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Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    They only drop if there are setup on that playfield. Check the map info if it contains meteorites, either random or deposit. The ones in random have a decay and disapear after a while if not mined. The deposit ones dont. They need to be mined. They also have a limit how much can drop per playfield. A server restart removes all meteorites
  2. Anarchy 2

    Anarchy 2 Ensign

    Jul 6, 2018
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    Hello, I set up a dedicated server using" Emp Admin Helper",

    1. Is there a way to adjust starter pack , what a new player starts with? armor, gun ect ect.

    2. how can I reset ore deposits and asteroids, kinda like Eleon Official server
  3. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    1. In the playfield.yaml of the starter world u do that

    2. A restart with wipe commands in the time table. Asteroids and pois have a regeneration parameter in the playfield.yaml
  4. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Currently active the whole evening on Eris for the last few days (about a week now). The Promethium deposits on the planet are depleted for more than a week. So Promethium meteorites should drop. During the last ~7 days I never got the message that a meteorite is incoming. I usually do a search for meteorites by circling the planet once per evening - but I was not successful in finding one.

    Eris is a planet where not so many people are living. So I'm guessing that meteorites are not found/mined so easily. I got the impression that something is not working as intended. But it's very hard to check this from a players perspective. On Valea at least Iron meteorites are dropping. Meteorites cannot be found by any scanner, so you must be very close to get the "smoke trail" leading to the impact point. While you are in this range, they also appear on the map (but disappear from the map later on).

    In this post, someone wrote about an addon, that could improve the situation with meteorites:
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Ive checked, the meteorits are there.
    That there is no message doesnt mean they arnt there. U could have missed the message
    Or they already dropped when you wernt online.

    This is the official server. Were not uploading player made mods
  6. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Yes, I'm aware that I could have missed the message or it happened while I was offline. That's why I wrote it's hard to check from a players perspective. On Valea I got the meteorite message 5-10 times per evening, so it seemed strange that I got none on Eris for a week.

    But thanks for checking.

    Are the "Chat bot", "Autominer" & "Personal wipe counter" official mods by Eleon studios?
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Chat bot, Autominer and personal wipe counter are from EAH.

    EAH is coded by @Jascha and brought with the game
    Its part of Eleon
  8. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Ok, thanks for the info.

    To me the whole connection between Eleon and HWS is unclear. Apparently a lot of stuff seems to be done for HWS (which seems no official project of Eleon). According to HWS website it belongs to: "W3DG | Web 3D Gaming located in Berlin Germany". While Eleon studios is located in Switzerland " Eleon Game Studios SA Lausanne Switzerland".

    But stuff developed for HWS (by Jascha) seems to used by Eleon in there EAH.

    If you are not allowed to use player mods, see it as a possible idea for another addon for EAH.
  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    HWS has nothing to do with Eleon.
    W3DG has nothing to do with Eleon

    Jascha and RexXxuS are also part of Eleon.

    A person can work for more then one company =)

    EAH started as an alone mod. In the begining it had nothing to
    with Eleon. Till like a year ago. The tool is a very welcome addition
    to Empyrion Servers. HWS has his own tool. There are 2 tool.

    1. that is the public one we all have. The one is part of Eleon
    2. the HWS "special" tool only for HWS not public
    Jascha and RexXxuS like this.
  10. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Sorry for the confusion @Alatun :)

    @Taelyn explained it well, thanks.

    The reason why I mention HWS from time to time is, because we have over 1000 active players there per week. The data we get from that server is the most we can get anywhere, hence we can "test" things and see if it worked or not.
    That was for example the reason for implementing NPC Trader. We had them before via a MOD in HWS and Eleon implemented it afterwards in the game.

    The official servers should stay "vanilla" as good as possible - addressing new and casual players. HWS is for the most players too complex and difficult to understand hence I don't promote it all the time.

    Jascha and I will do a "FAQ" session in Discord on Sunday to answer some popular questions, like that one.
    Furious Hellfire and Taelyn like this.
  11. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Sure, but his does not imply that everything you do for one company can be used by the other one :)

    Thanks again for explanation. The fog is lifting.

