
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. RickyRockFish

    RickyRockFish Ensign

    May 7, 2018
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    As of last patch the new fancy terrain changes does not seem to render right for me. They either render waaay to close to me and ruin immersion, or they don't render at and my HV kind of snags on them. I notice the bad stuff more on non-starter planets. I.E. lava planets and some ice.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Draconix26

    Draconix26 Ensign

    Jun 17, 2018
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    I am curious about when you guys will work on making the water flow into holes we make near it and make it possible to build in the water?
    Also make an advance tool that makes water even if its just block shaped.
    I also was wondering about the bases and placing them. I like to build some bases underground but when I start a new game for new updates I cant blueprint them in. can you make that possible? I understand it will be full of rock and I'll have to dig it all out, that's better than rebuilding it. The other ideal is make a image blueprint or outline of it so a player can place it and then dig out the area before placing the base.
    Lastly the Shutter doors anyway to change them from being automatic? I have made a garage for building small and hover vehicles. I laid the shutter doors flat with a space under them so I can work on the bottom of a vehicle. Not quite working out the way I was hoping.

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Dandere

    Dandere Commander

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Why was Xeno Steel nerfed?

    Before it was almost as strong as combat steel, but lighter. Extremely fun alternative option you could only use by harvesting an infested PoI.

    Now it's exactly equivalent to combat steel, except with fewer texture options.

    That is worse than worthless.
  4. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Has there been any mention of increasing max speed on the vessels?
    The new enourmous planets are amazing to see, but it seems to turn a bit into a traveltime simulator really quickly :/
    Would be great of adding more thrusters actually could benefit max speed, (higher tier thrusters that is, no cheesing with 1x1x1 models :D )

    This is from a perspective of pure PVE with a closed server with some friends.
    Tyrax Lightning and Bollen like this.
  5. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    They increased the max speed from 7.x to 8.x by ~25%. But the planets increased by up to 400%.

    Several games aspects are currently suffering from this (this is from a pure MP perspective):

    - if you like to raid POIs an a regular basis the travel time between POIs can be quite significant.
    - if all resource deposits are depleted, meteorites are dropping. The time to search for these meteorites is quite significant. The scanners (portable scanner, HV scanners) do not detect meteorites. You only get a smoke trail animation if you are already pretty close. The time involved to find a specific meteorite is no longer fun. A new game mechanic should be discussed.
    - if you are travelling between planets and want to reach a certain spot on the planet, you must leave the orbit to see the bookmarked planet waypoint. While in orbit the speed is ok. But it would be nice, if you could see the planet surface bookmarks from orbit, so you could travel at a higher speed to the destination.
    Tyrax Lightning and Sephrajin like this.
  6. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Be able to use the portals to set up a network for fast travel.
    Then can have larger attack vessels stationed around for repeatable POIs/resources. Maybe small HV/SV cargo truck for transport of items.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. UnknownSoldier

    UnknownSoldier Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2018
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    Unable to host cooperative Random Survival after 2-3 minutes I get disconnected from Server, and my buddy gets disconnected as well.

    Things Tried:
    Steam - Deleted all .exe to make sure only Empyrion Dedicated.exe has UAC icon.
    Steam - Validated install files
    Netgear R7800 - Opened Ports TCP/UDP 30000-30004
    Netgear Router - Placed in DMZ mode.
    Windows 10 - Disabled all Anti Virus (Avast and Windows Defender)
    Windows 10 - Tried setting processor affinity to half available, and tried single processor affinity
    Motherboard - Tried defaulting BIOS settings to undo slight overclock.
    Drivers - Updated Video, Chipset, and made sure Network adapter drivers were all updated.

    Symptoms: Both players load and are able to connect. Server seems to be stuttering when harvesting resources. Slight delay begins when small rocks appear from surface boulders. In the distance you can see the fauna for a lack of better word doing Benny hill steps forward, and then pausing. Then Benny hill steps forward, another pause. This continues for 3 minutes, and then both players get dropped. Server remains operating in the background. I am able to reconnect to and other player is as well to the external IP address. After 2-3 minutes disconnect occurs again.

    dxdiag and server logs attached.

