So as the topic states what other games are you currently playing right now? I myself am playing: Factorio Cities Skylines Everquest 2 Final Fantasy 14 You might noticed no ED or SE on the list it is because I'm waiting for them to get a bit further. For me ED is an amazing game and a backer but waiting for more to do as in land on planets etc. With SE I'm waiting for something like planets or more lively AI system. So what are you playing?
1. Cities: Skylines 2. Empire: Total War 3. Metro 2033 Redux 4. Borderlands 2 DLC 5. CaesarAI (Caesar 3 Remake) All native on Linux, of course. I was playing SE, but it stopped working with WINE around a month and a half ago.
City Skyline, war games, decent freespace, homeworld, SE, ME, salt, stranded deep, kerbal, and battle of empires 1914-1918
The Arma series is my main activity game wise. Arma2CO being the one I prefer over any other. Over a decade with that series at the moment. SE takes up some time, another great game. ME and a few other games too, but Arma and SE seem to be the only ones I put time into now.
Right now, not much. But when i play some games it is mostly GTA5 right now, or some Starcraft 2 matches with friends. I do occasionally enjoy GW2 and a good round of Anno 2070 when i have a bit more time at hands. Oh and X-Com i forgot.
A little Soul Calibur 5, but i spend more time in the character creation then in the single- or multiplayer. it's still fun though to play with friends on an evening with a couple of drinks. :-D
1) Empyrion 2) Empyrion 3) Empyrion 4) Empyrion ........... Don't get me wrong, not saying it as a bad thing, but I think I remember playing "Rising World" a while back. Other than that it's just been working on Empyrion.
1. Blender (use it long enough and it becomes a game) 2. Arma 3 3. Blender 4. Blender 5. Space Engineers... Though that's because I have to
Wow what haven't I played I was running a arma 3 epoch server-unturned for the hella it rising world planet explorers planetary annihilaton h1z1 beast of prey subnautica but now im hosting a reign of kings server
In case you didn't notice what voicesdark posted on his status I'm now a bug tester for the game development process. I've already spent several hours in the game so far and I'll soon be working on something thats been asked for lately.
1.) Arma 3 - wasteland - epoch mod 2.) Reign of Kings 3.) Starmade Looking forward to playing with everyone in Empyrion.
Well, I'm playing Space Engineers again, as I got WINE working with it for a 2nd time. Really going all out in preparation for Empyrion!