/planting/cooking, you start figuring out which spices/ingredients work together, what works as preservatives, what helps plants grow bigger/faster, etc.
    Otterbear and Navonil Mukherjee like this.
  10. Mindkiller

    Mindkiller Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    U do realise that there is no such thing as a perpetuum mobile ? That would be against EVERY law of phisics.

    Everybody is talking about improving character. What else do u want from ur character ? U CAN TAKE A MISSILE TO THE HEAD AND LIVE !!!
    I could live with more mining drops, faster craft and weapon accuracy. but the stats should not be touched so u NEED vehicles. U don t go to war naked do u ?
    Other improvements would make more sense like more more mining drops or reduced build times. As stated by others but without useless classes.

    Please no more classes. If i want classes i play BF or WOW. Always ends in a disaster because it is NEVER balanced. Way too much work for devs imho. And every patch and every new thing has to be balanced for EACH CLASS. That would take years.

    I for my part am holding up the dev flag: Leave it as is right now. Just tweak it a little. Just imagine to BE in an escape pod. Your 1. thought get food, water, o2 and shelter. (base, waterthing Food processor, Constructor.)
    Once in the safety of ur base u need to look for (nonexistent) survivors of the crash so u need a sv or hv (should be player choice).
    So u realize no survivors. Next step find a way to space to check for rescue. No rescue. head back to base to plan CV to get back to earth (or where the fuck ever u came from ;-) ).
    From my point of view it should more depend on what u have build to give options for new things.
    So my "Techtree" would be more along the lines of:
    1. tier ur escape pod this builds -2. tier ur base builds -3. tier ur SV or HV once u got in space and say took the science station u can craft CV parts. from there u get to tier 4 wich is turrets and all that good jazz.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
    Otterbear likes this.
  11. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    I actually like the Class Idea.. not a hard class like other RPG games where you choose class and stuck with it.. but a soft class which give you boost in certain skill at begining but not stop you to learn other..for example a scientist class will start with a little more knowledge about blueprints and stuff or a soldier will be bit good at killing but suck at everything else... from there player decide which skill to focus on.. thats all.. as you are a one-man army.. you have to learn everything...but how well you want to learn certain skill that's only depends on your playstyle and nothing else
    that thing needs to be change...player can start from more worse health and then gain more lifestats(like GTA)
  12. angelight85

    angelight85 Lieutenant

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I gave an example of how the classes would work nothing hard like that of normal RPG's that kind of thing would not work here. But as I said the backstory basically implies that you are not some nobody know nothing, you were a crew member with some sort of skill set, and would make sense that you would at least have a soft class system in place for a game like this. Not a hard class that basically says you are this class and this is all you can do. As I said a Soldier would be better at using weapons even if it is something as simple as a faster reload time, a scientist would produce food and medical supplies faster when using the food processor, a pilot would have better manoeuvrability with vehicles and an engineer would produce stuff in a constructor quicker so -10% prodiction times for the scientist and engineer, +3 turn rates on HV and SV (And really hoping for a Medium class ship that will allow a HV to dock inside) and as I said maybe -1sec reload time for the soldier. Something like that would not unbalance the game much if at all.
    Navonil Mukherjee and Mindkiller like this.
  13. Mindkiller

    Mindkiller Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I understand u and totally agree now.
    This could be achived by picking perks like in fallout when u start a new game.
  14. _OMAR_

    _OMAR_ Ensign

    Jul 30, 2015
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    So far that update is a Huge step for a such game ofc it has some rough edge's but it will be better in the time ...

    I have an idea for the future progress, i think we should combine things to make them as a one block ofc some of them shouldn't be combined like constructor or generator things like but hulls and armor blocks and that new wall blocks can. Which is gives us much more smooth and creative looks builds like bases or CV and even SV.

    For example combining two wall blocks to make an edged room and combining them with a fuel tank or combining three of them so i have a corner block ...

    Thank you..
    Otterbear likes this.
  15. soup238

    soup238 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    ok, I'm at lvl 20 all techs unlocked and still have 283 points to spend.... does this mean there is more to come?
    Otterbear likes this.
  16. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Obviously.... :) (when? I don't know)
  17. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Hydrogen fuel cells need to be at least on-par with the old small promethium cells and useable to craft ammo/charges/etc.

    I'm fine with them requiring additional crafting materials to balance that out, but seeing as we can only fit a set amount into fuel tanks and constantly running back and forth to refuel adds no enjoyment to the game it seems a no-brainer.
    Otterbear likes this.
  18. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Of course (MIT Physics), but to create a renewable resource for a game, like trees in the real world, (...hmm, there goes the physics issue), means that is should be...well, ... renewable. You plant one tree, you get 100-1000 seeds for 100-1000 new trees. Ergo, you place one Hydrogen battery, you get MORE than you used. (Thats what makes it RENEWABLE.) I didn't say it...they did! ;)
    Mindkiller likes this.
  19. soup238

    soup238 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    the current system has us using 1 hydrogen to get 1 small cell what if we use 2 hydrogen to get a normal cell and 6 to get a large.
    Otterbear likes this.
  20. Mindkiller

    Mindkiller Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    So according to ur logic if i put this 5 euro bill in my pocket i will get ...... *turns around and runs of with 5 million euros*
    CYA suckers :D;)
    Otterbear likes this.

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