    Very Respectfully,

    Attached Files:

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. UnknownSoldier

    UnknownSoldier Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2018
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    Turn auto brake off. My ship glides forever

    /corrected typo/ stupid dumbphone auto-co-wreck!
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Another feedback that we have been thinking on for a while, (default akua omicron scenario or what is was) starting on Akua with a few friends when 8.0 was released, we found that loot was a bit too abundant on the rare stuff, for example, we had looted materials to craft a Tier1 (or T2?, cant remember) default blueprint CV, thus bypassing the entire small vessel warp drive stage. infact it was the second ship we built after a HV to scan for ores on Akua.

    And finding a few extra medium armor, we're set for tons of money at the trading stations :/
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. The_Holo

    The_Holo Lieutenant

    Aug 28, 2017
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    Oh, and another function for us that prefer to run private servers, could we either have the IP address to last connected server be remembered in the multiplayer menu, or could we have to option to add it into favourites manually since it's not set to public?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Christianholmes

    Christianholmes Captain

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Hi, one thing I've noticed is that there are a lot less bug spawns around my base. I loved the early alpha 8, really felt like my base was a safe place and lots of critters crawling around outside. I noticed in one patch they lowered the spawns.

    Now, I can look in any and all directions and see nothing. I can run around unimpeded and nothing attacks me. I barely see any wild life. I don't like this, why does it seem just a drastic difference?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Redneck Gaming

    Redneck Gaming Lieutenant

    Jun 1, 2018
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    I'm one of those people that immediately turned off spiders and Zirax patrols the second the ability existed. They were beyond anything previously experienced, even on masperon.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I like the Zirax patrols although I think there's too many by default in some places. I love the challenge they add to the harder worlds, particularly to mining Zascosium/Erestrum.

    The spiders on the other hand are crazy. Biggest early game threat in Empyrion is always spiders. This is despite the fact that dinosaurs are roaming around everywhere. I guess that if I were new to the game, I would expect a pack of large dinosaurs to be a bigger threat than spiders. Spiders are also too aggressive, why would they immediately chase you when you get near? Why would they continue to attack you when you run away? Why can you unload 20 rounds of pistol ammo into them and they just keep coming? I guess if they were some mysterious 12 legged alien critter I would get it, but they're big spiders. The biggest threat from spiders is that they're venomous and you can get poisoned. Honestly after they bite you and you get poisoned or infected they should just run away, not repetitively savagely attack you like a shark. Spiders also don't attack in packs. It is like a horror movie, not an accurate reflection of spider behavior.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. Christianholmes

    Christianholmes Captain

    Jul 27, 2016
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    How do you turn off spiders and zirax patrols?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Redneck Gaming

    Redneck Gaming Lieutenant

    Jun 1, 2018
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    It's in the little behavior config file. I'll find it when I get home for you
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. TRMancer

    TRMancer Commander

    Apr 19, 2016
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    It'd be great if you could still make the small oxygen bottles in the constructors (portable, HV, SV, Large/Advanced) again. They're extremely handy when working in an airless environment - partially for convenience (don't have to get back to the vehicle for air) but most especially as insurance against not paying attention to your suit's O2 level. At the moment, you have to either turn distilled water into the tiny (35) bottles with the suit constructor or else keep an emergency O2 generator running.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Still definitely some bugs with solar.
    My base is generating 1.07 MW from solar, using 450 KW but my battery is going down?

    Its actually doing the opposite of what it's meant to and generating energy at night
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I have some comments about the Arid start. Unfortunately it does not look like any of the feedback threads for the arid start in 8.2, or the changes made to it in 8.5, are still open so I can't find a better place to post than here. I'm hoping it gets read.

    When Arid was first introduced in 8.2, it was to some extent attempting to give an experience like the old "Omicron" start planet. That itself was sort of a "Mars-like" experience, with both a rougher climate and lack of oxygen as challenges.