    I was already guessing about HWS being some kind of "test platform" being run by @RexXxuS.
    What still confuses me, that people that work for Eleon are promoting their "other activities" (like HWS) here on the official Eleon forum. So I was guessing RexXxus and Jascha are working for HWS. (The signature of RexXxus names "HWS" first and "Eleon offical" second).

    Maybe I try HWS during the next days. At some point the "vanilla" game gets boring.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018
  12. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Rex owns hws together with jascha

    I promote my own server aswell in another post.
    Every server owner does ^^

    Rex wanted to show whats possible with a vanilla setup so they working together with eleon and that made invader vs defender.
  13. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Seems that with todays hotfix the regen of asteroids got fixed.

    Just another thing, I'd like to mention: The scarcity of ore during the last days made the trade system usefull. I never saw buy orders for Neodymium/Sathium/Pentaxid in the trade system before.

    In general I think a kind of regen must exist (esp. on the starter systems). But I also think the amount of ore available is too much and its too easy to get (even more with OAMs). Maybe the amount of ore available in asteroids should be related to the amount of max players on the server somehow. For the current setup, I would guess reducing the ore deposits to 20-30% of their current value, could be a value to start with.
    Also the amounts available through OAM should be reconsidered. What people tell in chat is, that some are hoarding "30 stacks of pentaxid", "2 cargo boxes full of iron ore" aso.

    So during the last days people really needed to think about, where to get some kinds of ore. If it is worth to search for ore in a pvp zone or play it safe and offer a reward for others willing to take the risks. Otherwise the trade system is quite useless, because with the abundance of everything no one needs to trade.

    Maybe a future implementation of asteroids will allow to control the amount being regenerated, depending on what got destroyed in the last days or how much ore was mined (a fully mined asteroid requires several days of regen to be full again).
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    They didnt got fixed compleet

    Only gold asteroids work. Rest will be done tomorrow (hopefully).
    Then Rex and Me will make it work. Most of the devs are on Holliday
    so its abit of waiting :)

    We still have to do something to get them into the game again. Same for POIs.
    As soon as its compleet fixed i will teleport around to get things back into the
    game. Will also reset the pois back to Aln faction and Regenerate

    OAM cant be changed. Its in the tool. Its a fixed amount. If we lower it. Other servers will be affected aswell.
    Maybe Jascha can make it in a way that u can control a max ore setting in the Tool. Then every server
    can choice his self what they like and want. Ill ask him.

    Controll the amount of ore on asteroids. Well Report it as future to w.e forum is used for that. Devs can
    pick it up then.

    As of lowering stuff. The deposits can be lowered yes. But then we need to wipe. And that is something we
    want to avoid atm.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2018
  15. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Keeping the fingers crossed, that you get the POIs fixed :).

    No need to hurry. Justed wanted give some feedback, what I experienced. I'm glad that you are picking up some of my ideas. Maybe others see this differently, but although I was not very happy about the "broken asteroid regen" initially, it inspired players to do new things, develop new strategies to deal with this situation. Which usually is not bad, because it breaks routine and prevents boredom. Perhaps one could also make a kind of "intergalactic catastrophic event", that prevents ore regen for a certain time to trigger a similar effect.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2018
  16. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    hehe who knows what the game will bring in the future :)
  17. Nobody 2

    Nobody 2 Commander

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Reading how far the new 7D2D patch is and doing nothing ?

    For me it took the only thing away i can do in empyrion today, ... senseless mining.

    Problem is not that i fear low amounts of ore (many deposits but low content)
    Problem is that the most casual player demand everything for free.

    Besides that, a PVP ship need around 200 000 ingots, and you can loose it in a few seconds. Thats hard enough
  18. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Very likely that design is a consequence that we have ore available in huge amounts. With another background economy other designs would probably appear.
  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Well Jascha will implent that we can controll the amounts of the OAM.

    Currently iam bussy on the EU fixing the POI's and Asteroids
    After that ill move to the US
    Alatun likes this.
  20. Nobody 2

    Nobody 2 Commander

    Feb 25, 2018
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    PVP = build so large the Shipsize allow it = best chance to win
    So lower amounts will lead only to more grind.
    Reducing the max ship sizes on the other hand, would help PVP but offend some PVE player

    (btw, class 3 CV PVP ship is still around 100 000 ingots if my memory is right)

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