    I played a bit of it in 8.2, and started a new game in 8.5 recently using the Arid start. I have come to the conclusion that the balance just isn't quite right and I'd like to suggest Eleon take another look at adjusting the difficulty of this start.

    In my experience, the Arid start is generally easier than a Temperate start, and in some cases incredibly easier. The reasons include:
    • You start with light armor. This is of course a necessity due to the "low oxygen" atmosphere.
    • The environment is more "hostile" but the armor shields you better from temperature swings and radiation. As a result, I overheat or freeze to death far more often in temperate starts.
    • The armor protects you from critters better than no armor.
    • Critters are less of a problem, at least close to the starting area. There are no forests hiding hordes of spiders. The creatures in the dunes, or open savannah/plains can easily be seen from far away and avoided.
    • The drier environment doesn't matter much because the O2/H2O condenser can work anywhere and is unaffected by humidity.
    • Food is plentiful - there are so many space oranges it is more like Florida than Mars. I've collected so many oranges that I had about 120 spoiled food by level 5.
    • The lack of oxygen might make the start more challenging for a new player, but for someone that knows that they're doing, it is more of an annoyance. Fiber (and trees) are plentiful enough to keep making biofuel, and thus keep making O2 tanks.
    I'd like to suggest some changes for the future that might make things more interesting. (Much of this would also apply to a future snow start.)
    • Separate out the climate of the world (temperate, arid, snow) from the oxygen content of its atmosphere. That can be done either by making the oxygen content a difficulty setting (does the starter world have a breathable atmosphere?) or by making a separate "low O2" version of the arid (and snow) start.
    • The basic arid and snow starting worlds should have a breathable atmosphere. Adding oxygen management to the starting world doesn't actually make it more challenging, because you wind up starting with armor, which protects against temperature extremes and critters.
    • Worlds with low amounts of water (arid, desert) should offer a challenge because of that. Right now water hardly matters. The only important thing you do with it is make oxygen, which is a non-issue if the atmosphere is breathable. I hate to suggest adding a water-meter and needing to drink in addition to eating, but... honestly I think it would make the survival aspect better. It would make water, juice, and milk more important. It would make dry places actually offer a challenge.
    • If you don't want to add water as something you need to track, but keep it "merged" with food, then there needs to be far less edible items/ingredients on arid/desert planets.
    • For the "low oxygen" start variants, it should not only have inadequate oxygen but should have far less fauna and flora, possibly with different creature types. Why can dinosaurs exist on a planet with no oxygen? Why is there no oxygen on a planet that has a bunch of plants (which generate oxygen?) Seems like the biomes and life would just be different than they are now.
    • Maybe repurpose the "barren" type to mean something else. Barren really means "little or no life". It says nothing about whether the planet is hot, cold, or otherwise. In the game, it corresponds to a planet type that is sort of like Venus with a thick unbreathable atmosphere. I don't know exactly what to call it: greenhouse, hellish, scorching, extreme, boiling, or just hot. Then use the term "Barren" to indicate a planet variant that is not very hospitable to human life. Now you have worlds like "Temperate", "Arid", "Desert", "Snow", "Barren Arid", "Barren Desert", "Barren Snow", "Ocean", etc. The barren variants have low oxygen and less life, and/or more extreme types of life, and are considerably more difficult to survive on. The solar system would have more variety to it.
    Tyrax Lightning and jadefalcon like this.
  19. SergP

    SergP Ensign

    Jun 6, 2017
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    Why the in a new version of(8.XX) can't reach the maximum CV speed in all directions? Acceleration is greater and speed is less...Bug?

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Steve K.

    Steve K. Lieutenant

    Oct 7, 2016
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    Found an undiscoverable POI on the temperate starter planet.. HV detector indicated a resource, but directions kept changing to all directions. I finally resorted to the console 'map' command and was shown an ADMIN POI. POI was completely buried. I used my mining HV to uncover the POI.
    If I used the 'map hide' command the POI was not seen on the map NewGame_2018-09-05_16-50-14.png . POI has a single shutter door which cannot be opened. I will eventually use GOD MODE to see what is inside.

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